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1、如何进行强调如何进行强调 我们在写作时,为了突出句中某个部分,使它显得比其他部分更为重要,给读者以强烈的印象,便运用强调(Emphasis)这一修辞手段。强调在我们表情达意中起着重要的作用,是必须要掌握的一种写作技巧。词语手段1在动词前加助动词do来强调句中的动词。例如:You do look nice today你今天看着真是漂亮。Everyone says I work hardI do work hard大家都说我工作努力,我工作的确很卖力气。Do tell me the reason,please务请把理由告诉我。2副词ever用于特殊疑问句,与what,who,whenwhere,h

2、ow,why连用,表示惊奇、烦恼、愤怒等例如:What ever do you want?你到底要些什么?Who ever can it be?到底是谁呢?How ever did I forget it?我怎么竟然把它忘了呢?Why ever didnt you say so?你当时究竟为什么不这样说呢?上述强调语气可用in the world,in heaven,on earth,under the sun,in hell, in nature来表达,具有更强烈的感情色彩。例如: Where in the world did he find this old jalopy? 这辆破旧不堪的

3、汽车他到底是在哪儿搞到的? What the hell do you think youre doing? 你他妈的到底在干什么呢? Why on earth did you tell a lie? 你到底为什么说谎? Who in heaven called you? 究竟是谁给你打的电话? What under the sun did he do it for? 他究竟为什么干那桩事呢?3使用形容词all或反身代词itself获得强调,其结构是: “be+ all+ abstract n”,“be +all +plural n”,“be+ abstract n+itself ”。这种结构表

4、示某种性质达到了极点,能产生强烈的修辞效果例如:The old man was all anxiety那位老人焦急万分。I was all eagerness to see you 当时我急切想见到你。Clyde was all cordiality at dinner and kept pressing Boris to eat吃晚饭时,克莱德非常热情,不断请鲍里斯多吃点。Hearing the vicious remark, he started from his chair,all fury and indignation.听到这恶毒的言辞,他蓦地从椅子上站起来,怒气冲天。The stu

5、dents are all ears to his talk学生们全神贯注地听他的报告。At the magic show the children were all eyes孩子们目不转睛地观看魔术表演。I tried to fix the bicyclebut I was all thumbs我试着修自行车,可是我的手脚很笨。After a short rest,he was energy itself休息片刻,他显得浑身是劲。Rowena is beauty itself罗伊娜美极了。I shared a room with Joel a year ago, he was generos

6、ity itself.一年前,我与乔尔同住一室,他极其慷慨大方。这两种句型可以互换。4使用成对词He rose bright and early(=extremely early)this morning他今晨起得很早。The plane landed safe and sound(=very safely) 飞机十分安全地降落了。 例句中的bright and early和safe and sound叫做成对词.成对词是英语中极富特色的一种词组,它由两个词性相同的词(大多数为近音词)组成,中间用and连接,结构固定,语义完整。这种凝练的词组比一般的词语鲜明生动,节奏明快,具有十分明显的强调功

7、能。下面就成对词的形式特征、语义关系、修辞色彩及灵活运用四个方面做一详细的分析和介绍,以期充分地认识和把握这一表达方式。(1)成对词的形式特征1) 成对词的词类包括名词、形容词、副词、动词、介词等。由于长期的使用,绝大部分词语逐渐成为惯用词组,具有词义稳定、结构凝固的基本特点。一般不能用同(近)义词随意替换,前后两词的词序也不任意调换。 An+ and +n如hue and cry(叫喊声;嘈杂声),neck and crop(干脆;彻底)等。例如: Someone said the bank had failed,and soon there was a hue and cry as peo

8、ple shouted for their money. 有人说银行倒闭,马上就有人们挤兑的喧闹。 Well,hes turned out neck and crop. 唉,他一下子就给撵走了。 Badj+and+ adj如high and dry(搁浅;孤立无援),pure and simple(完全的;十足的;根本的)等。例如: At first the other boys helped,but when the work got hard,Bob found himself high and dry起初其他男孩都帮忙,可是当活变得困难时,鲍勃发现自己却孤军作战了。 The questi

9、on,pure and simple,is whether you will support me. 根本的问题是你肯不肯支持我。 Cadv+and+ adv如far and away(无疑;肯定地),hither and thither(到处;向多方)等。例如: If I let the reporters give away your dirty work,it will far and away crash the headlines 如果我把你肮脏的勾当让记者捅出去,那肯定会成为头条新闻的。 These passions,like great winds,have blown me h

10、ither and thither,in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish,reaching to the very verge of despair这股股激情,像阵阵飓风,把我在痛苦的海洋的路途中吹得任意东西,变动无常,直吹到了绝望的边缘。 Dv+and+ v如chop and change(变化无常;朝三暮四),pick and choose(挑三拣四;挑剔)等。例如: One who is always chopping and changing can never get anywhere. 朝三暮四的人永远不会有成就。 He

11、 was never one to pick and choose 他决不是个爱挑剔的人。Eprep+and+ prep如over and above(在之上;高于),save and except(除之外)等。例如: This flat is quite satisfactory save and except that the kitchen is a bit small. 这套公寓,除了厨房略小一点外,还是很令人满意的。 Fpron+and+ pron如,each and all(每一个;全体),this and that(又是这个,又是那个;各种各样的)等。例如: My childre

12、n were so curious to know what was in the letter by Frick(the childrens father)that they asked me about this and that 孩子们极想知道爸爸来信的内容,因此又问我这个,又问我那个。 2) 在非正式语体中,成对词的运用比较灵活,有一小部分前后词序可以颠倒,意思大体相当,如on and off (断断续续;时而)right and 1eft (左右)day and night (日日夜夜)o1d and young (老老少少;每个人)rise and fall (涨落;盛衰)body

13、 and soul (完全地;尽心竭力地)then and there (当场;立刻)wine and dine (款待) 3) 由两个名词构成的成对词当中,有一些必须用其复数形式,单数形式是错误的。例如: The boys were trying to think of ways and means to go Camping for the weekend孩子们正想办法周末露营去。 I wish she would be a bit more cheerful;she is always complaining of her aches and pains 我希望她能稍微愉快一点;她老是抱

14、怨说她周身疼痛。 只能以复数形式出现的成对词还有ups and downs (盛衰;沉浮)nuts and bolts (基本特征;主要组成部分)merits and demerits (优点和缺点)means and aims (手段和目的)pros and cons (正反两方面的理由)pins and needles (手脚发麻)bits and pieces (零碎东西)odds and ends (剩余的东西;杂七杂八的事)twists and turns (迂回曲折)whys and wherefores (理由;原因)signs and wonders (奇迹)mops and

15、mows (愁脸;鬼脸)comings and goings (来来往往)waifs and strays (流浪儿;零碎东西)airs and graces (装腔作势)goals and aims (目标)ifs and buts (借口;托辞)dos and donts (习惯;规则) 应注意的是,除了ups and downs复数形式外,还有up and down的形式,但它不是名词单数,而是副词,表示“上上下下地;来回地;到处”的意思。pros and cons与pro and con也是这种情况。 4) 有些成对词不能单独用于句中,它们只有同某些特定的动词或介词搭配才能具有完整的意

16、义和语法功能。例如: Isnt she clearly aware that you are playing fast and loose?(play fast and loose:欺诈;耍滑头)难道她就认识不到你在耍滑头吗?John tried with all his might and main to solve the problem(withby might and main:竭尽全力) 约翰竭尽心智试着去解决问题。 这种成对词还有through thick and thin(不顾艰难险阻;在任何情况下)move heaven and earth (竭尽全力)blow hot and

17、 cold (摇摆不定)pay scot and lot (尽自己应尽的义务)play ducks and drakes(浪费;挥霍)play cat and mouse (欲擒故纵)rain cats and dogs (大雨滂沱)by rule and line (准确地;精密地)by fits and starts (一阵阵地;间歇地)by leaps and bounds (飞跃地;极迅速地)over head and ears (深陷在债务中)through fire and foul(不管顺利或困难;在任何情况下)without let and hindrance(无阻碍地)wit

18、hout light and shade (单调)in dust and ashes (悲切;忏悔)on pins and needles (坐立不安;如坐针毡) between wind and water (处于困难、危险的境地)between life and death (处于生死关头)under lock and key (严密地监禁起来) (2)成对词的语义关系成对词看似简单,是两个词由and连接起来组成使用,但仔细分析两词的语义内涵,就可以发现两词间的语义关系却是多种多样的。当我们对此有了较全面的了解后,就会更好地把握成对词的特征,从而恰当、准确地运用它们 1)并列关系 同义词或

19、近义词叠用,两词义不分轻重主次,互相衬托、充实,相得益彰,体现两词共有的涵义,起到了强调的修辞作用。如pull and haul,pull和haul均是“拖、拉”之意,因而两词共有的词义便是“拖来拖去”。又如,toss and turn (翻来覆去)scream and shout (大喊大叫)bluff and bluster (吓唬,虚张声势)pick and steal (小偷小摸)puff and blow (喘气)wild and woolly (粗野的)dead and gone (垂死的;死了的)sick and tired(of) (对十分厌倦)null and void (无

20、效)one and only (惟一的,独一无二的)any and every (每个;全部)really and truly (真正地)hot and strong (猛烈地,激烈地)end and aim (目的,目标)forever and ever (永远,永久)house and home (家)aid and abet (伙同作案)watch and ward (不断监视)push and shove (推推搡搡)scratch and bruise (抓伤:擦伤)2)重复关系第二个词是对第一个词的重复,这种重复型成对词表示某种动作或状态反复出现或持续下去。如through and

21、 through (完全地,十足地)out and out (彻头彻尾)neck and neck (不相上下)leg and leg (平分秋色)again and again (反复地)by and by (不久以后)round and round (旋转不息地)around and around (到处)more and more (越来越)worse and worse (越来越坏;每况愈下)on and on (继续不停地)thus and thus (如此这般)3)合成关系结构固定,两词语义关系密不可分,相互依赖。如trial and error,按两词的字面意义往往理解为“试验和

22、错误”,实际应是“反复试验进行试探,以逐一筛除不正确的东西而求得理想效果的一种试验方法(或学习方法)”。又如,heart and hand (热心地)cut and dry (索然无味的)body and sou1 (尽心竭力地)bed and board (夫妇关系)hand and foot (勤勉而周到地)far and away (无疑地,肯定地)blood and iron (滥用武力) 4)递进关系 从时间顺序上看,第一个词所表示的动作或状态在前,第二个词所表示的随后。从语义上看,第二个词是第一个词的延伸和补充,以此表达一个完整的概念。如forgive and forget (不念

23、旧恶)rack and ruin (大失败)bow and scrape (打躬作揖)turn and rend (攻击)one and all (个个都;全部)out and away (大大地)out and about (尤指病人在病愈后能够外出走动)time and again (反复地)once and away (只有一次,一劳永逸的)art and part (策划并参与)live and learn (活到老,学到老)touch and go (一触即发) 5)修饰关系 连接两个形容词时,第一个形容词带有副词的性质,修饰第二个形容词或起加强语气的作用。这种用法仅限于nice,g

24、ood,fine,rare,1ovely,sound,big等几个形容词。如nice and cool 很凉爽(nicely coo1)nice and soft 很柔软(nicely soft)nice and warm 暖和得舒服(satisfactorily warm)nice and il1 病重(quite i11 )good and hard 狠狠地good and tired 累极了good and angry 非常生气good and sure 确确实实的 有时,名词也出现类似的用法,后一个名词具有形容词的性质如dance and delight =delightful dan

25、ce(愉快的舞蹈)words and deceit=deceitful words(谎言)death and honor=honorable death(光荣牺牲) 6)对比关系由两个反义词或意义相对的词组成,有意造成语义对比,使表现力增强。如give and take (互让)hit and miss (没目标地) back and fill (拿不定主意;出尔反尔)high and 1ow (高低贵贱)back and forth (前前后后;徘徊)now and then (断断续续)in and out (进进出出;彻底地)early and late (从早到晚)yea and na

26、y (犹豫不决;模棱两可)sign and countersign (口令;隐语)out and home (来回;往返)to and fro (来回地走;来来去去)outside and in (里里外外)far and near (四面八方)far and wide (到处;广泛地)first and last (总的说来)friend and foe (敌友)virtue and vice (善恶)root and branch (完全地;彻底地)ebb and flow (涨落;盛衰;消长) (3)成对词的修辞色彩1) 一种语言的语音系统可作为增强语言表达力的手段,成对词大部分是由两个

27、近音词组成,有的押头韵,有的押尾韵,还有元韵等。这就使得成对词不仅具有独特的形式美,还具有和谐的韵律美,给读者以强烈的感染。 A头韵(Alliteration) 头韵包括词首辅音的重复和词首辅、元音的重复。例如: He invaded the turmoil and tumble of the downtown streets. 他闯入了市中心的一片骚乱之中。 Dont stand humming and hawing,but speak out. 别那么吞吞吐吐地,有话尽管直说吧。这类成对词还有,sub and substance (本旨;要义)prim and proper (一本正经的;

28、合乎传统的)hale and hearty (健康的;强健的)meek and mild (温顺的;和善的)core and crux (症结;关键)slow and steady (稳扎稳打)grunt and groan (抱怨)part and parcel (重要的部分)weal and woe (祸福)betwixt and between (两者之间)black and blue (遍体鳞伤)cut and carve (乱切乱砍)hide and hair (完全;整个)fast and furious (快速的)peak and pine (憔悴;消瘦) B尾韵(End-rhy

29、me) 尾韵即词尾元、辅音的重复,是英美文学作品,特别是诗歌中用得最多的押韵方式。例如:We huffed and puffed to get the ball away from the boys我们把球从孩子们的手里夺来,个个气喘吁吁。She had to toil and moil from morning till night她终日辛勤劳作。 C元韵(Assonance) 元韵也称“谐元音”或“准押韵”,即重读元音的重复。例如:Hes very high and mighty now,but I can remember the time when he was a mere nobo

30、dy,with scarcely a penny to bless himself他现在趾高气扬;可想当年他只不过是个身无分文、微不足道的无名小卒而已。类似的还有,vice and crime (犯罪;罪恶)cut and thrust (肉搏战;斩钉截铁;锋利)cut and run (连忙逃走;急忙离开)clean and neat (干干净净;十分整洁)rough and rumble (杂乱无章的)hot and bothered (烦恼不安的)weak and feeble (极度虚弱)time and tide (岁月)hustle and bustle (喧闹;奔忙)hard and fast (严格地;不能变通地) 从上举诸例中,我们可以看出,相同音的重复很容易唤起读者的注意,引起一种美感。再有一点,语音用听觉形象来辅助词汇意义,在作者与读者的交际中,语

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