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1、新概念第一册参考答案汇总新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 103-104)新概念英语第册103-104课词汇学习Word studyfail v.失败;及格:Doctors failed to save the old mans life.医生们未能挽救那位老人的 生命。He failed his French paper because it was too difficult.他的法语考 试没及格,因为试卷太难了。(2)(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢:My eyesight is failing.我的视力在衰退。The flowers failed for lack of sunshine

2、.花因缺少阳光而凋谢。(3)(后接不定式)不,不能;忘记:Ifail to see why you find it so extraordinary.我不明白为什么你们认 为它如此与众不同。He failed to persuade me.他没能说服我。hate v.(1)讨厌;不喜欢;有反感:He hates exams!他讨厌考试!I hate beef.我不喜欢牛肉。(2)憎恨;憎恶:He said that he hated hypocrisy.他说他憎恶虚伪。Tom really hates the murderer in that film.汤姆十分仇视那部电影中的杀人凶手。新概念

3、英语第一册103-104课课后练习答案Key to written exercisesLesso n 104A11 couldnt speak to the boss. He was too busy.2I couldnt go out. It was too cold for me to go out3I could answer all the questions They were very easy.4Is that suitcase light eno ugh for you to carry?5Is your brother old enough to be a member of

4、 our association?6They couldrT t see that film. They were too young.B1Yesz he could .It was cheap enough for him to buy.2No, he couldnt. It was too expensive for him to buy.3Yes; they could. They were fresh enough for them to eat.4No, they could nt. They were too stale for them to eat.5Yes, they cou

5、ld .It was loud enough for them to hear.6No, they couldn11. It was too low for them to hear.7Yes, he could .It was low eno ugh for him to climb 8No, he couldnt. It was too high for him to climb.9Yes, she could .It was soft eno ugh for her to eat.10No, she couldnt It was too hard for her to eat.11Yes

6、, she could .It was sweet enough for her to eat12No, she couldnt .It was too sour for her to eat新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 113-114)新概念英语第一册114-115课词汇学习Word study change v.兑换:Iwant to change the pounds into dollars我想把这些英镑兑换成美元。Could you change me a one-pound notez please?能否请你换一镑的零钱给我?改变;更改:He changed his min

7、d at last.他最终改变了自己的主意。This plan is to change the desert into farmland.这个计划是要将沙漠变为农田。交换;改换:Shall we change our seats?我们调换一下座位好吗?Youve got to change your bus at the next stop你得在下一站换车。except prep.除外:quou job OAj 卩peq ou jo6 oaj peojq Aue o5 ;(U9Aeqon V auou jo6 QAj -sau!ze6puj ou jo6 oaj sauize6puj Aue

8、uaAeqon auou OAj -sadoiaAua ou jo6 oaj sado|9Aua Xue jo6 uaAeqon 乙 auou jo6 OAj |!UJ ou jo6 oaj niiu Aue jo6 uaAeqon I9 J99JJS 3屮 Ul SQ OU MPS I |7 uij siqj ui aajjOD ou si ajaqi Xauoiu ou 106 9Aeq 1 乙 j|aqs pq)uo s|ooq ou aje ajaqi【V S9SDJ9X9 UanUM OJ人叭 孝另E蜀曰滌滌Wl馬Iffi弟虽篦冷御舞Xcuoo|6 uaqM idaoxa

9、iuiq e” 1Aepuns idaoxa Xep Xjoaq uado aJ.Aaqi 。工库理d竝曲尋辛腮Y呈附阴场N翩判 心pd 3屮 o juaM auef idaoxa auoXjoA1Neither am I. Im not hungry, either.2Neither did 1.1 didnt meet him, either.3Neither was 1.1 wasnt at church yesterday, either.4Neither do 1.1 dont like ice cream, either.5Neither can 1.1 cant swimf ei

10、ther.6Neither am I. fm not a doctor, either.D1So am I. F m hungry, too.2So did 1.1 met himf too.3So was 1.1 was at church yesterday, too.4So do I. like ice cream, too.5So can 1.1 can swim/ too.6So am I. Fm a doctor, too.新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 125-126)新概念英语第一册125-126课重点单词学习Word studymean v.(1)意味看,即:Its r

11、aining! That means you dont need to water the garden. 下雨了!这就是说,你不必给花园浇水了。(词语)表示意思:What does perfume mean in English?perfume词在英语中是什么意思?The green light means Go orV绿灯的意思是继续向前。意指;意欲:What I mean is that well have to go back and look for it.我的意思是:我们必须回去寻找它。He didnt mean to hurt you.他的本意并不是想伤害你。water v.浇(

12、洒)水;供水;喂水:The garden is very dry, Im going to water it tomorrow morning.花园里很干了,明早我准备给它浇些水。Tim is watering his lovely little dog蒂姆正在给他那只可爰的小狗喂水。(2)充满水;充满泪水;流口水:He felt sad and his eyes watered a little.他感到难过,眼睛有点儿湿润了。Ice cream always makes his mouth water.冰淇淋总能让他馋得淌口水。(3)搀水冲淡;加水稀释:Someone had been wa

13、tering the milk.有人往牛奶里搀了水。He always waters drinks and sells them to tourists.他总是在饮料里搀水并将之卖给游客们。新概念英语第一册126课课后练习答案:A1Does she have to decide immediately?She doesnt have to decide immediately.2Must she decide immediately?She neednt decide immediately.3Do we have to take a taxi?We dont have to take a t

14、axi.4Must we take a taxi?We needrft take a taxi.B11 have to telephone him, too.2Mary has to wait for him, too.3Jim has to meet her 龙oo.4Tom and Mary have to travel by ship, too.c1Do you really have to telephone him?2Does Mary really have to wait for him?3Does Jim really have to meet her?新概念第一册参考答案(L

15、essons 137-138)新概念英语第一册第137-138课重点词汇学习Word studydepend v.(on)(1)视而定;取决于:A: Whe are you coming back?你设么时候回来?B: Well, it depends.哦,看情况吧。It depends on whether they win onot.这取决于他们是否能赢。(2)依靠;依赖:The country depends heavily on its export of farming products.这个国家在很大程度上依赖于其农产品的出口。They depended on us for hel

16、p.他们依靠的是我们的帮助。G)信赖;相信:We can depend on the accuracy of the test.我们可以相信测试的准确性。You can depend on Johnhe is an honest man.你可以信赖约翰他是一个诚实的人。win v.(1)赢(如比赛或奖项);获胜:Which team won?哪一队获胜了?He felt very excited to have won the gold medal.赢得了金牌,他感到非常兴奋。新概念英语第一册第138课课后练习答案:A1He is doing the football pools.2No, h

17、e has never won any thing on the football pools 3He will buy his wife a mink coat if he wins a lot of money.4No, she doesnt5She wants to see the world.6He will try and win the football pools again.7Yes; its only a dream8It all depends onif.B1If he misses the busz hell take a taxi.2If he doesnt sell

18、his old carz he wont buy a new one.3If they offer me more money, Til work less.4If she doesnt type the letter, hell type it himself5If they come home earlyz the children will play in the garden.6If I am ill tomorrow, I wont go to work7If I go to the party, TH enjoy myself.8If he asks me, Ill tell hi

19、m the truth.9If it rains tomorrow, theyll stay at homeC1She can live abroad if she is rich.2He can travel round the world if he is rich.3He can buy a new house if he is rich4They can have a long holiday if they are rich.5I can enjoy myself if I am rich.6You can offer your boss a job if you are rich7

20、He can fly to Tokyo if he is rich8She can work less if she is rich新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 61-62)词汇学习Word studychange n.找头;零钱:Here is your change.这是你的零头。Ihave no change about me.我身边没有零钱。(2)变化;转换:Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food.烤 牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。Lets go to a French re

21、staurant for a change咱们去家法国餐馆吧 z 换换口味。size n.(衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号:What size does she want?她想要几号的?This blouse is your size.这件衬衣是你这号尺码的。(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量)多少:There are houses of all sizes in that town.那个镇上有着大大小小各 式We have chosen some boys all of the same size.我们选出了一些个 头一般高的男孩子。练习答案 Key to written exercis

22、esLess on 60A11 dont have any grapes but I have some peaches.2I dont have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes.3I dont have any mince, but I have some steak.4I dont have any glue, but I have some ink5I dont have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper.B11 dont have any honey, but I have some

23、jam2Penny and I dont have any beans# but we have some potatoes3Penny and Sam dont have any wine, but they have some beer.4Sam and I dont have any breadz but we have some biscuits.5Sam and Penny dont have any grapes but they have some bana nas.6I dont have any mince, but I have some steak7The children dont have any butter, but they have some eggs.8I dont have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages9Penny and I dorTt have any beansz but we have some peas.

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