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中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解 专题11 P字部一文档格式.docx

1、v。停放(汽车等)关联词组:forest park森林公园;amusement park游乐园;city park城市公园熟词僻义:park还可作动词,表示“停放(汽车等)”,可接宾语,也可不接宾语:I couldnt find anywhere to park。 我找不到地方停车。She parked the car on the drive. 她把车停在了私人车道上。词性转换:parking n。停车,泊车:No Parking禁止泊车;parking space/lot停车位/场(2019,山东卷,词汇运用)47. There is a big park _(在旁边) the super

2、market. I prefer to take a walk there.3。 partn。部分;成分;角色;部件,零件用法:表示“部分”,通常和of搭配:In parts of Canada, French is the first language。 在加拿大的部分地区,法语是第一语言。表示“(机器,设备的)零件,部件,常见词组:spare parts备用零件表示“参与,参加;角色”,常见搭配有take part (in)参加;play an important part in在中起重要作用:About 40 students took part in the activity. 约有4

3、0名学生参加了活动.Work plays an important part in our life. 工作在我们的生活中很重要。partly adv.部分的;在一定程度上;partial adj.局部的;partially adv.部分地;偏袒的;(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)9。 Could you tell me _? You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life。 when I should pay for the course B. what the best part of the co

4、urse isC。 how long the shortest course lasts D. where I can go sightseeing after class4。 passv.传,递;经过;通过表示“传递,给;pass sb. sth。=pass sth。 to sb.把某物(传)递给某人;pass around分发,传阅;例如:Can you pass me that bag by your feet? 能把你脚边的那个包递给我吗?表示“经过,越过”,既是及物也是不及物动词:He gave me a smile as he passed. 他经过时对我微笑了一下。表示“穿过,前

5、行”,不及物动词,通常接副词或介词短语作状语;We passed through the gates into a house behind。 我们穿过几道门进了后面的房子。表示“通过(考试),考试及格”,既是及物也是不及物动词:Did you pass all your exams? 你考试都及格了吗?词性转换:passage n.走廊,通道;一段(文章);passenger n.乘客,旅客反义词:fail v。考试不及格;失败(2019,山东卷,完形)After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host.5。

6、payv.付钱,给报酬词形变化:过去式paid,过去分词paid关联词组:pay back偿还;报复;pay off付清,还清;取得成功,奏效 表示“付款,付钱给,支付”、“偿还,缴纳”,“付酬”等含义;pay的宾语可以是支付的对象,或支付的数目;不要在pay后面直接跟你要买的东西,要用pay for sth。的形式,其中pay后可以跟一定数量的钱。Ill pay you in advance。我会预先付款给你。I paid 100 for this jacket。我花了100英镑买这件夹克衫。固定搭配pay attention (to sb./sth。)表示“注意”:Im sorry, I

7、wasnt paying attention to what you were saying. 对不起,我没有仔细听你说的话.payment n.付款,支付;报酬(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)- Could you tell me _? when I should pay for the course B. what the best part of the course isC. how long the shortest course lasts D。 where I can go sightseeing after class6. peacen.和平world peace世界和平;pea

8、ce of mind内心的宁静;make peace with与讲和;言归于好peace为不可数名词,主要有两层含义:表示“和平,太平”,相对战争而言:war and peace战争与和平;peace talks和平谈判表示“平静,安静,宁静”,相对吵闹、聒噪而言:He just wants to be left in peace。 他只希望别打扰他.peaceful adj.和平的;爱好和平的;peacefully adv.平静地;(2019,浙江卷,阅读C)But the peace ended the day the British mans pig decided to eat som

9、e of an American farmers potatoes.7. percent百分之常放在数字后面,表示“百分之几”,可用符号表示:a 10 percent (10%) increase in house prices 10的房价上涨固定短语a/one hundred percent表示“百分之百地,完全地”,相当于completely:I agree with you a hundred percent. 我百分之百同意你的看法。关联单词:percentage n.百分比,百分数:The percentage of school leavers that go to univers

10、ity is about five percent. 中学毕业生上大学的比例约为5%。(2019,山东卷,单项填空)20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use selfdriving cars, _ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous.A. although B。 because C。 if8. period一段时间,时期;时代 表示“一段时间,时期”,指时间长度,常和介词of连用.例如:His playing i

11、mproved in a very short period of time。 他的演奏技巧在很短时间内就有了提高.表示“时代,时期”,指历史或生活时期.例如:Van Goghs early period 凡高的早期生涯periodic(al) adj。周期的,定期的;periodically adv.定期地;周期性地;偶尔(2019,山东卷,阅读A)Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss (听力丧失) ,because oflistening to loud noise for long periods of time。

12、9. person人in person亲自;contact person联系人person为可数名词,“一个人”为one/a person,不能用people;表示多个人时,其复数一般会使用people,persons也正确,但往往用于较正式的语体:Hes a fascinating person。 他是个魅力十足的人。This car is allowed to carry 4 persons.此车准乘4人。person、human和people的区别:human具有总称概念,带有“人类”这层含义;person强调单个的人,如“这个人”、“那个人;people多用来指“人民;群众”,或者作为

13、person的复数形式,表示很多人或人群.personal adj.个人的,私人的;personally adv。亲自;个别地;就自己而言(2019,江苏卷,单项填空) I wonder 。Someone who can make me a better person。A. when you often meet your friends B。 how you make your friends happyC. who you want to make friends with D. where you spend weekends with friends10。 physicsn.物理(学)

14、physics这个单词虽以-s结尾,但其本身为不可数名词。a degree in physics 物理学学位;the laws of physics 物理定律physical adj。身体的;物质的;物理的:physical examination体格检查;physical world物质世界;physical process物理过程;physically adv.身体上(地)(2019,山东卷,阅读B)Do you want to improve your physics and chemistry grades? Well, maybe you should first learn som

15、ething about the struggles (奋斗) of great scientists。11. pick拾起;采集;挑选pick up捡起;收拾;接电话;接某人;pick out挑选出pick主要有两层含义:表示“采,摘”:pick flowers/grapes采花/摘葡萄表示“选择,挑选”,常用搭配有pick sb。/sth。 for sth。pick sb。 to do sth.等:I wasnt picked for the football team。 我没被选进足球队.picky adj.挑剔的,吹毛求疵的同义词:choose v.选择(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)8

16、.Linda, Dad has finished his work and we _ to the gym to pick you up. -Thank you, Mum。A. drive B。 drove C。 have driven D. are driving12。 piece一块(片,张,件)piece可用作“量词”,表示“一个,一片,一块,一件,一张”等,通常用于不可数名词的计量:Pass me another piece of paper。 再给我一张纸。You should eat three pieces of fruit a day. 你应该每天吃三个水果。piece表示“片

17、,块,段,截”等,此时相当于part,强调与整体相对。He broke off a piece of bread and gave it her. 他掰下一块面包递给她.piece还可表示“碎片,切片”,常用于in pieces短语。The china dish lay in pieces on the floor. 瓷盘碎片散落在地上。(2019,北京卷,短文阅读)Some pieces of ice are huge, like moving islands.13. pity怜悯,同情;遗憾表示“同情,怜悯”,后常接for sb。take/have pity on sb。同情某人。He l

18、ooked exhausted, but Mary felt no pity for him。 他看上去疲惫不堪,但玛丽一点也不同情他。I beg you to have pity on him。 请你可怜可怜他吧。表示“遗憾,可惜”,常用搭配有a pity (that),what a pity,a pity do sth.等。Its a pity that you cant stay longer。 你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。Ive lost it!-Oh, what a pity. “我把东西弄丢了!”“哎呀,真可惜。”It seems a pity to waste this fo

19、od。 浪费这些食物真可惜。pitiful adj.可怜的,令人同情的;pitifully adv。科联地,令人怜悯地同义词:shame n.遗憾,可惜;羞耻(2019,湖南卷,情景交际)B: What a pity! Given more time, you could visit more places of interest。 How about the food there?14. pleasure高兴,愉快作不可数名词,表示“愉快,快乐;满足,常见搭配有with pleasure高兴,乐意;for pleasure为了取乐;take pleasure in (doing sth.)等

20、。to read for pleasure 读书以自娱He takes no pleasure in his work。 他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。作可数名词,表示“乐事,快事”,常用its a pleasure的短语:s a pleasure to meet you。 很高兴认识你.口语中,常用Its a pleasure,my pleasure,with pleasure等表示一种礼貌回答,意思相当于“不客气”、“很乐意”。Thanks for doing that。Its a pleasure。 “这事真劳您大驾了。”“不客气.pleasant adj。令人愉快的;友好和善的;ple

21、ase v.使人高兴,使人满意:I did it to please my parents. 我这么做是要让父母高兴.近义词:joy/enjoyment/fun n。高兴,愉快 Lucy, how about going to the ?-Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.A. library B。 cinema C。 museum D. concert15. pointv.指(向);n。点;分数;观点动词词组:point out指出,指明;point at指向名词词组:point of view观点;starting/

22、key/turning point出发/关键/转折点;to the point简洁中肯的动词用法:point表示“(用手或物体)指,指向也可表示“朝向”,后常接副词或介词短语作状语。She pointed her finger in my direction。 她指着我这个方向。The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one. 时钟的指针指向一点一刻。名词用法:表示“观点,论点”,可与介词about搭配。I agree with Johns point about keeping the costs down. 我同意约翰关于维持低成本

23、的观点。表示“点”,可指地理上的“地点,位置,也可指时间上的“时刻,阶段”.例如:No cars are allowed beyond this point。 车辆不得越过此处.At this point we should start to do something more meaningful.现在我们应该开始做一些更有意义的事.表示“(比赛,运动的)分数,得分”:He is three points behind the leader. 他落后领先者三分。(2019,北京卷,完形)His speech was short, but all to the point16。 politea

24、dj。有礼貌的,有教养的polite可作表语,也可作定语;it is polite (of sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事是有礼貌的。We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so. 我们在不失礼节的情况下尽早离开了聚会。politely adv.礼貌地,客气地;politeness n。礼貌反义词:impolite adj.不礼貌的(2019,山东卷,完形)When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay.17。 popul

25、aradj.受欢迎的;(音乐,艺术等)大众化的,通俗的 表示“受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的”,常与介词with/among连用。Chocolate is always popular with children. 巧克力总是受小孩子喜爱。表示“(音乐,艺术等)通俗的,大众化的,例如pop music=popular music流行音乐 popularity n.普及,流行;名气;受欢迎unpopular adj。不受欢迎的,不得人心的29. Peppa Pig (小猪佩奇) is a British cartoon _has been popular in China and is much lov

26、ed by little children and their parents. who B。 which C. /18. populationn.人口,人数 the worlds population世界人口;population size人口规模;population growth人口增长population表示“人口”,即某地区所生活的人的数量,常接介词of.例如:India has a population of more than one billion. 印度有超过10亿人口。population表示“(某一地区的)全体居民.例如:South Florida has a large

27、 Jewish population。 南佛罗里达有很多犹太人.populous adj。人口稠密的;populate v.居住于(2019年,山东卷,阅读表达)The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling.19。 position位置;姿势in position就位;social position社会地位position表示“姿态,姿势”,比如sitting/standing position坐着/站着的姿势:Lie in a comfortable position. 以一个舒服的姿势躺下。position表示“位置”,相当于place。the position of the sun in

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