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外研版7A Module4 Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy.docx

1、外研版7A Module4 Unit2 Is your food and drink healthyUnit2 Is your food and drink healthy?【重难点讲解】1、healthy(1) healthy 形容词 健康的 We should eat the healthy food. (2) unhealthy 形容词 不健康的 We shouldnt eat the unhealthy food. (3) healthily 副词 健康地 We should eat the food healthily.(4) unhealthily 副词 不健康地 We shoul

2、dnt eat the food unhealthily . 拓展 health为healthy的名词形式,是不可数名词,意为“健康”。Its good for your health.这对你的健康有好处。【例题解析】请写出healthy的正确形式。(1) He always eats food, so he is very fat.(2) She likes sport very much and she is always in good .(3) My mom tells us that we should eat food.(4) We should have breakfast .(

3、5) We shouldnt have breakfast .答案:unhealthy; health; healthy; healthily; unhealthily2、fish鱼fish 名词,意为“鱼肉: 鱼”。(1) 作不可数名词,意为“鱼肉”;Fish is delicious and I like it very much.鱼肉很美味,我很喜欢。(2) 作可数名词,意为“鱼”。Lets buy some fish.咱们买些鱼吧。 注意:1fish指“鱼的条数” 时,单复数形式相同。两条鱼two fish2fish指“鱼的种类”时,其复数形式是在其后加-es,即fishes.两种鱼t

4、wo fishes 【例题解析】( ) 1. I like a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different B. potatoes C. noodles3、eat吃;喝(汤)辨析: eat, have与drinkeat 吃,喝 后接表示面点、肉类、蔬菜、水果等食物类的名词。意为“喝”时,仅用于指“喝汤”。The cake is good. Lets eat it.这蛋糕不错,咱们吃吧。have吃,喝 既可接食物类名词,也可接饮料类名词。也常与三餐名词连用。We have meat and vegetables for

5、 lunch.午饭我们吃肉和蔬菜。drink喝后接表示水、牛奶、茶、咖啡和果汁等之类的名词。She doesnt like drinking tea.她不喜欢喝茶。4、Healthy food and drink for children对儿童健康的食物和饮料(教材第22页,3)children是名词child的复数形式,意为“(14岁以下的)小孩;儿童”。Tony is a child.托尼是个小孩子。There are many children in the park.公园里有许多小孩子。5、Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth. 牛

6、奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有好处。tooth可数名词,意为“牙齿”,其复数形式为teeth。brush ones teeth意为“刷牙”。 I brush my teeth twice a day.我一天刷两次牙。6、A bit tired?有点儿累吗? (1)此句是一个省略句:其完整的句子是: Are you a bit tired?(2)a bit意为“稍微;有点儿”,用来修饰形容词、副词或动词(短语)。此时a bit相当于a little: The apple is a bit sweet.(修饰形容词)Mum walks a bit fast. ( 修饰副词)Please turn the

7、 TV down a bit.( 修饰动词短语)(3 ) tired形容词,意为“劳累的”,常用来说明或修饰人。He looks tired after work.下班后他看起来很累。拓展 tiring 形容词,意为“令人感到累的”,常用来说明或修饰事物。 It is a tiring job.这是个累人的工作。7、It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat!记住这句话很重要:吃得好,保持健康,不发胖!(1 )important形容词, 意为“重要的”,常用句型为:“It is important

8、( for sb.) to do sth.,意为“做某事(对某人来说)是重要的”。【例题解析】1今天下午有一个重要的会议。There is an important meeting this afternoon.2学好英语对我们来说是重要的。It is important for us to learn English well.(2 ) remember 动词,意为“记住;想起”,其反义词是forget (忘记)。(3) eat well 意为“吃得好”。well此处用作副词,意为“好地”She plays basketball well.她篮球打得好。(用来修饰动词)(4) stay he

9、althy保持健康 =keep healthy(5) get fat 意为“发胖”。其反义词为thin(瘦的)。8、Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.吃面条或米饭,不要吃汉堡包。(1) or 连词, 意为“或者”。(2) or连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数要与其最近的主语保持一致。1Jim or I am going with you.吉姆或者我将和你一起去。2Mary or her friends are going with you.玛丽或者玛丽的朋友将和你一起去。9、Have a good breakfast every morning.每天早上吃一顿

10、好的早饭。(1) 表示“吃早/午/晚饭”常用动词have, 且表示一日三餐的名词前不加冠词;have breakfast have lunch have dinner(2) 当一日三餐前有形容词修饰时,要加冠词a/an。have a good breakfast“吃一顿好的早餐”。(3)every形容词, 后接单数可数名词,意为“每个,每一”They are busy every day.他们每天都忙。Every student comes here.每个学生都来这儿。【当堂小测】基础练习用and, or, but填空。1. Mr. Zhang is an English teacher _

11、he teaches us English.2. Do you like to have Chinese food _ western food?3. He is rich, _ he isnt happy.4. Have you got any brothers _ sisters?5. Juice _ milk are healthy drinks _ cola isnt a healthy drink.6. Remember to eat noodles _ rice, not hamburgers.单词拼写。7. Its important to _(记得) to eat well a

12、nd stay healthy.8. Please have lots of _(美味) chicken soup!9. He had some fish and _(面条) for lunch.10. Eating too much meat is not good for _(孩子).11. I often eat some _(面包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast.12. If you are a bit _(累) , please have a rest.13. His mother wants to buy some _(香蕉).完成

13、句子。14. 你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么?What _ food and drink?15. 多喝水是非常重要的。Its very _ more water.16. 牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有益。Milk, cheese and fish _.17.如果你想保持健康,你要多吃蔬菜。If you want to stay healthy_, you must _ vegetables.18.请多吃水果和蔬菜,而不是糖果和冰激凌。Please eat lots of fruit and vegetables, _ candy _ ice cream.答案一、用and, or, but填空。and or but or and, but or 二、单词拼写。7.remember 8. delicious 9. noodles 10. children 11. bread 12. tired 13. bananas三、完成句子。14. are your favourite 15. important to drink 16. are good for your teeth 17. stay healthy, eat more18. not, or

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