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1、人教版九年级英语中考题型训练完形填空专练含答案2021年九年级英语中考题型训练完形填空专练(一)通读下面三篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。ANick went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. He 1 a noise at the door. He looked out and saw a kitten (小猫). Nick called, “Mom, come see this!”Mother picked up the wet kitten. She didnt have a collar (颈圈

2、). “May I 2 her?” Nick asked. “Well see in the morning,” said Mother. “Now were going to feed her and put her to bed to get some 3 .” Then she put an old blanket (毯子) in a box. Nick fed the kitten and put her in the box. Nick didnt go to bed 4 the kitten went to sleep. When Nick woke up the next mor

3、ning, he asked 5 , “May I keep her?” “You can keep the kitten for now,” Mother told Nick. “But someone may come 6 the lost kitten. Youll have to give her back.” Nick agreed. He and his mother tried to find the kittens 7 . They put up signs in stores. They asked door by door. But nobody came for the

4、lost kitten.Nick looked after the kitten 8 . He fed her and gave her clean water. He played 9 her. The kitten grew bigger and stronger every day.Many weeks passed. Still, no one came for the kitten. One day Mother said, “She is 10 kitten now, Nick.” “I think Ill name her Tiger,” said Nick. And he ga

5、ve his kitten a big hug. ( )1. A. heard B. made C. stopped D. imagined ( )2. A. feed B. keep C. lock D. use ( )3. A. exercise B. food C. attention D. rest ( )4. A. since B. if C. until D. so ( )5. A. again B. also C. ever D. almost ( )6. A. looking after B. looking for C. looking up D. looking throu

6、gh ( )7. A. ancestor B. hero C. friend D. owner ( )8. A. carefully B. easily C. recently D. gradually ( )9. A. for B. except C. with D. against ( )10. A. my B. your C. his D. their BYoung people from English-speaking countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, like to

7、 go abroad to live and teach English. Michelle is one of them. She 1 a teaching program to teach English for four months in Bangkok, Thailand. She was excited to meet new people and experience a different culture.The first thing that surprised Michelle about Bangkok was the 2 . It was the rainy seas

8、on when she arrived, so the sky might pour water for hours a day. Michelle also 3 the difference between Thai schools and American schools. In Thailand, the students were greeted by their headmaster every morning. 4 also practiced Buddhism (佛教) in school and prayed (祷告) every day.Michelle played gam

9、es with her students and read them stories to help them practice the 5 .But it wasnt all work for Michelle. She tried to travel as often as she could. Michelle found it 6 to travel in Thailand. “Everything is set up to make things convenient for you buses, boats, planes,” she said. Although Michelle

10、 loved her time in Thailand, she 7 her friends and family. “I couldnt catch them often on the phone, 8 the time difference is about twelve hours. It was difficult to find a time that was 9 for both of us.”After completing the program, Michelle went home. “Teaching English abroad is a life-changing 1

11、0 . I will never forget it,” she said. ( )1. A. started B. joined C. managed D. compared( )2. A. food B. traffic C. history D. weather ( )3. A. broke B. supported C. noticed D. spread ( )4. A. She B. He C. We D. They ( )5. A. language B. tradition C. sport D. art ( )6. A. cheap B. expensive C. easy

12、D. difficult ( )7. A. helped B. missed C. admired D. guarded ( )8. A. so B. because C. though D. but ( )9. A. full B. special C. important D. convenient ( )10. A. experience B. suggestion C. competition D. accident CEduardo Briceo is an expert in education. He wants to 1 why some people are chess ch

13、ampions (冠军) or great at music or math. He believes that it is because of how they think. He calls this 2 growth mindset (成长型思维). These people dont believe they are special or better than other people. They believe they can work hard and 3 their skills.One example of this is Josh Waitzkin. Lets look

14、 back at his 4 .When Josh was six years old, he saw people playing chess in Washington Square Park in New York City. He 5 to play chess with them. He was so smart that he became very 6 it soon. But then, a couple of years later, he 7 his first national championship.This was an important moment (时刻)

15、8 Josh. He realized that its not about how 9 you are. Its about how hard you work. He worked very hard and he won the next national championship. Then, when he was 21 years old, Josh decided to learn 10 different. He joined a Tai Chi class. Josh worked very hard 11 and he won a world championship!Jo

16、sh is a great example of someone who has a growth mindset. He doesnt believe that he is 12 good at one special thing. He tries to learn new things. He doesnt always 13 immediately (立即), but he is very hard-working. He thinks that its good to fail sometimes 14 it makes you try harder. We should all h

17、ave a growth mindset. Dont think that you are good at a subject or bad at a subject. Think about 15 you can work hard and get better at everything you do.( )1. A. feel like B. find out C. send out D. end up( )2. A. his B. our C. your D. their( )3. A. test B. accept C. improve D. choose( )4. A. story

18、 B. dream C. plan D. program( )5. A. helped B. worried C. learned D. promised ( )6. A. good at B. careful about C. thirsty for D. close to( )7. A. brought B. took C. won D. lost( )8. A. against B. for C. with D. from( )9. A. pretty B. serious C. creative D. smart( )10. A. something B. anything C. no

19、thing D. everything( )11. A. already B. forever C. again D. together( )12. A. hardly B. naturally C. finally D. gradually( )13. A. appear B. explain C. succeed D. review( )14. A. so B. until C. though D. since( )15. A. how B. why C. what D. when【参考答案】A) 1-5 ABDCA 6-10 BDACBB) 1-5 BDCDA 6-10 CBBDAC)

20、1-5 BDCAC 6-10 ADBDA 11-15 CBCDA完形填空专练(二)通读下面四篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。AMr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday. So the day after her birthday, Mrs. Smith went shopping. She stood in line for a bus; she 1 and sat down next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that th

21、e old ladys handbag was 2 . She could see clearly that inside it, there was a wad of pound notes (一沓英镑纸币) exactly like the ones her husband had given her. She quickly looked into her own bag her 3 was not there! Mrs. Smith was sure that the old lady next to her had 4 it. She thought she would have t

22、o call the police, 5 she disliked making the news and getting people into trouble. So she decided to take back the money 6 from the old ladys handbag and say nothing more about it. She looked around the bus to make sure nobody was 7 , and then she carefully put her hand into the old ladys bag, took

23、the notes and put them in her own bag.When she got home that evening, she showed her 8 the beautiful hat and glasses she had bought.“How did you pay for 9 ?” Mr. Smith asked in surprise. “ 10 the money you gave me for my birthday, of course,” she replied.“Oh? Whats that, then?” he asked, as he point

24、ed to a wad of pound notes on the table.( )1. A. ran away B. got on C. stayed up D. showed up ( )2. A. open B. lost C. old D. beautiful( )3. A. ticket B. key C. money D. card ( )4. A. stolen B. spent C. borrowed D. found ( )5. A. so B. and C. since D. but ( )6. A. normally B. politely C. easily D. q

25、uietly ( )7. A. waiting B. talking C. watching D. entering ( )8. A. brother B. son C. father D. husband ( )9. A. it B. them C. me D. her ( )10. A. For B. With C. Of D. ThroughBMiya Peyregne, aged nine, and her six-year-old sister Tiffany were in the swimming pool in the back garden of their house in

26、 Grandville, Michigan, USA. Their father David was 1 them. It was a lovely day. There wasnt a cloud in the sky.2 David shouted. He was in trouble. It was his legs. His legs werent right. He was in pain.Then he was under the water. The girls werent scared but they were 3 . Was it just a joke or was h

27、e really in trouble? Twenty seconds (秒) later he was 4 under the water. Now Miya was scared. There was no time to 5 . In seconds, Miya was under the water with her father. He was heavy but with the help of the water she was able to 6 him to one side of the pool. Now his head was out of the water. He was alive 7 he wasnt conscious (神志清醒的).There was a 8 in the house. Tiffany called 911. Ten minutes later an ambulance was there. Soon their father was conscious 9 . The girls blew out a long breath.Davi

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