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1、九年级英语第3单元检测试题A一、听力理解(略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) 从下面A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )31. He got a letter from his father _ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for( )32. I know from my _ that hell arrive late. A. importance B. opportunity C. study D. experience ( )33. You _ thank me. Its my duty to do so. A

2、. wouldnt B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt( )34. Im sorry I have not had time to _ your letter. A. reply to B. hear of C. pay for D. care about( )35. You look _ now. Youd better go to bed. A. slept B. asleep C. sleepy D. sleeping ( )36. Ive changed my idea. I will have the fish _ the chicken. A. because

3、B. because of C. instead D. instead of ( )37. We have _ but this box is not _ to hold them. A. little food; big enough B. food enough; enough big C. enough food; enough big D. enough food; big enough( )38. Remember to close the windows _ you leave the room. A. when B. after C. unless D. until( )39.

4、My watch doesnt work. I want to get it _ tomorrow. A. repair B. repaired C. to repair D. repairing( )40. Between the two classes, the students can have a _ break. A. ten-minutes B. ten-minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes( )41. He asked his sister to help him _ his lost wallet. A. look for B. deal

5、with C. give out D. concentrate on( )42. Students should _ to exercise at least one hour a day. Its good for their health.A. allow B. be allowed C. not allow D. not be allowed( )43. Do you think he will pass the exam if he _ hard? A. is working B. will work C. works D. worked( )44. His father likes

6、going hiking. _. A. So does his mother B. So is his mother C. So his mother does D. So his mother is( )45. Teenagers shouldnt spend too much time playing computer games. _. We should make good use of our time. A. I disagree B. Thats all rightC. I agree D. Im afraid so三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 个选项中,选择最佳选项1

7、-45 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。I have a problem with my parents. I want to wear some nail polish (指甲油) to school but they dont _46_ me to do so. They tell me that I can _47_ anything for myself when I am 21 years old. This is so _48_. I think nail polish is beautiful, and _49_ of my friends wear na

8、il polish to school. I told my parents about it _50_ they still dont listen. _51_ can I wait until Im 21?Olivia, 11, ChinaOlivia, sit down with your _52_ in a quiet place and tell her not to say no right away. Talk to her patiently and dont _53_ her.Remember not to make it _54_ by wearing it when th

9、ey tell you not to. If your friends laugh at you, tell them you dont _45_ about what they say. You can do this.Bianca, 10, USA( )46. A. teach B. allow C. advise D. influence ( )47. A. make B. buy C. find D. decide ( )48. A. surprising B. exciting C. frustrating D. interesting ( )49. A. many B. few C

10、. none D. neither ( )50. A. but B. and C. or D. if ( )51. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )52. A. father B. mother C. sister D. brother ( )53. A. wait for B. look after C. argue with D. play with ( )54. A. worse B. better C. quicker D. slower ( )55. A. design B. study C. care D. experience 四、阅读理解(

11、一) (每小题2分,共30分) 根据短文内容选择正确的答案。2019-2020年九年级英语第3单元检测试题AALast July, many newspapers carried such a photo: a woman pushing a tricycle (三轮脚踏车) in the rain. It is told that the woman is the head teacher in Hoping Primary School in a small place. Her name is Li Ling. At only 27, she was known as the most

12、beautiful teacher of 2009. In 2002, after leaving school, she taught in a primary school in her hometown. She hoped to help the poor children there get an education. She is a beautiful young teacher, and always helps her students. She has borrowed more than 100 thousand yuan for the school since the

13、n. Because the students couldnt afford textbooks, she went to Zhengzhou during the summer vacation to buy used reading books for them. She went alone, taking her tricycle through the streets in the heat. “Each time I see students from other schools sitting and reading in a bright reading room, I fee

14、l sorry. I also want to have a reading room for my 300 students, even the simplest,” she said.( )56. In which season was the picture taken? ( )57. How old was Li Ping when she left school? A. 17 years old. B. 20 years old. C. 22 years old. D. 27 years old.( )58. How much money has she borrowed for t

15、he school? A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1,000,000( )59. How many students does she have? A. 2009 B. 2002 C. 100 D. 300( )60. What does the writer think Li Ling is like? A. Silly. B. Smart. C. Great. D. Ugly.BThis was my grandmothers first Christmas without Grandfather. When my parents and I arri

16、ved at her little house, we found she had waited up all night for us. Grandfather had always said that the Christmas tree was the most beautiful. When we took out the tree, we find that the star was missing. It was my grandmothers favorite part of the tree.“Why? It must be here somewhere,” my grandm

17、other said. As we opened up box after box and found no star, my grandmother felt very sad. Grandfather had given it to her some fifty years ago, on their first Christmas together. Now, on her first Christmas without him, the star was gone. ( )61. What does the underlined word “missing” mean in Chine

18、se? A. 褪色的 B. 错过的 C. 想念的 D. 不见的( )62. The family couldnt find the star on the Christmas tree because _. A. it had been taken away by the grandfatherB. it had been put into a large boxC. it had been broken by the grandfatherD. the family didnt look carefully enough for it( )63. Which of the following

19、 is TRUE about the grandmother? A. She lived with the writers family.B. She was sad because the star was missing.C. She never got a Christmas present from the grandfather.D. She couldnt believe her husbands death.( )64. What would probably happen to the grandmother after she read the note? A. She wo

20、uld ask her children to buy a new star.B. She would get angry with her husband.C. She would be greatly moved.D. She would throw away the new star. ( )65. What can we learn from the story? A. The grandfather was afraid of the grandmother.B. The grandfather loved the grandmother very much.C. The grand

21、mother didnt know how to spend Christmas.D. The grandfather died (死) on Christmas Day.COur class is going to volunteer to serve (服务) the old peoples home. Here is the time table. 8:00 9:00Clean, repair (修理) chairs and tables9:00 9:30Dance, sing and chat9:30 10:30Plant trees and flowers10:30 11:30Mak

22、e dumplings 13:00Return homeLeave: 7:00 a.m.Meeting place: Our school gateTransportation: By busClass 6, Grade 3October 12, 2010( )66. Class 6, Grade 3 will go to _. A. have a picnic B. help some old peopleC. visit some famous old men D. have a special class at school( )67. The activities will last

23、for _. A. an hour B. three hours C. five hours D. six hours( )68. What will they do at 11:00 a.m.? A. Plant trees and flowers. B. Chat with some old people.C. Make dumplings. D. Have lunch.( )69. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage? A. They will take a train to the old peopl

24、es home.B. They will dance and sing there.C. They will leave the old peoples home at 1:00 p.m.D. They will help clean the old peoples home.( )70. Where may students see this passage? A. On their math books. B. On a school magazine. C. In the school dining room. D. On the school notice board.五、补全对话 (

25、每空1分,共5分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择五个恰当的句子完成对话,并将其标号填入题号后的横线上。A. I like playing ping-pong and Im good at it.B. Yes, they want me to do it.C. Ive met some trouble.D. No, they dont.E. Thank you for your suggestion.F. My favorite sport is playing basketball.G. But my parents think it is difficult for me to achieve

26、 this dream.A: Hi, Li Hong! Why are you so upset?B: (71)_A: Whats the matter?B: (72)_ I want to be like Deng Yaping in the future.A: Yes, thats great.B: (73)_ They ask me to be realistic.A: So dont they allow you to practice ping-pong?B: (74)_ They want me to study all day.A: Tell them you will stud

27、y hard and practice ping-pong in your free time. B: OK. Ill try. (75)_A: Youre welcome. Good luck!六、单词拼写 (每小题1分,共10分) 根据题意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。76. Work hard and you will s_ one day. 77. Who will come to my party, Jerry or Adam? E_. The other one will have to babysit their cousin.78. Is he s_? Ho

28、w could he do such thing? No, he is clever. He just didnt understand our plan. 79. As a m_ of this team, we should work together. 80. You should try harder if you want to a_ your dream.81. The police stopped the drivers car and checked his _(执照). 82. Ive bought two key rings. You can _(选择) one first. 83. She is not _(严肃的) at all. She enjoys playing games with us. 84. He finds the _(重

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