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1、英国的地理特征英国的地理特征 .英国的地理特征II. Geographical Features 英国是个岛国,四周是海。它位于欧洲北海岸附近的北大西洋中。南面的英吉利海峡和东面的北海把英国与欧洲的其他部分隔开。英法之间的英吉利海峡很狭窄,最狭窄的地方叫多佛尔海峡,只有33 公里宽。1985 年,英法两国政府决定在多佛尔海峡底修建一个隧道,把两个国家连接起来。经过八年的奋斗,这条名为 Britain is an island country. It is surrounded by the sea. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the nor

2、th coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is called the Straits of Dover, which is only 33 km across. In 1985 the British governm

3、ent and the French government decided to build a channel tunnel under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. After eight years of hard work this channel tunnel which is called Chunnel was open to traffic in May 1994. Britain covers an area of 244, 100 squar

4、e krn. It runs 1, 000 km from north to south and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometers. So no part of Britain is very far from the coast and it provides a valuable resource. The British coast is long and has good, provides a valuable resource. The British coast is long and has good, prov

5、iding cheap transportation. 几个世纪以来,英国一直在缓慢地倾斜。西北部缓慢上升,东南部缓慢下沉。英国的北部与西部主要是山地。这种上升在苏格兰西部形成了突起的海滩山的平地。这种海滩提供了主要的农田、定居点、工业区及通道。东部及东南部主要是低地,是 Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highl

6、ands. In western parts of Scotland this rise in the land has resulted in the formation of raised beaches - flat areas of land in an herwise mountainous area, which provide the main farming, settlements, and industrial areas as well as routeways. The east and south-east are mostly lowlands. They are

7、part of the Great European Plain, with its level land and fertile soil. There is much good farmland especially in the south and along the east coast of England. 在冰川时代,英国覆盖着大冰块,导致英国壮观的山景,尤其是斯诺多尼亚、湖泊区及苏格兰山地,因此英国拥有平顶的山脉、瀑布流经的山谷、带状湖、平坦的谷底、陡峭的谷倒、冰砾土及沃土。During the Ice Age great ice covered Great Britain.

8、Ice has been responsible for most of Britains spectacular mountain scenery especially in Snowdonia, the Lake District ,and the Scottish Highlands. It left Great Britain with mountains with flat tops ,hanging valleys with waterfalls, ribbon lakes, flat valley floors ,steep valley sides ,boulder clay

9、and fertile soil. 1.英格兰1. England 英格兰占了大不列颠岛南部的绝大部分面积。英格兰西面是威尔士,北面是苏格兰。面积为130,000平方公里,占整个岛的60%。除了塞汶河谷及柴郡兰开郡平原(中心为利物浦)外,其西南部和西部主要是高原,也有起伏的平原、丘陵地及少数沼泽地,但主要是高原。从北中部延伸至苏格兰边境的奔宁山脉是主要山脉。但英格兰的最高峰斯加非尔峰(978 米)却位于西北部的湖泊区。英格兰东部主要是开阔的可耕种平原,此平原的海岸沼泽地和奔宁山脉之间变成一条狭窄的走廊(约克谷),在诺桑伯兰郡则变成很窄的海岸带。 England occupies the lar

10、gest, southern part of Great Britain with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. It has an area of more than 130,000 square kilometers which takes up nearly 60% of the whole island, the north-west and west except for the Severn valley and the Cheshire-Lancashire plain (round Liverpool) are lar

11、gely a plateau, with rolling plains, downs and occasional moors. The Pennines, a range of hills running from North Midlands to the Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain. But the highest peak of England, Scafell (978m), is in the Lake District in north-west England. The east of England is

12、 mainly an open cultivated plain, narrowing in North Yorkshire to a passage (Vale of York) between coastal moors and the Pennines, and in Northumberland to a coastal strip. 2.苏格兰 2. Scotland 苏格兰面积为78,760 平方公里。位于大不列颠岛北部,拥有众多的山脉、湖泊及岛屿。它有三大自 然区:北部山地、中部低地及南部高地。北部山地 (3001,200 多米)是一片荒芜而多石的高原,有弯曲 的海岸线,西面尤其

13、如此。本奈维斯山海拔1,343 米,英国的最高峰就在此地。山地西部及赫布里底群 岛 风景迷人。狭长的海湾与荒山交错,一些内海上的农场只有坐小船才能到达。中部低地,主要由福斯 和克莱德谷、煤矿和铁矿区及奶牛牧场组成。中部是苏格兰主要的工业区,人口最为稠密,是苏格兰最重 要的地区。南部高地是起伏的沼泽地(多在240-600 米之间),被众多小而肥沃的河谷所分割。苏格兰有800 座岛屿,包括奥克尼群岛,设德兰群岛及赫布里底群岛,此外还有几百个湖泊。爱丁堡是苏格兰的首府。 Scotland has an area of 78,760 square kilometers. It is in the no

14、rth of Great Britain with many mountains, lakes and islands. There are three natural zones: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands. The Highlands (300over 1,200m) are a wild, rocky, mountainous plateau with a coastline deeply indented, especially in the west. Ben

15、Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m) is located here. The western part of Highlands and the islands of Hebrides are a very beautiful region. Great sea-lochs, or fiords, alternate with wild and empty hills, and on some of the lochs there are farms which can only be reached by boat. The Low

16、lands in the center comprise mostly the Forth and Clyde valleys, coal and iron fields and dairy pasture. This is the most important area in Scotland which contains most of the industry and population. The southern Uplands, a rolling moorland (mainly 240600m), are cut by small fertile river valleys.

17、Scotland has about 800 islands including the Orkneys. Shetlands and Hebrides and hundreds of lakes. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. 3.威尔士 3. Wales 威尔士位于大不列颠岛的西部,面积为20,761 平方公里,占整个岛的近 9%。威尔士大部 分地区是 山。山脉沿海陡峭耸起,而山顶却相当平坦。威尔士6%为森林覆盖,大部分乡村是草原牧场养牛养 羊,只有12%的可耕地。威尔士形成一个山区,但周边是狭窄的低地,最宽之处是沿英格兰边境和南海岸。 山地高

18、度在180 米到600 米之间,北面多岩石,南面有煤。西北部的斯诺多尼亚山(1085 米)是威尔士的最 高点。威尔士首府是加的夫。Wales is in the west of Great Britain. It has an area of 20,761 square kilometers which takes up less than 9% of the whole island. Most of Wales is mountainous: the hills rise steeply from the sea and are rather flat on top. 6% of Wale

19、s is covered with forest and much of the country is pastureland for sheep and cattle. Only 12% of the land is arable. Wales forms a massif with a lowland fringe widest along the English border and south coast. The massif is largely between 180 and 600m, rocky in the north and coal bearing in the sou

20、th. Snowdonia (1,085m) in the northwest is the highest mountain in Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. 4. 北爱尔兰4. Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰是联合王国的第四个所属区域。它占据爱尔兰北部五分之一的面积14,147 平方公里。 北爱尔兰北部海岸线荒芜多石,并有几处深陷的回地。东北部地区的安特里尔郡多高地,而向东南部逐渐 变成了洛尼格盆地所在的中央低地。贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰的首都。Northern Ireland is a fourth region of the

21、United Kingdom. It takes up the northern fifth of Ireland and has an area of 14,147 square kilometers. It has a rocky and wild northern coastline, with several deep indentations. In the north-east gradually give way to the central lowlands of the Lough Neagh basin. Belfast is the capital of Northern

22、 Ireland. .河流和湖泊 III. Rivers and Lakes 英国的河流冬天不结冰。河流在国民经济中起着重要作用。伦敦、利物浦和格拉斯哥这些大港口全都 通过河流与海洋连接在一起。此外,东海岸的Tweed 河、Tyne 河、蒂斯河、泰晤士河都面对着欧洲大陆上 的北海各港口,距离富饶的渔区也很近。而西海岸的克莱德河、默西河和塞汶河把原材料运到繁忙的内陆 工业城市。英国的河流并不很长,最长的塞汶河也只有338 公里长。它发源于威尔士中部,河道呈半圆形 流经英格兰中西部,注入布里斯托尔海峡。第二大河,也是英国最重要的河是泰晤士河,全长336 公里。 发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃耳德山,流

23、经英格兰中部到达伦敦,注入北海。泰晤士河流速相当慢,这对 水路运输极为有利。海轮可以沿着此河远至伦敦,而小船则可再上溯138 公里。牛津也在泰晤士河上。克 莱德河是苏格兰最重要的河流。它发源于邓弗里斯山,全长171 公里,流经格拉斯哥,注入克莱德河湾, 是重要的商业水路航道。Rivers in Britain do not freeze in winter. They play a very important role in the countrys economy. The great ports of London, Liverpool and Glasgow are all conne

24、cted to the sea by rivers. 4 Besides, the Tweed, the Tyne, the Tees, and the Thames rivers on the east coast all face North Sea ports on the European continent. They are also close to rich fishing grounds. On the west coast the Clyde, the Mersey, and the Severn rivers carry raw materials to busy man

25、ufacturing cities inland. The rivers in Britain are not very large. The longest river is the Severn River which is only 338 kilometers long. It rises in central Wales and flows in a semicircle through West Central England to the Bristol Channel. The second largest and most important river in Britain

26、 is the Thames River. It is 336 kilometers long. It rises in the Cotswolds in southwest England and flows through the Midlands of England to London and out into the North Sea. The Thames flows rather slowly, which is very favorable for water transportation. Ocean-going ships can sail up it as far as

27、 London and small ships can sail up it for a further 138 kilometers. Oxford is also on the Thames. River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland. It rises in Dumfries and runs 171 kilometers, passing through Glasgow, and enters the Firth of Clyde. It is an important commercial waterway. 英国有许多湖

28、泊,尤其是苏格兰北部、英格兰西北部的湖泊区及威尔士北部更是如此。但是,英国最 大的湖是北爱尔兰的洛尼格湖,面积为396 平方公里。湖泊区是英国最吸引人的旅游名胜之一,它以荒野 和美丽的景色及15 个湖而名扬天下。其中较大的湖有汶德密湖、鄂思水湖、德文水湖和柯尼斯顿水湖。 湖区也是湖畔诗人的家。例如19 世纪的威廉.华兹华斯,塞缪尔.泰勒.柯勒律治和罗伯特.骚塞。There are many lakes in Britain especially in northern Scotland, the Lake District in north-west England and North Wal

29、es. However, the largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland which covers an area of 396 square kilometers. The Lake district is one of the popular tourist attractions in Britain. It is well known for its wild and beautiful scenery and 15 lakes. The largest ones are Windermere, Ul

30、lswater, Derwentwater and Coniston Water. It was also the home of the Lake poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain. .气候 IV. Climate 1.海洋性气候 A maritime type of climate 当我们说到气候时,我们指的是某个地方数年时间里的平均天气状况,而非指某个地方每天的天气状况。尽管英国人似乎总在抱怨天气下雨、变化无常、不可预测,但实际上英国的气

31、候相当宜人,是海洋性气候冬季温和不冷、夏季凉爽不热,全年有稳定的降雨量。气温变化小,北方冬季平均气温是摄氏46 度,南方夏季为12-17 度。因此即使在冬天,在开阔的乡村、公园和房屋周围,也能看见大片的绿草。 When we say climate we mean the average weather conditions at a certain place over a period of years. We dont mean the day-to-day weather conditions at a certain place. Though it seems that peopl

32、e are always complaining about the weather in Britain because it is rainy and so changeable and unpredictable, the climate in Britain is in fact a favorable one. It has a favorable maritime climate. Winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot, and it has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature. The average temperature in winter in the north is 46 degrees C. and in summer in the south is 1217 degrees C. So even in winter one can

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