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1、牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit3精美导学案7课时第01课时 Unit3 Welcome to the unitActivity I Read the letters(P31)一、 了解一下世界名胜古迹并写出他们属于哪个国家和城市。 国家 城市the White House the Eiffel Tower the River Seine the Opera House the Harbour Bridge the Great Wall 二、列出八个反身代词: 三、在文中找出下列词组并试着翻译成中文。want to exercise keep fit enjoy ourselves go pa

2、st a house with a garden climb a hill take care take a boat trip be made of come on 四、在完成上面练习以后,请你思考下列问题。1. come on 的不同意思 2. need to do 的用法 3. 写出enjoy oneself 同义词组 4. be going to +动词原形 与 will +动词原形的区别 Activity II Task1:听Hobo 与Eddie 的对话,回答问题。 Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? What is he going

3、to do?Task2:两人一组练习并表演这个对话。Task3: 阅读39页A 部分的明信片并与正确的图片配对。回答:Who sent the first postcard?Which country is the White House in? What other foreign countries do you know?Task4: 听Amy 与Simon 的对话,回答问题:Which city in the USA does Simon want to go to?Task5: Pair work with desk matesA: Which _country do you wan

4、t to visit, Simon?B: I want to visit_.A: Which _ _do you want to go to? B: I want to go to _.A: How will you go there?B : I can _.A: _ do you want to go there? B: Because _.A: I hope you will enjoy yourselves./have a good time there.检测反馈一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词:1. Eddie, youre a little fat. What about e_

5、 with us everyday?2. I dont think Eddie is good at c_ the hills.3. The new P_ of the USA is Barack Obama.4. Boys and girls, lets enjoy o_ tonight.5. Every day I go _(路过)a book shop on the way home.6. You should be careful with the food if you want to keep_(health).二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. The White House is

6、 a beautiful _(build) with a big garden. 2. The students _ (take) a boat trip yesterday.3. He goes running every day _(keep) fit.4. Thank you for _ (send) me the nice postcard.5. He needs _ (look after) his little brother at home.6. I wrote an _(invite) letter to my friend.【巩固提升】一、单项选择( ) 1. She nee

7、ds _more exercise. A. takes B. to take C. take D. taking ( ) 2. We enjoyed _ at your birthday party. A. we B. us C. our D. ourselves( ) 3. I bought a big house _a small garden. A. has B. have C. to h ave D. with( ) 4. Lets go shopping,_?A. shall we B. shall you C. will you D. wont you( ) 5.Its hot i

8、n the room. Keep the window_.A. open B. opened C. close D. Closed( ) 6.The swimming pool in our school is as _as this one.A. big B. biger C. bigger D. the biggest二、汉译英1你需要运动和保持体形。_ _ 2来吧!让我们享受享受。_ _ 3我乘船旅行经过著名的港湾大桥。_ _ 4美国总统住在白宫里。_ _ 5这是一个有一个漂亮花园的大房子。_ _ 6我坐在赛纳河边的咖啡店里。_ _ 7他邀请我参加他的生日晚会。_ _ 8这座桥是由钢铁制

9、成的。_ _ 9Tom没有我高。_ _ 10那条河有多宽?_ _ 第02课时 Unit3 Reading(1)Activity I 一、请在书上划出下列短语,翻译并熟记。 1. join their school trip to the World Park _ _2. get on/off a bus_3. feel bored for most of the trip_4. models of over a hundred places of interest from all over the world_ _5. look as great as the one back home _

10、6. the song and dance shows_7. teach himself how to make a home page _8. put his photos on his home page_9. go and see for yourself _10. invite me to join their school trip 11. enjoy myself 12. cant wait to see you 13. get there by bus 14. more than 15. become excited at the exciting news 16. far aw

11、ay 17. a lot of traffic on the way 18. the whole world in front of us 二、你能根据句意及所给的提示完成单词吗?1. Ann would like to i her friends to her birthday party.2. There are lots of places of i in China. 3. This isnt a real plane. It is just a m . .4. There is heavy t during the rush hour.5. We can go to Beijing

12、on a t .It is comfortable to travel by it.6. Daniel (教) Kitty how to make a kite yesterday.7. The Eiffel Tower is made of s .Activity II Task1快速阅读全文,回答问题1. Where did Linda go? 2. How many places of interest are there in the World Park?Task2 读课文第一段和第二段,填写下面的表格A trip to the World Park in BeijingWhoWhe

13、nHow(transportation)How farTask3 读课文第三段和第四段,判断正误1.There are models of fewer than 100 places of interest in the park. _2.The models are small but wonderful._3.The model Eiffel Tower is made of stones._4.The model Golden Gate Bridge is as grate as the real one in the USA._Task4 读课文第五段和第六段,回答问题 1.How d

14、id Linda feel when she saw the main sights?2.How are the song and dance shows?3.Where did Daniel put the photos?检测反馈一、完成 Part B1/B2/B3 on Page 33-34.二、根据课文内容填空 It was fine and warm yesterday. Mr. Wu invited Linda to _ their school trip to the World Park. The _ was long and a little _. They arrived a

15、t the park _. They quickly _ the bus and the models of places of interest were there _ them! They were very excited and couldnt _. They learnt a lot about different _.三、根据课文内容填写表格PlaceWhat Linda sawOn the wayIn the World Park四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Hurry up ! Dont keep Alice (wait) .2. My aunt is teaching

16、 (she) English these days.3. What is the Eiffel Tower (make) of ?4. The traffic got (good) on the high way than on the city roads.5. Jane becomes (interest) in many places of (interest).6. It took about half an hour (go) to the railway station .【巩固提升】一、 阅读下面的对话,选择合适的单词或短语填空A: How was your trip to Na

17、njing last weekend ? B: Its wonderful. We visited many 1 .A: Did you go to Zijin Mountain ?B: Of course I went there. The mountain is very beautiful. Many people from 2 go there every day.A: Was it tiring to climb up it step by step?B:Yes. So I took a cable car(缆车) down.A: Were you afraid in the cab

18、le car ?B: Yes. It made my 3 feel sick. Food almost came up.A: Maybe it was too high. Hmm, you 4 , didnt you?B: Yes. I will put them on my home page. You can see it 5 二、完形填空People travel a lot with China Air because they know they will get 1 .They want to go quickly and safely 2 the land, the sea or

19、 the world 3 they know China Air will 4 them where they want to go .China Air flies all the 5 planes to more towns and cities of the world than 6 airlines (航空公司). Do you want to go to New York, Paris and Sydney? China Air will take you there, at all times of the day or , right through the week . But

20、 China Air flies not only to 8 cities , it also flies two or three times a week to towns and cities in the very center of Africa and South America. People fly with China Air because theyknow they will leave on time and 9 on time. They know that will 10 the best food and watch the best films. China A

21、ir is the second to none.( )1. A. where to go B. why we go there C. how can we go D. what they want( )2. A. cross B. across C. through D. crossing( )3. A. and B. or C. but D. with( )4. A. bring B. get C. take D. cost( )5. A. new and fast B. newer and faster C. newest and fastest D. the newest but fa

22、ster( )6. A. the other B. any other C. other D. others( )7. A. evening B. night C. evenings D. nights( )8. A. the smallest B. small C. bigger D. the biggest( )9. A. get to B. arrive in C. reach to D. arrive( )10. A. give B. buy C. send D. receive 第03课时 Unit3 Reading(2)Activity I 一、翻译短语1. 怎样做主页 _ 2.

23、由钢制成_ 3. 邀请我加入他们的学校旅行_ 4.上公共汽车 _5. 到达世界公园_ 6.太多水_ 7. 玩的痛快_ 8.看上去像_9. 令人惊奇的一天_ 10. 自学_ 11. 一百多处名胜_12. 感到乏味_二、单项选择( ) 1.The family invited me their dinner party. A. to B. to go C. to go to D. A and C( ) 2. -Will you go to Shanghai plane ? -No. It costs too much. We will go there a train. A. on, on B.

24、by, on C. on, by D. by, by( ) 3.There are places of interest in the World Park. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds C. hundred of D. two hundred( ) 4. The desks and chairs are wood. A. make of B. make from C. made of D. made from( ) 5. No one taught her English. She learned it . A. herself B. himself

25、C. by herself D. by himself( ) 6.When the man walked the library, he found a cat at the corner. A. pass B. past C. passed D. by( ) 7. -Why were you late for the show ?-It was rush hour. There was traffic on the road. A. too many B. many too C. much too D. too much( ) 8. -When did you get to the stat

26、ion?-We the station just before the train left. A. arrived B. arrived at C. arrived in D. reached to ( ) 9. How long does the trip from Nanjing to Yangzhou _ you by bus? A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay( )10.He _ less time reading stories about film stars than before. (南通)A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays检测反馈一、根据短文内容,用所给短语的适当形式填空。get off, place of interest, get on ,join in, enjoy oneself,take some photos, all over, feel boring My parents and I paid a visit to the Disneyland ( 迪斯尼

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