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1、学年北京市九年级中考模拟第一次模拟英语试题含答案 初三模拟考试英语试卷 听力理解(共30分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分)请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。6. What does the boy like?A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Baseball.7. When willthe matchstart?A.At2:30.B.At 3:00.

2、C.At 3:20.请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。8. Hows the winter in New York?A.Its cold.B. Its dry. C.Its foggy.9. How many important holidays can the boyenjoy in winter?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。10.Which programcan the boy listen to?A.BBC.B.USA Today.C.Los Angeles Times.11. Where canthe boybuy the Engli

3、sh newspapers and novels?A.At the bookshop.B.On the website.C.In the post office.请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。12. Why does Tomlook tired?A.He goes to bed late. B.He doessome exercises.C.He cant sleep well at night.13. What can we learn from the conversation?A.Tom will drink some milk before going to the bed.

4、B.Tom wants to sleep for a short time during the day.C.Tom maydo some exercises before going to the bed.请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。14. What is the speakers opinion abouttheNoble Prize for physics?A.It shouldmake a change.B.It should award only one person.C.It should not include important members.15. What is

5、 the speaker mainly talkingabout?A. Ateam can make everything possible.B.Behind thewinners, there isalwaysa team.C.Scientists and sports players should work in a team.三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.

6、 My sister is in Class2. name is Kate.A.HerB.HisC.YourD.Its22. Our teachers answer my questions from 7:009:00 online everyevening. 23. Idlike to go with you, I mustfinish my homework first. A.andB.butC.soD.or24. Which subject do you like, math or English?Math. A.wellB.betterC.bestD.

7、the best25. Tom, you sing an English song?No, I cant. A.canB.mayC.needD.must26. doyou play basketball?Once a week.A.How muchB.How longC.How oftenD.How far27. What did you do after schoolyesterday?I tennis with Paul. A.playB.will playC.playedD.amplaying28. Sheat this school for 15 years already.A.wil

8、l workB.worksC.has working29. A lot of green parksin Tongzhou in the builtD.will be built30. Do you know now?He lives in Beijing.A.where he lives B.where he will live C.where will he live D.where does he live五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选

9、项中,选择最佳选项。Mothers Christmas Stocking(长袜)My sister Trudy and I snuggled(偎依)close and would sleep around the Christmas tree. It was a tradition we just had to sleep under the tree on Christmas Eveeven if we were ten and twelve. My eight-year-old brother, Ashley and three-year-old baby sister, Breanna

10、werealready asleep near the 31. Trudy and I talkedto each otherin a low voiceanddiscussedwhat we expected to get in our stockingsthe next morning. We lookedat the four stockingshanging by the fireplace, and we 32 that one was missing. Werent there five people in our family? WhydidntMumhave a stockin

11、g?She had told us when she was a little girl her family didnt hang stockings on Christmas Eve. We were 33to be the members of our family and wethoughtMum shouldbe a part of the tradition she had created for us. It was then that we came up with an idea.Itwould forever change the way we would see Chri

12、stmasandmore34,giving.Quickly Trudy woke Breanna, and I hurried to wake Ashley. We planned Mothers stocking. For several minutes we beganto look for ourtreasuresthrough ourthings.Breanna brought her candy box. We chose a pieceof Santa chocolate. I wrote, “For yoursweet wish,” stuckit on Breannas cho

13、colateandput itinto an old, oversized, red 35which Ashley foundin the wardrobe(衣柜).Ashley brought two of his favorite toy cars and told us they were for when Mums carbroken down. Now she would always have twomore. Trudywrote the explanation for him.I brought a bagof flowerseeds and 36around the bag,

14、 “So you will always have fresh seeds of inspiration(灵感).” Trudy made a little babyout of a round river rock. She called it Herman Periwinkleand wrote anadoption(收养)letterfor the baby.That was so Mumwould always have a baby, because she often 37that her real babieswere growing up too fast.We hung Mu

15、ms stockingon the highest placeandstucka 38tothe outside of the stockingthat said, “To: Mother Santa Claus from: The T.A.A.B. Elves.” She was proud of her acronym(首字母缩略词)for our names, and we were all so 39that we couldhardlysleep.In the morning, when we woke up, we rushed right past our stockings,

16、straight into Mums bedroom. She was 40Herman Periwinkle and ourtreasures were aroundher. She kissed us all and hugged us, laughing and talkingat the same time. It was so unlike her usual calm manner. But we understood. It was her first ever Christmas stocking. 31. A.treeB.boxC.bedD.chair32. A.expect

17、edB.imaginedC.realizedD.believed33. A.surprisedB.gladC.relaxedD.curious34. A.luckilyB.politelyC.carefullyD.importantly35. A.coatB.stockingC.bagD. skirt36. A.wroteB.drewC.sentD.showed37. A.describedB.celebratedC.noticedD.complained38. A.photoB.noteC.candyD.flower39. A.satisfiedB.nervousC.excitedD.cra

18、zy40. A. makingB.holdingC.washingD. repairing阅读理解(共50分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分)41. was Jennys favorite teacher. A. Mr. Smith B. Mr. Lee C. Mrs. Hooper D. Mr. Tan 42. Harry likes his teacher best. A. ChineseB. math C. science D. music 43. Mrs. Hooper was Ricks teacher

19、. A. 1st grade B. 4th grade C. 6th grade D. high school44. Vickys favorite teacher . A. was funny B. taught her Chinese C. taught her mathD. was a famous musician BA Special NoteIbby Piracha is adeaf man.Hisbloghas become hot sincehe shared the note from a Starbucks worker.He praised the workerin an

20、 interview with ABC News.He said that he was surprised to be greeted by the familiarworker with sign language. He also received a note fromthe workerand the note read,“Ive been learning ASL(American sign language)just so you can have the same experience as everyone else.” During the interview he sai

21、d “Im a deaf man so I usually use my phone to offer something. The workersaid she had a lot of customers like me. I was very surprised by her because she learned to usesign language and it showed her respect to deaf people.”Pirache took a picture of the noteand put it on the Internet, and it receive

22、d over 2,000 shares. He was very shocked by the shares on the Internet and told the manager,“You know,many people were moved by your worker.”The spokesmanof Starbucks said, “We always love to hear moving stories happen between our workers and customers.”Piracha said, “I hope the note can tell people

23、 the hearing world and the deaf world can still communicate with each other. I also want to thank the support from the hearing world.”45. What did Ibby Pirachashare on his blog? A. A phone. B. A cup of coffee. C. A note. D. A picture of the worker. 46. Piracha usually uses his phone to offer somethi

24、ng because .A. he cant hear anything B. he can save more money C. he cant understand sign language D. he wants the others to respect him 47. The worker used sign language to show . A. her moving stories B. her respect to deaf peopleC. her love for the StarbucksD. her ability about language learning

25、48. Piracha put the picture of the note on the Internet to . A. receive more shares from others B. thank the hearing peoples support C. make more people learn sign language D. let the manager know it and feel happy CAs students, you have had many exams. Exams areanimportant part of education and the

26、 beginning of stressfor manystudents. According to the research, many students are under stress from exams. If you are among them, the following words may help you.Do you know context-dependent memory(记忆依赖效应)? It refers to the idea that we are best able to remember things in environments similar to

27、when the information was encoded(编码). For example, if you will be in a quiet room during your exam, try to create those conditions while you prepare. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Aim for at least 8 eight glasses of water per day. Not drinking enough water can make you feel stressed. Caffeine ca

28、n make you feel excited, which can cut down the feeling of stress. Have a cup of coffee or a cola if you like, but dont drink too much. Experts suggested kids and teens should limit themselves to about 100mg per day (one cup of coffee or 3 colas). If you are feeling stressed about an exam, be sure t

29、o reward yourself for your study time. This will make you continue studying and may even make less stress. According to the studies, the human brain can only focus on one task effectively for about 45 minutes. So after studying hard for about an hour, take a break and play on the Internet for 20 min

30、utes or watch a part of a TV show that you enjoy. This will help you get your mind off the exam. It is important to eat right if you want to have the best chance of doing well on your exam and not stressing about it. Try eating nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid too much sugar. Generally, exam stre

31、ss is all in the mind. It is important to move towardsitwith a clear mind and an understanding of how to deal with stressful situations more widelywhen preparing for the test.49.Which is called context-dependent memory?A.Copying othershomework.B.Asking your teacher for help.C.Studying in conditions similar to your test room. D.Reading and writing new words at the same time.50. According to the passage, if youfeel stressedfrom exams, youcan to cut down thefeeling.A.drink less waterB.havea cup much sugar

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