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1、天津市小学英语小升初阅读理解专题练习及答案天津市小学英语小升初阅读理解专题练习及答案一、阅读理解1阅读理解根据短文内容判断正误。 I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at seven thirty. I go to school by bus. Classes begin at eight. We have six lessons every day. We have four lessons in the morning and two in

2、 the afternoon. Classes are over at four thirty. After school, we clean our classroom. Then we go home. I get home at five. We have dinner at six thirty. After dinner, I do my homework. I go to bed at nine or ten.(1)I go to school by bus. (2)We have seven lessons every day. (3)After school, we play

3、games. (4)We have dinner at 5:30. (5)I go to bed at nine or ten. 【答案】 (1)1(2)0(3)0(4)0(5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我一天是日常生活。 (1)句意:我乘公共汽车上学。根据 I go to school by bus. 可知我乘公共汽车上学,故答案为正确。 (2)句意:我们每天有七节课。根据 We have six lessons every day. 可知我们每天有六节课,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:放学后,我们玩游戏。根据 After school, we clean our

4、classroom. Then we go home. 可知放学后我们打扫教室,然后回家,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:我们5:30吃饭。根据 We have dinner at six thirty. 可知我们6:30吃饭,故答案为错误。 (5)句意:我九点或十点睡觉。根据 I go to bed at nine or ten. 可知我九点或十点睡觉,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2阅读理解阅读短文,判断下面的句子是否与短文相符 Last holiday in winter, I went to Hainan with my p

5、arents. The beach was so nice.I ate lots of sea food there. I took some beautiful pictures of the sea. I bought many postcards for my friends. It wasnt cold in winter. We went swimming every day. My father bought a white T-shirt and my mother bought a purple dress. (1)I went to Hainan with my parent

6、s last summer. (2)I took some beautiful pictures of the sea. (3)I bought many postcards for my families. (4)We went swimming in winter there. Its wasnt cold. (5)My mother bought a white T-shirt there. 【答案】(1)0(2)1(3)0(4)1(5)0 【解析】【分析】这是一篇描述作者到海南旅游的经历。(1)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 去年夏天我和父母去了海南。根据短文叙述 Last holiday

7、 in winter, I went to Hainan with my parents. (去年寒假,我和父母去了海南。)可知是在冬季。题目叙述错误。故答案为: 错误。(2)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 我照了一些大海的美丽照片。根据短文叙述 I took some beautiful pictures of the sea. (我照了一些大海的美丽照片。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为: 正确。(3)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 我为家人买了许多贺卡。根据短文叙述I bought many postcards for my friends.(我为朋友们买了许多贺卡。)可知是为朋友们,题目叙述错误。

8、故答案为: 错误。(4)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 在那儿我们冬季去游泳了。天气不冷。根据短文叙述It wasnt cold in winter. We went swimming every day.(冬季天气不冷。我们天天去游泳。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为: 正确。(5)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 我妈妈在那里买了一条白色的T恤衫。根据短文叙述 My father bought a white T-shirt (我爸爸买了一条白色的T恤衫。)可知是爸爸,题目叙述错误,故答案为: 错误。【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。要仔细阅读短文,掌握短文叙述细节,然后根据叙述判断正误。3阅读理解根据短

9、文选择正确的答案. Last night, Tom got on a bus. He was lucky to have a seat near the window. He opened his newspaper and began to read. After passing a few bus stops, a woman got on the bus with a big basket. There were no empty seats. She came and stood right beside Tom. At that moment, Tom was reading his

10、 newspaper and didnt see her. A few minutes later he looked up and put his newspaper in his pocket (口袋). He tried to get out of his seat, but the woman pushed (推) him back into his seat quickly. He tried to stand up again, but again the woman pushed him back into his seat. Then she said, please dont

11、 stand up. I dont want men to give their seat on buses. men and women are equal (平等的) now. But Tom looked at her angrily and said , This time I am really going to stand up, madam. Youve made me miss two bus stops and Im too tired to miss the next one, too, After hearing this, the woman was very emba

12、rrassed (尴尬) and let him go.(1)Tom got on a bus last night. He sat . A.near the doorB.near the windowC.near the bus stop(2)The woman didnt want Tom to give her the seat because . A.she is younger than TomB.Tom is a little boyC.she didnt like to get a seat from a man(3)The underlined word in Chinese.

13、 A.错过B.怀念C.遺忘(4)According to the passage, which order (顺序) is right? a. Tom got on the bus.c. The woman let Tom go.b. The woman stood next to Tom.d. The woman pushed Tom back into his seat.A.d b a cB.a b d cC.a b c d(5)According to the passage, how did Tom go home at last? A.By bus.B.By subway.C.We

14、dont know.【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)A(4)B(5)C 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】这是一个发生在公交车上让座误会的故事。(1) 根据短文叙述 Last night, Tom got on a bus. He was lucky to have a seat near the window. (昨天晚上,汤姆上了公交车。他很幸运的得到了一个靠窗户的座位。)可知B选项正确。故答案为:B。(2)根据短文叙述 please dont stand up. I dont want men to give their seat on buses. men and women are

15、equal now. (请不要站起来。我不想要男人在公交车上让座。现在男女平等。)可知C选项正确。故答案为:C。(3)根据短文叙述 Youve made me miss two bus stops and Im too tired to miss the next one, too.(你已经让我错过了两站并且我太累了不想错过下一站。)可知A选项正确。故答案为:A。(4)根据短文叙述顺序是:汤姆上车;然后上来一位妇女站在汤姆旁边;汤姆想站起来,但是被妇女推到座位上;最后这位妇女才让汤姆下车。B选项正确。故答案为:B。(5)根据短文叙述最后短文没有讲汤姆如何回家。C选项正确。故答案为:C。【点评】

16、这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文的细节叙述来选择合适的答案。4阅读理解阅读判断。 Tina was a ten-year-old girl from England. Two weeks before the 2004 Christmas holiday, her teacher was talking about tsunamis(海啸) in a geography(地理) class at school. This helped her save lives on December 26th, 2004.On that morning, Tina and her fam

17、ily were walking on the Beach and enjoying the sun. Then suddenly, the water went out very far. It was bubbling, too. She told her mother at once. Her mum didnt understand. Tina was very sad. She shouted to her dad. He warned others and everyone left the beach. Because of her warning, the hotel work

18、ers quickly helped 100 guests get to a safer place. (1)Tina was an English girl. She is ten years old (2)Tinas teacher was talking about tsunamis(海啸) in a Maths class at school. (3)Tina and her family were walking on the Beach on December 24th. (4)Tinas teacher warned others and everyone left the be

19、ach. (5)Tina saved one hundred people who were at the beach. 【答案】(1)1(2)0(3)0(4)0(5)1 【解析】【分析】短文描述了蒂娜是一个英国的十岁女孩。在2004个圣诞节假期前两周,老师在地理课上谈论海啸,这帮助她在2004年12月26日拯救了生命,那天,蒂娜和家人在海滩上散步,突然,水流出很远在冒泡。她对她父亲喊道,他警告其他人,所有人都离开了海滩,由于她的警告,酒店员工迅速帮助100位客人到了一个更安全的地方。(1)根据所给的短文, Tina was a ten-year-old girl from England.

20、蒂娜是一个来自英国的十岁女孩。可知蒂娜是一个来自英国的十岁女孩,故答案为正确。(2)根据所给的短文,Two weeks before the 2004 Christmas holiday, her teacher was talking about tsunamis(海啸) in a geography(地理) class at school. 在2004个圣诞节假期前两周,她的老师在学校的地理课上谈论海啸。可知在2004个圣诞节假期前两周,蒂娜老师在学校的地理课上谈论海啸,故答案为错误。(3)根据所给的短文,This helped her save lives on December 26t

21、h, 2004.On that morning, Tina and her family were walking on the Beach and enjoying the sun. 这帮助她在2004年12月26日拯救了生命。那天早上,蒂娜和她的家人在海滩上散步,享受着阳光。可知在2004年12月26日蒂娜和她的家人在海滩上散步,故答案为错误。(4)根据所给的短文,She shouted to her dad. He warned others and everyone left the beach.她对她父亲喊道。他警告其他人,所有人都离开了海滩。可知蒂娜对她父亲喊道。他警告其他人,所有

22、人都离开了海滩,故答案为错误。(5)根据所给的短文,Because of her warning, the hotel workers quickly helped 100 guests get to a safer place.由于她的警告,酒店员工迅速帮助100位客人到了一个更安全的地方。可知蒂娜救了一百个在海滩上的人,故答案为正确。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或是错误。5阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 My school is very big and very beautiful. You can see some beautiful grass an

23、d flowers in the garden. In summer, we can fly kites and play sports on the playground. There is a big library in my school. In the library, you can read many interesting books. I like it very much.I love my school very much. Welcome to my school. (1)My school is . A.big and beautifulB.big and clean

24、C.clean and beautiful.(2)You can see in the garden. A.some beautiful grassB.some beautiful grass and flowersC.some beautiful flowers(3)We can on the playground in summer. booksC.take pictures(4)There is a big in my school. A.dining hallB.gymC.library(5)Can you read many interesting

25、 books in the library? A.Yes, you can.B.No, we cant.C.Yes, we can.【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)A(4)C(5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要是作者介绍自己的学校情况。(1)原文填空,根据My school is very big and very beautiful. 知学校又大又漂亮,故答案为A。(2)原文填空,根据You can see some beautiful grass and flowers in the garden. 知可以看见花园的草和花,故答案为B。(3)细节理解,根据 In summer, we

26、 can fly kites and play sports on the playground.知可以放风筝做运动,故答案为A。(4)根据There is a big library in my school. 知学校有一个图书馆,故答案为C。(5)根据you can read many interesting books. 知可以在图书馆读一些有趣的书,故答案为C。【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意,根据问题通读文章,在原文找到答案。6阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Tom went to Beijing by plane on his holiday. Every day he ha

27、d fun with his parents. They went boating. They saw some elephants. They went swimming. They ate lots of delicious food. They also took many beautiful pictures. They will come back tomorrow. He enjoys his holiday. (1)Tom went to Beijing by . A.busB.trainC.plane(2)Tom had fun with every day. A.his un

28、cleB.his parentsC.his friends(3)Tom and his parents in Beijing. A.went boatingB.saw some tigersC.went shopping(4)Did Tom eat lots of delicious food? A.No, he didnt.B.Yes, he did.C.Yes, they did.(5)Tom and his parents also . A.took picturesB.watched TVC.went camping【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)A(4)B(5)A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要是汤姆介绍他去北京度假的情景,度假过程中都做了哪些事情。(1)根据Tom went to Beijing by plane on his holiday.知汤姆坐飞机去北京,故答案为C。(2)根据Every day he had fun with his parents.知汤姆和父母玩的很高兴,故答案为B。(3)根据 They went boating.知他们去划船,故答案为A。(4)根据They ate lots of delicious food.

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