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美国俚语轻松说YESI CAN.docx

1、美国俚语轻松说YESI CANYes, I Can轻松说英美俚语Absurd荒谬的; 荒唐的; 可笑-Absurd! I dont believe it. 荒唐,我才不信Adieu再见,再会(含“永不再见”意)(来自法语)Aloha欢迎, 再见(夏威夷人问候语)Cheerio(英式口语英文,有时也用在劝酒场合)再见!祝你健康/ Shalom(犹太用语)再见,你好Ciao再见!(来自意大利语)/Sayonara(日本)再见!Greetings/Howdy您好!-Greetings! How have you been?-So far, so good.Bon(=good) voyage(法语)祝

2、一帆风顺,一路平安(搭船使用)/Happy landing祝福意思(搭飞机使用)Bon jour早安!(法语)/Bon soir晚安!(法语)Ass笨蛋,死脑筋/Bozo傻蛋Asshole /Blockhead/Bonehead/Birdbrain/ Chump/Shithead笨蛋,傻瓜-Sorry to have kissed your car.-Asshole! Couldnt you put on the brakes?笨蛋,你不会踩刹车吗?Bum饭桶,差劲的人/Dumbbell哑铃/美笨蛋,蠢人Dummy/ Dope笨蛋,傻瓜/ Dunce劣学生,笨蛋-Dummy, why did

3、you pay so much to buy such of shit?为何你花这么多的钱买这么烂的一件东西?-Oh, I think its a bargain.(我认为那很划算)Fathead笨蛋,猪脑袋/Idiot笨蛋,白痴Moron低能儿,傻蛋/Simp呆子,傻子-He lent his diamond watch to the swindler, who pawned it.(当掉)-Moron, Didnt he know it just like throwing a meat bun to a dog?肉包子打狗吗?Turkey火鸡/笨,呆瓜/Yap傻瓜,笨蛋Damn fool

4、大笨蛋,大白痴You dummy你个笨蛋Attaboy/Attagirl(前指男性,后指女指)好棒-Attaboy! Hes always a superstar in the spotlight(聚光灯)真是要得,他总是众所瞩目的超级明星Bravo/Brava(意大利语前指男性,后指女指)好极了Bang-up /Bully极好的-She fixed the lecher in a minute.(收拾)-Bully, its said that she is a black belt at judo.Excellent/Fab/Fantastic/Marvelous好极了Sensationa

5、l/Far out/Thats great棒极了Super/Swell/Terrific太棒了,非常精彩(综艺节目)-What do you think about last nights variety show?-Terrific. Particularly the comic dialogue(相声).Attention/Muster/Salute-Muster! 集合 -Attention! 立正 -salute 敬礼-Dress to the right! 向右看齐 -At ease 稍息-Eyes front! 向前看 About face 向后转-Eyes right向右看 Ri

6、ght face-march向右转走-Rear march向后转走Baby/Darling/Honey/Sugar/Anata(日本)Sweetheart/Sweetie亲爱的Baloney/Bananas/Bosh/Bullshit/BombastBlah/Bushwa胡说八道,胡扯Fudge胡说,瞎扯/Hogwash废话,一派胡言Guff(美国俚语)胡扯,瞎扯Nerts表示厌恶、轻蔑、嘲讽等呸,胡说Nonsense废话,鬼扯蛋/Rats胡说,我才不信呢Nut怪胎,神经病/Nuts胡说,瞎扯Hot air你胡扯,吹牛/shit/ Thats bullshitBoast/Youre blowi

7、ng/Youre braggingYoure talking big 吹牛,臭显No bull?没吹牛吧Banzai(日本)/Hurrah 万岁Bastard私生子,混蛋,卑鄙的人Cad(尤指对女性)卑鄙的男人, 下流人, 无赖-The guy took libertied with the lady openly那家伙公然调戏女孩-Cad! He will ask for trouble sooner or later.下流,他迟早会自食其果。Crook恶棍,流氓/Crumb/Trash人渣,杂碎Cur下流痞子,杂种/Gangster 歹徒, 强盗Hellion恶少,恶棍/Lowlife卑劣

8、的人/punk小太保,小瘪三/ Rascal无赖,流氓/Motherfucker混账东西Scoundrel恶棍,无赖Blast you/Damn you你真该死,你这混蛋Bigbore/Bore/Creep/Crud/Nuisance讨厌鬼-Youre really one in a million. Ill follow you everywhere.你的确是非常优秀-Creep. Dont kiss my ass again.Bingo 中奖了,成了,得到了Cheapskate/Miser/Niggard/Stingy 小气鬼Chicken/Coward/Clam face/Mouse 胆

9、小鬼You chicken你这胆小鬼Hoodoo/Jinx/Voodoo瘟神,倒霉鬼Bummer /Lazybones/Slob懒人,懒鬼-Slob! Your room is just like a dump! No wonder no girl likes to be with you.-So what? None of your business! Its my styleYou lazybones!你这懒鬼Letch/Lecher/Dirty old man/Wolf色狼,好色 Eunuch太监, 宦官Damn/Doggone(比Damn委婉)/Hell/Shit 该死,糟了Drat(

10、诅咒, 咒骂)-Please XYZ(examine your zipper检查你的拉链)-Drat! I forgot to zip up my trousersAbsolutely/Definitely/Indeed不错!的确Even/Drawn game 和局Disgusting/Yuck 恶心Dismiss/Knock off 解散,下课Fuck/Eff(为Fuck的委婉用法)操!-Eff! That bozo is a snitch操!那混球是奸细(bozo美俚家伙, (尤指四肢发达, 头脑简单的)大汉)-Why? Did he sell you?Fake/Cheat/Liar/Qu

11、ack/Slicker/Swindler 骗子,冒牌货Figures/No wonder 怪不得,可想而知,难怪Freeze/Hold up 不准动Hush/Be quiet/Pipe down不要出声Hush baby!乘乘睡Jake乡巴佬-Can I pee at the pole?-Jake! Dont make a scene! Its not in a country别闹了Jerk怪胎-The guy is often talking to himself.-Jerk! Leave him alone Lousy/Sick/Vile/Wretched/Mean真龌龊,真卑鄙,真差劲M

12、ac/Buddy/Man老兄-Hey, Mac, Wheres your courtesy? Please dont cut the line, will you?Minx/Bitch/Quean/Prostitute/whore/Hooker 妓女-Betty is notorious as an easy make-Minx, she must be a sex maniacNerts/Nonsense/Nuts 扯蛋,呸!-He thought himself something-Nerts, Is he competent?-Its said that the school belle

13、 is your chick?校花-Nonsense, She doesnt at all take a fancy to me她根本就看不上我 -Hes nothing but an apple polisher他只不过是个马屁精。Psycho神经病-The guy is often saying that he used to be a commander-in-chief(总司令)-Psycho! He has been in the cuckoo house more than a score years.Question(集会时促请发言离题者注意的叫声)回到本题-Question,

14、What you are saying has no connection with the subject under the discussion.-Is that so! Then words fail me.是那样子吗,那我就没什么可讲了。Roger/Understand知道了,明白,收到Scalawag没出息的家伙,饭桶Scram/Beat it/Get out快逃,滚出去Shake-up/Bear up/Buck up/Cheer up/Keep up/Perk up/Spunk up/Pick up/振作起来Shame/What a shame/What a pity/Sucks

15、真可耻,多可惜Geek/Bookworm/Pedant书呆子Shoot 说吧,有屁快放-Dont mutter Shoot!-I was fined for speeding. Could you lend me some money? Im short of money now.Snob势利鬼-She never makes friends with poor.-Snob! Every man has his day.Snook有啥了不起-The guy has much appeal and always wins a lot of womens hearts.(很有魅力)-Snook!

16、Hes nothing but a gigolo(小白脸)Speaking 我就是(常用在电话里)Square(-表平方二表老古董守旧的人)/Conservative/Stiff/Stock/Uptight-How come so many young boys have their ears punched(打耳洞) and hair dyed?(dye 染发)-Square! They are fresh blood. Youve fallen behind the times.Strik打保龄球时,掷第一球球瓶全倒叫strike,坏球叫ballThick-skinned不要脸,厚脸皮Th

17、irteen小心点老板来了Toast/Cheers干杯-Toast, enjoy yourselves tonight.-Wow, Whats new tonightTomboy(指女人有男人的言行举止)男人婆Underdog手下败将,差劲的家伙Weird/Incredible真奇怪Witch坏女人,恶婆娘,巫婆After you你先请-Let me show you the way.-Ok, after you.All aboard统统上车(船)/All gone全花光了-Wheres your pocket money?- All gone.Allow me让我来-The fucking

18、guy set me up(骗我)and I wanna fix him.(修理他)-Dont worry! Allow me.All sold客满And how/Exactly/Damned right那还用说,一点也没错(and中d不发音)-You mean we should complete it by hook or crook(不择手段)?-And how! Lets make a move now.Any chance/Any luck手气如何(句尾要用升调)-I have played slot machine(老虎机)all night.-Any luck?-Oh, bad

19、luck. Ive lost my shirt(输的精光).Any news? 有何消息Any identification?带身份证了吗?Any time随时效劳,随时候教。Any vacancy? 有空房间吗-I didnt make a reservation. Any vacancy?-Sorry, Weve no vacancies. All rooms are booked.Anything wrong有错吗,有问题吗Ask around到处打听看看,去问别人Awful day天气真糟Be alert/Be careful/Be cautious/Take care/Watch i

20、t/Watch out小心-Be alert. Dont screw around(鬼混,乱搞), or youll get social diseases(性病).-Youre telling me! I aint a fucker.Be ambitious要胸怀大志-Be ambitious, boy. This world belongs to you and youll set the world on fire some day.(出人头地)-Its easier to said than done, but Ill cheer up and work hard from now o

21、n.Be casual/Be natural 不要太死板-Look at your poker face(一本正经的),be casual, will you?-Its my style, how can I change it?Be cool冷静 Be human通人情Be good要乖,要听话-Be good, dont be mischievous(顽皮).-Ill if you give me a lollipop(棒棒糖)Be off/Fuck off/Scram/Go away滚开-I dont mean to trouble you again, but could you do

22、 me a favor one more time?-Be off, dont try me about that. Youre really a party pooper(美俚在社交聚会上无精打彩令人扫兴的人)Be smart聪明点,识相点Be sweet态度好一点Be tactful圆滑点Beautiful job/Beautifully done/Well-done做的好,干的漂亮Beg pardon/Come again对不起,请再说一遍好吗?Behave yourself规矩一些,不要乱来-Behave yourself, you wanna get fresh(无礼,放肆(尤指对异

23、性)with me? No chance.-dont be so serious. I just wanna have a chat with you.-save your breath, Im a woman cop.Judo柔道/Karate空手道/Kungfu功夫Taekwondo跆拳道Shadowboxing太极拳Big idea好主意-whats boring you?-Im at a loss how to lose weight.-Go to the fitness center(健身中心)and consult the expert.-Big idea.Bless me/God

24、 bless me天啊,哎呀Bless you/God bless you请保重Book him把他押起来Bother it真讨厌Bury yourself 少烦我,滚开By golly/My god/Oh god天啊-By golly. You have mistaken the gigolo(小白脸) for your dream boat(理想的男人,译成白马王子)Can it/shut up/ Clam up闭嘴-Clam up you brat(乳臭未干的小子). Theres no room for you to talk here.-Dont sell me short uncl

25、e. I know some sinister tricks of yours.Catch me我绝对不干-What? You want me to be a pest(电灯泡)? Catch me.-please please, only this time.Certainly not当然不是Check, please请结账Hes your ace buddy他是你的死党(美俚)耶!-You mean he wears a toupee(男子假发)-Damned right. I know him.Woman-killer万人迷Come along/Hurry up快点-Come along

26、, for youll miss the last bus.-Dont worry, my boyfriend will come over to pick me up.-It seems to me that Im too meddlesome(多管闲事)Coming soon近期上映Future attraction预先片Commence/Cease fire开始/停止射击Course not/Of course not当然不-Do you want to brush me off?(敷衍我吗)-Oh, of course not.-Then how come you so indiffe

27、rent to me and give me such chicken feed?(一点小钱).-As you know, Ive been hard up these days and take instant noodles every day.(天天吃泡面)Crummy car/camera/walkman(随身听)/Computer/TV/cellphone 破车 An eye for an eye ,a tooth for a tooth一报还一报Deuce knows/Who knows天晓得Do something快想个办法-There got to be a trap. The

28、 guy wanna fake us out.-Do something. Lets gang up on him.让我们联合起来对付他吧-Ive no idea, up to you.-All right, Lets deal with him as he deals with us.好的,就让我们以其人之道还治其人之身Dont argue(t不发音)别跟我顶嘴-Why are you not going anywhere? 你为何不长进呢?-I get the gene of your-Dont argue, youre always too ready to find some excu

29、ses.-Like father like son 有其父必有其子-youve destroyed me. Get lost! 你把我气死了,滚开.Dont boast(t不发音)别吹牛-Youre really a paper tiger. Why are you always bossy(耍威风)before us and cowardly(懦弱) before your wife?-Its a long story and I have secret anguish.(隐痛)-Dont boast, youre henpecked by nature, arent you?(天生怕老婆)

30、Dont bother(t不发音)别费神了-Are you crazy about her?-Yes, I go ape over(倾心)her, but Im afraid she wont take a fancy to me.是的,我对她很倾心,但是我怕她看不上我.-Do you need my help? success.-Dont bother, you dont have a capacity enough for Dont fidget(t不发音)别烦躁-Im stuck here(骑虎难下)and at a loss what to do.-Take it easy. Dont fidget, whats up.-My chick(女朋友)forced me to marry her and gave me only three days to answer her.Dont move(t不发音)别动.Dont splurge(t不发音)别卖弄了-How about my low-busted gown(低胸礼服)?its sexy

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