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1、中考语法专题目的和结果状语从句讲解+练习无答案中考语法专题目的和结果状语从句(讲解+练习,无答案)目的和结果状语从句一、目的状语从句用从句来表示主句行为或事件发生的目的,这个从句就是目的状语从句。常用引导词:so that, in order that 两者可互换 Mulan dressed like a man so that she could join the army. 为了能够参军,木兰穿戴成男人的样子。 I got up very early in order that I could get to school on time. 为了能按时到校,我很早就起床了。从以上例句可看出,

2、目的状语从句有一个特点:从句中一般都含有表示可能性的词语,比如could。其他还有will, would, can等。二、结果状语从句用从句来表示主句行为或事件发生的结果,这个从句就是结果状语从句。常用引导词:so that, so . that, such . that 1、so that意为“结果是”,从句中一般不出现表示可能性的情态动词;通常用逗号与主句隔开; He got up late, so that he didnt catch the early bus. 他起晚了,结果没赶上早班车。2、so + adj./adv. + that从句,意为“如此以致于”; was so car

3、eless that I forgot something important. 我真是粗心,以致忘了重要的事情。 He speaks so fast that I cannot understand him. 他说话太快了,以致我不能理解他的意思。3、such . that . 意为“如此以致于”,常见结构如下:(1)such + adj.+ n. 复数形式+that从句;(2)such +adj. +不可数n. + that从句;(3)such +a/an +adj.+ n. 单数形式+ that从句 = so + adj. + a/an + 单数名词 + that从句 He had su

4、ch long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling. 他胳膊那么长,几乎能摸到天花板。 He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term. 他进步如此之快,期中考试考得非常好。 It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything. 今天天气这么热,人们什么都不想做。 = It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.4、so . that .

5、 和such . that . 句型互换 It was such a wonderful film that all of us wanted to see it again. =The film was so wonderful that all of us wanted to see it again.5、如果名词前由many, much, little, few等词修饰时,只能用so, 不用such。 1)so +many/few + n.复数形式+ that从句; 2)so +much/little +不可数n.+ that从句; Soon there were so many dee

6、r that they ate up all the wild roses. He has so little time that he cant go to the cinema with you.练习(一)用so . that, such . that填空1. The book is _ interesting _ I want to read it again.2. It was _ a fine day _ we couldnt wait to go out for a walk.3. Jim is _ clever _ he can work out this difficult p

7、roblem easily.4. My cousin ran _ fast _ I couldnt catch up with him.5. He left in _ a hurry _ he forgot to close the window.6. They are _ lovely students _ the teacher like them very much.7. Mr. Zhang is _ good a teacher _ all the students like him.8. Bob has _ few friends _ he often feels lonely.(二

8、)句型转换1. It is such an important match that nobody wants to miss it._2. The professor told us so interesting a story that all the students laughed._(三)判断是目的状语从句还是结果状语从句1. He studies hard so that he could work better in the future. ( )2. He spoke at the top of his voice so that the students at the bac

9、k could hear him. ( )3. He spoke at the top of his voice, so that the students at the back heard him. ( )二、英语书面表达专项训练2假如你即将在学校英语兴趣小组的活动中发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。要点提示如下:(1)几个月前,奶奶晚饭后去跳广场舞(do square dancing)。(2)从那时起,奶奶喜欢上了广场舞。(3)现在,奶奶比以前健康了,有了很多朋友。(4)有些邻居有意见,认为音乐很吵,无法入睡。(5)你认为人们可以跳广场舞,但要求:(1)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。(2)

10、要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 Boys and girls,Im very happy to speak here and Id like to talk about my grandma._Thats all. Thank you!【答案】Boys and girls,Im very happy to speak here and Id like to talk about my grandma.A few months ago, my grandma went to do square dancing after supper. Since then, she has been in

11、love with square dancing. Now, she is much healthier than before. Whatsmore, she has a lot of friends. However, some neighbors have a complaint against the people who do square dancing. They think that the music is so loud that they cant fall asleep at night.In my opinion, people can do square danci

12、ng because it is a good way to keep healthy. But they should think about the feelings of others and they shouldnt make a lot of noise.Thats all. Thank you!【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,根据要点提示写一篇学校英语兴趣小组的活动中的发言稿。要注意随着文章推进时态的变化,一开始应该选择一般过去时,而后面应该选用一般现在时,最后表达自己观点的时候也应该使用一般现在时。人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致关系,构思文章框架,列举出可能会用到的好词好句,记住

13、千万不能漏写信息要点。参考词汇就是必用词汇,一定要运用到文章当中。在写作中注意运用恰当的连词,使文章更加顺畅,自然。3近年来,各大城市雾霾(haze)情况越来越严重,整个国家的空气污染状况令人担忧。请分析空气污染的现象,原因,应对措施,写一份英文的倡议书,呼吁大家保护环境,减少对空气的污染。要点提示:(1)我国空气污染的现象。(至少写2点)(2) 空气污染产生的原因。(至少写2点)(3)减少空气污染的措施。(至少写2点)要求:(1) 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。(2) 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Dear students , As we all know , hazy

14、days have been influencing our lives a lot in recent years . That warns us of the serious airpollution_ 【答案】Dear students,As we all know, hazy days have been influencing our lives a lot in recent years. That warns us of the serious air pollution. Big factories, power plants and cars all can cause ai

15、r pollution. For example, chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. Besides, the peoples activities are also the sources of air pollution such as throwing the rubbish and smoking. Whats more, the more trees are cut down, the less polluted air can absorb. Air pollution is beco

16、ming more and more serious, so we should take some measures such as planting more trees and stop factories from sending out waste air, whats more, we had better walk or take a bus. Protecting the environment is our duty. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.【解析】【详解】这是一篇材料作文,根据材料中的相关信息介绍一下

17、整个国家的空气污染状况。所提供的材料中列举了近年来,各大城市雾霾(haze)情况越来越严重,主要从空气污染的现象,原因,应对措施三个方面去介绍。时态为一般现在时。注意作文中必须包含材料上的所有信息,并适当发挥。写作时,避免使用汉语式的英语,尽量使用我们熟悉的句子或短语。语法要正确,表达要符合英语习惯,注意时态、时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,表达具有条理性。【高分句型一】We had better walk or take a bus. 我们最好步行或乘公共汽车。这里had better表示最好,后面跟动词原形,take a bus表示乘公共

18、汽车。【高分句型二】Protecting the environment is our duty. 保护环境是我们的职责。这里Protecting the environment 做主语,用的是动词的ing形式。4书面表达86.某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文参加此次活动。(1)父母规矩太多,不允许晚上出去,过于强调学习成绩,不理解自己。(2)你应该理解父母,他们是爱孩子的,希望孩子前程似锦。(3)你与父母保持良好关系的做法:努力学习,听父母

19、话。(4)(至少一条)。要求:(1)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。(2)文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名。(3)词数:80100个。(4)短文的开头己给出,不计入总词数。How to keep a good relationship with parentsIn my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me. 【答案】How to keep a good relationship with parentsIn my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My pa

20、rents never allow me to go out with my friends at night. They dont allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents dont quite understand me.However, I try my best to understand them. Although they dont allow me to make my own decision

21、s and give me too much pressure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.In order to keep a good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.【解析】【详解】某英文报社正就青少年与父母

22、关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文参加此次活动。注意文中用第一人称书写;2.时态以一般现在时为主;3.体裁为说明文,可稍加评论;4.合理想象,发表你对压力的看法;5.语句通顺。意思连贯;【点睛】本文语句通顺,段落分明。文中用到了一些好的句型:However, I try my best to understand them. Although they dont allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much

23、 pressure,这里给文章增色不少。5扬州市“五个一百工程” 英语经典文学(English classics)阅读正在全市各地各校全面而深入地推进,这提高了扬州学子的人文科学素养,并促进了他们的终身发展。某校正在开展中学生是否有必要阅读英文经典文学的大讨论,请根据以下问题和要求用英语写一篇文章参与讨论。1. Do you think reading English classics is necessary? Why? (Give 3 reasons)2. How do you usually take part in the activity of reading English cla

24、ssics? (Give 3 examples, e.g. take part in the Reading Club, take notes while reading )3. Whats your advice for the students who are weak in English? (Give 1-2 opinions)要求 1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括问题中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥; 3)词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。With the development of the Five One-hun

25、dred Project in Yangzhou, our school has had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to read English classics. 【答案】With the development of the Five One-hundred Project in Yangzhou, our school has had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students

26、to read English classics. I think reading English classics is not only necessary but also important. First, we can learn a lot about Western history and culture by reading. Second, by reading classics we can enlarge our vocabulary and improve our writing. Finally, it can help us with our lifelong le

27、arning. So I often spend my free time reading English classics. I am in the Reading Club. And I often take notes while reading. Whats more, I sometimes ask the teacher for help if I have difficulty reading books. If some students are weak in English, they can read the short and easy English stories

28、at the very beginning. Well begun is half done. Next, they should keep reading and never give up. Then their English will be improved little by little.【解析】【详解】这是一篇要求关于某校正在开展中学生是否有必要阅读英文经典文学的大讨论,请根据问题和要求用英语写一篇文章参与讨论。动笔前先要认真阅读要点,围绕要点组织材料,然后用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。根据材料可知本文主要是应用第一人称,一般现在时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。6书面表达中考后暑假即将开始,你和一些同学准备结伴出国旅行。旅行社提供了两个国家供你选择游玩。请根据旅行社提供的信息,将你的选择用英文向同学们介绍。BritainAustraliaTimeJuly 1 - July 14TimeAugust 15 -August 24Activitiesvisit the Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫) visit the British Museum (大英博物

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