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1、高中英语人教版一轮复习练习题13Unit 3Travel journal.单项填空1(2013安庆模拟)Which do you like better, swimming or skating?I _ swimming to skating.Aenjoy BlikeCprefer Dlove答案:C考查动词词义辨析。prefer A to B意为“喜欢A胜过B”,为固定用法。2(2013淄博市期末)Got your driving license?Yes.It is a week since I _ the driving test.Ahave passed BpassedCwill pas

2、s Dhad passed答案:B考查时态。since所接从句用一般过去时态,主句用现在完成时态。3(2012泸州一诊)Although Jane agrees with me mostly, there was indeed something she was unwilling to_.Agive in B.give out C.give away D.give off答案:A考查动词短语。句意:虽然简在很大程度上同意我的话,但是事实上在某些方面她绝不会让步。give in“让步,屈服”;give out“分发,耗尽”;give away“捐赠,泄漏”;give off“发出(气味、声音、

3、光等)”。4(2013郑州高三质检)Jack went to college last year, _ to return home until he achieves his goal.Adetermining not Bnot determinedCnot determining Ddetermined not答案:D考查非谓语动词。句意:杰克去年上了大学,决心实现了他的目标才回家。此外过去分词短语作伴随状语,not否定不定式,故置于其前。5(2013唐山高三质检)I _ my work. Please wait for me for a while, and then lets go h

4、ome together.Ajust finish Bam just finishingChave just finished Djust finished答案:B考查现在进行时表将来。根据句子后半部分“请等我一会,咱们一起回家”可知工作马上要完成了,所以此处表示将来。6(2013山东省实验中学诊断)I am shocked at the news that many pupils were killed in the terrible traffic accident.So am I. Little _ the safety of the poor children.Adid the loc

5、al government care forBthe local government cared forCdid the local government care aboutDthe local government cared about答案:C考查倒装和短语辨析。答语句意:我也很震惊,当地政府很少关注贫困儿童的安全。否定副词little放于句首,所在句子用部分倒装结构,故排除B和D。care for“喜欢”,care about“在乎;关注”。7(2013华南师大附中高三质检)Those flowers are pleasant to _.Abe looked at Bfor look

6、ing atClooking at Dlook at答案:D考查不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。句意:这些花儿让人看着很舒心。8(2013江西九校联考)_ difficult the task may be, we must finish it on time, because we cant meet such a precious opportunity _ we have expected.AWhatever; that BHowever; asCHowever; that DWhatever; which答案:B句意:无论这项工作有多困难,我们必须如期完成,因为我们不可能再遇到正如我们期

7、望的这样的好机会。howeverno matter how修饰形容词difficult,而在定语从句中先行词由such修饰,关系词用as。9(2013兰州高三质检)In February, as _, the product was launched, apparently with great success.Abeing scheduled Bto scheduleCscheduled Dscheduling答案:C考查省略句。句意:今天二月,这个产品按计划推出,显然十分成功。把从句补全后应为:as the product was scheduled。10(2013石家庄高三质检)Beca

8、use the shop _, all the Tshirts are sold at half price.Ahas closed down Bclosed downCis closing down Dhad closed down答案:C句意:商店即将停业,因此所有T恤衫都半价处理。此处用进行时表示按计划在不久的将来要发生的事。11(2013黑龙江哈九中模拟)_ trade and investment cooperation between China and Canada, culture exchange is also expected to increase.AIn terms

9、of BIn addition toCIn view of DIn spite of答案:B考查短语意义。句意:除了贸易与投资方面的合作以外,中加之间的文化交流也有望增加。in addition to意思是“除了之外(还有)”。in terms of“从方面来说”;in view of“鉴于;考虑到”;in spite of“尽管”。12(2013青岛一中月考)The old man insisted that I _ his wallet and that I _ to the police station with him.Ahad taken;go Btake;should goCwou

10、ld take;had gone Dshould take;go答案:A考查insist的用法。句意:那个老人坚持认为我拿了他的钱包,他坚持让我跟他一起去警察局。insist作“坚持;主张”讲时,后面宾语从句用虚拟语气,即“(should)do sth.”;作“坚持认为”,即坚持事实时,后面宾语从句不用虚拟语气。13(2013山西太原模拟)Parents should have a proper attitude _ boys who have suffered so much from an addiction _ computer games.Atoward;to Babout;toCab

11、out;in Dtoward;on答案:Aattitude to/toward(s) sb./sth.“对某人或某事的态度,看法”;addiction to sth.“沉溺于”。14(2013潍坊模拟)According to the news, there will not as many entertainment programs (娱乐节目) _ on television.Ain general Bas a matter of factCas a result Das usual答案:D考查短语意义。句意:根据新闻,在电视上将不会像往常那样有那么多的娱乐节目了。as usual“像往

12、常”,符合句意。in general“总体来说”;as a matter of fact“事实上”;as a result“结果”。15(2013泉州模拟)What about the person?Seldom in all my life _ such a _ person.AI met; determiningBI have met; determiningCdid I met; determinedDhave I met; determined答案:Dseldom是否定副词,位于句首时句子用部分倒装,因此排除A、B两项;根据句意可知第一个空表示到现在为止的动作,因此用现在完成时;det

13、ermined是形容词,意为“意志坚定的”。.完形填空(2013成都一诊)One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the destination of the seventh grade field trip would be the amusement park. The classroom buzzed with _1_ as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, _2

14、_ that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me _3_ to feel so left out. But not Danny. He _4_ told everyone that he wouldnt be going. When Mr. Sims asked him why, Danny stood up and _5_,“Its too much money right now. My dad hurt his back and has been out of _6_ for a while. Im not a

15、sking my parents for money.”Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up proudly, even though _7_ had begun. I could only shrink in my _8_, and surely those whispers must be about me when they found out I would not be going either.“Dan, Im very proud of you for understanding the _9_ that yo

16、ur parents are in. Not every student of your _10_ has that ability,” Mr. Sims replied._11_ not everyone accepted Danny after that day, he won _12_ the respect of many of us. I was especially _13_ by how he didnt back down under peer pressure. For so long, I could never _14_ to my friends that I coul

17、dnt afford to go somewhere. _15_, in order to continue to _16_ in, I lied about why I couldnt do things and _17_ with excuse after excuse.By standing up and admitting he was poor, Danny changed my life. His selfconfidence made it _18_ for all of us to understand that what his parents had or didnt ha

18、ve did not _19_ who he was. After that, I no longer felt I had to lie about my familys situation. And Danny, _20_ because of his courage and honesty than his great looks, is someone 1 will never forget.文章大意:本文为一篇夹叙夹议文。老师组织学生去游乐园郊游,由于家境贫穷,丹尼站起来自信地说出了自己不能去,这令作者感触颇深,因为他与丹尼的情况相似,但他却没有勇气去这样做。1A.amazement

19、 Bexcitement Cdisappointment Dencouragement答案:B考查名词辨析。句意为:一天,在老师Sims先生宣布我们七年级这次郊游的目的地是游乐园后,教室立刻热闹起来,女孩子们讨论自己该穿什么衣服和带什么东西。A项意为“惊奇”;B项意为“兴奋,激动”;C项意为“失望”;D项意为“鼓舞,鼓励”。根据as后面的内容可知,同学们很“兴奋”。故答案选B。2A.sensing Bknowing Cfinding Dsaying答案:B考查动词辨析。句意为:我坐在后面听着,我知道父母没有钱给我去郊游。根据下文内容可知,作者家庭状况不好,自己“知道,明白”父母没有钱给自己。故

20、答案选B。3A.depressed Bworried Cunsatisfied Dscared答案:A考查形容词辨析。句意为:感觉自己被丢下了,这让我很沮丧。A项意为“沮丧的,萧条的”;B项意为“担心的”;C项意为“不满意的,不满足的”;D项意为“害怕的,恐惧的”。根据句意可知,答案选A。4A.gladly Bshyly Csimply Drudely答案:C考查副词辨析。句意为:但是丹尼不像我这样,他直接告诉大家他不去。A项意为“高兴地”;B项意为“害羞的”;C项意为“仅仅,只”;D项意为“粗鲁地”。根据下文内容可知,simply符合语境。故答案选C。5A.shouted Bcomplain

21、ed Clied Dstated答案:D考查动词辨析。句意为:当老师询问他(不去)的原因时,他站起来说道:“这笔钱目前对我家来说不是个小数目。我父亲背部受伤,已经失业有一段时间了。我是不会和父母要钱的。”A项意为“大声喊”;B项意为“抱怨”;C项意为“说谎”;D项意为“陈述,说”。根据语意可知,答案选D。 Bduty Corder Dcontrol答案:A考查名词辨析。out of work意为“失业”,out of duty意为“失职”,out of order意为“混乱”,out of control意为“失控”。根据句意可知,答案选A。7A.teaching Bdebati

22、ng Cwhispering Dunderstanding答案:C考查动名词辨析。句意为:坐在座位上他骄傲地抬着头,尽管有些人已经开始窃窃私语了。A项“教学”;B项意为“争论,辩论”;C项意为“耳语,低语,私语”;D项意为“理解”。根据语意语境可知,答案选C。8A.shadow Bcoat Cdesk Dseat答案:D考查名词辨析。句意为:我只是坐在我的座位上害怕地缩成一团,想必他们知道我也不去游乐园时也会这样的窃窃私语吧。A项意为“影子”;B项意为“上衣”;C项意为“桌子”;D项意为“座位”。根据上文的“sat back”可知,“我”坐在“座位”上,因此应用seat一词。故答案选D。9A.

23、situation Bpain Cdanger Dtrouble答案:A考查名词辨析。句意为:你能理解父母的状况,我为你感到自豪。A项意为“情况,状况”;B项意为“痛苦”;C项意为“危险”;D项意为“麻烦”。根据语意和最后一段中的“my family situation”提示信息可知,答案选A。10A.class Bage Cgrade Dgroup答案:B考查名词辨析。句意为:并不是所有像你这个年龄的孩子都能像你一样(理解父母)。A项意为“班级”;B项意为“年龄”;C项意为“年级”;D项意为“团体”。根据句意可知,答案选B。11A.Since BAs CUnless DAlthough答案:

24、D考查连词辨析。句意为:尽管从那天以后并不是每个人都接受丹尼,但他赢得了我们很多人的尊重。A项意为“自从,因为”;B项意为“当时候,因为”;C项意为“除非,如果不”;D项意为“尽管”,用来引导让步状语从句。根据语意可知,前后分句之间为让步转折关系,故答案选D。12A.up Bout Cover Dback答案:C考查介词用法。win over意为“赢得的支持,争取到的认同”,为固定短语,符合语境语境。故答案选C。13A.shocked Bpersuaded Cimpressed Dconfused答案:C考查动词辨析。句意为:我对他这种面对同龄人压力毫不退让的印象尤其深刻。A项意为“使震惊”;

25、B项意为“劝服,说服”;C项意为“给留下深刻印象”;D项意为“迷惑,困惑”。本题难点之一在于对句意的理解,其中的back down意为“退让”,peer pressure意为“同辈压力,同伴压力”;难点之二在于语篇情感的把握,根据下文内容可知,丹尼的这种做法对作者的启发颇多,应该是令他印象深刻。因此,不可误选A项。故答案选C。14A.announce Badmit Capologize Dprove答案:B考查动词辨析。句意为:这么久以来,我一直没能跟朋友承认我去不了某个地方是因为我付不起钱。A项意为“宣布”;B项意为“承认”;C项意为“道歉”;D项意为“证明”。根据最后一段首句中的“admi

26、tting”提示信息可知,答案选B。15A.However BOtherwise CInstead DAlso答案:C考查连接副词辨析。句意为:相反,为了能与别人相处(让别人接受我,不被别人瞧不起),我总是想出各种各样的借口来谎称自己去不了。A项意为“然而,但是”;B项意为“否则,要不然”;C项意为“代替,反而,却”,用来表示否定转折;D项意为“也”。根据语境可知,答案选C。16A.join Btake Cgive Dfit答案:D考查动词短语辨析。join in意为“加入,参加”;take in意为“吸收,欺骗,理解”;give in意为“屈服,投降”;fit in意为“有地方容纳,相处融洽

27、”,此处表示“能合群,不被别人瞧不起”。根据语境可知,答案选D。17A.came up Bbroke up Cput up Dgot up答案:A考查动词短语辨析。A项come up与with搭配,意为“想出,找出”,此处表示“我”想出各种理由,即编造出各种理由,符合语境,故选A项。B项break up与with搭配,意为“为某人绝交”;C项put up与with搭配,意为“容忍,忍受”;D项get up不可与with搭配,get up意为“起床,站起来”。18A.harder Beasier Cclearer Dbetter答案:B考查形容词辨析。句意为:通过站起来承认自己贫穷,丹尼改变了我

28、的生活。他的自信使我们所有人明白了一个人的父母有什么或没什么(即他的家境)并不能决定他是一个什么样的人。A项意为“更困难”;B项意为“更容易”;C项意为“更清晰”;D项意为“更好”。根据语境可知,答案选B。19A.conclude Bshow Cdetermine Dcause答案:C考查动词辨析。A项意为“总结,得出结论”;B项意为“展示”;C项意为“决定”;D项意为“导致”。根据语意语境可知,此处作者是要表达:家境的贫穷与否并不能决一个人将来成为什么样的人。故答案选C。20A.rather Bother Cbetter Dmore答案:D考查形容词。句意为:自此之后,我感觉没有必要再由于我

29、的家境而去撒谎。丹尼不是由于他的英俊的外表,而是因为他的勇气和诚实,成为了我永远也不会忘记的一个人。more.than.为比较结构,意为“与相比更”,符合句意,故答案选D。.阅读理解(2013广东珠海调研)As I sit at home thinking about my upcoming adventure and the things I need to bring, it makes me even more excited to begin my travel. I will be making my way around the world.The first places on

30、the list are Andalusia and Africa in the book The Alchemist. I will need to pack a lot of stuff and make sure I have enough money to provide myself with food and enough to drink. The Sahara desert is always hot and requires plenty of water.Next I will head to Mexico in the book Born to Run, where I will encounter the Tarahumara Indian tribe. I will need to get into shape and do some jogging if I want to keep up with them while running. I will have to pack my running shoes, though, because the Tarahumarans

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