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1、新目标八年级英语下册unit4期中复习学案新目标八年级英语下册unit4期中复习学案 新目标八年级英语下册unit4期中复习学案复习过程一 重点单词 Unit 4 1 ever adv曾经;永远2 essage n消息;信息 3 suppse v假定;认为;期望4 nervus ad神经紧张的;不安的 true ad真实的 6 lu ad幸运的 7 p v复制;抄袭8 n ad自己的 9 village n乡村10 area n地区;地域的 11 eter n米;公尺12 thin ad稀薄的 13 deisin n决心;决定14 husband n 丈夫 1 llege n学院;大学16 s

2、tart n开始;开端 17 influene n影响18 hetn n家乡,故乡 19 danger n危险 Unit 1 fler n花 2 against prep反对 3 hane n机会;机遇 4 tnight n今晚,今夜 ind n窗;窗户 6 explain v解释;说明 7 iprve v提高;改进二 重点词组 Unit 4 1 have a surprise part开一个惊喜聚会 2 be ad at对非常愤怒,恼火 3 first f all首先 4 passt把传给 be suppsed t认为必须,认为应该 6 d ell in在某方面做得好;擅长 7 have a

3、 ld感冒 8 be in gd health身体健康 9 get nervus变得紧张 10 end-f-ear exa年终考试 11 reprt ard成绩报告单 12 get ver恢复;克服 13 pass n传递 Unit 1 let in允许进入,允许参加 2 reind sb f sth提醒某人某事 3 tae aa拿走,拿开 4 ae ne挣钱,赚钱 travel rund the rld周游世界 6 be faus著名,有名 7 g t llege上大学 8 ae a living谋生,以为生 9 all the tie一直,总是 10 all ver the rld全世界

4、11 laugh at sb嘲笑某人三 重点句子 Unit 4 1 I a ad at aria She said she as ad at aria 2 I a having a part fr Lana She said she as having a part fr Lana 3 I g t the beah ever Saturda He said he ent t the beah ever Saturda 4 I ill all u trr He tld e he uld all e trr / the next da I an spea three languages She s

5、aid she uld spea three languages Unit 1 I thin Ill ride bie If u d, ull be late 2 I thin I ging t sta at he If u d, ull be srr四 重点语法 1 间接引语 直接引语和间接引语:直接引用别人的话表达意思,称为直接引语;用自己的话转述别人的话,称为间接引语。 直接引语和间接引语中动词形式的变化形式如下:直接引语间接引语I a ad at ariaI a having a part fr LanaI g t the beah ever SaturdaI ill all u tr

6、rI an spea three languagesShe said she as ad at ariaShe said she as having a part fr LanaHe said he ent t the beah ever SaturdaHe tld e he uld all e trrShe said she uld spea three languages (1)直接引语变成间接引语时,几个主要时态的变化规律直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时一般将时过去将时现在进行时过去进行时 (2)直接引语变成间接引语时,一些词汇的变化规律直接引语1 a / is2 are3 have

7、 / has4 ill an6 a间接引语1 as2 ere3 had4 uld uld6 ight 在间接引语中除了注意时态,人称和时间状语的变化外,陈述句的句型,语序没有变化,只是要在陈述句前加连词that,它常常被省略,不在句子中担任成分。 eg She said t e, “I lie English ver uh” - She said ( that ) she lied English ver uh 当引用的句子是一般疑问句,转述为间接引语时,要把一般疑问句句型转换为陈述句句型,同时在句子前面加上if或hether。 eg friend ased e, “D u lie Engli

8、sh?” - friend ased e if / hether I lied English 当引用的句子是祈使句时,那么间接引语要改用动词不定式表示。 句型:肯定句:tell / as sb t d sth 否定句:tell / as sb nt t d sth eg The teaher said, “Dnt be late again” - The teaher tld the students nt t be late again 把特殊疑问句转述为间接引语时,要特别注意语序的变化。它的语序转换为陈述句语序,要以疑问词开头(并注意此时不能用that)。 eg ar ased e, “

9、h is she?” - ar ased e h she as 2 由if引导的条状语从句 if用做连词时,可以表示“如果;假如”,用引导一个条状语从句。 eg I ill g if he ass e If u eat bad fd, u a be ill 在主句和条状语从句中的动词都表示将的动作时,主句中常用一般将时,但从句中常用一般现在时。 eg e ill e t see u if e have tie u nt be able t pass the exa if u dnt r hard五 知识点讲解 1 I ad at aria我生玛茜娅的气。 “ad”在此意为“生气的,愤怒的”,b

10、e ad at意思是“生的气”,“对发怒”,相当于be angr ith。 eg The teaher as ad at the b The teaher as angr ith the b be ad abut意为“对迷的发狂” eg I a ad abut lleting staps get ad意为“变疯,变的恼怒” eg I gt ad esterda beause f his lie 2 Lana said she uld bring se drins and snas t ur huse “bringt”表示“(从别处把某人或某物)带”。bring的反义词是tae,表示把某人或某物

11、“带走(到别处)”。 eg Please bring the b t shl trr Please tae the ept up aa 3 I gd at speaing be gd at意为“擅长于”“在方面做的好”,相当于d ell in,后跟名词,动名词,代词。 eg She is gd at singing She des ell in singing I better at reading than listening I an d better in ath 4 I srr t hear that he had a ld last ee I hpe u are in gd heal

12、th听说他上周感冒了,我很难过,我希望你身体健康。 be srr t d sth意为“对感到很难过” eg I srr t brea the ind I srr t hear f the nes I alas get nervus我总是很紧张。 get nervus的用法 get nervus“感到紧张不安的;易激动的” get为系动词,nervus为形容词,作表语。也可以说成:be nervus或feel nervus。 eg enn is a sh girl She alas gets nervus hile taling ith strangers I nervus abut the e

13、xas Tae it eas Dnt be nervus 6 I had a hard tie ith siene this seester, and I asnt surprised t find rst reprt ard as fr siene teaher 这学期我在自然方面学习很吃力,看到我最差的成绩单是自我的自然老师时,我一点也不吃惊。 (1)have a hard tie ith sth意为“在某方面感到很困难” eg She had a hard tie ith English lasses (2)have a hard tie ith sb意为“和某人关系处得非常不好” eg

14、 Peter had a hard tie ith his father 7 I said that as and that I as sure shed get ver it 我说那好吧,我确信她会恢复的。 “get ver”表“恢复,克服” eg I a sure u an get ver this diffiult Its alst dne Lets get it ver 8 If u ear eans, e nt let u in 如果你穿牛仔装,我们将不让你进去。 (1)eans“牛仔裤”,总是复数名词,表示一条牛仔裤时用a piee f eans 类似的词还有:shrts, pan

15、ts, trusers, glasses等。 (2)let表示让某人做某事,让某事发生时,后面跟省略“t”的动词不定式或某些介词。 eg Let hi in at ne Her father nt let her g ut at night ud better pen the inds and let se flesh air in 9 If u bee a prfessinal ser plaer, ull never g t llege 如果你成为一名职业球员,你将永远不能上大学。 g t llege意思是“上大学” g t the llege意思是“去那个大学” 类似的词组有g t sh

16、l / g t the shl;g t hurh/ g t the hurh 10 If u d, the teaher ill as the t leave 如果你这么做,老师会叫他们离开。 as sb t d请求某人做某事 eg He ased us t lean the r quil The students ased the teaher t tell the str again as sb fr sth向某人要某物 eg Its nt gd t as parents fr ne If u ant re fd, u an as the aiter fr re 11 (1)ae a lt

17、 f ne意为“赚很多钱” (2)ae a living意为“谋生” (3)ae life diffiult使生活很困难 ae+ ad结构意为“使怎么样” ae the r lean ae it lear (4)ae sb d sth使某人做某事 eg He ade us finish the b in t hurs ()ae it形容词t d sth eg e ill ae it easier t d this in this a 12 Ill be able t help peple我将会帮助人们。 be able t与an作为情态动词,两者都可表示能力,意为“会,能够” be able

18、t与an的主要区别是: (1)an侧重表示“客观的可能性,请求或许可” eg an I help u? e an eat fruit t eep health (2)be able t强调靠聪明、才干、奋斗等把过去某项困难克服或完成。 eg ell be able t ae ne hen e gr up He asnt able t al until he as seven “be able t”的时态要比“an”的时态多,并且be able t可用于不定式或动名词短语中,an不能。 eg I hpe I ill be able t rite a str He ened being able

19、t si in the river 13 and d a lt f r t help peple做大量的工作帮助人们。 r为“工作”之意时,是不可数名词,请区分r与b。 eg he has an part-tie bs I srr that I have t uh r t d 14 And if u bee rih, ull have a diffiult tie ning h ur real friends are 如果你变得有钱了,你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。 have a diffiult tie(in)ding sth做很难 对比have a hard tie ith sth在方面感到困难 eg I had a diffiult tie in dealing ith the atter He had a hard tie ith puter六 写作 Unit 4 telling a str(讲故事) Unit deisin aing(做决定)

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