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1、企业人工成本控制案例资料范本 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载企业人工成本控制案例 地点:_时间:_说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc478048295 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc478048295 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc478048296 1.1 研究背景和意义 PAGEREF _Toc478048296 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc478048297 1.1

2、.1 研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc478048297 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc478048298 1.1.2 研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc478048298 h 2HYPERLINK l _Toc478048299 1.2 相关文献综述 PAGEREF _Toc478048299 h 2HYPERLINK l _Toc478048300 1.3 研究方法和章节安排 PAGEREF _Toc478048300 h 5HYPERLINK l _Toc478048301 1.4 本文的贡献和不足 PAGEREF _Toc478048301 h 6HYPERLINK l _T

3、oc478048302 2 人工成本的一般理论概述 PAGEREF _Toc478048302 h 7HYPERLINK l _Toc478048303 2.1 人工成本概念 PAGEREF _Toc478048303 h 7HYPERLINK l _Toc478048304 2.2 人工成本的指标体系 PAGEREF _Toc478048304 h 8HYPERLINK l _Toc478048305 2.2.1 人工成本总量指标 PAGEREF _Toc478048305 h 8HYPERLINK l _Toc478048306 2.2.2 人工成本结构指标 PAGEREF _Toc478

4、048306 h 9HYPERLINK l _Toc478048307 2.2.3 人工成本投入产出指标 PAGEREF _Toc478048307 h 10HYPERLINK l _Toc478048308 2.3 人工成本的分析方法 PAGEREF _Toc478048308 h 11HYPERLINK l _Toc478048309 2.3.1 对比分析法 PAGEREF _Toc478048309 h 11HYPERLINK l _Toc478048310 2.3.2 结构分析法 PAGEREF _Toc478048310 h 12HYPERLINK l _Toc478048311 2

5、.3.3 因素分析法 PAGEREF _Toc478048311 h 13HYPERLINK l _Toc478048312 2.3.4 投入产出分析法 PAGEREF _Toc478048312 h 13HYPERLINK l _Toc478048313 3 某报业印企人工成本的现状及原因 PAGEREF _Toc478048313 h 15HYPERLINK l _Toc478048314 3.1 某报业印企总体情况简介 PAGEREF _Toc478048314 h 15HYPERLINK l _Toc478048315 3.1.1 员工总量 PAGEREF _Toc478048315

6、h 15HYPERLINK l _Toc478048316 3.1.2 人工成本总量 PAGEREF _Toc478048316 h 17HYPERLINK l _Toc478048317 3.2 某报业印企人工成本分析 PAGEREF _Toc478048317 h 18HYPERLINK l _Toc478048318 3.2.1 人工成本总量 PAGEREF _Toc478048318 h 18HYPERLINK l _Toc478048319 3.2.2 人工成本结构 PAGEREF _Toc478048319 h 19HYPERLINK l _Toc478048320 3.2.3 人

7、工成本效益 PAGEREF _Toc478048320 h 20HYPERLINK l _Toc478048321 3.2.4 工资水平 PAGEREF _Toc478048321 h 21HYPERLINK l _Toc478048322 3.3 某报业印企人工成本的问题 PAGEREF _Toc478048322 h 24HYPERLINK l _Toc478048323 3.4 某报业印企人工成本问题的成因 PAGEREF _Toc478048323 h 25HYPERLINK l _Toc478048324 3.4.1 人工成本的总量成因 PAGEREF _Toc478048324 h

8、 25HYPERLINK l _Toc478048325 3.4.2 人工成本的结构成因 PAGEREF _Toc478048325 h 25HYPERLINK l _Toc478048326 3.4.3 人工成本的效益成因 PAGEREF _Toc478048326 h 26HYPERLINK l _Toc478048327 4 某报业印企人工成本控制的对策 PAGEREF _Toc478048327 h 27HYPERLINK l _Toc478048328 4.1 控制用工总量 PAGEREF _Toc478048328 h 27HYPERLINK l _Toc478048329 4.1

9、.1 合理定岗定编 PAGEREF _Toc478048329 h 27HYPERLINK l _Toc478048330 4.1.2 优化人员配置 PAGEREF _Toc478048330 h 27HYPERLINK l _Toc478048331 4.1.3 科学的设备管理 PAGEREF _Toc478048331 h 28HYPERLINK l _Toc478048332 4.1.4 加快推进ERP系统的应用 PAGEREF _Toc478048332 h 29HYPERLINK l _Toc478048333 4.2 人工成本的挖潜增效 PAGEREF _Toc478048333

10、h 29HYPERLINK l _Toc478048334 4.2.1 加强企业人工成本控制 PAGEREF _Toc478048334 h 29HYPERLINK l _Toc478048335 4.2.2 建立完善的薪酬激励机制 PAGEREF _Toc478048335 h 30HYPERLINK l _Toc478048336 4.2.3 加强培训发挥人才效益 PAGEREF _Toc478048336 h 31HYPERLINK l _Toc478048337 4.2.4 建设以人为本的管理文化 PAGEREF _Toc478048337 h 32HYPERLINK l _Toc47

11、8048338 4.3 推进企业转型升级 PAGEREF _Toc478048338 h 32HYPERLINK l _Toc478048339 4.3.1 响应政府号召坚持走绿色印刷之路 PAGEREF _Toc478048339 h 33HYPERLINK l _Toc478048340 4.3.2 依靠科技技术提升企业核心竞争力 PAGEREF _Toc478048340 h 34HYPERLINK l _Toc478048341 4.3.3 拓展领域拓宽拓深多元业务 PAGEREF _Toc478048341 h 34HYPERLINK l _Toc478048342 5 结论与展望

12、PAGEREF _Toc478048342 h 36HYPERLINK l _Toc478048343 参考文献 PAGEREF _Toc478048343 h 38HYPERLINK l _Toc478048344 致 谢 PAGEREF _Toc478048344 h 40Contents1 introduction 11.1 Research background and significance 11.1.1 Research background 11.1.2 Research significance 21.2 Related literature review 21.3 Rese

13、arch methods and chapter arrangements 51.4 Innovation and deficiency of this paper 62 A general theory of labor costs 72.1 The concept of labor costs 72.2 Labor cost index system 82.2.1 Labor cost aggregate 82.2.2 Labor cost structure index 92.2.3 Labor cost input and output indicators 102.3 Labor c

14、ost analysis method 112.3.1 Comparative analysis 112.3.2 Structural analysis 122.3.3 Factor analysis 132.3.4 Input - output analysis 133 The Present Situation and Reasons of Labor Cost of Printing Industry 153.1 A Brief Introduction to the General Situation of Printing Industry in a Newspaper 153.1.

15、1 Total staff 153.1.2 Total cost of labor 173.2 Analysis of Labor Cost of an Enterprise 183.2.1 Total cost of labor 183.2.2 Labor cost structure 193.2.3 Labor cost - effectiveness 203.2.4 Wages 213.3 The Problem of Labor Cost of Printing Industry 243.4 The Cause of Labor Cost of Printing Industry 25

16、3.4.1 The total cause of labor costs 253.4.2 The Structural Causes of Labor Costs 253.4.3 The Cause of Benefit of Labor Cost 264 Countermeasure of labor cost control in a newspaper industry 274.1 Control the total amount of labor 274.1.1 Reasonable posting 274.1.2 Optimize staffing 274.1.3 Scientifi

17、c equipment management 284.1.4 Accelerate the application of ERP system 294.2 Labor costs tapping the potential effect 294.2.1 Strengthen enterprise labor cost control 294.2.2 Establish a perfect salary incentive mechanism 304.2.3 Strengthen the training to play the talent benefit 314.2.4 Building a

18、 people - oriented management culture 324.3 Promote enterprise transformation and upgrading 324.3.1 In response to the government called to adhere to the green printing road334.3.2 Rely on science and technology to enhance the core competitiveness ofenterprises 344.3.3 Expand the field to expand and

19、 expand diversified business 345 Conclusion and Outlook 36References 38Acknowledgements 40摘 要伴随着数字技术行业的飞速发展,传统媒体的市场遭到了严重的挤压,媒体受众的阅读方式以及接受信息的方式也发生了翻天覆地的变化。报纸行业之间呈现出萎缩的发展趋势。这使得许多专业人士在不断探寻传统报纸行业的出路。近年来互联网的迅速发展,通过Internet获取新闻信息的人数已经临近了阅读报纸的观众数,以互联网为主要载体的新兴媒体行业正在逐步蚕食着报纸行业的市场份额,并且吸引了大量的读者群体,网络已经置身市民所接触的常用


21、实现对该企业人工数据成本的计算与分析,从而有效的分析该企业当前人工成本发展现状,发现由于业务量单一呈现下降趋势,同时耗材价格增长导致人工成本总量大并且人均人工成本高、教育经费投入不高、企业具有传统色彩工资呈刚性等突出问题,进而较深入地阐释了产生问题的原因。在依托相关理论的基础上,实现对企业现状发展的全面分析,并试图从人工成本效益理念以及激励制度的发展等方面提出相关的解决策略,站在企业人工成本控制的深层次对企业人工成本发展进行综合分析,以便于能够促进企业获得更好的经济效益与社会效益。关键词:人工成本;影响因素;转型升级;挖潜增效AbstractWith the common and rapid

22、development of digital technology, the traditional media ecological environment has undergone tremendous changes, the structure of the media, the media exposure and willingness of the audience have produced a fundamental change. In the media environment of large shocks, big adjustment of the times,

23、professionals worry about the newspaper industry in winter. In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet, the number of people through the Internet to obtain news and information has been close to the number of readers to read the newspaper, obviously, the Internet has become a strong oppo

24、nent of the newspaper. With the changing patterns of media, especially the replacement of the reader groups, the network has been exposed to the public exposure to the list of commonly used media.Newspaper development in the face of multi-pressure period, the newspaper printing industry in the past,

25、 holding the newspaper, the tree is good shade era has gone. Not only the strength of the newspaper greatly decline, and the development of the media to promote the newspaper to achieve diversification of information exports, more reduced the relevance of the printing plant. In fact, over the years

26、due to the continuous development of technology, newspaper dependence on the printing industry is declining, and now the newspaper every day in the effort to print. Newspaper India enterprises face market shrinking, printing volume decline, how to reduce the cost of labor has become an urgent need t

27、o solve the problem.On the basis of reviewing the theory and literature on labor cost, this paper takes a newspaper and printing enterprise as the research sample, and analyzes the labor cost of the enterprise from the aspects of labor cost, labor cost structure, labor cost benefit and salary level.

28、 Based on the internal data of the printing cost, this paper makes a lot of methods, and makes a lot of data calculation, statistics and analysis of the labor cost data of the enterprise, and summarizes the current situation of the labor cost of the enterprise. A single downward trend in business vo

29、lume, while the rapid increase in the cost of supplies led to a large total labor costs and high per capita labor costs, education funding is not high, the enterprise has a traditional color wages were rigid and other prominent issues, and thus more in-depth interpretation of the causes of the probl

30、em The And puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the labor cost control according to the basic theory and the characteristics of the operation of the enterprise. It is hoped that through the establishment of the principle of labor cost efficiency, controlling the total amount o

31、f labor, strengthening labor cost control, implementing salary incentive system and promoting enterprise transformation Upgrade and a series of measures to gradually increase the cost of labor input and output benefits, to achieve the potential of enterprise labor costs potential.Keywords: labor cost;influencing factors;transformation and upgrading;tapping the potential1 绪论1.1 研究背景和意义1.1.1 研究背景随着社会的进步和城市居民日益多元化的娱乐生活, 人们可支配的休闲时间变得越来越短。在电视、广播、网络等众多媒体的竞争中, 报纸的读者日益减少。2016年中国网民规模达7.1亿人, 年青一代对于

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