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1、人教版高中英语选修8单元测试题及答案解析单元测评3doc单元测评(三)Unit 3Inventors and Inventions(时间:90分钟满分:110分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AJust after World War the IOC decided that the Olympic Games would bring nations together again. As London had been selected to host the cance

2、lled 1944 Games, the IOC decided to offer the 1948 Games to London. London accepted the offer and set about preparing the venues (场地) and all the other things that hosting the Olympic Games needed.With less than two years to get the Games ready, it was a great achievement in itself that the Games we

3、re ready on time. The budget that was assigned to host the Games was 600 000, quite a small sum in comparison to the Games of today that cost billions of pounds.In 1948, large parts of London lay in ruins. Food and building materials were in short supply. It was decided that the Games would be held

4、with no new venues or athlete villages being built.The participating nations united to make the Games a success. Athletes were housed in barracks (兵营). School dormitories and even private houses were used to accommodate the athletes from visiting nations.At mealtimes, athletes were given increased r

5、ations, the same as those received by British workers in the essential industries, like mineworkers, which meant 5 467 calories a day, instead of the normal 2 600 calories a day.The spectators (观众) who came to the Games had to bring their own food, as there were no facilities to provide catering at

6、any of the sites. Even getting to the venues was a problem. The famous London Red Buses were used, and military vehicles, many of which were driven by women volunteers, were also used to transport spectators and athletes to the venues.Despite these problems, the Games opening ceremony was held on 29

7、th July, 1948, at Wembley Stadium. During the opening ceremony a message was shown on the giant scoreboard. It read: “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”语篇解读1948年伦敦奥运会是二战后的第一届奥运会,二战后的伦敦百废待兴,在筹办过程中遇

8、到了种种困难,但人们最终克服了这些困难,成功举办了这次奥运会。1Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. The First Postwar Olympic GamesB. The Greatest Olympic Games in HistoryC. The Development of the Olympic SpiritD. The Most Important Thing in the Olympic Games答案与解析A主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了二战后第一届奥运会1948年伦敦奥运会。具体介绍

9、了伦敦被选为举办城市的原因、筹办过程中遇到的各种问题及其解决及最终的成功举办。2Why was London selected to hold the 1948 Games?ABecause London had rich experience in hosting the Olympics.B. Because Britain was the most powerful country at that time.C. Because London had been selected to host the cancelled 1944 Games.D. Because there were

10、plenty of excellent athletes in Britain.答案与解析C细节理解题。从文章第一段“As London had been selected to host the cancelled 1944 Games, the IOC decided to offer the 1948 Games to London.”可知答案为C项。3From the passage we can infer that _.A. to save money only a few venues for the 1948 Games were builtB. many soldiers t

11、ook part in the competition of the 1948 GamesC. though facing great difficulties, London offered enough to athletes and spectatorsD. postwar London gained wide support when preparing for the 1948 Games答案与解析D推理判断题。从文章第四段可知伦敦获得了参赛国家、军队、学校及居民的广泛支持。4Which of the following statements about the athletes f

12、ood is TRUE?A. They ate together with mineworkers.B. They enjoyed higher food rations.C. They were given rations of 2,600 calories a day.D. They had to bring their own food from their own country.答案与解析B细节理解题。从文章第五段可知运动员享受的食品定额与在重要产业工作的工人待遇一样,高于正常标准。BWhen I was 12, all I wanted was a signet (图章) ring

13、. They were the “in” thing and it seemed every girl except me had one. On my 13th birthday,my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials (姓名首字母) carved into it. I was in heaven.What made it even more special was that it was about the only thing that wasnt being “replaced”. Wed been burnt out in fire

14、s that swept through our area earlier that year and had lost everything so most of the “new” stuff (东西) we got was really just to replace what wed lost. But not my ring. My ring was new.Then, only one month later, I lost it. I took it off before bed and it was missing in the morning. I was sad and s

15、earched everywhere for it. But it seemed to have disappeared. Eventually, I gave up and stopped looking for it. And two years later, we sold the house and moved away.Years passed, and a couple of moves later, I was visiting my parents when Mum told me that she had something for me. It wasnt my birth

16、day, nor was it Easter or Christmas or any other giftgiving occasion. Mum noticed my questioning look. “Youll recognize this one,” she said, smiling.Then she handed me a small ring box. I took it from her and opened it to find my beautiful signet right inside.The family who had bought our house 13 y

17、ears earlier had recently decided to do some redecorations, which included replacing the carpets. When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom, they found the ring. As it had my initials carved into it, they realized who owned the ring. Theyd had it professionally cleaned up by a jeweler before

18、sending it to my mother.And it still fits me.语篇解读本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事。作者讲述了自己13岁的生日礼物,一枚图章戒指,15年后失而复得的故事。5The underlined word “in” in the first paragraph probably means “_”A. fashionable B. availableC. practical D. renewable答案与解析A词义猜测题。根据下文“it seemed every girl except me had one”(除了我以外,似乎每个女孩子都拥有一枚)可推断出,图

19、章戒指在当时是非常时髦的(fashionable)东西。available“可获得的”; practical“实用的”; renewable“可更新的”。6When she got the ring back, the writer was about _.A. 13 years old B. 15 years oldC. 26 years old D. 28 years old答案与解析D细节理解题。根据第一段可知作者是在13岁生日时得到的戒指;根据第三段最后一句可知,两年后作者一家卖掉了房子,当时她应该是15岁;再根据倒数第二段第一句可知,13年前买房的那家人因为装修而发现了这枚戒指。根据

20、以上细节计算,作者重获戒指时应该是28岁。7Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writers family moved several times.B. The writer never stopped looking for her ring.C. The writers ring was cleaned up by the new house owner.D. The writer lost her ring in the morning when she took it off.答案与解析A细节理

21、解题。根据第四段第一句中“Years passed, and a couple of moves later”可知答案选A项(作者一家几度搬迁)。根据第三段倒数第二句可知B项错误;根据倒数第二段最后一句中“professionally cleaned up by a jeweler”可知C项错误;根据第三段第二句可知D项错误。CVacation Spots in OhioThe Boonshoft Museum of DiscoveryThe museum is based on the understanding that science is the process through whi

22、ch we come to understand our world, and that play is the way children do science. Visitors of all ages can explore the wonders of the world. The museum includes many places for adventure such as the Discovery Center and the Hall of the Universe. What make adventures more exciting are real specimens

23、(样本) from the museums collection of 1.4 million items.African Wildlife ParkThis wildlife park is spread across a large area of about 100 acres and you can see different species of animals moving freely as if in their natural habitat (栖息地). On entering the park, you are given a basket of food for fre

24、e. You are able to feed the animals out of the comfort of your own car. Any additional basket of food needs to be paid for.Rock and Roll Hall of FameRock and Roll Hall of Fame was opened somewhere in 1995, with a purpose of celebrating the spirit of rock and roll music and also studying it! It is am

25、ong the top 10 vacation spots in Ohio. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame offers exhibitions, music events and also training programs on the subject. This is a perfect stop for everything on rock and roll music!The Armstrong MuseumThe Armstrong Museum, located (位于) in Neil Armstrongs hometown of Wapakoneta,

26、 Ohio, celebrates the life and the mission (使命) of the first man to walk on the moon. You can see one of the planes that Armstrong tested and enjoy a film about the development of the US space program.语篇解读本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了美国俄亥俄州的几处旅游景点。8What does the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery aim at?A. Encouraging

27、more people to do scientific work.B. Allowing children to learn about science through play.C. Helping people understand scientific development.D. Showing that science exists in the wonders of the world.答案与解析B细节理解题。根据对The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery介绍的第一句可知,博物馆是建立在“科学是我们认识世界的途径,而做游戏是孩子们认识科学的方法”这一认识

28、之上的。因此,博物馆建立的目的就是帮助孩子们以游戏的方式来了解科学。9You can do all the following things in the African Wildlife Park EXCEPT _.A. feeding the animalsB. driving inside the parkC. watching animals move freelyD. getting two baskets of food for free答案与解析D细节理解题。由African Wildlife Park部分可知,进入公园的第一篮动物食品免费,之后额外还要的话需要付费,故本题选D项

29、。10If a student is interested in the history of the US space program, he will probably visit _.A. the Boonshoft Museum of DiscoveryB. African Wildlife ParkC. Rock and Roll Hall of FameD. the Armstrong Museum答案与解析D推理判断题。由文章最后一部分可知,如果一位学生对美国的太空科技感兴趣,他可能会去参观the Armstrong Museum,本题选D项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分1

30、0分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Greet the Day: How to Become an Early RiserWaking up early is really just a habit. You dont need any skill to do it. _11_ Here are some tips Ive picked up along the way of developing the habit of getting up early.Gradually settle into a new time to wake up

31、 as well as a new bedtime.Start small and work your way to an earlier wakeup time. _12_ Get used to your slightly earlier time for a few days so as not to shock your body. Then set your alarm back 15 more minutes. Keep doing this until you reach the new wakeup time you want._13_Avoid bright lights b

32、efore bed. Bright lights can reduce the production of the chemical melatonin (褪黑激素), which is responsible for causing sleepiness. The less melatonin there is in the body, the more probably the body thinks that its time to be awake. _14_ This will prevent you from getting a good nights sleep.When you wake up, get out of bed immediately!When your alarm goes off, you

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