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本文(FDA口服速释制剂根据BCS分类系统的生物利用度与生物等效性研究及生物等效性豁免.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、FDA口服速释制剂根据BCS分类系统的生物利用度与生物等效性研究及生物等效性豁免口服速释制剂根据BCS分类系统的生物利用度与生物等效性研究及生物等效性豁免(草案)Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on a Biopharmaceutics Classification System Guidance for Industry2015年5月一、介绍本指南为IND、NDA、ANDA、口服固体速释制剂的补充申请

2、以及申请体内生物利用度或生物等效性研究的申请人提供建议。这些生物等效豁免包括:(1)subsequent in vivo BA or BE studies of formulations after the initial establishment of the in vivo BA of IR dosage forms during the IND period;(2)in vivo BE studies of IR dosage forms in ANDAs.美国食品及药物管理局颁发的“联邦法规21章”(21CFR)第320部分描述了药品申请和补充申请对生物利用度和生物等效性数据的要求。

3、同时在21CFR 320.22部分有关于体内生物利用度或生物等效性豁免的有关条款。本指南是在2000年8月份颁布的“Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on a Biopharmaceutics Classification System”基础上的更新,指南中说明的关于口服固体制剂生物等效的豁免是基于BCS分类系统的方法。本指南关于还将生物等效豁免拓宽至BCS 3类的药物,还包括一些其他的修改,比如对高溶解

4、性和高渗透性的定义。二、BCS分类系统BCS是针对API的水溶性和肠道渗透性对药物进行分类的一个科学的框架性系统。当涉及到制剂的溶出时,BCS系统需要考虑影响API从制剂中溶出的速率和药物的吸收程度的三个关键因素:1、溶出(dissolution);2、溶解性(solubility);3、胃肠道的渗透性(intestinal permeability)BCS分类:BCS分类SolubilityPermeabilityClass1HighHighClass 2LowHighClass 3HighLowClass4LowLow此外,有一些口服固体速释制剂被分类为有一个快速的或是非常快速的溶出度。(

5、In addition, some IR solid oral dosage forms are categorized as having rapid or very rapid dissolution.)在此框架下,当满足某些特定条件,BCS分类系统可以被用来作为药品申请人证明生物等效性豁免请求的工具。如果观察到两个药剂学等效的固体制剂体内的吸收速率和吸收程度(rate and extent of absorption)有差别,可能是因为二者在体内溶出的区别(differences in drug dissolution in vivo)。然而当口服固体速释制剂在体内的溶出相对于胃排空时间

6、快或是非常快并且药物的水溶性很高,那么药物的吸收速率和吸收程度就不可能依赖于药物的溶出时间或胃肠道通过时间。(However, when the in vivo dissolution of an IR solid oral dosage form is rapid or very rapid in relation to gastric emptying and the drug has high solubility, the rate and extent of drug absorption is unlikely to be dependent on drug dissolution

7、 and/or gastrointestinal (GI) transit time)因此在这种情况下,对于BCS分类1类和3类的药物,只要处方中的非活性成份不显著影响API的吸收,那么证明体内生物利用度或生物等效可能就不是必须的。(Under such circumstances, demonstration of in vivo BA or BE may not be necessary for drug products containing class 1 and class 3 drug substances, as long as the inactive ingredients

8、used in the dosage form do not significantly affect absorption of the active ingredients.)本指南中关于BCS分类方法的概述可以被用来证明对于那些使用推荐的测定方法并在体外表现出快速或是非常快速的高溶解-高渗透性药物(比如BCS1类)和高溶解性-低渗透性的药物(比如BCS 3类)豁免生物等效是合理的(2000版只有BCS1类)。推荐的测定溶解性、渗透性以及体外溶出的方法将在下面进行讨论。(The BCS approach outlined in this guidance can be used to ju

9、stify biowaivers for highly soluble and highly permeable drug substances (i.e., class 1) as well as highly soluble and low permeable drug substances (i.e., class 3) in IR solid oral dosage forms that exhibit rapid or very rapid in vitro dissolution using the recommended test methods. The recommended

10、 methods for determining solubility, permeability, and in vitro dissolution are discussed below)1、溶解性关于溶解性的分类是根据申请生物等效豁免制剂的最大规格进行界定。当制剂的最大规格对应的API在250ml(或是更少)pH16.8的水溶性介质中自由溶解则可认为该API是高溶解性药物(2000版是pH17.5)。250ml的体积估算值是参照针对空腹的志愿者处方口服药物需要的一杯水的体积的典型BE研究方案。2、渗透性渗透性的分类是间接依据API在体内的吸收程度(剂量吸收分数,而不是全身的生物利用度)和

11、直接测量药物的跨膜质量转移速率进行界定。(The permeability class boundary is based indirectly on the extent of absorption (fraction of dose absorbed, not systemic BA) of a drug substance in humans, and directly on measurements of the rate of mass transfer across human intestinal membrane)另外其他可以用来预测药物在体内吸收程度的方法也可以使用。(比如使

12、用原位动物,体外上皮细胞培养的方法等)。当一个口服药物采用质量平衡测定的结果或是相较于静脉注射的参照剂量,显示在体内的吸收程度85%以上(并且有证据证明药物在胃肠道稳定性良好)则可说明该药物具有高渗透性。(2000版的限度时90%)(A drug substance is considered to be highly permeable when the extent of absorption in humans is determined to be percent or more of an administered dose based on a mass balance deter

13、mination (along with evidence showing stability of the drug in the GI tract) or in comparison to an intravenous reference dose.)3、溶出度口服速释制剂具有快速溶度度(rapidly dissolving)的定义是:采用美国药典的方法,方法1在100rpm(或是方法2在50rpm或75rpm的合理转速条件,见第三部分)、500ml(或是更少)的以下每个溶出介质中在30min内API的溶出均能达到标示量的85%以上。(2000版是900ml的介质)介质包括:(1)0.1m

14、ol/L HCL或是USP中不含酶的模拟胃液;(2)pH4.5缓冲介质;(3)pH6.8缓冲介质或是USP中不含酶的的模拟肠液。(!注意介质中不含有水!)(An IR drug product is considered rapidly dissolving when 85 percent or more of the labeled amount of the drug substance dissolves within 30 minutes, using United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Apparatus I at 100 rpm (or Apparat

15、us II at 50 rpm or at 75 rpm when appropriately justified (see section III.C.) in a volume of 500 mL or less in each of the following media: (1) 0.1 N HCl or Simulated Gastric Fluid USP without enzymes; (2) a pH 4.5 buffer; and (3) a pH 6.8 buffer or Simulated Intestinal Fluid USP without enzymes.)口

16、服速释制剂具有非常快速溶度度(very rapidly dissolving)的定义是:在上述条件下15min溶出在85%以上。(2000版没有该定义)三、推荐的原料药分类方法和测定制剂溶出特性的方法(RECOMMENDED METHODOLOGY FOR CLASSIFYING A DRUG SUBSTANCE AND FOR DETERMINING THE DISSOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF A DRUG PRODUCT)以下是依据BCS分类系统推荐的API的分类和口服速释制剂溶出度特性的测定方法。1、确定API的溶解性分类BCS方法的目的之一是测定API在生理p

17、H条件下的平衡溶解度。原料药pH-溶解性曲线的测定应该在371,pH16.8的水溶性介质中测定。pH-溶解度曲线上的pH选择应该有充足的点,并且是在pH16.8的范围内。(A sufficient number of pH conditions should be evaluated to accurately define the pH-solubility profile within the pH range of 1-6.8.)溶解度测定的pH点的选择可以参照药物的解离常数,包括pH = pKa, pH = pKa +1, pH = pKa-1,以及pH1.0和pH6.8的点。推荐的方

18、法是每个pH点的溶解度至少重复测定三次!由于研究的变异性,为了保证溶出度数据的可靠性可能还需要更多次的重复测定。USP中规定的标准缓冲溶液用来测定溶解度被认为是恰当的。如果上述规定的缓冲介质对药物的理化性质有影响,其他的缓冲介质也可以使用。当原料药加入到介质中,介质的pH需要进行验证。除了传统的摇瓶法,酸碱滴定法也可以被用来说明预测药物平衡溶解度的方法是合理的。(Methods other than the traditional shake-flask method, such as acid or base 128 titration methods, can also be used w

19、ith justification to support the ability of such methods to predict 129 equilibrium solubility of the test drug substance)在选定介质中API的浓度下,应该使用经验证的含量测定方法以区分API和其降解产物。如果API的降解产物影响缓冲介质的组成,如pH,需要报告。If degradation of the drug substance is observed as a function of buffer composition and/or pH, it should be

20、 reported. The solubility class should be determined by calculating the volume of an aqueous medium sufficient to dissolve the highest strength in the pH range of 1-6.8. A drug substance should be classified as highly soluble when the highest strength is soluble in 250 mL of aqueous media over the p

21、H range of 1-6.8. In other words, the maximum dose divided by 250 should be greater than or equal to the lowest solubility observed over the entire pH range of 1-6.8.2、确定药物的渗透性分类API的渗透性分类可以通过受试者体内试验确定,比如质量平衡(Mass Balance Studies)或是全身的体内生物利用度(Absolute Bioavailability Studies),这通常被认为是比较好的方法,也可以通过肠灌注的方

22、法。推荐的不涉及人体受试者的方法包括在动物模型上的体内或原位肠灌注或是使用切下肠组织的体外渗透的方法。在很多情况下单一的方法可能是足够的,如果单一方法无法确认渗透性分类,建议使用两种方法。如果采用不同的方法获得了互相矛盾的信息,更应该关注人体数据。(1)人体的药代动力学研究:包括Mass Balance Studies和Absolute Bioavailability Studies,详细略。(2)胃肠道渗透性方法:略。(3)胃肠道不稳定(Instability in the Gastrointestinal Tract):略3、测定制剂的溶出特性和溶出曲线相似性Dissolution tes

23、ting should be carried out in USP Apparatus I at 100 rpm or Apparatus II at 50 rpm (or at 75 rpm when appropriately justified) using 500 mL of the following dissolution media: (1) 0.1 N HCl or Simulated Gastric Fluid USP without enzymes; (2) a pH 4.5 buffer; and (3) a pH 6.8 buffer or Simulated Inte

24、stinal Fluid USP without enzymes. 对于胶囊剂或是有明胶包衣的片剂,也可以使用USP中规定的模拟胃液或是模拟肠液。For capsules and tablets with gelatin coating, Simulated Gastric and Intestinal Fluids USP (with enzymes) can be used.溶出测定装置需要满足USP的要求。在药品开发过程中溶出装置的选择(USP 1法和2法)应该依据产品体外溶出和体内药代动力学数据的对比。USP Apparatus I (篮法)通常适用于胶囊剂和易于漂浮的产品,USP A

25、pparatus II(桨法)通常适用于片剂。对于某些片剂,在体外(不是在体内)的溶出可能因为片剂崩解后沉在溶出杯底部而造成溶出很慢。在这种情况下USP的1法可能要优于2法。For some tablet dosage forms, in vitro (but not in vivo) dissolution may be slow due to the manner in which the disintegrated product settles at the bottom of a dissolution vessel. In such situations, USP Apparatu

26、s I may be preferred over Apparatus II.如果溶出测定条件为了更好地反应产品在体内的快速溶出而需要调整(比如使用不同的搅拌转速),这样的调整需要使用体外溶出和体内吸收数据进行对比,证明其合理性。(比如使用单一水溶液作为对照品的相对生物利用度研究)If the testing conditions need to be modified to better reflect rapid in vivo dissolution (e.g., use of a different rotating speed), such modifications can be

27、justified by comparing in vitro dissolution with in vivo absorption data (e.g., a relative BA study using a simple aqueous solution as the reference product).生物等效豁免试验需要至少12个单剂量产品进行支持评估。溶出曲线测定过程需要取足够多的时间点进行溶出曲线的绘制。(比如:5min、10min、15min、20min和30min)当进行供试品和参比制剂的溶出曲线对比时应使用相似因子的方法(f2)。 当f2 value is 50可判断两

28、条溶出曲线相似。为了确保可以使用平均数据,在初始取样点(如10min)溶出数据的变异系数不能超过20%,其他取样点的变异系数不能超过10%。需要注意的是当供试品和参比制剂在推荐的三种溶出介质中15min内的溶出均达到标示量的85%以上,就不需要进行f2因子对比。4、基于BCS的生物等效豁免This guidance is applicable for BA/BE waivers (biowaivers) based on BCS, for BCS class 1 and class 3 immediate-release solid oral dosage forms.对于BCS 1类的药物需

29、要证明以下几点:(1)the drug substance is highly soluble (2)the drug substance is highly permeable(3)the drug product (test and reference) is rapidly dissolving, and the product does not contain any excipients that will affect the rate or extent of absorption of the drug (see section V.A.) 对于BCS 3类药物需要证明以下几点

30、:(1)the drug substance is highly soluble (2)the drug product (test and reference) is very rapidly dissolving;(3)and the test product formulation is qualitatively the same and quantitatively very similar e.g., falls within scale-up and post-approval changes (SUPAC- SUPAC-IR指导原则:速释口服固体制剂:放大生产和批准后变更) I

31、R level 1 and 2 changes, in composition to the reference (see section V.A.) 5、生物等效豁免申请的其他考虑When requesting a BCS-based biowaiver for in vivo BA/BE studies for IR solid oral dosage forms, sponsors/applicants should note that the following factors can affect their request or the documentation of their

32、 request。(1)辅料BCS1类药物:辅料有时候可能会影响药物的吸收速率和吸收程度。一般来说使用FDA已经批准的速释制剂中使用的辅料,对于BCS1类速释制剂的药物吸收速率和吸收程度不会有影响。为了支持生物等效豁免的申请,速释制剂中辅料的用量应该和辅料在处方中对应的功能保持一致(比如说润滑剂)。但是处方中使用新的辅料或是辅料的用量超过常规的用量范围,申请人必须提供文件证明该行为对生物利用度没有影响。Such information can be provided with a relative BA study using a simple aqueous solution as the reference product.某些辅料如果用量很大可能是个问题,比如说表面活性剂(吐温80)和甜味剂(如甘露醇和山梨醇),当遇到这种情况鼓励申请人与监管部门沟通。BCS3类药物:BCS3类药物和BCS1类药物不同,如果想要申请生物等效豁免,BCS3类药物必须与参比制剂含有相同的辅料组成。这主要是考虑辅料可能对低渗透性药物的吸收影响更显著。因此,供试样品与参比制剂必须有相同的辅料组成,辅料用料也应该与参比制剂相似。(Unlike for BCS class 1 produc

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