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1、高考英语听力mp3下载模拟题高考英语听力mp3下载模拟题第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How many marks did John get on the TOEFL test?A.605.B.650.C.537.2.What is the man going to do?A.Run to the airport.B.Wait for another plane.C.Hurry to the bus stop.3.Ho

2、w does the woman go to Johns home?A.By bus.B.On foot.C.Take the mans car.4. What does the woman mean?A.Not everyone will get a meal.B.Not everyone will like the meals.C.Not everyone will stay for lunch.5.Who probably is the man?A.An airport clerk.B.A pilot.C.A taxi driver.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独

3、白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.What is the woman telling her father about?A.Her visit to Greenwich Village.B.Her plan for her holiday.C.Her sightseeing experience.7.When is the woman going to see a show?A.On her las

4、t night.B.Next weekend.C.Tomorrow.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What did the woman do on Friday?A.She prepared for the exam.B.She attended a class activity.C.She had a history lesson.9.What is the weather in the desert like at night?A.Hot and dry.B.Hot and wet.C.Cool and dry.10.Why is it easy to see different r

5、ocks in the desert?A.There are very few plants.B.There are too many rocks.C.There are different colors of rocks.听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。11.For what season does the man want to buy something?A.Winter. B.Autumn. C.Spring.12.What is the first hat made of?A.Silk. B.Cotton. C.Wool.13.How much does the man save?

6、A.Six dollars. B.Seven dollars.C.Ten dollars.14.What does the man want to have in addition?A. A red hat. B.A red sweater.C.A black sweater.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Topics for their term paper.B.Different majors.C.Holiday plans.16.What does the man plan to stud

7、y in graduate school?A.Law.B.Business. C.Literature.17.Where does the woman suggest they meet next Wednesday?A.At the school gate. B.At a reading room.C.At a snack bar.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is the speaker trying to organize?A.A welcome party. B.A wedding party.C.A goodbye party.19.What is not me

8、ntioned about the party?A.Finding a suitable place.B.How many people will be invited.C.Tom s love of whisky.20.Who does the speaker want to hear from?A.People who know Tom well.B.People who want to organize the party.C.People who have worked with Tom.【听力材料及答案】(Text 1)W:I heard John had got 605 on th

9、e TOEFL test.M:Really?I got only 537.(Text 2)M:Excuse me,can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport?W:It leaves in three minutes.If you run,you might catch it.M:Thank you.I will try.(Text 3)M:Would you like to have lunch with us?W:Id love to,but I have to help John with his math proble

10、m right now.M:Would you like me to give you a lift?W:No,thanks.His home is not far and I can walk there.(Text 4)W:How many meals did you order?M:Fifteen.W:Do you think that will be OK?There may be twenty people this afternoon.(Text 5)M:Where are you going?W:To the airport.I need to be there by 2:30.

11、M:Oh,its a long way from here.W:Im glad you stopped.Id been standing here for a long time.(Text 6)W:Were having a lovely time,Dad.M:Im sure there s a lot to do.W:There is! Weve been for a walk in Central Park.Its so big! Everything here is big.And weve climbed the Empire State Building.The view was

12、fantastic.We havent been to Greenwich Village yet,and we havent been to Chinatown,either.Were going to do that tomorrow.M:Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?W:Oh,yes,we have.We ve just had a helicopter out of the city,and we flew really close to it.M:What about a show? Have you seen a show on B

13、roadway yet?W:No,we havent.We re going to see one on our last night here,but we haven t decided what to see yet.(Text 7)M:Welcome back!I didnt see you in the history class on Friday.W:I wasnt here on Friday.My geography class went to a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.In fact,we sle

14、pt there last night.M:Really?That sounds excellent!Where did you go?W:A desert.It gets hot during the day,but it cools off very quickly at night.It is very dry there after the sun goes down.M:Well,did you enjoy the trip?W:Of course I did.The desert is nicer than you might think.Since there are so fe

15、w plants growing there,its very easy to see different rocks.And the natural colors of the rocks shine in the sun.You really should go there to have a look.M:I really want to go there.You must call me if you have the chance to go there again.W:No problem.I will be your guide next time.(Text 8)W:Hi,ar

16、e you being helped?M:No,Im not.Im interested in some hats.W:All our hats are in this section.What do you think of this one here? Its made of cotton.M:Hmm,it looks nice and is suitable for autumn,but Id like to have something warm for winter.W:Maybe you would like a heavy wool hat. How about this one

17、?M:I think thats what I want.How much is it?W:Its seventy dollars plus tax.M:Its a little expensive.Do you think its possible to get a discount?W:Hmm,since you like it so much,how about a 10 percent discount.Thats the best I can offer.M:Thats good.Could you wrap it up for me?W:Sure.Is there anything

18、 else I can get for you?M:I also want to have a red wool sweater.But there are only black and green ones.(Text 9)W:What topic did you finally choose for the term paper for your World Economy class?M:After thinking about a few ideas,I finally settled on the difference between Japanese and American st

19、yles of management.W:Hmm.Why did you choose a topic like that?M:Well,Im planning to study Business in graduate school next year.After that,I hope to start my own company.W:Isn t that a coincidence! Im also doing a paper on how Japanese management styles are being adapted by American firms for my Com

20、parative Cultures class.M:Why dont we sit down and share some of our sources after weve each been to the library?W:Great idea! Should we meet at the snack bar next Wednesday at this time?M:Thats fine with me.See you then.(Text 10)M:As you all know,Tom s been working here for many years.Youre also al

21、l very aware that he wouldnt want a big party when he leaves.However,Im sure youll argue that we must do something! When he leaves next month,I want him to go out with a bang,with something that hes going to really remember and that shows him the way we all feel about how good hes been to work with.

22、So,if anyones got any suggestions about a suitable location,what to include on the menu,besides his beloved whisky,and of course,gift ideas,please come and have a word with me in the next day or two.Oh,and if there are any volunteers to take on the organizing,Id be delighted to hear from them too.15.ACBAC610.CABCA1115.ABBBA1620.BCCBB

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