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1、桥梁工程施工合同中英文甲方:(以下简称甲方)Party A: (Hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方:(以下简称乙方)Party B: ( Hereinafter referred to as Party B)甲方委托乙方承担大桥工程的施工建设工程。双方经协商并结合本工程的具体情况,签订本合同,共同遵守。Party A commission party B to undertake the construction of _ Bridge project for which parties hereto, through negotiation and i

2、n accordance with the particulars of this project, conclude and enter into this contract for common abidance.第一部分工程项目简介Part OneProject Overview1工程名称:Project Name2工程地点:Project Place3工作内容:Work Contents第二部分承包方式、承包工作内容、承包总价、进度支付、最终结算支付方式、工期要求Part TwoContracting Means, Works Contents, Total Price, Progre

3、ss Payments, Final Settlement,Project Period1承包方式:Contracting Means双方确定承包方式为包工包料,固定总价(除工程量增加或减少;其他不作调整)。Contracting means is confirmed by parties hereto as contract for labor and materials, fixed price, no adjustment of price except to the increase or decrease of engineering amount.2承包工作内容:Contracte

4、d Contents乙方按照甲方确认的施工图及甲方提出的施工要求进行基础、桥梁、引桥及人行梯道等的制作、安装施工。具体包括:钻孔灌注桩基础,墩台帽、耳背墙及挡块、支座垫石及橡胶支座安装,预制砼板及架设,板梁铰缝,桥面铺装,护栏,桥梁伸缩缝,桥头搭板,锥坡防护,人行道镶贴面层等全部工作。Party B should pursuant to the drawings which are confirmed by and the construction requirement provided by party A, process the execution of manufacture and

5、 installation of foundation, bridge, bridge approach and pedestrian stairway, particulars thereof include all works concerned bored pile foundation, pier caps, ear and retaining wall blocks, stone and rubber bearings supporting seat installation and erection of prefabricated concrete panels, plate g

6、irder hinge joints, pavement, guardrails, bridge expansion joints, bridge boards, slope protection, sidewalk veneered surface layer, and other works.3承包总价:Total Price承包总价:固定总价美元,其中税金一项不含在总价中由甲方缴纳。除工程量变更签证外,总价不作调整。签订合同签乙方必须提供470万美元的工程量清单报价一份,作为合同附件。无预付款。Contracted Price: Fixed price isUS Dollars, amo

7、ng which taxes is not included and should be paid by party A, no any adjustment of fixed cost except to the written confirmation of quantity alteration. Party B should, on signature of contract, provide a copy of Quotation for Bill of Quantity which is valued as US Dollars 4.7 million as the appendi

8、x herewith. No prepayment.5进度支付:Progress Payment按施工月进度付款,乙方于当月24日将每月完成工程量报送甲方审核,以业主审计的工程量为准;以乙方合同清单报价的项目单价计算工程价款,以完成的工程价款的60%进行支付。Payment shall as per monthly progress of execution be effected, for which, party B should on 24thdate of that month submit Bill of Completed Quantity to party A for revie

9、w and approval and shall be subject to the quantity audited by employer and the unit price which is quoted in party Bs Quotation Bill herewith. Payment shall be made for 60% of the cost of completed quantity.6最终结算支付:Payment of Final Settlement最终结算数量以经业主审核和甲方项目经理签认的本合同项目的实际完成数量为依据;以乙方合同清单报价的项目单价为计算工程

10、价款的依据,工程结束验收合格后支付最终结算工程款的95%。5%余款在缺陷责任期满后结清。The quantity of final settlement should be subject to the actual completed quantity which is audited by employer and confirmed by party As project manager; The unit price in party Bs Bill of Quotation shall be taken as the basis of calculation of project c

11、ost. 95% of payment of final settlement shall on the date of acceptance after completion of construction, be effected and remain 5% of payment of project cost shall be paid on and after expiration of defects liability period.7工期要求:8个月Working Term: Eight Month第三部分甲乙双方责任和义务Article ThreeLiabilities and

12、 Obligations of Parties Hereto1甲方责任和义务Liabilities and Obligations of Party A1.1甲方负责提供施工图纸、必要的测量放样服务、技术指导及与监理、建设方的沟通协调,最大限度的保证工程顺利实施。Party A should be responsible for provision of drawings, necessary measurement and engineering lofting, technical direction and supervision and communication / coordina

13、tion with employer, so as to use its reasonable efforts to ensure the smooth implementation of project.1.2甲方负责提供施工便道,施工临时用地(钢筋加工场地、材料堆放场地等但不包括地面硬化),钻孔桩泥浆排放地。Responsible for provision of the road and temporary land used for construction include steel processing place and material stacking place, prov

14、ided that exclude ground hardening treatment, in addition to the place for discharge of drilling mud.1.3甲方负责承担桩基检测及试验检测的费用。Responsible for the cost of pile testing and test inspection.1.4甲方协助提供施工用电接口,其产生的费用乙方承担。To assist provision of joint of power for execution, for which, the cost shall be on part

15、y Bs account.1.5甲方负责实施沥青砼桥面铺装的施工,单价按双方的商定单价,此项费用从乙方工程总价中扣除。Party A shall be liable for construction of asphalt concrete on bridge ground, for which the cost subject to the unit price which is agreed and confirmed by parties hereto, and the cost thereof shall be deducted from the total cost of party

16、Bs construction.2乙方责任和义务:Liabilities and Obligations of Party B2.1总体要求General Requirements2.1.1乙方必须向甲方提供企业的营业执照、桥梁建设资质证书及其他相关资料;Party B should provide party A with its business license, qualification certification on bridge construction and other relevant documents.2.1.2签订合同之前,乙方必须提交一份经乙方总工程师审核签认的针对

17、本项目专项施工组织设计;Party B should, prior to the signature of this contract, provide one copy of particular organizing / design on this project which have been signed and confirmed by party Bs chief engineer.2.1.3乙方的管理人员要保持相对稳定,未取得甲方同意,乙方不得随意更换现场主要管理人员。在项目实施期间,乙方应对为完成本项目自行提供的设备、小型机具等及时向甲方提交书面备置进场计划;Party Bs

18、 managing personnel should be kept relatively stable in the site, party B should not without party As consent, change at discretion the main management personnel. Party B should, during the project implementation, provide in time to party A with the Plan of equipments / small machines on their own f

19、or the completion of this project on the site.2.1.4未经甲方许可,乙方不得将本工程另转包或分包其他不具备施工资质的单位和个人;Party B should not , without party As written consent, transfer or subcontract this project to other company or individual which are without construction certification.2.2质量要求Quality Requirements2.2.1乙方必须对本工程项目负责

20、,严格按照要求,精心组织科学施工,以达到业主要求的工程质量验收标准。Party B should undertake full responsibilities for project, in strict accordance with the requirements, well-organized scientific execution so as to satisfy the acceptance standard of project quality which are required by employer.2.2.2乙方对所施工项目必须按照相关规范的要求,做好现场施工的原始记

21、录及相应报验资料。乙方在施工中,每道工序完成后取得现场工程师及监理工程师的验收后,方可转入下一道工序的施工。对甲方委派的现场工程师及业主委派的监理工程师,乙方必须服从其对施工作业全过程的监督、指导、检测、验证。Party B should, pursuant to the requirements of relevant norms, make well the record of the site execution and corresponding data for application of acceptance.Party B, during construction of pro

22、ject, can not make the execution of next procedure until and unless the completion of each procedure and receive the acceptance of the site engineer and supervision engineer. Party B should, during full process, comply with supervision, guidance, inspection and verification, of the site engineer dis

23、patched by party A and supervision engineer dispatched by employer.2.3材料的进场要求Materials on-site2.3.1乙方应提供每批材料的产品合格证,特别是用于永久工程的材料应按规定附有质量保证书。所有材料须由甲方验收合格并经同意后方可使用于本项目。Party B should show the Certificate of Product Quality for each batch of material, especially for the same used for permanent project,

24、should be attached with Quality Guarantee in accordance with relevant rules. All materials should be checked, accepted and approved by party A before being used in this project.2.4进度要求Progress Schedule2.4.1乙方必须在现场具备施工条件并得到甲方通知进场后,3日内组织人员、设备、材料进场,并按照甲方规定的总体进度计划进行实施。Party B should, within three days o

25、n and after the satisfaction of construction conditions on site and getting party As Notice of entering site, organize personnel, equipments and materials entering the site, and pursuant to party As general progress plan, process the execution.2.4.2乙方在施工中必须执行业主及甲方提出的阶段目标要求;应严格按计划施工,并根据工程进度情况,随时调整施工力

26、量,确保合同项目按计划完工。Party B should during construction ,execute the milestone requests by employer and party A, make execution strictly according to the plan and adjust work force at any moment as per the project progress so as to ensure completion of contract project under schedule.2.4.3如果由于乙方原因,施工进度不能达到

27、项目总体进度计划,乙方必须按甲方要求采取如下措施:增加工作时间、施工人员;增加设备、材料等投入。如上述措施仍不能挽回延误的时间,则甲方有权无须乙方同意而直接删减部分项目或重新安排其他力量施工,由此而产生的一切费用(包括施工队伍调谴费、误工费、赶工增加费、损失赔偿费等)由乙方承担。Provided that if the construction progress fail to meet the overall plan of project due to party Bs reason, party B should under party As requirement take the f

28、ollowing measures: increase work time, workers; add equipments and materials and so on. Where the measures still can not remedy the delay time, party A is entitle, without party Bs consent, to make direct deletion of party of project or reassign to other force to do, the all cost including mobilizat

29、ion of force, delayed damages, added working, loss damages, which arising therefrom shall be born by party B.2.5安全施工要求Safety Requirement for Execution2.5.1乙方必须保证项目施工场地内材料、机械设备摆放整齐,随时保证施工便道畅通无阻。施工过程中,乙方应遵守国家、业主、甲方关于职业健康安全及环境保护的规章制度和要求,确保乙方员工身体健康和施工安全;Party B should ensure all materials, machinery and

30、 equipments being laid neatly within the site and ensure the access road for execution unimpeded and without barrier. Party B should comply with the regulations, rules and requirement of occupational health, safety and environmental protection by State, employer and party A, to ensure employees heal

31、th and execution safety.2.6资料归档Data Filing乙方应配合甲方做好相关项目的各类资料的编制、收集和整理,乙方负责提供工程施工检验及评定资料,竣工组卷资料由甲方完成。Party B should cooperate with party A to process the preparation, collection and sorting of various types of information related to the project and responsible for providing the data for inspection an

32、d assessment, however, the data respecting project completion shall be prepared by party A.2.7工程验收和保修期Acceptance and Warranty Period2.7.2工程验收以施工图及说明书、图纸会审记录、有关变更的书面文件、国家颁发的施工及验收规范和质量检验标准为依据。Project acceptance should be subject to the drawings and specification therewith, records on drawings review, written documents on variation, in addition to the criterio

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