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1、take it away travel around the world make a lot of money get an education go to college make a living all over the world give to seem like real friends join the team work with children organize the party Expressions:If you go to the party, you will have a great time.If you do, you will be late. What

2、 will happen if they have the party tomorrow.If I dont clean my room, my mother wont let me meet my friends. I am going to the school party. You should wear your cool pants. Are you going to the party ?Yes , I am . Im going to wear my jeans . Language goals:Talk about consequence.Learn to make decis

3、ion. present progressive as future : be going to, will, be doing modal should First conditional if_+ will If you go to the party, you will have a great time.(if 引导的条件状语从句,其结构为:if +状语从句,主句)。要注意在状语从句中有一个规则是“主将从现”,即主句是将来时,则从句要用一般现在时表示将来。2、情感态度与价值观:a. 由于本单元话题贴近学生生活,符合他们热爱休闲的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。b

4、. 学习因果关系的表达和做出合理的建议。c. 谈论自己的感受,同时使学生在英语交流中注意并观察他人的情感。四、重点难点 1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。2. if 引导的条件状语从句。3. 学习谈论因果关系. 4. 做出决定是否做某事. 五、教法选择、学法指导与资源准备 根据英语课标和本单元教材内容,以及八年级学生的生活、学习实际,我采用任务型语言教学,情景视听法,交际法途径,将教学目标设计成符合学生生活学习实际的任务链,尽量使学生在参与任务的过程中学习运用语言,形成语言能力,并使用多媒体辅助教学手段为学生学习营造较好的语言学习环境,采用推测、查阅或询问等方法

5、进行学习,提高学生学习语言的积极性。设计探究式的学习活动,促进学生实践能力和创新思维的发展,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、形成自主学习能力的过程。同时在教学中引导学生运用观察、发现、归纳和实践等方法,并以循序渐进的方式来进行教学。学法指导:自主学习与合作学习相结合,听说读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。六、课时及教学内容安排 教学内容 课时安排 教法选择 资源准备 教学评价 Section A 1a-2c 第一课时 激趣法,视听法,认知法,交际法,游戏法,任务教学法 多媒体课件、音响 通过眼神、手势、激励性语言对学生进行过程性评价。Section A 3a

6、 3b 4 第二课时 小组合作交流, 阅读法, 任务型教学 通过检查学生汇报,pairwork 等途径对学生进行过程性评价。Section B 1a 2a 2b 2c and Self Check 第三课时 视听法 ,交际法,任务教学法 通过试听法的练习,对学生的成绩作以激励评价。 3b 4第四课时 自主学习 小组合作交流 在朗读过程中,鼓励学生使用正确的语音语调,再复述课文中对学生进行过程性评价。课时 Period1 教学对象 八年级学生 执教者 一、教材内容分析 本节课是第五单元的第一课时,主要目标首先是学到几个生单词,如“jeans, organize ,happen ,短语:go to

7、 the party ,let sb in ,have a good time ,stay at home ,make food ,have it etc.重点在于开始了解由if 引导的条件状语从句的基本句型构成,通过各种形式的操练,达到学会用if 从句谈论问题即假设。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度、价值观) 认知目标: 单词及短语:jeans, organize ,happen , go to the party ,let sb in ,have a good time ,stay at home ,make food ,have it etc 掌握句型:I think Im going

8、 to wear jeans to the party .If you do ,the teachers wont let you in . What will happen if they have the party today ? Lets have it today. 能力目标 能用if 引导的条件状语从句作出假设,用will谈论结果。情感态度与价值观:本课时围绕party展开话题,贴近学生生活,符合他们热爱休闲的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。三、重点难点 (1)重点句型:I think Im going to wear jeans to the party

9、. If you do ,the teachers won难点:正确使用if 引导的条件状语从句 四、学习者特征分析 If 引导 的条件状语从句以前在练习题中接触过,也曾向学生透露过,不过不是作为重点讲解,细心的学生还是有一定的基础的。至少了解条件状语从句的基本句型构成。知道“主将从现”的规则。教法选择:采用激趣法,直观演示法,口语交际法,视听法,听说法,任务型教学法,运用多媒体让学生积极参与,大胆实践,共同交流与合作。通过Pairwork, groupwork 来达到掌握知识的目的。资源准备:多媒体课件,录音机 六、教学过程 教学任务 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 Step1 Wa

10、rming-up (3minutes) (1)Greet the class as usual and check the homework. (2)Ask Ss to sing a song:If you are happy。Sing a song:用song:激发学生的学习兴趣和感知能力。Step2 Presentation (7minutes) 1.Ask some questions. If you are happy, what will you do?If I am happy, I will smile. If you become sad, what will you do?I

11、f I become sad, I will cry. What will happen if you are going to do too much work?If I am going to do too much work/ If you do, I will get tired. 2Show some pictures to present new words and structures:Ask several students:What will you do if you have a robot in the future ?What will you do if you h

12、ave much money ? 3Show some situations to the students , discuss in pairs :What will happen? Then ask some students about the consequences. Ss answer the qustions .Then show out their answers . 利用丰富的图片引出重点句型,并结合第一单元学生感兴趣的机器人来提问并作答,既生动形象,又复习了刚学过的内容,更有利于学生接受。) (进行pairwork活动,训练学生对句型的反应。Step3 Look and s

13、ay (8minutes) This Sunday our school will organize a party. What will happen if you go to the party? Discuss with the students. If I go to the party , Ill have a good time. Show the pictures of Section A , ask the students to predict the consequences. Talk about the pictures Look at the pictures. Th

14、en match the statements with responses Discuss with the students. Talk about the pictures (以预测的形式引入文本,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的兴趣。利用图片引出party话题,运用will谈论结果.) Step4 Listening (15minutes) (1)1b . Were your answers to activity 1a correct? Play the tape and then (2)check the answers, Work in pairs and talk about the

15、pictuers in 1a. (3)Finish 2a and 2b Finish 2a and 2b . Work in pairs and talk about the pictuers in 1a. (在口语练习的基础上,进一步进行听的训练,这样学生对新的语言结构掌握更容易一些了然后再根据听力内容进行pairwork ,明确目标句型。(通过听力练习,学会如何获取重要信息,提高他们听的能力,完成教材内容的同时巩固所学语言结构。Step 5 Practice (8minutes) Give students some information and ask them to use thes

16、e information to make sentences . Use these information to make sentences . 利用所给的单词提示,让学生流利的说出句子,加强了对本节课语言目标的训练。Step 6. Summary ( Grammar focus) (2minutes) Help ss to look at the Grammar focus Ss read the Grammar focus. (通过总结归纳,加深印象) Step7 Homework (1minutes) Group A: Write a short passage about the

17、ir lives in the future ,try to use if they do ,what will happen ?GroupB: Try to make 5 sentences .use “if”从句 Ss do homework . (创设真实的情景,并写出来既培养了写作,也使学生将所学的语言结构应用到生活实际中,培养他们运用英语知识进行交际的能力。达到了学中用,用中学的目的。七、板书设计 (Section A 1a-2c) New words :jeans, organize ,happenPhrases :go to the party , let sb in , hav

18、e a good time , stay at home , make food ,have it Stuctures:I think Im going to wear jeans to the party . If you do ,the teachers wonLets have it today. 八、总结和帮助(反思及改进) 、 修改之前先对1a部分呈现,感觉后边的听力1a就没多大意义 ,所以把幻灯片1a部分的呈现部分借鉴了双河老师所做的内容,现根据其他内容引入,然后进行听力,再根据1a部分简单练习,再进行2a,2b 部分的听力,再设置情境进行pairwork 口语练习。这样感觉训练了

19、学生的听力,再通过听力进行口语练习,循序渐进,比较符合学生接受语言的规律。Period2 教材内容分析 在第一课时了解if 从句这个语言目标的基础上,再进一步来学会使用if 从句,引导学生根据已学过的各种地方的规章制度,学会用if从句表达,如果你违反了规定,你会怎样?通过学生身边熟悉的内容,训练句型。单词及短语: snack ,bring sth to ,take sth away ,ask sb to leave ,Old peoples home visit ,School clean-up ,Childrens hospital visit. what will happen if I

20、do ? Are you going to the school party? Dont bring friends from other school ,if you do ,the teachers will ask them to leave . 能力目标:利用熟悉的各种规章制度,用if 来提出假设,用will 谈论结果。会使用if 从句谈论假设和结果。没规矩不成方圆,要学会遵守各种规矩并了解如果违反规矩,就要受到惩罚。用if 从句谈论规章制度,并学会熟练使用if 从句。If you are the headmaster ,what rules will you have for you

21、r school? . 七年级下册课本第12 单元,Dont eat in class ,都以具体学到各种规章制度,并且第一课时也学到if 的基本句型,所以本节课,就先得容易多了,谈论学生身边的事,也会使他们有更大的兴趣。采用激趣法,直观演示法,口语交际法,讨论法 ,任务型教学法,运用多媒体让学生积极参与,大胆实践,共同交流与合作。多媒体课件 设计意图 及资源准备 Step1: Revision (5minutes) Review:Ask Ss some questions like :If you are late for school ,what will the teacher do ?

22、If you dont do your home work ,what will the teacher do ?Ss review the questions . 复习上节课的基础上,轻松的过渡到本节课的内容,先得比较自然,而且也起到了巩固上节课的目的。Step 2:Presentation (8minutes) Show the pictures of some rules in some place of school or ouside the school ,ask students to say ,then help them to say if they broke the ru

23、les ,what will happen? Ask Ss to talk about the pictures. Try to use “if”假设,用will 表示结果。Ss to talk about the pictures. Try to use “if”假设,用will 表示结果。用所学过的比较熟悉的知识来导入新课,并进行讨论,激发他们的兴趣。Step3:Reading 3a. (8minutes) 1.Read the passage. 2. Fill in the blanks in the dialogue. 在学生自己谈论的基础上在了解更多的规矩,以及不遵守规矩将会有什么结

24、果,使学生进一步了了解,要学会遵规守纪。Step4: Pairwork (10minutes) 1. Look at the rules in 3a and make other conversation. 2. Role change. Key language:A:I am going to the school party.B:Me too. Lets bring some snacks. We cant do that!B:Why?If we bring snacks, the teacher will Make other conversation. And role change.

25、 Show out the conversation. 根据已给的对话模式,在进行更多的对话以此来巩固句型。Step5: Groupwork (10minutes ) Talk about the pictuers ,what are the rules ? and what will happen if you broke the rules? Lets make rules for our class .Ask students to work in groups and make the class rules and say “if who abey the rules ,what will happen ?” Talk about the pictuers , make rules for our class. 趁热打铁,根据刚学过的内容,讨论出自己班上的故障制度,既训练了句型,又能使学生自己督促自己遵守班上纪律,从而促进他们的学习。Step6: Homework(1minutes ) GroupA:Make rules for an English club. And the rules abou

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