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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world导学案.docx

1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world导学案罗庙中学 八年级导学案 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授听说课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Period 1 Section A (1a-1c) 【励志话语】Well begun, half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半1、明确目标【Teaching Key Points】The Vocabulary:square meter deep desert Target language:Wha

2、ts the highest mountain in the world? - Qomolangma.【Teaching Difficult Points】 Use the target language above to talk about geography and nature.2、自主学习(一)新知探寻:1. 预习课本,尽可能多的收集关于1a部分四幅图的信息。2. 从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。(1)世界上最高的山峰 (2)亚洲最长的河 (3)世界上最大的沙漠 (4)世界上最深的咸水湖 (二)预习感知:. Qomolangma is the highest mountain in th

3、e world. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ mountain in the world?. She is taller than any other girl in her class.(改为同义句) She is_ _ _in her class. The Caspian Sea is 1,025 meters deep.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is the Caspian Sea?三、展示交流1. 比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员课前准备的短语,看哪个小组完成得最棒!2. 1a 展示同学们搜集的信息,讨论1a部分的四幅图片。3. 1b 听录音完成1b,并在小组内共同订正听力

4、的答案。4. 用1b中的信息编写对话。四、合作探究 三、自测达标一、单项选择( )1. -Do you know _ it is from Guangzhou to Beijing? -About 2,200 kilometers. A. How wide B. how soon C. How much D. How far( )2. When did you _ the top of the mountains. A. arrive B. reach C. get D. climb( )3. China is larger than _country in Asia. A. any B. a

5、ny other C. other D. Another( )4. China is larger than _ in Africa. A. any country B. any other country C. the other countries D. any of the other countries二、填空 1. The Island is about 3,060 square kilometers in s_.2. The hole is bout five meters d_.3. The hunter s_ the deer, but he failed. The deer

6、ran away quickly.4. Lucy is more careful than a_ other student in her class.5. We learned some important g_ facts.6. Which is the d_ salt lake in the world?7. The Amazon is the second l_ river in the world.8. Qomolangma is h_ than any other mountain in the world.3、连词成句1. the, the , is, which, lake,

7、in, deepest, world, salt,_2. the, the, is, river, Nile, in, the, longest,world_3. mountain, highest, world, whats, in, the, the, _4. than, in, its, country, world, other, the, higher,any, _5. know,questions, it, you,answers, my,the, to, ,that, seems, all _四、学后反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_ 感到自己有待加强的是 罗庙中学 八年级导学案

8、 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授听说课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Period 2 Section A (2a-2d) 【励志话语】Industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母一、明确目标【Teaching Key Points】The Vocabulary: population, Asia, feel free, tour, tourist, wall, amazing, ancient, protect, wide, as far as i

9、knowTarget language: China is almost as big as the US, but it is the biggest country in Asia.【Teaching Difficult Points】 Use the target language above to talk about geography and nature.二、自主学习(一)检查2a-2d 的预习效果(熟练掌握单词和词组)(二)预习感知:预习课本,从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。1. 明朝_ 2. 人造物_3. 最古老的文明古国之一_4. 随便(做某事) _ 5. 据我所知 _6. 长

10、城_7. 长得多_8. 古代皇帝_ 三、合作交流1、合作学习(1) 放录音让学生完成2a和2b (2) 根据录音材料,小组操练 2、拓展延伸 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。China has the biggest p_ in the world. A lot of t_ visit the Great Wall every day. How do you p_ yourself when you go out alone at night? -I will take a knife. The river is not d_, we can walk across it. China is i

11、n the east of A_.三、自测达标罗庙中学 八年级导学案 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授阅读课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Period 3 Section A (3a-3c) 【励志话语】 Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!一、明确目标【Teaching Key Points】The Vocabulary: achievement, southwestern, thick, include, freezing

12、, condition, take in, succeed, challenge, in the face of, achieve, force, nature, even though=even ifTarget language: 1. One of the worlds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. 2. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near

13、the top.【Teaching Difficult Points】 Use the target language above to talk about geography and nature.二、自主学习自主预习(一) 预习任务: 认读并书写本课单词 1.个人自读,记忆单词 2.小组互相检查读、写情况(二) 预习诊断 A单词1. 成就_ 2. 成功_ 3. 厚的,浓的_4. 包括_ 5. 西南的_ 6. 条件,状况_ 7. 自然界_ 8. 达到,完成_ 9.挑战_B.短语1. Thick clouds_ 2. risk ones life_ 3. 面对困难_ 4. 寒冷的天气_ 5.

14、 自然的力量_ 6. 挑战自我_7. 绵延西南部_ 8. 登山运动_ 9. The first people to succeed_ 10. 一场狂风暴雨_ C.句子最主要的原因之一是因为人们在面临困难时想挑战自我。 _ 世界上最危险的运动之一是登山。 _ 我们应该从不放弃实现自己的梦想。_ 人类有时候比自然的力量更强大。 三、合作交流1、 预习交流 (1)阅读3a 的内容 (2) 完成3d2、 合作学习 (1)完成3c (2)小组活动 (3)核对答案3、拓展延伸 4、自测达标一、单项选择( )1. Lanzhou is the only capital city that the Yello

15、w River, the second_river in China, passes through. A. long B. longest C. longer D. the longest( )2. Li Huas shoes are as _ as Xiao Yuns. A. cheaper B. cheapest C. cheap D. cheaply( )3. _its raining hard, they continued working outside. A.Even though B. As soon as C. Unless D. Until二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 他

16、爱爬山运动,他总是面对困难挑战自己。He loves _ _. He always _ himself _ _ _ _ difficulties.2. 你如果不努力学习功课,你将不能实现梦想。_you work hard on your subjects, you wont _ _ _.3. 太平洋是世界上最大的洋。The Pacific Ocean is _ _ _in the world.4. 有时人类的力量比自然的力量更强。Human can sometimes be stronger than _ _ _ _四、学后反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_ 感到自己有待加强的是 罗庙中学 八

17、年级导学案 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授语法课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Period 4 Section A (Grammar Focus 4a-4c) 【励志话语】 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 一、明确目标【Teaching Key Points】The Vocabulary:ocean, the Pacific OceanTarget language: 1. Did you know that China is one of the oldest

18、countries in the world. 2. The Yangtze River is almost as long as the Amazon River.【Teaching Difficult Points】 Use the target language above to talk about events.二、自主学习自主预习 1.学生自学新单词,看谁记得又快又准。 (1).个人自读,记忆单词 (2).小组互相检查读、写情况 2. 熟练朗读Grammar FocusA、单词+词组大海;海洋 太平洋 B、改错1. Whats the higher mountain in the

19、world? _2. Its higher than any other mountains in the world. _3. Did you know that China is one of the older countries in the world. _3. The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lake. _4. The Yangtze River is almost such long as the Amazon River. _C、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。1. The article has only thr

20、ee p_.2. His duties_(包括)sending and receiving letters.3. Work hard, and you will a_ your dream.4. In fact, _(自然界)is much better at recycling than we humans are.5. These creatures(生物)live in the Pacific O_.三、合作交流1、 预习交流1. 各小组自己朗读 Grammar Focus中的内容。相互帮助理解。2. 小组竞争:看哪个小组最快最好地翻译所有句子。2、 合作学习1. 注意should 的用

21、法,完成4a-4c的任务3、拓展延伸四、自测达标 罗庙中学 八年级导学案 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授听说课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Period 5 Section B (1a-1d) 【励志话语】 Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。一、明确目标【Teaching Key Points】The Vocabulary: cm, weigh, birth, at birth, up to, ad

22、ultTarget language: 1. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. 2. Pandas eat 10 kilos of food a day. 3. At birth, a baby panda is about-cm long.【Teaching Difficult Points】 The usage of “at birth” and “many times”.2、自主学习1、 预习交流1. 各小组自己朗读单词表中本课的新单词和词组。教师巡视,帮助学生理解。2. 小组竞争:看哪个小组最快最好地读出单词,并

23、掌握和理解。A、单词+词组厘米 成年的,成人的 出生时_ 重量是_ 至多有,不多于_ 每天吃10公斤的食物_ 吃的是-的许多倍 _ B、预习感知 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。 1. Tom is the_(tall) of the three boys. 2. This panda is_(heavy)than that one. 3. The elephant can eat 150_ (kilo) of food a day. 4. We should eat _(little) meat and eat (many) vegetables. 5. Qingdao is one of

24、 the_(beautiful) cities in Shandong.2、 合作学习1、注意at birth和many times的用法,完成Section B 1a的任务2、播放录音,完成1b、1c,3、拓展延伸完成1d.三、自测达标 罗庙中学 八年级导学案 英语 (下册) 课型: 新授阅读课 主备人:彭芳 审核 八年级英语备课组课题:Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Period 6 Section B (2a-3b) 【励志话语】Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 一、明确目标【Teac

25、hing Key Points】The Vocabulary: bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, walk into, fall over, illness, remaining, or so, artwork, wild, governmentTarget language: 1. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. 2. Pandas eat 10 kilos of food a day. 3. At birth, a baby panda is about-cm long.【Teaching Difficult Points】 Learn to describe animals in a certain order.二、自主学习单词饲养员_ 疾病_ 研究,调查_ 醒着_濒危的_ 激动,兴奋_ 遗留的_ 图片,插图_野生的_ 竹子_主要词组1. 其他的_ 2.

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