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1、现代大学英语精读3unit11课后答案现代大学英语精读3_unit_11课后答案 Unit 11 More Work on the Text II Vocabulary 1. 1 ) From Chinese into English. (1) to mold youngsters thinking (11) to work miracles (2) to restrain ones impulse (12) to acquire power (3) to spread butter (13) to desert ones friends (4) to set the stage (14) t

2、o desert the city (5) to contaminate the environment (15) to settle the dispute (6) to undergo great sufferings (16) to settle the matter (7) to spray paint (17) to delight the eye (8) to still the noises (J8) to invade that country (9) to modify the tone (19) to invade someones privacy (10) to work

3、 unknown harm (20) to sink a well 2) From English into Chinese. (1)妖魔所施的魔法或所下的咒语 (8)品牌名 (2)焦黄枯萎的草木 (9)化学战 (3)严峻的现实 (10)事先的调查 (4)空气的污染 (11)生死斗争 (5)致命的武器 (12)外来的物种 (6)人工合成的材料 (13)自然保护区 (7)有创造力的头脑 (14)农业的精耕细作 (1)numerous,innumerable (2)large amount,great supply,plenty,more than enough (3)to shake,to sh

4、iver,to shudder (4)big,large,considerable,abundant (5)cruel,pitiless,ruthless,severe,hard (6)to shape,to form,to remodel (7)to change,to transform,to revise,to convert,to modify,to vary (8)to use (9)prepared,adjusted,or adapted for a particular purpose (10)exactly just (11)to experience,to go throug

5、h,to endure (12)useless,vain,unsuccessful (13) artificial, man-made, unnatural (14) to rise, to appear, to surface, to come up, to come into view (15) contamination (16) deadly, fatal (17) attack (18) evil, wicked, threatening, frightening (19) to alter, to change, to adjust, to adapt 3. 1) Building

6、 a house is no joking matter. You have to check carefully at every step. 2) His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy. 3) I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion. 4) Are you sure that we can trust him? I think we ou

7、ght to check it up on him. 5) Our original intention was to check into a hotel, but our friend insisted that we should stay at his p!aee. 6) Rachel Carson devoted all her life to the cause of environmental protection. 7) They are devoted to each other. Nothing can separate them. 8) He devoted a whol

8、e chapter to this subject in his recently published book 9) This reservoir can hold two billion cubic meters of water. 10) At that time, we all held our breath. You could hear a needle drop. 11) Diogenes held the view that the property people hold does not really biing happiness. 12) He did not inte

9、nd his discovery to be used for war purposes. 13) These colorful clothes are intended for the African market. 14) Today there are so many cars in the streets. Id rather walk than drive. Its quicker. 15) He would rather die standing on his feet than live on his knees. 16) You can use my bike , or rat

10、her my wifes bike. 17) I hear that the movie is intended to be a hit. But I must confess I think it is rather silly. 4. 1) A. 4) D. 7) A. 10) D. 13) A. 2) B. 5) C. 8) B. 11) A. 14) D. 3) A. 6) B. 9) A. 12) B. 15)C. 5. 1) a piece of news 2) a piece of information 3) a newspaper/paper 20) a jacket 4)

11、a slip/piece of paper 21) a suit (of clothes) 5) a piece of advice/a proposal (suggestion) 22) a piece of land/a plot 6) a song 23) a piece/bar of soap 7) a piece of music 24) a piece of furniture 8) a stone/a rock 25) a rope 9) a piece of wood 26) a hair 10) a tree 27) two fish 11) a lump of sugar/

12、a piece of candy 28) three sheep 12) a piece of evidence 29) a lot of (lots of, much, a great deal of, a 13) a loaf of bread large amount of, a large quantity of, large 14) a piece/slice of bread quantities of) money 15) a job 30) a lot of (lots of, many, a greiit number 16) a means of, large number

13、s of) problems 17) a fish 31) some (a little, a bit of) time 18) a piece of cloth 32) some (a few, several) deer 19) a piece of clothing/a garment (dress, coat) B 1) a pair of (shoes, glasses, gloves etc) 9) a blade of (grass) 2) a drop of (water, wine oil etc) 10) a flock of (birds, sheep) 3) a set

14、 of (teacups, books etc) 11) a pile of (books, stones, melons) 4) a bunch of (keys, bananas, people .etc) 12) a roll of (film, toilet paper) 5) a glass of (beer, wine, milk etc) 13) a swarm of (bees, flies) 6) a cup of (tea, coffee etc) 14) a heap of (stones, money) 7) a pack of (cigarettes, wolves

15、etc) 15) a cluster of (flowers, students) 8) a grain of (rice, salt, sand etc) 16) a herd of (cattle) 6. 1) (1) exchange (2) changed (3) exchanged, changed (4) an exchange, an exchange 2) (1) except (2) Besides (3) beside (4) except 3) (1) used to, is used to (2) am used to (3) used to 4) (1) shakin

16、g (2) shivering (3) trembled/shook (4) trembled 7. 1)你上月的电话费(bill账单)付了吗? 2)那个法案(bill法案)在国会里被否决了。 3)这是一张十块钱的钞票(bill钞票),你就别找了。 4)人们说这位新教皇心灵是敞开的,但思想很封闭保守。 5)这里空气很不新鲜,你们为什么不开窗? 6)这场比赛旗鼓相当,最后结果是87比86,我们赢。 7)她是我最亲密的朋友,我们感情很深。 8)仔细照看那孩子,别让他掉进火里去。 9)我要问你一个直接了当的问题,我希望你给我一个直接了当的回答。 lO)这部电影是一个才华出众的年轻人导演的。 11)一

17、位年轻教授被委任来主持这个项目。 12)这个批评不是针对你的,你不要这么过敏。 8. (1) out of (4) would (7) into (10) so that (13) familar (2) leading (5) much (8) either (11) walking (14) in front of (3) sight (6) flights (9) lit (12) had (15) heavy III Grammar 1. A note on prepositional phrases: Prepositional phrases function, like adje

18、ctives or adverbs, as attributive or adverbial modifiers and object complements. 1) adverbial of place 2) along the roads: as adverbial of direction; through much of the year: adverbial of time 3) as adverbial modifier qualifying the adjective famous, for being required by the adjective 4) attributi

19、ve modifier qualifying the feeding station 5) attributive modifier qualifying a spring 6) adverbial of place 7) like snow: adverbial of manner; upon roofs . : adverbial of direction 8) attributive modifier qualifying the rebirth 9) of life on earth: attributive modifier qualifying history; between l

20、iving things and . attributive modifier qualifying interaction 10) to a large extent: an idiom as adverbial, modifying the whole sentence 11) adverbial of manner, in meaning concerning sth. 12) upon the environment., attributive modifier qualifying mans assault, the choice of preposition being deter

21、mined by the noun assaults 13) both as attributive modifier qualifying time 14) as adverbial of manner 15)among then:predicative in an inverted sentence; in mans war:adverbial of manner against nature:attributive modifier qualifying:“mans war 16)since the mid-1940S:adverbial of time; for US:adverbia

22、l of purpose; in killing insects,:attributive modifier qualifying“use” underdifferent names:adverbial of manner 17)along with the insects:adverbial of manner 18)on the amount of suitable habitat:attributive modifier quahfying“a limit”,the choice of “on”being required by the noun for each sDecies:att

23、ributive modifier qualifying“the amount of suitable habitat 19)with the intensification of agriculture:adverbial of manner,“of”denoting a object-action relationship between the two nouns of immense acreage:attributive modifier qualifying“the devotion”,“of”denoting a object-action relationship of the

24、 two nouns to a single crop:attributive modifier qualifying“the devotion, 20)object complement 2. 1)at(referring to all the days off) 2)on(just referring to December 25th) 3)At(used for the time and place when something begins) 4)In(the beginning)=at first;in(the end)=finally 5)by(no later than) 6)a

25、t(denoting the exact point in time) 7)For(used in an idiom meaning“for nowor“for a short time”) 8)at(used to denote the moment of speaking) 9)before(in the presence of sb who is listening,watching,etc) in front of(in the position directly before) 10)in front of(ahead of,further forward in space or t

26、ime than) i i)before(used to say that sth is facing sb in the future) in front of US:(of time)still to come 12)in the front of;beforein front of(in a position that is further forward than sbsth but not far away) 13)in;off 14)from 15)from 寂静的春天 雷切尔卡森 1从前,在美国中部有一座城镇,那里所有的生命都与周围的环境和谐相处。小镇位于肥沃的农田之间。春天,繁

27、花如白云般漂浮在绿色的原野上。秋天,橡树、枫树和白桦树绽放出火焰般的彩色光辉,在一排排松树之间摇曳闪烁。狐狸在山间啼叫,小鹿悄悄地穿过原野。 2道路两旁,长满了月桂树、巨大的蕨类植物还有野花,在一年中大部分时间 里,这些都使旅行者感到赏心悦I!I。即便是在冬天,路旁也是美丽的地方,无数的乌儿飞来啄食干果和从积雪中冒出的干草的穗头。事实上,这片乡村正是以其鸟类数量大、种类多而闻名。当迁徙的候鸟在春天和秋 天蜂拥而至的时候,人们也从遥远的地方来此观赏。还有一些人来到小溪边钓鱼,清凉的小溪从 山间流出,汇成绿荫掩映的池塘,池塘里有鳟鱼游来游去。直到多年前的一些日子里,第一批定 居者在这儿建房舍、挖水

28、井、筑粮仓。 3后来,某个邪恶的诅咒降临到这一地区:神秘的疾病掠走了成群的小鸡;牛羊病倒,接着死亡。 病人中出现了各种新的疾病,连镇里的医生们对这些疾病都越来越困惑不解。还有几起突发的 死亡事k-,死因不明,死者有大人也有孩子。 4一片奇怪的寂静。比如说,那些鸟儿,它们去了哪儿呢?后院喂鸟的地方荒废了。仅能看到的几 只鸟也颤抖得厉害,飞不起来了。这是一个没有声响的春天。这儿的清晨曾经回荡着数十种鸟 的合唱。现在却变得悄无声息;只有寂静笼罩着田野、树林和沼泽地。 5路两旁,曾经是那么吸引入,现在只是布满了像是被火烧过的焦黄、枯萎的植被。这里,一片寂 静,一个被生命抛弃了的地方。就连小溪现在也是毫

29、无生气。所有的鱼都死光了,垂钓者也不再 光顾这里。 6几个星期之前,一些白色粉末雪花般降落到了屋顶、草地、田间和小溪上。 7不是巫术魔法,也不是敌人的行为使这个遭受灾难的世界里的生命无法复生。而是人们自己造 成了这一切。 8实际上这么个小镇并不存在。我知道没有哪个村落经历过我所描述的所有不幸。可是,这些灾 难中的每一个都确实在某个地方发生了,而且现实中许多村庄已经遭受了很多的灾难。这个想 象中的悲剧可能会很容易地变成一个我们大家都将不得不面对的残酷的现实。 9是什么使美国无数城镇的春天变得无声无响了呢?这本书试图对此做出解答。lO地球上生命的历史一直是生物与周围环境相互作用的历史。在很大程度上

30、,地球上植物和动物 的自然形态和习性都是由环境塑造成的。相反的一方面,即生命真正地改造周围的环境,就地 球生命的整个时间段来言,相对来说一直是微小的。只有在本世纪,一个新的物种人类 获得了改造自然世界的巨大能力。 11. 在过去的14个世纪里,这种能力不仅越来越强,而且发生了性质变化。在人类对环境所有的 侵害中,最令人震惊的是连空气、土地、河流以及大海都受到了危险的、甚至致命物质的污染。 这种污染在很大程度上是难以恢复的。在如今这种普遍的环境污染中,化学物质成了辐射邪恶 的帮凶,它们共同改变着世界的本质也在改变自然界中生命体的本质。喷洒到农田、森林、 花园里的化学药品长期存在于土壤中,同时进入

31、生命有机体,并且在中毒和死亡的连锁反应中 从一个有机体转移到另一个有机体。或者通过地下水以人所不能解释的形式传播,直到再次出 现并形成新的种类的毒害,它毒死植物,让牲畜生病,给那些饮用曾经是纯净井水的人们不知不 觉地带来伤害。正像一位科学家曾经说过的那样:“人类甚至不能够认识他们自己创造出来的 魔鬼。” 12今天,居住在地球上的生命是经过上亿年才形成的。正因为这么长的时间不是以年来计算 而是以千年来计算的时间生命才能调整适应周围的环 境,并且已经形成了一种平衡。但在 现代社会里,我们没有足够的时间来调整。 13这种快速的变化是由人们轻率鲁莽的发展步伐所造成的,而不是自然界从容 发展的结果。放射性是人们干预原子的非自然产物。化学物质是人们善于发明的头脑创造的合成物,在自然界中 并不存在它的对应物质。 14适应这些化学物质不仅需要一个人一生的时间,还需要几代人付出努力。即便是由于某些奇 迹,这种适应成为可能,那也是无济于事的,因为新的化学物质从我们的实验室里源源不断地涌 出;仅在美国一年就有将近500种化学合成物质被应用到现实生活中。 15这些化学物质中,有很多是人类用来

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