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1、2.Why does the man wear sunglasses?A. He wants to make himself look cool.B. He thinks it too sunny outside.C. He has some physical problems.3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Holiday plans B. A part-time job C. A course【答案】A4.Why does the woman live in the country?A. She works there.B.

2、She loves the scenery.C. She thinks it convenient.【答案】B5.What does the man think of the movie?A. Unsatisfying B. Good C. Boring第二节 (共15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6. What

3、day is it today?A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday7. What does the man have to do?A. Miss the partyB. Rearrange his scheduleC. Have dinner with his parents as planned【答案】6. A 7. B此题为听力题,解析略。【6题详解】【7题详解】8. How did the girl find out that her school was closed?A. From the radio B. From a classmate C. From

4、 the Internet9. What do the speakers decide to do?A. Study math together B. Stay at home C. Have a snowball fight【答案】8. B 9. C【8题详解】【9题详解】10. What color flower will the plant have?A. Red B. Pink C. Purple11. When should the man put the flower in the garden?A. In spring B. In summer C. In autumn12. H

5、ow much will the man pay for the plant?A. $30 B. $10 C. $8【答案】10. B 11. C 12. C【10题详解】【11题详解】【12题详解】13. What made the man decide to become a cameraman?A. A book B. A film C. His uncle14. What did the man win a prize for?A. A popular movie B. A TV advertisement C. An educational video15. Who would th

6、e man like to work with in future?A. People with no training in acting.B. Students in Film Academy.C. Some famous actors.16. What does the man like most about his job?A. Working in wonderful places.B. Meeting interesting people.C. Seeing the world.【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. B【13题详解】【14题详解】【15题详解】【16题

7、详解】听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17. Where is the Royal Museum?A. Across from the library B. Opposite the post office C. Behind the Queens park18. How long will the exhibition run?A. About two months B. About four months C. About six months19. What is Kate Maine good at?A. Planting garden vegetables.B. Designing d

8、ining tables.C. Making pots and bowls.20. What will Cynthia Course introduce in the exhibition?A. Her silver jewelry B. Her colored stones C. Her white paper sculpture【答案】17. A 18. A 19. C 20. A【17题详解】【18题详解】【19题详解】【20题详解】第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)AThe value-packed, all-inclusive sight-seeing pack

9、age that combines the best of Sydneys harbor, city, bay and beach highlights.A SydneyPass gives you unlimited and flexible travel on the Explorer Buses: the red Sydney Explorer shows you around our exciting city sights while the blue Bondi Explorer visits Sydney Harbour bays and famous beaches. Take

10、 to the water on one of three magnificent daily harbor cruises (游船). You can also travel free on regular Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries or CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city.Imagine browsing at Darling Harbour, tasting the famous seafood at Watsons B

11、ay or enjoying the city lights on an evening ferry cruise. The possibilities and plans are endless with a SydneyPass. Wherever you decide to go, remember that bookings are not required on any of our services so tickets are treated on a first in, first seated basis.SydneyPasses are available for 3, 5

12、 or 7 days for use over a 7-calendar-day period. With a 3 or 5-day pass you choose on which days out of the 7 you want to use it. All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward trip before starting your 3, 5 or 7 days, and the return trip is valid for 2 months from the first day your ticket

13、was used.SydneyPass FaresAdultChild*Family*3-day ticket$90$45$2255-day ticket$120$60$3007-day ticket$140$70$350*A child is defined as anyone from the ages of 4 years to under 16 years. Children under 4 years travel free.*A family is defined as 2 adults and any number of children from 4 to under 16 y

14、ears of age from the same family.21. A SydneyPass doesnt offer unlimited rides on _.A. the Explorer Buses B. the harbor cruisesC. regular Sydney Buses D. CityRail services22. With a SydneyPass, a traveller can _.A. save fares from and to the airportB. take the Sydney Explorer to beachesC. enjoy the

15、famous seafood for freeD. reserve seats easily in a restaurant23. If 5-day tickets were to be recommended to a mother who travelled with her colleague and her children, aged 3, 6 and 10, what would the lowest cost be?A. $225. B. $300. C. $360. D. $420.【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C试题分析:文章介绍了如何使用悉尼公交的一种乘车证。Sy

16、dneyPass提供3,5,7天不等的悉尼的海港城市,海湾和海滩等地旅游路线。【21题详解】D细节推理题。根据第二段最后一句CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city可判断,故选D.【22题详解】A细节推理题。根据All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward trip可知有乘车卡可以节省来往机场的费用,故选A.【23题详解】C推理判断题。根据图表和下面的说明可知:Children under 4 yea

17、rs travel free,说明三岁的孩子免费,所以两个成年人是240元加上两个小孩120元,共360元。故选C.考点:考查广告类短文阅读。【名师点睛】做好细节理解题的几点建议:细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的题。但高考所占的比例大,应特别引起注意。事实和细节题的命题特点是:对文章或某一段落中的一些特定细节或文章重要事实的理解,一般包括直接理解题和语义转化题。直接理解题能在原文直接找到答案,而语义转化题则需要将题目信息与原文信息加工或整理后才能得出结论。做细节理解题具体方法与步骤如下:略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨; 按文章的体裁,作者写作的组

18、织模式及有关的信息词。如for example, first, second等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实;将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上。快速通篇跳读,全文扫视,找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。如第21小题根据第二段最后一句CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city可判断,故选D. 第22小题根据All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward tri

19、p可知有乘车卡可以节省来往机场的费用,故选A.BIt is good to get in touch with your inner child from time to time,and obviously some people are willing to pay big money for the chance to do so in a proper environmentA Brooklyn-based adult preschool is charging customers between $333 and $999 for the chance to act like a k

20、id againAt Preschool Mastermind in New York adults get to participate in showandtell,artsandcrafts such as finger paint,games like musical chairs and even take napsThe month-long course also has class picture day where the adults are expected to have a field trip and a parent day30-year-old Michelle

21、 Joni Lapidos,the brain behind the adult preschool,studied childhood education and has always wanted to be a preschool teacherShes always on the lookout for new ways to get people in touch with the freedom of childhoodA friend encouraged her to start the mastermind course insteadAccording to Candice

22、,her blogger friend,Preschool Mastermind gives adults a chance to relearn and master the things that they failed to understand as children“I realized all the significances of what we learn in preschool,”said founder Michelle Joni,“People come here and get in touch with their inner childIts magicalWe

23、 are bringing ourselves back to another place,another time with ourselves when we are more believing in ourselves,more confident and ready to take on the world.”“One persons here because they want to learn not to be so serious”Michelle said“Anothers here to learn to be more confident.” She explained

24、 that most of the classes were plannedHowever,Joni added that while the planned activities were fun,it was often the spontaneous(自发的)moments that attracted students“Its the things you dont plan for,the sharing between friends and learning from each other.24. What is the purpose of Preschool Mastermi

25、nd?A. To give adults a chance to return to childhoodB. To help parents understand their children betterC. To provide practical training courses for teachersD. To introduce some ways of playing with children25. What is mainly discussed about Preschool Mastermind in Paragraph 2 ?A. Its customers B. It

26、s activitiesC. Its environment D. Its schedule.26. According to Candice,people come to this program to_.A. enjoy freedom of thinking B. realize their childhood dreamsC. discover their inner abilities D. figure out childhood puzzles27. What do we know about Michelle Joni?A. She used to be a preschool

27、 teacherB. She likes to make plans in advanceC. She founded Preschool MastermindD. She gained confidence by sharing【答案】24. A 25. B 26. D 27. C文章介绍了一种给成年人重回童年,重新学习解决童年时疑惑的学校。涉及了创建目的、具体活动及人们的收获。【24题详解】A推理判断题。根据第一段for the chance to act like a kid again和第四段Preschool Mastermind gives adults a chance to r

28、elearn and master the things that they failed to understand as children可知Preschool Mastermind的目的是给成年人重回童年一次机会,重新学习和掌握一些东西,故选A.【25题详解】B推理判断题。根据第二段的show-and-tell,arts-and-crafts such as finger paint,games like musical chairs and even take naps.和class picture day等内容可知本段介绍的是学校的具体活动,故选B.【26题详解】D推理判断题。根据第四段According to Candice,her blogger friend,Preschool Mastermind gives adults a chance to relearn and master the things that they failed to understand as children可知成年人来这里是为了重新学习和解决童年时的疑惑,故选D.【27题详解】C细节推理题。根据第四段“I realized all the significances of what we learn

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