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1、外文文献译文外文文献译文标题:在旅游电子商务系统的建议撒哈拉以南非洲地区的产业资料来源: 信息通信和信息技术第26卷第1期 作者:珍妮特爱德华,雷道森摘要本文中所描述的建议是延续以前的研究在信息通信和信息杂志的报道。本文介绍了从撒哈拉以南非洲地区的旅游组织如何演变成营销工具网站,他们如何能够克服电子商务的使用障碍。建议还解释了为什么在这些国家的其他经济的主要参与者可以使得电子商务的发展和成长的环境condu-cive,使这一地区的旅游组织可以打入利润丰厚的国际旅游市场。本文对建议进行了测试, 曾派电子商务专家的组织到非洲,或者是目前在非洲南部的Sahara.The。结果表明,大多数专家,他们认

2、为这些建议的采纳将帮助非洲旅游组织使用电子商务。非洲的旅游组织,打算实施或在实施电子商务系统的过程中应遵循本文中概述的建议,以帮助非洲SAH-ARAN达到其旅游潜力。关键词:建议,电子商务网站,旅游,撒哈拉以南非洲1 简介 旅游业被视为世界上最大的部门之一,产生一个估计有11的全球国内生产总(GDP)和从业人员200万人,700万游客服务全球范围内这是一个数字预计将增加一倍,到2020年(ROE和厄克特,2001年)。与其他的经济表现不佳的主要部门,旅游业已成为最大的功臣国内生产总值的,因为在大多数非洲国家在20世纪90年代初和现在被视为非洲的经济体(文森特等,2002; Dieke,2000

3、年)。 尽管有不同的野生动物,独特的度假村和异国情调的植物和动物,非洲旅游业发展潜力仍然没有得到充分利用和不发达(Naude和Saayman,2005年)。今天,与其不断增长的互联网流行ulation已提供一个前所未有的水平连接,非洲的客商和技术 切实有效地直接与客户沟通。电子商务(E-COM)互联网骨干网可以帮助非洲旅游组织的产生深远的市场,他们无法访问使用传统的系统的额外收入。通过和电子商务的使用率在发达国家已经产生了巨大的成效,在旅游收入旅游业显着增加(安耐特旅游系统,2000年,圣保罗,2000年,埃森哲, 2002年Werthner和利玛窦,2004年)。电子商务可以帮助实现非洲旅游

4、业的潜力从而增加他们的经济急需的外汇流动。 2 方法 本文中所描述的研究是研究的延续以前的Telematics信息杂志Maswera等。(2006年)。由于有小发表了有关电子商务的的信息 在非洲南部的撒哈拉(Molla和刺辊,2006年),研究活动(Maswera等,2006)进行如果组织在四个非洲国家的旅游业,采用电子商务。“ 研究的国家是南非,肯尼亚,津巴布韦和乌干达。这四个非洲国家均町森的研究,为他们更好地为旅游业的Safari型的旅游目的地。这项研究是在Maswera等在信息通信和信息的前文中详细描述。(2006年),在Maswera(2006)的博士论文,在论文Maswera和道森(

5、2003年,2004年),B和 Maswera等人。(2005年)。然而,为方便参考,本节提供了一个研究的总结进行。在这项研究中有两个阶段。第一阶段涉及检查大量的网站来自上述国家的各种旅游组织。进行了三次调查,以确定哪些是对撒哈拉以南非洲的网站,第一电子商务的特点,第二检查的内容可访问性和第三检查网站的可用性。可用性采样 用来选择组织调查。搜索字符串用来寻找尽可能多的网站有关非洲国家的旅游业。为了这个目的所使用的搜索引擎谷歌和EXCITE。为了获得最有效的研究人员使用的搜索字符串,如搜索“在南方各大酒店 非洲“和”在纳米比亚的旅行社“。其他网站,发现在各种协会的网站。对于例如,肯尼亚的旅游协会

6、,旅游业务的南非理事会(TBCSA)运营商(加藤),美国旅游运营商协会(USTOA)有他们的网站的链接列表 成员。 这种抽样方法的局限性在于它是难以确定的总人口的旅游调查代表的组织。然而,如许多公司可能获得的300至600网站,并在每个调查研究,所有类别旅游组织代表不满。访问的网站,其中包括各种旅游组织的国家航空公司,国家公园,官办和私营旅游推广机构,汽车租赁公司,旅行社和旅游经营者。上述组织的网站有可能提供信息,然后才决定是否走上了特别行程的旅游需求。这些Web 网站还将使客户进行必要的,如查询或网上交易保留和支付的产品和服务。 从调查中收集到的数据分析表明,虽然网站可比条款,在美国和欧洲的

7、旅游产品信息提供对口他们需要演变成他们的营销工具,以吸引旅游组织足够的业务在各自经济的影响。在易用性和可用性方面,结果表明,虽然非洲的网站,从建立组织和更多的发展OPED市场,这通常是因为非洲的网站相对简单,缺乏更多他们在美国和欧洲同行的先进功能。非洲组织需要遵循在设计和开发的网站,让他们添加更多高级的网页易读性指引功能,能够充分捕捉到市场,这是不被照顾到其他网站上。 在第二阶段的研究,问卷调查,然后向旅游组织从撒哈拉以南非洲地区,找出旅游组织正在努力采取和使用电子商务,并确定如何接受这些组织对这些互联网技术。结果表明,这些组织的许多不利用这些技术完全接受电子商务。问卷中的一个积极方面是,旅游

8、组织意识到CAPA bilities和电子商务的潜力,并计划完全接受电子商务,如果当他们设法实施电子商务的障碍,克服和抑制。的三个调查问卷共管理,以找出非洲旅游组织的优势或计划采取ADVAN互联网踏歌,以促进旅游业的发展,以提高他们在国际旅游市场的地位。前两个问卷调查与简单的信息管理到非洲旅游组织唯一的网站或只有有限的互动功能的网站,发现他们在实施中面临哪些障碍门庭电子商贸。电子商务的障碍,然后根据重要性排名旅游业组织连接到这些障碍。进一步的调查问卷,然后发送到非洲旅游organisa tions全面的电子商务网站,找出他们如何设法克服这些障碍的额定尚未通过电子商务的组织较为显著。由于上文所述

9、的以前的研究结果,采用的方法,以克服这些障碍从第一阶段的研究提出的建议一起被编译成一个REC ommendations文件,这是在本文的下一节的内容。这些建议 tions,然后测试文件第4条所述。3 建议 十二项建议已作为研究的结果。上半年建议是根 ERAL行动,以加强和促进组织的网站。从问卷中发现建议七到十二是建议 mendations克服电子商务的障碍。3.1电子商务的特点 演变成全球可定制的电子商务工具网站和一个国际网站市场,如欧洲,美洲和亚洲。这将涉及增加功能,如企业信息, 信息产品和服务,常见问题(FAQs),有用的非产品信息如天气,隐私和安全报表,在线查询,网上预订,预约跟踪 和网

10、上支付。 3.2客户关系管理(CRM) 发展的网站,聘请了有效的电子CRM组件,以鼓励客户保持未来这将创建一个与组织所需的图像印象一致。CRM组件可以帮助捕捉客户的喜好,需要和要求,包括联络资料,电子邮件,在线反馈表,电子通讯,促销活动,特别优惠和其他忠诚计划,通话盖印服务和个性化,通过定制的内容。 3.3促销活动网站 互联网可以被用来促进产品和服务,因为它提供了在较低的成本,一个前所未有的连通性和高效和有效地与客户直接沟通的能力水平。“网站应包含设施,将吸引新的客户,以及保留旧如电,TRONIC通讯,常见问题解答(FAQ),忠诚度系统,回拨服务,隐私政策 声明,促销和特别优惠,客户反馈,信息

11、/手册的要求,电子明信片和互惠链接到其他网站。该组织还应该聘请脱机技术,如广告牌,报纸,新闻稿,电视,旅游产品的网址上显示,和所有其他广告。4 结论 在一般的建议完全是一个简单的信息的唯一网站的网站成熟的电子商务网站。在本文所讨论的建议是针对提供设施足够的内容,为客户做出购买决定,并开展网上交易。isations的一部分应该转换成一种营销手段,通过采用在线和离线的网站推广自己的网tiona技术打入竞争激烈的国际旅游市场。此外,还建议非洲旅游组织试图始终领先一步在该领域的其他组织的知识转移设施的帮助。 电子商务的障碍需要克服。然而,这纸鉴定tifies这些障碍,并给出了建议,以克服这些障碍,能够

12、捕捉到这一市场这是不照顾其他网站上。本文讨论设计了克服电子商务障碍的建议,从久经考验的解决方案,已巡回赛成功在撒哈拉以南非洲地区主义组织。由于旅游业被视为经济的顶峰,在分SAH ARAN非洲有来自西欧和北美的激烈竞争,这是建议在非洲所有的旅游机构,按照本文件中提出的建议以保持竞争力。收到所有的从业者和学者的意见进行分析表明,建议mendations将提供非洲旅游组织的基础,这将能够过度来的障碍,并可以设置全面的电子商务网站。从接收的积极响应在其他非洲国家的旅游组织是一个迹象表明,这些建议将工作在任何其他撒哈拉以南非洲国家。作者强烈建议旅游组织从撒哈拉以南非洲地区在本文所讨论的建议,因为他们将能

13、够克服的障碍,并可以设置一个完全成熟的电子商务网站充分满足其经济潜力。附录三:外文文献原文Title:Recommendations for e-commerce systems in the tourism industry of sub-Saharan AfricaMaterial Soerce: Telematics and Informatics Volume 26, Issue 1 Author:Janet Edwards, Ray Dawson AbstractThe recommendations described in this paper are a continuatio

14、n of research previously reported in the Telematics and Informatics journal.This paper explains how the tourism organisations from sub-Saharan Africa can evolve their websites into marketing tools and how they can overcome the impediments to e-commerce adoption and usage.The recommenda-tions also ex

15、plain how the other major players within the economies of these countries can make the environment condu-cive for e-commerce development and growth so that the tourism organisations from this region can break into the lucrative international tourism market. The recommendations were tested by sending

16、 them to the African organisations and experts in e-commerce and tourism who have worked in, or are currently based in Africa, south of the Sahara.The results showed most organisations and experts who responded think that these recommendations will help African tourism organisations adopt and use e-

17、commerce. African tourism organisations that intend to implement or are in the process of implementing e-commerce systems should follow the recommendations outlined in this paper to help sub-Sah-aran Africa reach its tourism potential. Keywords: Recommendations; e-Commerce; Websites; Tourism; Sub-Sa

18、hara Africa1 IntroductionThe tourism industry is regarded as one of the biggest sectors in the world generating an estimated 11% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) and employing 200 million people and serving 700 million tourists worldwide a gure which is expected to double by the year 2020

19、(Roe and Urquhart, 2001). With the other major sectors of the economy not performing well, the tourism industry has emerged as the biggest contributor of the GDP since the early 1990s in most African countries and is now viewed as the panacea of the African economies (Gauci et al., 2002; Dieke, 2000

20、).Despite the diverse wildlife, unique resorts and the exotic ora and fauna,Africas tourism potential remains underutilised and undeveloped (Naude and Saayman, 2005). Today the Internet with its growing pop-ulation has technologies which provide the African merchants with an unprecedented level of c

21、onnectivity and the ability to communicate eciently and eectively directly with customers. Electronic commerce (e-com-merce) which operates on the backbone of the Internet could help the African tourism organisations generate additional revenue by reaching the markets they could not access using tra

22、ditional systems.Adoption and usage of e-commerce in the developed world has produced tremendous results with revenues in the travel and tourism industry set to increase dramatically (Anite Travel Systems, 2000;Paulo,2000; Accenture,2002; Werthner and Ricci, 2004). e-Commerce could help achieve the

23、potential of the African tourism industry thus increasing the in-ows of the much needed foreign currency into their economies.2 MethodologyThe study described in this paper is a continuation of research previously reported in the Telematics and Informatics journal by Maswera et al. (2006). As there

24、is little published information about the e-commerce activities in Africa south of the Sahara (Molla and Licker, 2004), a study (Maswera et al., 2006) was carried to nd out if organisations in the tourism industry in four African countries were adopting e-commerce. The countries studied were South A

25、frica, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Uganda. These four African countries were cho-sen for the study as they are some of the tourist destinations which are better known for safari-type of tourism.This research is described in more detail in the previous paper in Telematics and Informatics by Maswera et al.(20

26、06), in the PhD thesis by Maswera (2006), and in papers by Maswera and Dawson (2003a,b, 2004) and Maswera et al. (2005). However, for ease of reference, this section provides a summary of the research undertaken.There were two phases in this study. The rst phase involved examining a large number of

27、websites of various tourism organisations from the above-mentioned countries. Three surveys were carried out, the rst to determine what e-commerce features are available on the sub-Saharan African websites, the second to examine the content accessibility and the third to examine the usability of the

28、 websites. Availability sampling was used to choose the organisations to survey. Search strings were used to nd as many websites as possible relevant to tourism in the African countries. For this purpose the search engines used were Google and Excite. To get the most out of a search the researchers

29、used search strings such as Major Hotels in South Africa” anTravelAgencies in Namibia”. Other websites were found at sites of various associations. For example, the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA), the Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO), and the United States Tour Operators

30、Association (USTOA) have lists of links to websites of their members.The limitation of this sampling method is that it is dicult to determine the total population the tourism organisations that the survey represents. However, by obtaining as many companies as is possible with.Between 300 and 600 web

31、sites examined in each survey, all categories of tourism organisations were wellrep-resented. The websites which were accessed were those of the various tourism organisations which included national airlines, national parks, government-run and private tourism promotion organisations, car rental comp

32、anies, travel agencies and tour operators. The websites of the aforementioned organisations are likely to provide information a tourist needs before deciding whether to embark on the particular trip. These web-sites will also enable the customer to carry out the necessary transactions such as making enquiries or online reservations and paying for the products and services.The analysis of the data gathered from the surveys revealed that although the websites were comparable in terms of providing tourism product information to those of their counterparts in the USA and Europe they

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