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本文(人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元测试题无听力部分.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元测试题无听力部分.docx

1、人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元测试题无听力部分绝密启用前人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元测试题(无听力部分)试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:75分钟;命题人:xxx学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分注意事项1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)1、You shouldnt drive for more than three hours _ relaxing.

2、Its too dangerous.AonBwithoutCthroughDin2、Mary is serious about her study. She wont go to bed _ she finishes all her homework.AifBbecauseCwhenDuntil3、Do you have time for a coffee? Sorry, Im really busy today. Maybe _ time.AanotherBthe otherCanyDevery4、Im not _ that Joe didnt keep his promise. But f

3、or me, it was a piece of _ news.Asurprising; surprisedBsurprising; surprisingCsurprised; surprisingDsurprised; surprised5、We believe there are months of _ behind any successful event.ApreparationBpollutionCinformationDeducation6、Jack didnt _ my question right away. He said he needed to think about i

4、t.AreplyBreply toCcareDcare about7、New Years Day is coming. The children are looking forward to _ gifts from their parents.AreceiveBchooseCreceivingDchoosing8、Is Mr. Miller in his office? No. I saw him _ ten minutes ago.Agoing outBto go outCwent outDgo out9、Anna, would you like _ us for dinner after

5、 work?AjoinBjoiningCto joinDto joining10、Mike is a warm-hearted boy. Im sure if you ask him to help you, he wont _.AappearBrefuseCworryDpromise11、Frank _ be back next week, but Im not sure about it.AmightBwillCwouldDhas to12、Hi, Jack! _ you come to our English party?Sorry, I have to look after my li

6、ttle sister at home.AShouldBMustCCanDNeed13、I dont know what to do with my cat when Im on holiday. Ill _ it for you if you like.Ashout toBwait forCthink ofDlook after14、_ lovely girl the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui is! She is very famous now.AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a15、May, Ill give you a call this Frid

7、ay. Lets discuss it at that time. OK. _.AI disagree with youBCatch you thenCYou can make itDLucky you评卷人得分二、完形填空(题型注释)Dear Lisa, How are you? Im going to have a birthday party next Friday at my house. Can you come to my party? It will be very _! Lots of people from our school will come. You _some of

8、 them they are Petra, Karl, Marco and Rob. Im sure it will be exciting to talk and play _them. If you can come, could you bring some delicious food?My _is just behind our school, and its next to a park. I think you can find it _. You wont miss it. Im looking forward to your reply. I _you can come. S

9、ee you soon.Yours,Nick Dear Nick,Thanks for your _. Id like to go to your party, _Im sorry I cant. Im not _that day. My family will take a trip to Beijing next Thursday to see my grandparents. However, I will prepare some delicious food for _on Wednesday and ask my uncle to bring it to you on Friday

10、. Also, Ill send a birthday gift to you from Beijing. Yours,Lisa 16、AusefulBcheapCinterestingDdifficult17、AknowBhelpCbelieveDserve18、AfromBoverCintoDwith19、AhotelBhouseCofficeDshop20、AeasilyBseriouslyCquietlyDslowly21、AforgetBdecideChopeDshow22、ApredictionBinvitationCprogramDresult23、AsoBorCandDbut2

11、4、AavailableBhealthyCluckyDtired25、AmeByouChimDher评卷人得分三、阅读理解(题型注释)BillyMy birthday is on April 29th. This year, I had a birthday party at home and invited all my friends.We put a big table with chairs around it in the living room. On the table there was a big cake. There were twelve candles on it.

12、Everyone had a piece of cake. Then I got my gifts. I got a CD from my sister. My father and mother gave me a CD player. My friends gave me a basketball and some books. JacobI love my birthday. Its on February 18th. This year, my mother and I made a big cake. That was fun. My friends came to my house

13、 and we played many games and they brought me lots of gifts. As usual, my parents gave me great books for my birthday.In the afternoon, my father took my friends and me to an old peoples home. We brought them some cakes and fruits. We read newspapers to them. They were very happy.DaleMy birthday is

14、on July 1st. This year I had a birthday party in the park. I played football with my friends there. We all love playing football. At noon, we had a barbecue (户外烧烤), and everyone enjoyed it. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26、How old is Billy?ATen.BEleven.CTwelve.DThirteen.27、What do Jacobs parents usually give him for

15、 his birthday?ACDs.BBooks.CCakes.DClothes.28、Who took Jacob and his friends to an old peoples home?AHis father.BHis mother.CHis uncle.DHis aunt.29、What did Dale and his friends play in the park?ABasketball.BVolleyball.CBaseball.DFootball.30、You may find the material in a _.AdiaryBdictionaryCschool m

16、agazineDscience newspaperTyler ran into the kitchen.“Mom, Im going to the park!” he said.“Be careful!” said his mom. The park was just down the street. Tyler rode his bike there. It was one of his favorite places to go. The park looked pretty crowded. Some kids were playing. But other kids took garb

17、age (垃圾) bags. They were picking up the garbage.Tyler stopped his bike. One of the kids was Lauren, a girl from his school. She smiled (微笑) at Tyler.“Were cleaning up the park today,” she said. “Want to help?”“No, thanks,” said Tyler. Today was Saturday. He came to the park to have fun, not to work!

18、Tyler rode his bike around the park. He passed (经过) the swings. He passed the small lake. As he rode, he saw things he never saw before. There was lots of garbage. The park was very dirty.Tyler rode back to Lauren. He got off his bike.“Ill help,” he said. Lauren smiled.“Here,” she said. She gave him

19、 a bag. Tyler and the other kids cleaned for about an hour. When they finished, the park looked different. Before Tyler left the park, he rode around it again. The tired boy looked here and there and didnt see any garbage. A big smile came over his face. He would always remember this Saturday.根据材料内容

20、选择最佳答案。31、How did Tyler go to the park?ABy bus.BBy car.CBy bike.DOn foot.32、What was the relationship between Lauren and Tyler?ACousins.BSchoolmates.CThey were in the same club.DThey lived in the same neighborhood.33、Tyler rode back to Lauren because he _.Adidnt want to go homeBwanted to play with h

21、erCwanted to work with herDdidnt want to clean the park34、When Tyler left the park, he was _.Atired but happyBtired and sadCcold but happyDcold and sad35、Which is the best title for the passage?ATylers favorite placeBA different SaturdayCTylers best friendDA crowded park第II卷(非选择题)评卷人得分四、翻译(题型注释)根据汉语

22、意思完成英语句子,每空一词。36、他们一家人打算去大连旅行。His family plan _ to Dalian.37、我们可以只是闲逛一下,开开心。We can just _ and have a good time.38、琳达前天参观了消防站。Linda visited the fire station _.39、如果你感冒了你应该去看医生。You should _ if you have a cold.40、上个月我没有收到我表妹的来信。I didnt _ my cousin last month.评卷人得分五、选词填空(题型注释)A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。accep

23、t, exam, available, glad, delete41、The doctor is not _ now. You have to wait.42、Oh, I cant _ the gift. Its too expensive.43、Sam is very _ that his sister will study in Peking University.44、_ Marks name from the list (名单). He doesnt want to go camping with us.45、She usually gets over 80 points in any

24、 _.阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。three, article, stop, practice, I, inside, luck, but, for, placeTom Barry is 17. He started skateboarding (滑滑板) when he was nine. He grew up in New York. There he 46、 hard and won his first competition. He was 47、 . A writer watched him that day, and then

25、wrote a(n)48、 about him. “They even made a video (录像) of 49、 !” said Tom. “I left school last year and now the magazine is paying me to practice and to skateboard in competitions. But Im not doing this50、 the money. Im doing this because its so much fun!”Tom has just come back from Japan. Skateboard

26、ing is the 51、 most popular sport for boys aged 12 to 16 in the USA, but in Japan it is less popular.“I took my skateboard out to the city street and the traffic (路上行驶的车辆) 52、 . People watched me!” said Tom. “The skateboarders in Japan dont have many53、 to practice outside. Skate parks are usually 54、 big buildings in large cities, so street skating is difficult there. 55、things are changing (改变). I enjoye

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