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新江苏专用高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练一.docx

1、新江苏专用高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练一题型组合练(一)(建议用时:35分钟).单项填空1It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models.How about yours?We will .Afollow suit Bsink or swimCset eyes on it Dget to the bottom of it2Under the Dome, 103minute documentary released by Chai Jing,has pushed public awareness about air pol

2、lution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make a difference.Athe;the Ba;a Cthe;/ Da;/3Jack Ma,the founder and chairman of Chinas Alibaba Group,has a 28.6 billion fortune, making him the richest person in China.Ait Bone Cthat Dwhich4We first met in the Slender West Lake in 2010,and both of u

3、s felt immediately that we each other for years.Aknew BknowChave known Dhad known5There is no doubt that if the students interest in the subject is aroused,they will the challenge and commit more of their time and energies to their studies.Aface up to Bkeep pace withCput up with Dlive up to6Maya Ang

4、elou is one of those rare writers who can your heart and soul with her vivid words.Acombine Btouch Cshare Dabsorb7Recently,a new research has suggested the possibility in a popular magazine pleasant smells might reduce pain.Awhy Bwhether Cthat Dhow8Love means you care about the of a person;that is,y

5、ou hope he or she can lead a happy life.Aauthority BbeliefCpreference Dwelfare9According to the data from Robbs studies,men produce slightly speech.But no sex difference in the reading task was found.Aclearest Bclear Cclearly Dclearer10Arent you interested in the new flat? .It is noisy near the spor

6、ts center.ANot especially BNo wonderCNot a little DNo doubt11Would you mind if I smoked here?Sorry,better not.Your smoking in the office me!Abothered Bhad botheredChave bothered Dwill bother12Not far from the building,there was a garden, owner seated in it playing hideandseek,with his children every

7、 afternoon.Awhose Bwhich Cthat Dits13They are said to have been familiar with each other.But they .They were introduced only hours ago.Amay not have been Bcouldnt have beenCmustnt have been Dneednt have been14 your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.ASet BHaving setCSet

8、ting DBeing set15 youre putting off doesnt go away;we had better solve the problem right now.AWhatever BWhicheverCWhenever DHowever.完形填空(2015苏北四市一模)In a recent airing of “Unsolved Mysteries”,there was a young boy who was the victim of the Holocaust(大屠杀)Hed been 16 in a work camp for several years an

9、d somehow had managed to survive the 17 of his imprisonment.The story was of a boynow in his sixtiesand his quest to find an American soldier who had 18 a kindness to him by 19 some food.It might seem 20 ,but to this child,who had seen nothing but 21 and inhumanity for 22 he could remember,it was a

10、23 that marked a turning point in his life,for he had lost hope.When he was liberated by the American forces,he was dying.He, 24 needed food.As he was staggering along the road,a young soldier 25 down from his tank and gave him some of his supplies.16A.stationed BplacedCdistributed Dtreated17A.horro

11、r BembarrassmentCrelief Dannoyance18A.held on Bagreed onCfocused on Dpassed on19A.guaranteeing BofferingCpresenting Dcontributing20A.unbelievable BtroublesomeCinsignificant Dconvenient21A.difficulty BcuriosityCsympathy long as Bas good asCas well as Das much as23A.wave Bfate Cgesture

12、Dduty24A.highly BmostlyChopefully Dbadly25A.moved BjumpedCturned Ddashed 26 this one act of generosity,the kind American had aroused the 27 again that there really was some good in the world.And the boy never 28 it.The boy later went to America,raised a family,became successful and worked hard to re

13、pay the 29 he had received with his own.Actually there were so many similar acts of generosity that it would be almost impossible to know 30 who the soldier was.We all have a choice:to create more light in the world.As Confucius 31 over 2,500 years ago,“It is better to light one small candle than to

14、 32 the darkness.”The story above so nicely 33 small gestures can often generate huge 34 .If were constantly 35 and doing kind acts,we will no doubt bring more joy into the world around us as well as into our own world!26A.Upon BBesides CWith DBeyond27A.honesty Bloyalty Ctrust Dbelief28A.forgot Brem

15、emberedCdelivered Bmercy Ckindness Dcredit30A.for example Bfor everCfor free Dfor sure31A.made it Bput itCtook it Dgot it32A.curse Bpray Cswear Dappreciate33A.declares BarguesCillustrates Dexpands34A.congratulations BblessingsCbelongings Dconsequences35A.looking for Badapting toCm

16、eeting with Dbringing up.阅读理解(2015南京、盐城二模,D)An old man in a faded yellow shirt sat in a windowless room on a raised concrete form.The only source of heat came from somewhere beneath the plastic mattress and the rough blanket the blankfaced police woman had handed him after taking his thumb prints.He

17、 heard voices and metallic clang as the cell door swung open.At the front desk a tired looking policeman handed the old man back his belongings,his wornout cap and the Seiko watch that had stopped working the day his beloved Evelyn left.The policeman dramatically held the blue plastic bag at an arms

18、 length to the old man who took it and made sure its contents were undamaged:the goat meat,palm oil,leaves and spices.He ignored the confused expression on the officers face and signed the document declaring he had been returned the possessions they had taken off him the night before.No one spoke to

19、 him as he walked slowly towards the exit.“Mr.Easynwa?”he stopped and prayed to God who now took care of Evelyn to please take him far away from this unhappy place of expressionless faces,clipped accents and people who did not even attempt to pronounce his name right.“Ezenwa,”he said and looked at a

20、 woman with tangerine lips,her name tag said Jessica Harlow,Social Services.“A bit far from home,”she said as she drove fast and with confidence the way Evelyn used to.He wondered if she meant the 50 miles from Liverpool or the 50,000 miles from Enugu,a city in Nigeria.He did not bother replying as

21、this woman had plenty to say about the weather,bad drivers,her daughters school play.At last she drew up outside the block of flats where he lived.“Got here in the end,”said she seriously,“Really Mr.Easynwa,if you keep getting lost,we will have to consider moving you into a home.”“No need.I was not

22、lost,” he answered.He carefully rolled up the sleeves of the oversize bomber jacket he wore and turned on the tap to wash his hands,relieved the pipes were not frozen.In a clean pan he placed the chopped pieces of goat meat.The herbs and spices that had taken him three months to track down,the uziza

23、 seeds had taken him into the heart of Granby Market in Liverpool,his uchanwu leaves down a shady back alley in Manchester,and yesterday,among other food items,the finest goat meat from a Sierra Leonean Butcher in Birmingham.That had taken some time,so much that he missed the last train and when the

24、 police found him shivering outside the locked up station,he was so cold that he couldnt answer loudly enough the pinkfaced big copper who yelled in his face,“Whats your name sir?”spraying his face with spittle(唾沫) as he did so,leaving them with no choice but to search an exhausted,frozen old black

25、man and finding him in possession of mysterious condiments(调味品) including a bag of dried bitterleaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted in him getting charged with.possession.He lifted the lid of the bubbling soup,the room was filled with the rich and spicy scent of his culi

26、nary(烹饪的) effort.He served two bowls,taking the chipped one and placing the other opposite where Evelyn would have sat.He would tell her about his adventure.It was their anniversary and this was the perfect pepper soup to celebrate.Ken Onyia,UK (Nigeria) Commonwealth Sport Short Story Prize36Why was

27、 Mr.Ezenwa taken to prison for a night?AHe was too weak to move.BHe couldnt find his way back home.CHe then had nowhere else to go.DHe was suspected of possessing drugs.37When Mr.Ezenwa was to leave prison, .Ahis thumb print was taken immediatelyBthe policeman was confused about what he hadCa social

28、 worker was assigned to drive him back homeDthe policeman was so kind as not to damage his belongings38What did Mr.Ezenwa do for his wedding anniversary?AHe collected all sorts of valuables as presents.BHe cooked native food as a surprise for his wife.CHe prepared a special Nigerian pepper soup care

29、fully.DHe travelled a lot,attempting to get his wife back.39What words can be used to describe Mr.Ezenwa?AHopeless and pessimistic.BMysterious and troublesome.CAffectionate and persistent.DEnergetic and sympathetic.40What theme does the author want to express through the story?ARacial prejudice.BHar

30、d life of the elderly.CStruggle for freedom.DPreservation of tradition.答案精析题型组合练(一).1.A句意为:据报道上海车展停止使用模特了。你们的呢?我们将仿效。follow suit仿效,跟着做;sink or swim自己努力,以求生存;set eyes on it看见它,注意到它;get to the bottom of it找到起因,挖出祸根。根据句意A项符合语境。2D句意为:柴静发行的一部103分钟的纪录片穹顶之下推动了公众对空气污染的认识,并鼓励人们一起努力改变现状。第一空:103minute document

31、ary.是一个同位语,补充说明Under the Dome,表示泛指,故用不定冠词;第二空:awareness是不可数名词,且表示泛指,故不用冠词。故选D项。3B句意为:马云,中国阿里巴巴集团的创始人和总裁,拥有286亿美元的财富,一笔使他成为中国首富的财富。此处需要一个替代词,替代a fortune,one替代可数名词的单数表示泛指;另外making.作定语修饰one,故选B项。4D句意为:我们第一次见面是在2010年瘦西湖,当时我们立刻感觉到我们好像已经认识了很多年。由于felt用了一般过去时,可排除B、C两项;另外根据句意,我们感觉好像在第一次见面之前就已经认识了很多年,因此know发生在过去的过去,应用过去完成时,故选D项。5A句意为:毫无疑问如果学生对这门学科的兴趣被

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