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本文(江苏中考英语阅读类题型专题03任务型阅读专项突破江苏中考英语阅读类题型专项突破.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏中考英语阅读类题型专题03任务型阅读专项突破江苏中考英语阅读类题型专项突破2021年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专题03任务型阅读专项突破-2021年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专项突破(解析版)任务型阅读专项突破l知识点1任务型阅读概况 综观近年全国各地的中考试题,“任务型阅读”考查的题型主要有:阅读简答题、阅读填表题,总体上看,它由两部分构成:短文和阅读任务。l 知识点2阅读填表式任务型阅读的题型分类 1.信息查找,直接获取答案型解题思路:此类题属于细节题,可以直接在原文中能够找到,问题的题干与原文大致相同,所以所需要的词不需要变换形式,可以直接从文中进行摘抄。l 例题 例1: 原文:Some p

2、sychologists (心理学家) think that your taste in music is related to (有联系的) your personality.题目:Your in music is related to your personality.【解析】:对比空格前后和原文一致,可以知道此题为细节题,直接找到taste.【答案】:taste 例2: 原文:Music tells us who we are.Musicreflects the creators thinking and values, as well as the social environment

3、 it came from.题目:Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses peoples thinking and _ 【解析】:对比空格前后,虽然题干与原文不完全相同,但and前连接的词与原文一致,没有任何改变,可以知道此题为细节题,直接找到values.【答案】:values 例3: 原文:Be active and have a positive attitude (积极的态度) towards life.Developconfidence in yourself.题目:

4、Have an and positive attitude towards life and develop confidence in yourself.【解析】:依旧找到and连接词,后一个为positive,可知需要在原文中找到与positive位置和作用等同的词,原文为be active and have a positive可以知道是active.【答案】:active 例4: 原文:Rewrite your notes to make them more plete and accurate(准确的) by changing abbreviations into whole wor

5、ds, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.Usethem to answer your questions.Ifnecessary, ask your teacher for help.题目:Make your notes more plete and accurate to your questions.【解析】:原文列举了很多例子去讲解,所以中间的长段可以去掉,直接看到后一句:use them to answer the questions提出目的,所以可以找到动词answer.【答案】:an

6、swer 例5: 原文:If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state drivers exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.题目:They can themselves to school when they are over16 and have passed the required tests.【解析】:找到原文they can begin driving而重要的动作其实是drive, 而不在于begin, 由于结构的变化,此处需要

7、将driving变为原形。【答案】:drive 例6: 原文:Sometimes we work with the best of motives(动机) only to be disappointed by the result.题目:Remembering your motives, not your 【解析】:考查学生对信息的归纳能力,原文中对比motive和result之间关系。【答案】:result 2.信息转换,间接获取【答案】型此类题在实际做题环节时应注意根据问题查找定位信息,但这些信息仅为线索或某种提示并非最终【答案】,一定记得加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式,方为正确【答案】。

8、常见的转换方式: 1)词性转换 名词、动词、形容词、副词等词类间的转化;在初中范围内,常见的词性转换为: A)名词变为形容词: 加y: 直接加y: health-healthy; frost-frosty; rain-rainy; difficultdifficulty; 双写为字母加y: sun-sunny; fog-foggy; 去e加y: noise-noisy 加ful或者less: hope-hopeful/hopeless; meaning-meaningful/meaningless; wonder-wonderful; cheer-cheerful; colour-colouf

9、ul; cheer-cheerful; success-successful;end-endless; B)形容词变为副词: 直接加ly: careful-carefully; beautiful-beautifully; bad-badly; excited-excitedly; 以y结尾将y变为ily: angry-angrily; heavy-heavily; noisy-noisily; happy-happily; 以le结尾将le变为ly: fortable-fortably; possible-possibly; simple-simply; 去e加ly: true-truly.

10、来源:学科网ZXXK C)动词/形容词变为名词: 加ment: agreeagreement; treat-treatment; advertise-advertisement; punish-punishment; improve-improvement; develop-development; 加ion: collect-collection; donate-donation; educate-education; organize-organization; invent-invention; 加ness: rich-richness; kind-kindness; ill-illne

11、ss; ugly-ugliness; sick-sickness;sad-sadness 批注:此处需要注意,有一些以e结尾的单词,加上ion时需要去掉e加ion; 以y结尾的单词加上ness时需要去y为i再加ness.D)动词变为形容词: 加ed/ ing: surprise- surprising/ surprised; excite-exciting/ excited; tire-tiring/ tired; please-pleasing(pleasant)/ pleased; l 例题 例1: 原文:Dont wave your hands to the waiters.Englis

12、hmenthink guests should do something to make the waiters pay attention to them.Butin France some bread and water will e first, then the waiters will take your order according to the rhythm(节奏) of the restaurant.Haveenough patience(耐心)! 题目:Englishmen cant be _ enough for meals while Frenchmen can.【解析

13、】:找到原文enough的位置,可知此题考查的本质其实是enough的用法:形容名副后,所以此题需要将patience变为其形容词形式。【答案】:patient 例2: 原文:Most teens dont know what their moms favorite is.Youdo? Then, what are you waiting for? Buy her something she likes and wrap it carefully.Thebest time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night.Putit on t

14、he drawer next to her so that when she wakes up shell be surprised to see it.题目:Put it on a drawer next to her to give her a _.【解析】:对比原文,找到不同点即so that when she wakes up shell be surprised to see it.表示目的的形式已经转换为to do的结构,主要是将后面的句子变换,可以想到surprise的词组:give sb.asurprise=surprise sb.=sb.besurpried 【答案】:sur

15、prise 例3: 原文:As long as you have studied well, you will be more confident of your chance to succeed in a test.题目:Your confidence could lead to your in the test.【解析】:很明显,原文是“信心增加成功的可能性”,而题目中置于物主代词之后,所以要用名词形式,succeed为动词,名词为success 【答案】:success 例4: 原文:Self-respect is a very important part of a great li

16、fe.题目:Keeping a sense of self-respect is of great to a great life.【解析】:此处置于冠词后需要加名词,进行important和importance的转换。【答案】:importance 例5: 原文:If we look for good qualities in other people, it is easier to remember the good qualities in ourselves.题目:Look for the good qualities in other people and we can remem

17、ber ours more .【解析】:结合语法句法知识,its easier to do sth.=do sth.moreeasily。【答案】:easily 例6: 原文:Why do we need sleep? Nobody has yet can give a correct answer to this question.However,tests have shown that lack(缺少) of sleep over about four weeks leads to a strong drop in body temperature, great weight loss

18、and finally, sickness.题目:Why do we need sleep? Nobody can answer the question _.【解析】:仔细阅读原文,可得原文信息词Nobody has yet can give a correct answer to this question.经过分析语法及句法,然后结合问题,得出正确【答案】。【答案】:correctly 2)词意转换 词汇转换包括同义词、反义词等功能替代型转换;初中范围内(牛津教材)出现的: A) 在单词前加上否定前缀构成形容词的反义词: 一般情况下,在形容词前加un:e.g.: necessary-un

19、necessary; wele-unwele; fortable-unfortable; 几种特殊情况,需要再形容词前加in; ir; im; dis等: e.g.: 加in-: active-inactive; correct-incorrect; 加ir-: regular-irregular; 加im-: possible-impossible; patient-impatient; polite-impolite; 加dis-: honest-dishonest; B) 常见的反义词: cheap-expensive; long-short; same-different; hot-c

20、old; happy-sad; fast-slow; easy-difficult; generous-selfish; modest-proud; strong-weak; hardworking-lazy; clever-silly; remember-forget.C) 常见的同义词: happiness=joy; strong=powerful; sad=unhappy; afraid=worried; energetic=lively; calm=relaxed; influence=affect; know=realize; need=require; hope=wish l 例题

21、 例1: 原文:Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.题目: to understand new information.【解析】:对比原文与题目,可知此需要找到一个词,意思相当于get ready(准备好), 可以想到是prepare,同时prepare满足,prepare to do sth 【答案】:Prepare 例2: 原文:It is said that you wont want to visit any other mountain after seeing wu yue(五岳

22、) but you wont wish to see even wu yue after you e back from it.题目:It is said that you wont to visit any other mountain after seeing wu yue but you wont wish to see even wu yue after from it.【解析】:找到原文的after,原文为e back而题干只有一个,想到e after 返回=return,但此时主语也被省略掉,直接放在介词after之后,所以需要变换return的形式。【答案】:returning

23、例3: 原文:Be sure to remember the following safety tips.题目:Dont _ the safety tips if you find yourself in the path of a hurricane.【解析】:主要考查remember的反义词形式。【答案】:forget 例4: 原文:If your mind is full of problems in the past, you will always feel ashamed and sad.题目:Dont let your mind filled the mistakes in th

24、e past 【解析】:考查be full of 的同义词be filled with 【答案】: with 例5: 原文:It isnt right to feel better by putting others down.题目:It is to feel better by putting others down.【解析】:考察not right的同义词=wrong 【答案】:wrong 3)句子结构转换 语法匹配 (to, -ing, -ed, 主被动语态的转换)、连词、介词的运用、固定句型、同义句等都属于句子结构转换的内容。l 例题: 例1: 原文:In classroom, you

25、r teachers will talk about topics that you are studying.Theinformation they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests.Soyou must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.题目:The information that isby the teachers about studying topics is useful for your tests

26、, so it is necessary for you to learn take good notes.【解析】:原文的 the information they provide是一个省略that的定语从句,变为问题时,定语从句中的主语被偷换掉了,所以相应的动作和主语之间的关系也由主动变为了被动,动词形式需要变化 【答案】:provided 例2: 原文:Englishmen think guests should do something to make the waiters pay attention to them.题目:Do something to attract the at

27、tention 【解析】:原文make the waiters pay attention to them“使得侍者们能够注意到他们”换为主动的“吸引注意”而这个注意力应该是侍者所给予的。【答案】:waiters 例3: 原文:Students must spend a lot of time learning another language.题目:It Chinese students too much time to learn a foreign language.【解析】:考察同义句型:sb.spendsome time doing=it takes sb.sometime to d

28、o 【答案】:takes 3.信息归纳题,综合概括获【答案】根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。归纳词的特征包括:概括性(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息)、针对性(量体裁衣,大小适度)、醒目性(简洁)。常见概括性词汇有以下几类,需要学生掌握: 原因:cause(s) / reason(s)结果/结论: result(s) / /conclusion(s) 目的:purpose/ aim 建议提示: advice / suggestion(s) / tip(s) 问题:problem(s) /trouble 方式方法:method(s) /means/ way(s) / manner/ solutio

29、n(s) 措施行动:measure/action 特性,特点:characteristics/ feature 好处/坏处:advantage(s)/ disadvantage(s) 主题:theme(s) / topic(s) / subject(s) 数字/数据:data/ figure(s) 种类:type(s) / kind(s) / 形势/情形: situation(s) / condition(s)/ case(s) 重要性/意义:importance(s) / meaning(s) l 例题: 例1: 原文:There are many things you can do to

30、improve the quality of your sleep.First,you should have regular sleep habits.Tryto go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.Youalso need to make your bedroom a cool, dark, quiet place to sleep so that heat, light and noise do not disturb you.Atnight, you should also avoid things that cont

31、ain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and many soft drinks, as caffeine may keep you from sleeping.题目:The title:to improve sleep quality: Have regular sleep habits Make your bedroom cool, dark and quiet Dont drink anything with caffeine at bedtime 【解析】:总结概括题 【答案】:Ways/Methods/ Measures/Steps/How 例2: 原文:Nowadays in school life,a lot of students develop a fear of tests.Itsnot because tests are something to be afraid of.Moststudents are afraid of tests mainly because they d

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