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外研版一起五年级英语下册Module 6英文教案.docx

1、外研版一起五年级英语下册Module 6英文教案Teaching Plan for Module 6TeachingContents1. Theme: travel2. Function: Talking about an event.3. Target language: Well see lots of stones. How will we get there? It was amazing.4. Recycling: simple future tense with will.5. Vocabulary: place, circle, build, solve, hope, thoug

2、ht, amazing Poem: We will do the same thongs.TeachingAims1.Knowledge aims: Learn the new words:place, circle, build, solve, hope, thought, amazing.Review the future simple tense:will, be going to.2.Ability aims: Talk about the plan in English. 3.Effection aims:Love nature, love life.Teaching Tasks1.

3、 Well see lots of stones. How will we get there?2It was amazing.FunctionsTalk about the event.PeriodsUnit 1 periodsUnit 2 periods Revision periodThe 1st period in module 6Type:NewTitle:Module6 Unit1 Well see lots of very big stones. Date:TeachingContents1.New words: place,stone, thousand, build.2. S

4、entence: We are going to see/do. We willMain Points and DifficultiesMain points:Talk about the plans with the future simple tense,describe what happened with the past simple tense.Difficulties:Use the future and simple tense correctly.Teaching AidsTeacher: CD-ROM, Word cards, CAI.Students: Some phot

5、os.Teaching MethodsShow and talk: My homeland is so beautiful.Make a survey.Writing task.TeachingProcedures .Warmer: 1. Greetings.2. Say the chant: mouth, mouth!II. Presentation:1. Show and talk: My homeland is so beautiful. Show the students some beautiful pictures and try to describe with the adje

6、ctives they have learned.2. After the discussing, fill the Bb blanks.i. Point one picture and give an example. “I like Beijing. I am going to go to Beijing. I will see the great wall and the summer palace. I will eat roast duck.3. Make a survey. Make a survey in class. Which city do they like best a

7、nd why.III. Practice:1. Make an example to the class. PPT2. Ask the pupils to say like the teacher.IV. Consolidation:Write a small passage down to make a traveling plan.V. Homework: 1.Preview the text, try to translate the sentences into Chinese and write down.2.Finish the writing task.个性修改Blackboar

8、dDesignModule 6 Unit1 Im going to _.(where?)I will go by _. (how?)I will see _. (what?)I will _ ( what to do?)I will eat_.I will_.The 2nd period in module 6Type:NewTitle: Module6Unit1 Well see lots of very big stones. Date:TeachingContents1. The new words: circle, build, solve, hope, thought。2. The

9、text: Well see lots of stones.Main Points and DifficultiesMain points:The simple tense with “ be going to” and “will”.Difficulties:Something about the Stonehenge.Teaching AidsTeacher:1. Cards. 2. Pictures.3. Head ornaments. 4. CAIStudents: booksTeaching MethodsIm a little guider.Role play.My travell

10、ing plan.TeachingProcedures .Warmer: Weather and duty report.Say the chant: mouth mouthCheck the homework.II. Presentation:1. Show them the pictures of the Stonehege and ask weather know this place. Ask the pupils to listen to the CD-Rom and learn something about the Stonehenge. Then under the words

11、 about the Stonehenge.2. Listen to the recording again and check the answers. Its a very old place. Its five thousand years old. Well see lots of very big stones. They are in a circle. Some stones are on the top of others.巨石陣(英语:Stonehenge),位於英格蘭威爾特郡,英國的旅游熱點,每年都有100萬人從世界各地慕名前來參觀。巨石陣是英國最著名的史前建筑遺跡,它的建


13、他們最喜歡的活動便是手牽手圍成圓圈唱歌跳舞,他們的喜悅神情與滑稽動作,為人們帶來許多歡樂,巨人們也成為當地人的開心果。然而,在毫無預警的一瞬間,巨人們突然僵化變成大石,手舞足蹈的動作也煞時間凝結,就此成為佇立平原上的巨石群。曾有一段時間,人們相當支持此一說法,因為由某一角度觀看巨石群,確實與牽著手的巨人形象頗為吻合。编辑 惡魔傳說相傳惡魔向一名愛爾蘭老婦買了這堆石頭,運用魔法讓這些石頭飄洋過海,來到沙利斯伯利平原,堆疊出類似的模樣。惡魔召集村民,要人們猜測石塊的數量;當大伙議論紛紛毫無頭緒、而惡魔因自己的聰明而沾沾自喜時,一名修士走出人群對著惡魔說:That is more than thee

14、 canst tell. (That is more than we can tell.)意為這些石頭多得無法勝數。原來,這就是標準答案。當惡魔聽到修士的回答後,發現人類竟然也有智慧而非常生氣,順手舉起一顆大石朝修士丟去;沒想到,修士非常強壯,絲毫不為大石所傷,反倒是撞到修士腳踝的大石,竟然凹了個小洞,惡魔因而憤憤然離去,留下巨石群,而巨石群就此被當地人稱為腳踝石。3. Show the pictures of the Stonehenge and introduce it.III. Practice:1. Im a little guider.Ask the pupils to be a l

15、ittle guider and take all of the classmates visiting the famous Stonehenge. Then well choose who is the best guider.2. Listen to the tape again and answer some questions.3. Learn the text.4. Do the role play.IV. Consolidation:V. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape and read the sentences in unit one.2. W

16、rite a small message to introduce Stonehenge.BlackboardDesign Module 6 Unit 1Stonehenge: Its a very old place. Its five thousand years old. Well see lots of very big stones. They are in a circle. Some stones are on the top of others.The 3rd period in module 6Type:NewTitle:Module6 Unit2 It was amazin

17、g. Date:TeachingContents1.Words: saysaid, take, joke, amazing.2. Unit 2 the email.Main Points and DifficultiesMain points:The new words.Difficulties: Talk about the traveling in the past.Teaching AidsTeacher:1.CAI. 2.Cards 3.CD-ROM.Students:booksTeaching Methods1. Writing a letter.2. Finish SBUnit2

18、activity2.3. Retell the traveling.TeachingProcedures .Warmer: 1. Greetings.2. Chant: Its a nice day.II. Presentation:Show the picture of the Stonehenge and ask the pupils to tell something about this.Review the text in Unit 1 and answer the questions about Unit 1.Show them the letter from Lingling.

19、And ask them listen and answer the questions.III. Practice:1. Retell the letter.Ask the students to retell the story about the travel as Lingling or as Mr Smart.2. Memory game. The teacher will read a passage and ask them try to remember and answer the questions.3.Activity1: Listening competition.St

20、udents listen to the sentences in activity and try to write down the words,one word,one point.After hearing all the sentences,read them after the teacher.Learn the text Listen to text.Listen again and try to repeat the sentences.Read the sentences and practice.Invite some students to the front and i

21、ntroduce their travel in the past.IV. Consolidation:Finish activity2.Students look at the pictures and try to describe them with the sentence pattern they have learned. Invite some students to show the others, V. Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and read the sentences in unit two.2.Make sentences with

22、 the new words.个性修改BlackboardDesignUnit2 A letter from Lingling.1. Its a _ from _ to_.2. What did they do?3. What did Mr Smart say?4. Did they have a good time?PostscriptThe 4th period in module 6Type:NewTitle: Module6 Unit2 It was amazing. Date:TeachingContents1. Review and retell the text. 2. Poem

23、: We will do the same things.Main Points and DifficultiesMain points:Review the text.Difficulties:Learn the chant.Teaching AidsTeacher:1.tape 2.stickerStudents:Teaching Methods1. Learn and say the poem.2.Retell the text.3. Tell their own travel.TeachingProcedures .Warmer: 1. Greetings.2. Students do

24、 a duty report.II. Presentation:1. Talk about the activities we usually do in our life. And learn some new phrases.2. Learn the poem: We will do the same things.3. Ask some students to act it out.III. Practice:1.Revision.Review the two texts in this Module. And check the reading.2. Retell the text.S

25、tudents try to retell the travelling story by their own words. And ask some students to retell in class.3.Free talk: Show the students some different photos from the students and encourage some to describe them. Talk about their own travelling story.IV. Consolidation:Activity4.V. Homework: 1. Listen

26、 to the tape and practice the poem.2.Try to tell their own traveling story.个性修改BlackboardDesign Module 6 Unit 2 Where did you go? When did you go? How?What did you do there?PostscriptThe 5th period in module 6 Type:ReviewTitle:Module6 Date:TeachingContents1. Review the target languages.2 .Finish the

27、 exercises about this module.Main Points and DifficultiesMain points:Review SBUnit1,2.Difficulties:Finish the exercises in exercise book.Teaching AidsTeacher:1.CD-ROM 2.Stickers.Students:Exercise books Teaching Methods1. Review the chant.2. Finish the exercises.TeachingProcedures .Warmer: 1. Weather

28、 and date report.2. Song: Long,long ago.II. Presentation:Listen to the text and review the chant:We will do the same thing. Invite some students to act out.III. Practice:1.Finish exercise1.Students read the words first.Listen and write the correct word in the blanks.Listen again and check the answer

29、s.2.Finish exercise2.Students read and tick the correct picture according to the sentences.3. Finish exercise3,4.Look at the pictures and write the words. Read the sentences, answer first and then write the answers on the line.4. Finish exercise5. Students read the passages first. Read again and try

30、 to choose the correct answers for each question. IV. Consolidation:Invite some students to the front and try to introduce something they like to the others.V. Homework: 1. Try to recite the words and make sentences with the words.2. Review the next unit. 个性修改BlackboardDesign Module 6I went to the park. I will go to the park.I went there by bus. I will go there by bus.I saw many trees. I will see many trees.Postscript

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