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本文(吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学高二英语上学期期末友好学校联合考试试题.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学高二英语上学期期末友好学校联合考试试题吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学2015-2016高二英语上学期期末友好学校联合考试试题(扫描版)高二英语参考答案及听力1-5 ABBCA 6-10 BACAA 11-15 BAACC 16-20 CBACB21. C 细节理解题。文章第四段倒数第二句说“Americans are allowed to have firearms, while this is illegal in Europe.”,即在欧洲持枪是非法的,因此D项正确。22. A 推理判断题。根据文章第五段第二句“Their meals are generally mo

2、re balanced than Americans and they eat less fast food”可以判断,欧洲人的饮食比美国人更健康。23. D 细节理解题。根据文章第二自然段可知D项正确。24. C 细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,在2050年,人们主要通过电脑进行交流,而很少进行面对面的交流,人与人之间的关系也就淡薄了,因此那时的人们会感到有点孤独。25. D 主旨大意题。根据第三段的内容可知,计算机和机器人等会给人类带来很大的帮助,故选D。26. A 细节理解题。根据第二段的. . . our relationships with people wont be as im

3、portant as they are today. . . 可知B项不正确;根据第四段的Spending holidays will also be completely different可知C项不正确;根据第四段的Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone可知A项正确;根据倒数第二段的We will pay more attention to protecting the environmentTherefore,our surroundings as well as health wi

4、ll be in better condition可知D项不正确。27. D 主旨大意题。文章的第一段就是本文的中心,即设想2050年的生活是什么样子的,故选D项。28.D细节理解题。由文章第一段中的第三句话可知答案。29.D细节推断题。由文章第二段中的“.in agriculture, fishing and of course tourism”可知答案。30.B句意理解题。该句意思在此是为了强调面包在这个地区的普遍性及重要性。31.A标题概括题。本文综合介绍了西西里岛,包括方位、饮食、文化、历史等。32.C细节理解题。由文章第一段中的第一句话“Mr. Daves fished the sa

5、me lake as my husband John for over 15 years.”可知,戴维斯先生和约翰都喜欢钓鱼。33.A推理判断题。由文章第四段可知,约翰为了让戴维斯先生出游时更舒服一些,决定卖掉自己最喜欢的车。由此可知,约翰是非常善良、友好的。34.C细节理解题。由文章末段中的第一句话“Mr. Daves is getting old now at 86 but is still enjoying life thanks to John.”可知,86岁的戴维斯先生仍享受着生活是因为有约翰在身边。35. D 主旨大意题。通读文章正确答案应该是D项。36-40 ECFBD41. A

6、解析:本句指“自从电脑出现”,turn up ,是“出现,露面,到场”之意。42D解析:fields此处指“领域”。43C解析:计算机正在被应用于工农业。44A解析:此处是非限制性定语从句。45D解析:control the conditions of the plants“控制植物的生长状况”。46A解析:with the development of science and technology“随着科学技术的发展”。47C解析:“换钱,付账单”等都去“银行”。48D解析:下文接着说“并执行指示”,可见上文应该是指“电脑能够辨别声音”。49D解析:此处应该指“(电脑使得)大多数劳动力将在家

7、里办公成为可能”。50A解析:It is possible that.“可能”。51A解析:此处指“用可视电话来开会”,for可以表示“用于”。52C解析:进行电话会议自然是节省精力和时间。53B解析:电脑在铁路方面的应用会带来重大变革,所以火车将会不用驾驶员了。54C解析:operate“操纵,操作”,火车将由电脑操作,也对应上文不用司机了。55D解析:the best distance between trains“火车之间的最佳距离”。56A解析:store whole texts“存储完整的文档”,store“存储”。57D解析:type在这里指“往电脑里输入信息”。58D解析:wor

8、ldwide“世界范围的”,最能体现电脑的巨大威力。first-rate“一等的”;world-famous“世界著名的”。59B解析:appear on your screen“出现在你的屏幕上”。60D解析:whichever指“名单上的任何一种(本)书”。61.recently 63.endangered 64.being hit 65.and66.useful 67.answer 69.are using 70.The短文改错1. choice-choices 2. farmer前加a 3. agriculture 后的are 改成 is 4. With

9、改成Without 5. Because 改成So 6. many变成much 7. make 后the 去掉 8. that改成what9. your goal 中your改成my 10. people改成peoples书面表达One possible version:Dear Tommy, Im so glad to learn that you plan to come to Beijing for a visit this Christmas. So first I will express a warm welcome to you. As you know, Beijing is

10、a beautiful city with a very long history, so there are large numbers of places of interest in it. With the coming of Christmas holidays, I have been expecting to see you. Well visit the Great Wall on the first day. For the following days, we can pay a visit to the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum a

11、nd the Tiananmen Square. At the same time you can enjoy the delicious Chinese food and do some shopping. I wish you would have a good time. Looking forward to seeing you!Yours,Li Hua听力原文Text 1M: Lovely day, isnt it?W:Yes, it is. In our city we havent such a day.M: Its a pity. By the way, what part o

12、f the world do you come from?W:France. What about you?Text 2W:Anything I can do for you?M: Could I change these pounds for dollars, please?W:Do you want small bills or large ones?M: It doesnt matter.Text 3W:You must be thirsty. Would you like a bottle of Coca Cola?M: I would rather have a bottle of

13、beer than Coca ColaW:Thats OK. Here you are.M: Thank you.Text 4M: Miss Wang.W:Yes, sir. Anything I can do for you?M: Yes. Please make a call to IBM. Tell them that we will place an order for 50 personal computers.W:All right. Ill do it at once.Text 5W:You look awful. Do you have a cold?M: No, Ive be

14、en up all night finishing a paper. All Ive had to drink is coffee.Text 6W:Do you mind if I take the day off tomorrow?M: Id rather you didnt. Theres an important meeting tomorrow.W:Sorry, but I wouldnt ask if I didnt feel I had to. My mother is ill and I have to take her to the hospital.M: Oh. Then c

15、ertainly.W:Thank you. Ill certainly be back to work the day after tomorrow.Text 7M: Hi, Wang. You like the weather here?W:Well, Id like to live somewhere a little further north or south from here.M: Why? I personal think its just right.W:Well, I find it too hot in summer and too cold in winter.M: Bu

16、t if you live in the north or south you will have either a much hotter summer or a much colder winter.W:But in the south, at least you have a warm winter. And in the north, summer is short and cool at night, while winter is not so bad with heating.Text 8M: Oh, come in. W:I just dropped in to return

17、these books. Are you getting dinner ready? Something smells good.M: Oh. Im just preparing some noodles.W:I thought your wife did the cooking.M: Lovely day, isnt it?W:Yes, it is. In our city we havent such a day.M: She does, but she said she would come home late today.W:So youre the cook. What are yo

18、u having with the noodles?M: Some cabbages and tomatoes. Why dont you stay and have dinner with us?W:Thanks, but not today. I have to hurry off. Maybe some other time.Text 9M: Someone came late last night looking for you. I told him you were out and suggested that he leave a note, but he didnt.W:Lat

19、e last night? Thats strange. What did he look like?M: He seemed to be about 35 or somewhat older. Maybe 40 or so.W:Was he tall or short?M: MmmHe wasnt very tall nor very short. About average height, I think.W:Was he fat or thin?M: A bit on the thin side, if I remember correctly. Anyway, certainly no

20、t fat, but then he wasnt very thin either.W:Was there anything unusual about his looks? What kind of face did he haveround or square or long?M: Let me thinkIt was rather square, but not so very. Or was it? Really, I didnt notice. It was so late and the lighting wasnt good.W:Was he wearing glasses?M:

21、 Was he or wasnt he? Im not sure now. You see, I was so tired and sleepy. I didnt pay much attention.Text 10School may be frightening to young children. They are new in their school. Before that they stayed at home. At home children may have been able to do what they wanted when they wanted to do it

22、. But in school they are given time for talking, working, playing and eating. At home children are scolded in private, but in school children will be blamed in front of their classmates. “Bob,” the teacher may say, “why are you the only one in the class who didnt do your yesterdays homework?” or “Da

23、vid, why are the only one who cant work quietly at your desk?” In school the child may not be noticed very much by the teacher or the teacher is too busy to take care of him or her. But at home the parents will treat their son or daughter carefully. For these and other reasons, it is not surprising that children may not like to stay at school.Yes, its much stricter in school, but the children can learn a lot. They cant learn so much out of school.

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