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Module 5 Museums 导学案 教师版.docx

1、Module 5 Museums 导学案 教师版Module 5 Museums 导学案Unit 1学习目标一、掌握本单元upstairs ,entry,punish,in trouble, no wonder等单词和短语。(重点)二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点)1. No shouting , please!2. Its against the rules.3. No wonder the place is empty.三、理解掌握公共场所的提示标语能用祈使句发出指令。自主预习一、新词自测读写单词并熟记看谁记得快。1.往楼上;在楼上 adv. upstairs 2.规则;法则 n. ru

2、le 3.尾;尾巴 n. tail 4.粗绳;绳索 n. rope 5.小孩n. kid 6.展览;展览会n. exhibition 7.找不到的;失踪的adj. missing8.惩罚;惩处n. punish 二、根据汉语意思完成句子1.请不要大声喊叫!这是违反规则的。 No shouting , please ! Its against the rules.2.大明又有麻烦了。Daming is in trouble again.3.难怪这个地方是空的。No wonder the place is empty.课堂导学1. What a wonderful museum!真是一个绝妙的博物

3、馆啊。句型1: what 引导的感叹句what 引导的感叹句的中心词是名词或名词短语,其结构:(1)what +a +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!(2)what +形容词+可数名词复数.不可数名词+主语+谓语!What a beautiful girl she is !她是一个多么漂亮的女孩儿呀What hot weather it is!多么热的天呀拓展: how 引导的感叹句的用法how引导的感叹句的中心词是形容词或副词。how引导的感叹句的结构为“how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!”How high that bird flies! 那只鸟飞得真高!即学即练一单项选择 A a be

4、autiful car ! Ive never seen it before.A. What B. Which C. How D. Whether解析:感叹句的结构为:“What(+a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!”和“How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!”a beautiful car 为名词短语,故用what引导感叹句。故选A。2. Its against the rules.这是违反规定的。单词1:against 违反;反对against介词,意为“违反;反对”。against的反义词是for,两者均可接名词或动名词。Are you for or against the plan.你

5、是赞成还是反对这个计划呢We are against having a picnic next weekend.我们反对下个周末去野餐注意:若表示“强烈反对”,一般用副词strongly修饰against。Public opinion is strongly against his visit to the country.舆论强烈反对他访问这个国家即学即练二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The doctor warned the patient against smoking (smoke).2. We should be against killing (kill) wild animal

6、s.3.Oh,no! Daming is in trouble again.哦不大明又遇到麻烦了。短语1: in trouble. 遇上麻烦;处于困境in trouble是固定短语,表示“遇上麻烦,处于困境”,in trouble前可用big, great, deep等形容词来修饰。The little boy was in trouble so I swam quickly to save him.这个小男孩处于困境之中,所以我迅速游过去救他。He is in trouble again . This time he has broken a windows.他又惹麻烦了。这一次他打破了一扇

7、窗户。归纳:与trouble相关的短语give sb. trouble麻烦某人get into trouble遇到麻烦,陷入困境get out of trouble摆脱困境,摆脱不幸,免受责罚have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有麻烦/困难即学即练三根据汉语意思完成句子如果我们不按时完成计划我们就有麻烦了。If we cant keep to the schedule , well be in trouble 。4No wonder the place is empty! 难怪这个地方是空的。短语2:no wonder难怪;不足为奇no wonder,意为“难怪;不足

8、为奇”,后接that引导的从句,that可省略。No wonder + (that)从句= It is no wonder+ (that)从句,意为“难怪”。No wonder Sally is ill. She hardly eats anything .难怪萨莉病了。她几乎什么都不吃。No wonder you cant sleep well after you see a horror movie.你看了恐怖影片,难怪睡不好。即学即练四按要求完成句子It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm.(改为同义句) No wo

9、nder the children love to visit the farm.Unit 2学习目标一、掌握本单元communication,experiment,find out,fillwith, compare with 等单词和短语。(重点)二、能利用本单元的重点词组和句型向同学介绍自己最喜欢的博物馆以及博物馆内的参观须知。自主预习新词自测读写单词并熟记看谁记得快。1.通讯 n. communication 2.物理学n. physics 3.化学n. chemistry 4.挖掘;挖(洞)v. dig 5.煤n. coal 6.能量;能源n. energy 7.实验n. exper

10、iment 8.操作;操纵v. control 9.沙;沙子n. sand 10.卡车;货车n. truck 11.全部的;整个的adj. whole 12.轮子n. wheel 课堂导学1.For example , you can find out how people dig coal from the ground and use it to create energy.例如,你可以发现人们如何从地里挖煤,可以并用它来制造能源。短语1: find out 找到;发现;查明find out,意为“找到;发现;查明”,多指通过调查、询问、打听研究之后搞清楚,或指找出较难找到的、无形的、抽象

11、的东西。The teacher wanted to find out who had broken the door.老师想查明是谁弄坏了门Can you find out what time the meeting will begin?你能弄清楚会议什么时间开始吗拓展:look for 与find的用法(1)look for,意为“寻找”,强调寻找的过程和动作。What are you looking for , Mary ?玛丽,你在找什么(2)find,意为“找到”,强调寻找的结果。I found my watch finally, It was just under my pillo

12、w.最终我找到了我的手表。它就在我的枕头下面。即学即练一单项选择- Linda ,please B how to get there and the cost of the trip .- All right , Ill make it at once.A. work out B. find out C. give out D. put out解析:句意为“琳达,请查明怎么到那儿和旅途的费用”。“好的。我马上做好。” work out意为“计算出”,find out意为“找出,查明”,give out意为“分发”,put out意为“熄灭”。故选B。2. The Launch pad on t

13、he third floor is the most popular room, and it is my favorite too because there are lost of physics experiments.四楼的发射台是最受欢迎的地方,这也是我最喜欢的房间,因为这里有很多物理实验。单词1:experiment实验experiment在本句中作名词,意为“实验”。常用短语carry out /perform an experiment,意为“进行一项实验”。I like physics ,because I like doing experiments in class.我喜

14、欢物理课,因为我喜欢在课堂上做实验。拓展:experiment还可作动词,意为“试验;实验”,常与on或者with连用。Some scientists experiment on animals.一些科学家在动物身上做实验即学即练二根据句意及汉语提示完成单词Just now we did an experiment (实验) in the laboratory。3.for example ,if you want to fill a bag with sand比如,如果你想把袋子装满沙子短语2:fillwith 把装满fill 作及物动词,意为“装满;填满”,常与with连用即fillwith

15、,意为“把装满”。 be filled with是fillwith的被动语态形式,相当于be full of 。但be filled with表动作,be full of 表状态。Wed better first fill the car with petrol.我们最好先给汽车加满汽油The storeroom is filled with toys . = The storeroom is full of toys.储藏室里放满了玩具。即学即练三一、单项选择Jim likes reading books. His room is A books.A. filled with B. used

16、 forC. aimed at D. covered with解析:be filled with,意为“装满”,be used for意为“被用来”,be aimed at意为“目的是”,be covered with意为“被覆盖”。句意为“吉姆爱读书。他的房间放满了书”。故选A。二、根据汉语意思完成句子她的双眼充满泪水。Her eyes were full/filled of /with tears.4. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today, you will feel very lucky n

17、ext time you visit a doctor!如果你比较一下过去的药物与现在的药物,下次你去看病时你会感到非常幸运。短语3:compare with 比较与compare是及物动词,意为“比较”。常用短语compare with,意为“比较与”,通常用于具体事物。Lets compare this article with that one.让我们把这篇文章和那篇文章比较一下。辨析:compare with与compare to的区别两者都表示“比较与”,其区别如下:(1)compare with强调同类相比,从而发现不同之处。Compare this dress with that

18、 one, you will find one is much better.把这条连衣裙和那条相比较,你就会发现这条好得多。(2)compare to强调异类相比,用来说明两个事物之间的相同之处,含有比喻之意。The teacher compare the poet to a bird.老师把这位诗人比作一只鸟。即学即练四单项选择- Why are most children under too much pressure ?- Because their parents always compare them A others.A. with B. by C. to D. at解析:com

19、pare with意为“把与比较”。答语意为:“因为他们的父母总是把他们与别人比较”。故选A。Unit 3学习目标一、掌握“if从句+祈使句”的用法。If you ever go to London, make sue you visit the Science Museum.二、重点掌握表示禁止的结构:“No+名词/动名词!”及“Dont +动词原形.”。(重点)Dont cross that rope !自主预习一、将I栏和II栏搭配起来。 I II 1.不要越过那根绳子 A. Dont be rude !2.禁止进入 B. No photos !3.禁止拍照 C. Dont cross

20、the rope !4.不要没礼貌 D. No fishing !5.禁止钓鱼 E. No entry !答案:1-C 2-E 3-B 4-A 5-D二、单项选择1. C you want to go , please tell me.A. Although B. Because C. If D. Until2. Go to see the doctor D you dont feel wellA. so B. or C. so that D. if课堂导学Please pay attention to some machines or tools invented in ancient Ch

21、ina.请注意一些在中国古代发明的机器或工具。短语1:pay attention to注意;留心pay attention to,意为“注意;留心”,attention是不可数名词,前面可用much ,no ,a little , some等词组来修饰。其中to为介词,后面可接名词、代词、动名词或宾语。When you look up a word in the dictionary , you must pay attention to the way it is used.从句当你在词典中查一个单词时,你必须注意这个单词的使用方式。即学即练单项选择Betty didnt pay atten

22、tion B what the teacher was saying , so she couldnt answer the teachers question. A. for B. to C. in D. by解析:pay attention to 是固定短语,意为“注意,留心”。故选B。语法规律总结一、if从句(1): if 从句+祈使句1.结构:“if从句+祈使句”,意为“如果就/要”。2用法:“if从句+祈使句”结构中,if 引导的从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后.if 从句在前时,主从句之间必须用逗号隔开。主句是祈使句,if从句要用一般现在时。If you want to g

23、o, please tell me.如果你想走,请告诉我。Please tell me if he comes back. = If he comes back , please tell me.如果他回来了,请告诉我一声。二、表示禁止的结构。1.“No+名词/动名词!”句型常用于公共场合的提示语中,意为“禁止,不准”。No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No eating or drinking ! 请勿饮食No photos ! 禁止拍照!2. Dont + 动词原形Dont be late for class next time.下次上课不要迟到。即学即练一、单项选择 B smoke he

24、re , dad . Smoking has been banned in public places.A. Dont be B. Dont C. Not to be D. Be not解析:祈使句的否定形式是在句首加dont,后接动词原形。由后句句意“吸烟已经在公共场所被禁止了。”可知第一句表示“不要在这里吸烟,爸爸。”smoke为实义动词,变为否定式时,前面不加be动词。故选B。二、用“if从句+祈使句”结构将下列各题连词成句1. cant understand , you , look it up , the word , in the dictionary. If you cant understand the word , look it up in the dictionary. 2. read , dont know , the camera , how to use , the instructions , you If you dont know how to use the camera , read the instructions.

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