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1、 2. . 1 ,过度的工作已影响到他的健康。误, Overwork has effected his health. Overwork has affected his health. 2 ,这种药对他的病有速效。误, This medicine has an immediate affect on his illness. This medicine has an immediate effect on his illness.affect 是动词意为“影响;感动”;effect 既可作动词用又可作名词用。effect用作动词时意为“招致;实现;达到.目的等,”;用作名词时意为“结果;效果

2、;作用;影响;.在视听方面给人留下的,印象”。3. 人们应该做深呼吸充分获得每一次呼吸的好处。误, One should breath deeply and get the full benefit of every breathe. One should breathe deeply and get the full benefit of every breath.breath 和 breathe 都表示“呼吸”但前者是名词后者是动词。4. 保龄球是室内游戏。 用心 爱心 专心2误, Bowling is an indoors game. Bowling is an indoor game.

3、indoor 是形容词而 indoors 是副词。有类似用法的词还有 outdoor 与 outdoors .5. 你可能是对的。误, You maybe right. You may be right.maybe 是副词意为“或许;可能”。 may be 是动词形式。6. 其他的女孩们在哪儿呢误, Where are the others girlsWhere are the other girlsother 是形容词。 others 常用作代词。7. 那所学校是王先生创立的。That school was found by Mr Wang. That school was founded

4、by Mr Wang. found 作为 find 的过去式和过去分词时意为“发现”;而作为动词原形时意为“创立”其过去式及过去分词都为 founded.8. 那两个姐妹长得相像。误, The two sisters look like. The two sisters look alike.alike 可用作形容词或副词 like 可用作多种词性但 look alike 意为“长得相像”而 look like 意为“看起来像是”。二、词义相近词性不同错误。9. . 1 ,他穿过了马路。误, He acrossed the road. He crossed the road. 用心 爱心 专心

5、3 . 2 ,他步行穿过马路。误, He walked cross the road. He walked across the road.析,cross 可以用作名词、动词或形容词而 across 只可用作介词或副词。10. . 1 ,她考试及格了。误, She past her examination. She passed her examination. . 2 ,在过去的几年里我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。误, In the pass few years great changes have taken place in our hometown.In the past few year

6、s great changes have taken place in our hometown.passed 是动词 pass 的过去式及过去分词;而 past 可作介词、名词或形容词不可单独作谓语。11. 我的妹妹怕蛇。误, My sister afraids snakes. My sister fears snakes.afraid 是形容词通常用 be afraid of 的形式接宾语。 fear 既是动词又是名词。fear 用作动词时可直接接宾语;用作名词时通常用 in fear of 的形式。12. . 1 ,他独自走着。误, He walked lonely. He walked

7、 alone. 2 ,老人常容易感到寂寞。误, The aged feel alone very often. The aged feel lonely very often.lonely 是形容词意为“孤独的;寂寞的;偏僻的”侧重于感情色彩。而 alone 既可作形容词也可作副词用。作形容词时意为“独自的”并无“孤单”之意。4 13. 他现在没有吸烟。误, He is no smoking now. He is not smoking 意为“毫无;并非”且常用作形容词以修饰名词或动名词。 not 为副词一般与助动词连用否定谓语动词。当名词前有 a all any both en

8、ough every much the 等修饰时须用 not .如,He has no money.他没有钱。No talking is allowed during the lesson.上课时不许说话。We were not at home that night.我们那天晚上不在家。Not all of us like this dog.我们并不全都喜欢这只狗。They have not enough food. 他们没有足够的食物。14. 他的演讲很好。误, His speech is well. His speech is good. He spoke well.well 和 good

9、 都可表示“好”但前者是副词后者是形容词。当然 well 也可作形容词用意为“健康”的。I hope he is well.我希望他身体健康。15. . 1 ,你怎么能那样说话 用心 爱心 专心5误, How can you talk as that How can you talk like that. 2 ,他和我年龄一样大。误, He is the same age like I.He is the same age as 作介词用时意为“作为”;用作连词时意为“和;像”。 like 作介词用时意为“像”。He is famous as a singer.作为一名歌唱家他很有名。He was dressed as .if he were, a woman.他打扮得像个妇女。She sings like a bird.她唱起歌来像只小鸟。

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