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1、学年上海市16区高三英语二模汇编翻译2020-2021学年高三英语二模翻译汇编One【虹口区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.71. 他是勉强答应了,可他如果到时候食言了,又该如何? (what if)【试题解析】本题考察学生考察句式what if【参考答案】 He reluctantly agreed, 1分but what if he breaks his promise / word at the / that time?73

2、. 每当想到要单枪匹马去陌生的国度为生存打拼,他就觉得有点吃不消。(it)【试题解析】本题考察学生考察it作形式宾语。除此之外,本题比较难的是四字成语的翻译积累。【参考答案】Whenever he thought of going to a strange / foreign country to work / strive / fight for survival alone / by himself / on his own,2分 he felt it (was) a little (bit) hard / difficult for him (to endure it).1分74. 尽管

3、年过半百,他还是坚信自己可以轻而易举登上塔顶,欣赏祖国的大好河山。(convince)【试题解析】本题考察学生对于词组:convince sb. of sth./ convince sb. that.【参考答案】Although / Though / While he is / was over / more than 50 years old / of age (In spite of / Despite his being over / more than 50 years old / of age),1分 he is / was still firmly convinced1分 that

4、 he can / could climb / reach the top of the tower with ease / without any difficulty and / to appreciate the great / beautiful rivers and mountains of his motherland2分75. 园艺使人们得以侍弄花草,通过与大自然的接触得到美的享受,能修身养性。(which) 【试题解析】本题考察学生让步状语从句以及词汇restore【参考答案】It has taken / took only a few / several years 1分fo

5、r skilled workers / craftsmen to restore this ever lonely 1分and long forgotten ancient town in the south of the Yangtze / Changjiang River1分 to its former glory, 1分which is / was amazing.1分Two【黄浦区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.刚到中

6、国不久,美食就让游客们胃口大开。(Shortly after)【试题解析】考查shortly after的用法,时态用过完;考查短语表达:“胃口大开”have better appetites或arouse/stimulate ones appetite。【参考答案】Shortly after arriving in China, the tourists had better appetites because of the delicious food. /Shortly after the tourists arrived in China, delicious food aroused

7、/stimulated their appetites.73.上海大剧院位于市中心人民广场,建筑风格独特,造型优美。(locate)【试题解析】考查locate的固定搭配:be located in/at 坐落于,位于;考查短语表达:“风格独特” unique in architectural style,“造型优美” graceful in shape。【参考答案】Shanghai Grand Theater is located at the Peoples Square in the city centre, unique in architectural style and grace

8、ful in shape.74.越来越多的证据表明,体育锻炼对儿童的智力发展与兴趣培养有积报影响。(There)【试题解析】考查句型there is evidence that 有证据表明;考查短语:对有影响 have.impact/effect on sth./sb.【参考答案】There is growing/more and more evidence that physical exercise has a positive impact/effect on childrens intellectual development and interest cultivation.75.毕

9、业在即,我既高兴又自豪,也认识到唯有不断学习、努力奋斗才会未来可期。(approach)【试题解析】考查as引导的时间状语从句,意为随着;only置于句首,后面句子用部分倒装。【参考答案】As graduation is approaching, I feel (both) happy and proud of myself and also realize that only by continuous learning and hard work can I achieve/have a promising future.Three【浦东新区】V. Translation (15分) Di

10、rections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72你有考虑过找一份兼职工作吗?(consider) 【试题解析】考察consider的用法,consider doing sth. ;兼职工作 part-time job【参考答案】Have you (ever) considered looking for a part-time job?73司机驾车远行之前把油箱加满十分明智。(sense)【试题解析】sense在这里需要用make sense的短语

11、,这里意译了一下,并且用了It makes sense for sb. to do sth. 或It makes sense that这个句型。【参考答案】It makes sense for a driver to fill up the tank for a long trip. (before driving long trips) It makes sense that drivers fill up the tank before they drive long trips74新颁布的这项政策旨在抑制一路攀升的房价,实现教育公平。(intend) 【试题解析】本题主要考察动词inte

12、nd的用法,句中旨在翻译为be intended to do; 一路攀升 ever-increasing;新颁布的 newly released/ newly issued【参考答案】The policy (which was) newly released is intended to curb (/control) the ever-rising housing price and achieve education equality.The newly-issued policy is intended to curb (/control/regulate/restrain) the e

13、ver-rising (/soaring) housing price and achieve education equality.75打赢脱贫攻坚战不仅成为中国的奇迹,而且还为全球消除极度贫困带来启发。(Not only)【试题解析】Not only 放句首,第一个分句需要部分倒装;脱贫攻坚战 battle against poverty;消除极度贫困eliminate extreme poverty;启发 inspiration【参考答案】Not only is winning the (critical) battle against poverty a wonder/miracle

14、in China, but it is also an inspiration for the world to eliminate extreme poverty.Four【长宁区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets,72.意外在所难免,一个人必须学会几项求生技能。(in case)【试题解析】本题考查学生“in case”的用法,与其相关的搭配有in case/ in case of, 表示“以防;万一.发生”, 考生要注意两种用法

15、的区别;求生技能skills to survive , 动词不定式作后置定语。【参考答案】 One should learn several/some skills to survive in case of something unexpected/ in case that something unexpected occurs.73.身处逆境时,要处乱不惊,越怕越糟糕。(the more)【试题解析】本题考查“the more +adj., the more +adj.”句型,“越., 越.”, 该题的难点还有四字成语的翻译“身处逆境”,“处乱不惊”,考生表达出这些词的基本大意即可。【参

16、考答案】The more fearful/frightened you are, the worse the situation will be, so keep calm and think soundly/wisely when you are in trouble.Keep calm and think soundly/wisely when you are in trouble, because the more fearful/frightened you are, the worse the situation will be.74.难怪人们说:“到上海不去豫园就不算去过上海”。(

17、wonder)【试题解析】本题考查no wonder 后面接从句的用法,使用正常语序;翻译时可采取正译或反译两种方式,时态用现在完成时表示动作完成。该题也考查了关于上海本地特色景点的翻译,考生应在平时积累与上海有关的一些专有名词翻译。【参考答案】No wonder that people say that those who have visited Shanghai but missed Yu Garden cannot claim/say that they have been to the city.No wonder people say that no one can claim/s

18、ay that he has been to/ visited Shanghai, if he missed Yu Garden/if he hasnt been to / visited Yu Garden75.是他的过于自信造成了这种局面:他还没有真正理解“兼听则明”的道理。(result)【试题解析】本题考查强调句型it is +被强调的部分+that从句;“真正地理解.”这里的“真正地”可以理解为“充分地”fully, “兼听则明”可以理解为“听取不同人的意见”,考查考生对文章的理解能力和信息的处理能力。【参考答案】It was his being over-confident (ab

19、out himself)/too self-confident that resulted in/caused the situation, because he hasnt fully understood / didnt fully understand the truth that if you listen to both sides, you will hear the truth.Five【徐汇区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brack

20、ets.72.那个新发现的星球上是否有水还是一个迷。(remain)【试题解析】考查主语从句It remains+adj./n.+主语从句的用法。【参考答案】 It still remains a mystery whether there exists water on the newly-discovered planet.73.差异不是偶尔一回,而是日复一日形成的。(It)【试题解析】考查短语:不是而是:not.but.;考查句型:强调句 It is/was+强调部分+that+其他【参考答案】 It is not what you do once in a while (occasio

21、nally) but what you do day in and day out (every day) that makes the difference.74.无论我们分别多久,有多少困难要克服,我们还是血浓于水的一家人。(No matter)【试题解析】考查短语“血浓于水”的表达;考查让步状语从句 no matter +疑问词的用法。【参考答案】No matter how long we are apart and how many difficulties we have to overcome,we are still a family with blood thicker tha

22、n water.No matter how long we have been parted and how much difficulties we are to go through, we are still family and blood is always thicker than water.75.采访发现,83%的人认为教师肩负着培养下一代的重任,是提高全民文化素质的重要国素,值得尊敬。(worth)【试题解析】考查短语:值得做:be worth doing;考查非限制性定语从句。【参考答案】The interview found that 83% of the people

23、think that teachers shoulder the responsibility of training the next generation,which is an important factor to improve the cultural quality of the whole people and is worth respect.Six【闵行区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the wordsgiven in the brackets.72. 天气这么好,周六去

24、植物园野餐好吗?(Why not)【试题解析】本题考查why not 后加动词原形的句型。【参考答案】Why not go to the botanic garden (1分) for a picnic this Saturday (1分) when we have such fine weather? (1分) 73. 我现在比以前挣得多了,每月支付日常开销后还能存一些钱。(make)【试题解析】本题考查挣钱,存钱的词组。【参考答案】Im making more money now than before(1分), and I can save some money (1分) after p

25、aying the daily expenses every month (1分).74. 我外婆眼力不济了,看不了太小的字,需要一部适合老年人的手机。(suitable)【试题解析】本题考查suitable 的用法。【参考答案】My grandmas eyesight is too poor to read small words, (2分) so she needs a mobile phone (1分) suitable for the elderly/ old people. (1分)75. 获得粉丝大量点赞后他感概万千,回想起创业之初经历的种种磨难,他不禁失声痛哭。(cant hel

26、p)【试题解析】本题考查cant help的用法。【参考答案】After receiving a lot of praise from his fans (1分), he was filled with different emotions (1分) and couldnt help crying out loud (1分) when he was recalling all kinds of hardships (1分) at the beginning of his business (1分).Seven【奉贤区】Directions: Translate the following se

27、ntences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.爱运动的人不大可能有睡眠障碍。(likely)【试题解析】本题考察不大可能:be less likely to【参考答案】 People who exercise are less likely to have trouble sleeping.2.这位外科医生还没来得及好好休息就立即投入到下一场手术中。(before)【试题解析】本题考察外科医生:surgeon 投入到下一场手术中:into the next operation【参考答案】 The surgeon ha

28、d not had time to have a good rest before jumping into the next operation.The surgeon went into the next operation before he had time to have a good rest. 3.这个时期的文学作品反映出我国人民在面临民族危机时不屈不挠的精神。(mirror)【试题解析】文学作品:literary worksliterary outputliterary composition 反映:mirrorimagereflect 不屈不挠的精神:unbending sp

29、irit indomitable spirit【参考答案】The literary works of this period mirror the unbending spirit indomitable spirit of our people in the face of national crisis.4.那位作家把书房看作是私人领域和精神家园,在那里,他可以坐拥书籍之乐,将尘世烦恼抛诸脑后。(leave)【试题解析】本题考察私人领域:private sphere 世俗的:worldly 将抛之脑后:leave still behind【参考答案】The writer regarded

30、his study as his private sphere and spiritual home, where he could have the joy of books and leave his worldly worries behind.Eight【静安区】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.你之前的工作经历可能和你申请的职位并不吻合。(apply)【试题解析】本题考察apply的用法,注意“吻合”的表达,可以用ma

31、tch,in line with等。【参考答案】Your past work experiences might not be in line with the post you apply for.73.因双方都志在必得,该场比赛被证明是一场恶战。(prove)【试题解析】本题考察prove的用法,注意“志在必得”和“恶战”的表达;另本句的逻辑上,可以翻成状语从句或粉刺做状语。【参考答案】The game proved to be a hard battle, with both sides determined to win.74.产后保持愉快的心态有助于新手妈妈恢复孕前体重,其重要性等同

32、于合理饮食和持续锻炼。(equal)【试题解析】本题考察非限制性定语从句,另关注较难表达“愉悦的心态”、“孕前体重”等。【参考答案】Keeping a pleasant mind after delivery helps new mothers to return to pre-pregnancy weight,whose importance is equal to that of a balanced diet and constant exercise.75.正是因为一些年轻人追求独一无二,所以他们会求助于海外代购来满足个性化的消费需求。(It)【试题解析】本题考察强调句,注意表达“独一无二”和“海外代购”。【参考答案】It is because some

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