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1、中考英语总复习第1部分教材知识梳理篇八下Units34精讲检测八年级(下)Un its 3 4中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求1.Iend( v.) f _lent_(过去式/过去分词)借给;借出_borrow_(反义词)借;借用2.independent( adj .) f independenee ( n.)独立3.develop( v.) f _development_( n.)发展;发育;成长_developing_( adj .)发展中的_developed_( adj.)发达的;成熟的;先进的4.fair( adj .) f _fairness_( n.)公平性;合理性f_unfa

2、ir_(反义词)不合理的;不公正的5.ill( adj .) f _illness_( n.)疾病;病 muni eate( v.) f _communication_( n.)交流;沟通词7.proper( adj .) f _properly_( adv.)正确地;恰当地汇8.usual( adj .) f _unusual_(反义词)特别的;不寻常的攻f_usually_( adv.)通常地;寻常地关9.fold( v.) f unfold (反义词)展开;打开10.throw( v.) f _threw_(过去式)f_thrown_(过去分词)扔;掷11.sweep(v.) f swe

3、pt (过去式/过去分词)扫;打扫 n.) f cloudy ( adj .)多云的13.argue( v.) f argument ( n.)辩论;争论 v.) f pressure ( n.)压力15.push( v.) f pull (反义词)拉:拽16.typical( adj .) f typically ( adv.)典型地17.quick( adj .) f quickly ( adv.)快地;迅速地短1.倒垃圾 take out the rubbish2.频繁;反复 all the time归3. 就 _as_soon_as_纳4.目的是;为

4、了 in order to5.依靠;信赖 _depend_on_6.照顾;处理 _take_care_of_7.快速查看;浏览 look through&重要的事 _big_deal_9.成功地发展;解决 _work_out_10.和睦相处;关系良好 _get_on_with_11.删除;删去 _cut_out_12.比较;对比 _comparewith _13.依 看 _in_ones_opinion_14.过来;顺便拜访 _come_over_15.浪费时间 _a_waste_of time_16.生某人的气 _be_angry with_sb._17.和某人打架 have a fight

5、 with sb.句1.(请求帮助)“你能扫一下地吗?” “好的,当然可以。”型 Could you please sweep the floor?再Yes, sure .现2.(请求他人的允许)“我可以用 你的电脑吗? ”“对不起,我现在要用。”(Could I use your computer?含 Sorry . rm going to work on it now.情3.他们应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学。景They should spe nd their time on schoolwork交in order to get good grades and get

6、into a good际uni versity.)4.同时,当他们长大后,他们将不得不做家务,所以他们现在没必要做家务。Also , when they get older , they will have to do housework so_there_is_no_need_for_them_to_do_it_ now.5 反正我认为做家务不是很难。我并不介意做家务。And any way , I think _doing_chores_ is not so difficult .Ido not mind doing them.6.昨天我发现我的妹妹在翻阅我的东西。Ifound my si

7、ster _looking_through_ my things yesterday.7.相反,他想看什么就看什么,一直看到深夜。In stead he watches whatever he wants un til late at ni ght.&孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。The earlier_ kids learn to be independent , the better_ it is fortheir future.9人们不该把自己的孩子逼得太紧。People _shouldnt push their kids so hard.10 并且他们总是把他们和其他孩子作比

8、较。And they _are_ alw ays_ comparing_ them with other children.II他们中有很多人在学习应试的技巧以便能考入一所好高中,随后进入一所好大 学。Many of them are learning exam skills _so_that 一 they can get into agood high school and later a good uni versity.12.我的问题就是我不能很好地和家人相处。My problem is _that I cant get on wi _my family . 13.虽然她做得不对,但也没

9、什么了不起的。Although, shes wrong , its not a _big _deal _.14.你最好的朋友不再信任你了。Your best friend does _not_trust you _anymore 语法1.情态动词could用于表示请求与允许(详见第二编P120)2.连词 until , so that , although(详见第二编 P110111)话题Un it 3 Chores and permissi on( 家务和许可)Un it 4 In terpers onal com muni cati on( 人际沟通)如何与他人相处:1. No one c

10、an live without keeping in touch with others.So itsimporta nt to lear n how to get on well with others.2. We should be kind and friendly to others , and then we can makemore frien ds.素3. If we are free , we can do some volunteer work to help our材包n eighbors.对人际沟通中存在的冋题给出建议:1. Dont be afraid of makin

11、g mistakes because no one is perfect.2. Youd better talk with your parents or teachers so that theycan help you.3. Try to listen more carefully and think of better ways toun dersta nd your pare nts.贵阳中考重难点突破考点 neither的用法(教材八下P19)【满分点拨】词性含义用法例句代词两者都 不(表示 全部否定)作主语,谓语动词常用单数Neither is right. 两个都不对。常与of连

12、用,neither of +名词复数/代词复数(此结构用作主语时,谓语用单数或复数都可以)Neither of them was/were in good health , but both of them worked very hard. 他们两个人身体都不好,但工作都非常努力。限两者用在单数名词之前(用作主语时,谓Neither book is my favorite. 两疋词都不语用单数)本书都不是我最喜欢的。副词也不表达前面所说的(否定)情况也适用于另外一个人,常构成倒装句:Neither +系动词/ 助动词/情态动词+主语(此句型时 态与前一句时态要保持一致 )Jeff was n

13、t at school andn either was Ben. 杰夫不在学校,本也不在。He does nt go to school bybike.他不骑自行车上学。Neither do I .我也不骑。【归纳拓展】neithernor用作连词,意为既不 也不 ,连接两个并列成分表示否定;反义短语为bothand,意为“两者都”。连接主语时,谓语动词一般遵循“就近原则”。如:Their house is n either big nor small. 他们的房子不大也不小。Neither you nor I am right. 你和我都不对。蒯(B ) 1.(新信息题)I dont lik

14、e the movie Hello , Mrs. Money李茶的姑妈). do I.A.So B. Neither C. Also(C ) 2. Neither you nor he Hawaii before.A. has gone to B . have been toC. has been to(C ) 3.(2018 达州中考改编)Why dont you get used to the life in Beijing? the crowded traffic the high living cost.The only reas on is the badly pollutedair

15、.A. Either ; or B . Both; andC. Neither ; nor考点- 辨析borrow , lend与keep (教材八下P20)【满分点拨】词汇MS例句borrow借进说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用于 borrow sth.from sb. 结构中,为终止性动词Can 1 borrow this book ?我可以借这本书吗?Yes, but you must nt lend itto others. 可以,但你不许借给别人。lend借出说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于 lend sb. 或 lendsb.sth.结构中,为终止性动词keep保

16、存;保留用于表示借用的时间长度,可以和 表示时间段的时间状语及 how long等连用,为延续性动词,可 用于现在兀成时How long may I keep thisbook ?这本书我可以借多长时间?Two weeks.两周。borrow , lend , keep1Can I _borr ow_ your dictio nary?Of course , but please remember that you cant _lend_ it to others.2.改为同义句)I borrowed Toms car 2 days ago , and he told me I could _

17、keep_ it for a week.3.( 2018 黔东南中考)I borrowed an English book from my classmate.(My classmate_lent_ an En glish book _to_ me.考史 辨析provide , give与offer (教材八下P22, P27)【满分点拨】单词含义用法provide指有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“供给、提供”provide sth.for sth.=providegive多指一般性的“给;给予”give sb.=give

18、er侧重表示“愿意给予”,强调主动提供offer offered me a job. 他 提供给我一份工作。offer sth.( 代词)to sb.( 代词)。若offer所接的直接宾语和间接宾语都为代词时,只能用(B ) 1. (2019 预测)The new supermarket local people with more chances to work.(A ) 2. ( 2018 深圳中考)Jack to help at the underground station on Saturdays.Cool! Lets join h

19、im next Saturday.A.offers B . refuses C . forgets(B ) 3. I a football to my brother as his birthday present.A. bought B . gave C . provided考点allow的用法(教材八下P25)【满分点拨】(C )( 2018 重庆中考 B 卷改编)Their parents dont allow them in the river because its really dan gerous.A. swim B . swam C. to sw im(1)as soon as

20、 意为【满分点拨】,引导时间状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时他一到那里,我就告诉你。Ill tell you as soon as/the minute/the moment he gets there.(2)as soon as possible = as soon as one can/could ,意为 尽可能快地”。舟A枪剑 (A ) 1. When shall we begin our trip?A. as soon as B . ever since C . so that(A ) 2.(2018 北部湾中考改编)As soon as she in Nanning

21、 , she will call you.Peter , could you please take out the rubbish?彼得,请你把垃圾倒掉好吗? (教材八下P17)A. arrives B . arrive C . arrived【满分点拨】句式常见答语Could(Ca n/Would/Will)you please dosth. ?表示请求或征求意见(相当于Pleasedo sth.)肯疋:Yes, sure./Certainly./Of course./With pleasure./No problem.否定: Sorry , I cant.I have to /mafra

22、id not.Could you please not do sth. ?常表示委婉批评或建议(相当于Dont do sth.)Sorry , I wont do that again.Could I do ?表示请求许可(相当于 MayI?)肯疋:Sure./Yes , you can.否定:Sorry , but you cant/youdbetter not./No , you cant.(A ) I have to go no w.Could you please order a taxi for me?B. You are kidding !A. My pleasureC. Good

23、 idea【满分点拨】这个句子是比较级的一个重点句型: the +比较级,the +比较级,意为“越,越The more you pay , the more you will gain. 付出越多,收获越多。 MH(C ) 1. The harder you work , youll be.A. luck B . luckier C . the luckier(A ) 2.( 2018 齐齐哈尔中考)Miss Brown tells us to remember that careful we aremistakes we will make.A.the more ; the fewerB.

24、the fewer ; the moreC.the more ; the less考点& Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening ?你今天晚上为什么不早点睡呢?下 P25)【满分点拨】(1)如何提出建议:What/How aboutdoi ng sth. ?做某事怎么样?Shall we do sth.?我们做某事好吗?Youd better (not)do sth.你最好(不)做某事。提出建议 Why not do sth.?为什么不做某事呢?Lets do!让我们做 吧!Would you mind doi ng sth. ?你介意做某事

25、吗?。如:(教材八(2)回答建议的常用句型:Good idea./OK./AII right./Sure./Certainly.否定答语:No, thanks./Sorry , I cant./Im afraid not.(A ) 1.(2018 毕节中考改编)Why not reading right now?A. start B. to start C. starting(B ) 2.(新信息题)The new movie Last Letter (你好,之华)is on.Wha t about the cinemato watch it?A. go to B . going to C .

26、 went to(B ) 3. (2018 达州中考改编)一I have a bad cold , mom.Oh, dear! Youd better a doctor with me in a minute.A. will see B . see C . seeing4.( 2018 重庆中考 B 卷)Why dont you watch a talk show ?(改为同义句)_Why not watch a talk show ?随堂知识巩固单项选择。(A ) 1. (2018 宜宾中考)She stopped talking her mother came into the room.

27、 【考点?】A. as soon as B . uni ess C . though(B ) 2. (2018 桂平三模改编)I dont understand the story in the new unit.What about you , Bill ?A. Neither I doB.Neither do I【考点?】C.So do I(C ) 3. (2018 宜昌中考改编)A research suggests that walki ng helps people live Ion ger.I quite agree , but it on when and how they wa

28、lk.A. rema ins B . retur ns C . depe nds(A ) 4.(2018 天水中考改编)ln order for the competition , my sister forced herself to getup early this morning.A. not to be late B. not being lateC. to be late(A ) 5. (2018 唐山路北期末改编)lf you want to know more about space , please the book ABrief History of TimeA. look

29、through B. look aroundC. look after(C ) 6. Weve got no coffee.Lets have tea A . either B . yet C .in stead(B ) 7. (2019 预测)Our company provides all the people around the world the best service.【考点?】A. to B . with C . for(C ) 8. (2018 荆州中考改编)一I do feel a little about making a speech.Take it easy.The more you prepare , the better you will feel.A. angry B . bored C . nervous(C ) 9.(易错题)一Could you me your

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