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本文(高考英语大一轮复习 语言知识运用 第一节 单项选择 特殊句式 倒装强调省略反意疑问句感叹.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语大一轮复习 语言知识运用 第一节 单项选择 特殊句式 倒装强调省略反意疑问句感叹.docx

1、高考英语大一轮复习 语言知识运用 第一节 单项选择 特殊句式 倒装强调省略反意疑问句感叹2015届高考英语大一轮复习 语言知识运用 第一节 单项选择 特殊句式 倒装、强调、省略、反意疑问句、感叹句等精品试题(含2014试题)新人教版1.(2014天津市十二区县重点学校高三毕业班联考一,12)Wealth is important but as a matter of fact, I think , _ is health that counts.A. whichB. whatC. thereD. it解析 1.句意:财富很重要,但是事实上我认为健康才是最重要的。分析句子结构可知此处考查强调句式

2、,被强调部分是句子的主语health,所以答案为D项。2.(2014重庆市重庆一中高三下学期第一次月考,32)We laugh at jokes, but seldom, _, think about how they work.A. if never B. if any C. if ever D. if not解析 2.句意:听到幽默笑话我们就会笑,但是即使有的话也很少想一想这些幽默笑话是如何让我们发笑的。根据语境可知空格处表达:如果曾经发生过某事的话,要用if ever。没有A项这种表达方式;B如果还有某物的话;C如果有过的话、很少;D如果不这样做的话。3.(2014重庆市重庆一中高三下学

3、期第一次月考,31)It was not until Mum agreed to take her to KFC, _ was her favorite, _ she stopped crying.A. which; thatB. which; which C. that; whichD. where; that解析 3.句意:一直到妈妈同意带她去她最喜欢的KFC她喜爱停止了哭闹。分析句子结构可知该句整体是一个强调句式,被强调部分是句子的时间状语,所以第二个空应该用that,排除B、C两项。第一个空是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,要用关系代词which,所以答案为A项。4.(2014重庆市

4、重庆一中高三下学期第一次月考,29) Are the rest of our guests here?Not yet. Look, there _!A. come theyB. they cameC. do they comeD. they come解析 4.句意:我们那些剩余的客人都到了吗?还没呢你看他们来了。表示地点和方位方向的副词置于句首时应该用完全倒装句式,但是该句的主语是代词they,则不用倒装句式,所以答案为D项。5.(2014重庆市重庆一中高三下学期第一次月考,26)There must have been a large number of tourists in Sanya

5、last winter, _?A. mustnt thereB. havent there C. werent there D. didnt there解析 5.句意:去年冬天三亚一定会大量的游客,是吧?考查反义问句。根据主句的谓语动词must have been和时间状语last winter可知此处应该是对过去情况的反问,要用werent there.6.(2014江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考,31)The student must be working very hard, _?A. doesnt heB. mustnt heC. neednt heD. isnt he解析 6.句

6、意:这个学生学习一定很努力,是吧?由主句中的must be可知此处是对现在情况表示肯定推测,所以反义问句部分应该用isnt,啊安慰D项。7.(2014江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考,22)Directly he arrived the bus station, then _ he had intended to take.A. a bus did comeB. a bus cameC. came a bus D. did a bus come解析 7.句意:他刚到汽车站接着就来了一辆他想乘坐的公共汽车。副词then置于句首时后面要用完全倒装句式,把谓语动词came全部提到主语a bus之前

7、,所以答案为C项。8.(2014重庆市名校联盟高三下学期联合考试,6)Will Mr. Black go to the opening ceremony this weekend?No, he has finally decided _.A. notB. not to goC. not toD. not to go to解析 8.句意:本周末布莱克先生去参加开幕式吗?他不去,最后他决定不去了。考查省略句式。承接第一句话为了避免重复把动词省略,只保留不定式符号to,故选C项。9.(2014吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟,34)I have tried very hard to find a sol

8、ution to the problem, but in vain.Why not consult with Frank? You see, .A. great minds think alike B. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.D. its better to think twice before doing something解析 9.句意:我已经非常努力地寻找解决问题的办法了,但都是徒劳无功。为什么不去请教一下Frank?你知道,三个诸葛亮胜过一个臭皮匠。A英雄所

9、见略同。C一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林。D三思而后行。10.(2014吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟,29) you eat the correct food be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A. Unless; will youB. Only if; you willC. Only if; will youD. Unless; you will解析 10.句意:只有吃对事物,你才能身强体健。“only+状语从句” 置于句首,主句要部分倒装。unless意为“除非,如果不” ,与文意不符。11.(2014江西省红色六校高三第二次联考,35) The manage

10、r of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesnt spend much on technology.I am afraid he wont realize his dream. You know _.A. empty vessels make the greatest soundB. you cant eat your cake and have itC. enough is as good as a feastD. two heads are better than one解析 11.句意:工厂的

11、经理想大规模提高产量,但是在技术上没做太多投入。恐怕他的梦想不会实现。你知道,鱼和熊掌不可兼得。A满瓶不响,半瓶咣当;B鱼和熊掌不可兼得;C知足常乐;D三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮。12.(2014江西省红色六校高三第二次联考,34)In his speech, he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of _influenced his whole life.A. whatB. whichC. who D. as解析 12.句意:在演讲中,他提到是自己喜欢的小学老师影响了他的一生。本句为强调句结构,强调的是宾语

12、从句的主语his primary school teachers (that he was fond of) ,当强调的部分指人时,可用who代替that。13.(2014福建省福州市高三毕业班质量检测,32)Have you seen the film Where are we going,Dad?Yes,I have. I heard that it was in five days_ it was made.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where解析 13.句意:你看爸爸去哪儿这部电影了吗?看了。我听说它的拍摄只用了五天时间。宾语从句使用了强调句型“It is/wa

13、s+被强调部分+that+其他成分” ,强调的是时间状语in five days,其正常语序为:I heard that it was made in five days.14.(2014安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测,33) The parents didn t tolerate their kids rudeness at the party, nor _ themselves to be disobeyed.A. they allowedB. did they allowC. didn t they allowD. they didn t allow解析 14.句意:父母既不容许他们

14、的孩子在聚会上无礼,也不允许他们不听话。nor引起的分句要采用部分倒装结构,首先排除A、D;nor本身就表示否定意义,故排除C。15.(2014山东省济南市高三教学质量调研,19)It was not until 2012, when I got married, _ I could afford to buy my own house.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. how解析 15.考查强调句型。句意:直到2012年我结婚后,我才能买得起自己的房子。此处是not until 的强调句型结构,即it was not untilthat结构。16.(2014江苏省扬州市高三期

15、末质量检测,32)My Dad began to teach me English when I was eight.Wow. You must have studied English for six years, ?A. havent youB. mustnt youC. neednt youD. dont you解析 16.句意:八岁上我爸爸就教我学英语。哇。你一定学了六年英语了,对吗?本题考查反意疑问句。must have done表示对过去的肯定推测时,疑问部分用have的适当形式;注意若有明确的时间状语时,疑问部分用didnt,如:You must have read it las

16、t night, didnt you?17.(2014吉林省吉林市高三上学期期末教学质量检测,29)_ label to each of the trees, with detailed introduction of their features, and visitors will know more about them and how to protect them.A. To attach B. Having attachedC. AttachedD. Attach解析 17.句意:给每棵树贴上标签,写上详细的特征说明,这样游客就会更了解它们,知道如何保护它们。连词and提示该句为“

17、祈使句+and+简单句” 结构,故应使用动词原形。18.(2014河北衡水中学高三上学期五调,25) In his speech, he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of _influenced his whole life.A. whatB. whichC. asD. who解析 18.句意:他在演讲中说,是他喜欢的小学老师影响了他的一生。said后的宾语从句是强调句,被强调的是人,故可以用who引出其他成分;其中that he was fond of是定语从句,修饰先行词his primary

18、school teachers。19.(2014甘肃省兰州市高三第一次诊断,14) _ Tom met John last week?A. It is where thatB. Where it is thatC. where is it thatD. That is it where解析 19.句意:上个星期,汤姆究竟是在哪儿遇见约翰的?本句为强调句的特殊疑问句形式,即“疑问词+is/was it +that?”20.(2014甘肃省兰州市高三第一次诊断,9) John opened the door. There he had never seen before.A. a girl did

19、 standB. a girl stoodC. did a girl standD. stood a girl解析 20.句意:约翰打开房门,门口站着一个他从未见过的女孩。本题考查“表方位副词+不及物动词+主语” 的全部倒装形式。常见的方位副词主要有:there, here, in, out, up, down和away。注意主语若是代词,则不必倒装。21.(2014甘肃省兰州市高三第一次诊断,6) If parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed. _, they will learn to

20、 take care of themselves.A. On the contraryB. In a wordC. That is to sayD. Whats more解析 21.句意:如果家长让孩子帮忙做家务,孩子就会有被需要感。更重要的是,他们将学会照顾自己。A 反之;B 总之;C 即,也就是说;D 而且,更重要的是。22.(2014福建省厦门市高三上学期质量检测,35)Not until Edward Snowdens letout _ that the NSA planted agents insideWorld of Warcraft” ,an online game.A . di

21、d the world know B. had the world knownC. the world knew D. the world had known解析 22.句意:直到爱德华斯诺登泄密,全世界才知道美国国家安全局在名为魔兽世界的网络游戏中安插了特工。not untli置于句首,主句要部分倒装。本句的自然语序是:The world didnt know that the NSA planted agents insideWorld of Warcraft” ,an online game until Edward Snowdens letout.23.(2014福建省厦门市高三上学期

22、质量检测,28)Failing for the first time has made him come to know _ important a second chance is.A . whether B . how C . what D . why解析 23.句意:第一次失败的教训让他开始明白这次的机会是多么重要。how引导的感叹句作know的宾语。即:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!24.(2014安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测,33)_ you got Wang Fengs autograph photo?Didnt you know I went to his live c

23、oncert? See? Easy!A. How it wasB. When it was that C. How was it that D. When was it解析 24.句意:你究竟是怎么弄到汪峰的签名照的?你难道不知道我去听他的现场演唱会了?看到了吗?就这么简单!本句为强调句的特殊疑问句形式,即:疑问词+is/was it +that?25.(2014安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测,25)I really shouldnt have shouted at my parents like that, but _.A. it was none of your businessB.

24、I just couldnt help itC. I didnt care about it D. it made no difference解析 25.句意:我真的不应该对父母那样大喊大叫,但是我实在是忍不住了。A 不关你的事;B 我忍不住;C 我不在乎;D 没有影响。26.(福建省厦门市2013届高三上学期质量检查,26)Hardly when they realized that it was too late to catch the last train.A. the clock had struck twelve B. the clock had been struck twelv

25、eC. had the clock been struck twelve D. had the clock struck twelve解析 26.句意:时钟刚一敲响12下,他们就意识到赶末班火车为时已晚。该句为hardlywhen引导的时间状语从句,意思是“一就”。当否定副词hardly置于句首时,主句要部分倒装。其正常语序是:The clock had hardly struck twelve when they realized that it was too late to catch the last train.27.(2013届北京市海淀区高三年级第一学期期末练习,22)Such

26、a fierce dog _that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.A. has he had B. did he have C. he had D. he has had解析 27.句意:他养着一条异常凶猛的狗,以致我们进入他的院子之前,不得不先在外面等着。在suchthat引导的结果状语从句中,当such修饰名词位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装形式。该句正常语序是:He had such a fierce dog that we had to wait outside before we could get i

27、nto his yard.28.(重庆市2013届高三九校联合诊断考试,29) He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _ , refusing them when they turn to him.A.if not B.if neverC.if any D.if ever解析 28.句意:他非常乐意帮助别人,当他们有求于他时,他几乎很少拒绝。seldom/rarely, if ever是个成语,可不分析它的构成,只要掌握住其含义就可以了:很少,难得。if any意思是“如果有的话,即使有也”,常搭配little/few,如:There is

28、little hope, if any, that any survivors can be found.即使有希望能找到幸存者,那希望也是很小的。29.(江苏省无锡市2013届高三上学期期末考试,34)Never there was a beautiful place nearby, so away_.A. did they know; went they B. they knew; went theyC. did they know; they went D. they knew; they went解析 29.句意:他们不知道这附近有一处美丽的地方,因此就离开了。第一空never是表示否

29、定意义的副词,置于句首引起部分倒装,其正常语序是:They never knew there was a beautiful place nearby;第二空虽然表方位的副词away放在句首,但因主语是人称代词就不能引起全部倒装,比较:Out rushed the boy.那个男孩冲了出去。30.(东北三省四市教研协作体2013届高三联合考试,24)Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better. A. ifB. butC. orD. and解析 30. 句意:站在那里,你就可以看得更清楚。该句考查“祈使句+and/or+陈述句” 结构,陈述句多为一般将来时。由句意可知应选and,即“如果就会” ;or表示“除非否则” 。31.(东北三省四市教研协作体2013届高三联合考试,26)_ we move the couch over there? Dont you think the room will look larger? A. What about B. How

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