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高三英语Unit1 Transforming Mars教案牛津上海版S3B.docx

1、高三英语Unit1 Transforming Mars教案牛津上海版S3BUnit1 Transforming Mars一、 单元分析 (Unit Analysis)(一) 单元地位 (Unit Position)1. 学习该单元有助于学生了解人类与地球环境的关系,并能促进学生的环保意识。建议教师在详解课文之余,能设计相关的主题活动来帮助学生多了解该主题的内涵意义,并为学生将来更好地保护地球环境作个铺垫。2. 学生通过课文中对于改造火星的描述,了解人类赖以生存的条件,引起学生保护环境的热情,通过写倡议书的形式来表达出来。3. 本课的语法现象是连系动词和将来完成时的使用,教师可以一系列的口语来训

2、练学生对于这个语法点的应用。(二)单元目标 (Unit Target)1. 了解如今的航空成就,开阔视野2. 激发保护地球的意识3. 掌握连系动词的用法4. 学会运用将来完成时5. 学会整理资料,抽取有用信息,为自己的写作服务6. 练习三大阅读技能:skimming, scanning以及利用关联词来分析文章结构(三)单元重点 (Unit Points)1. 关键词:atmosphere, breathable, construct, convert, expedition, gravity, ice caps, inhabitants, melt, migrate, circular pat

3、h, polar, retain, spacecraft, survive, transform, unmanned, vapour2. 功能:Group interaction: Responding to others(参考课本第16页 Speaking)3. 语法点:1)掌握连系动词的用法2)学会运用将来完成时一、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Reading作为“改造火星”这一主题的引入,教师可以让学生看一些关于航空发展最新的图片和文字描述,再延伸到人们对于火星的探索,来引入本文的主题。 链接1在此基础上阅读并讲解课文,使学生完成相关练

4、习,使他们对文章内容能有更深刻、全面地了解。链接2课本第1页Reading 部分。2 Integrated Skills作为教材第7页的综合能力部分,教师可按照课本要求和实际情况带领学生完成相关的习题。课文第7页Integrated Skills 部分3 Speaking以“保护地球”为主题设计两个口语活动。活动一:根据课文内容和阅读相关材料,以小组讨论的形式来讨论人类在地球上赖以生存的条件,并要得出这些是由什么提供的。活动二:看一组地球受到威胁的PPT,然后以一个国家领导或者是一个普通人的身份来谈一谈要如何保护地球。链接3课文第15页Speaking 部分4 Writing学生通过之前的活动

5、,已被激发出保护地球的热情,教师应趁热打铁使他们的激情用诗歌的形式得以表达。链接4课文第18页Writing部分5 Language本课语法主要是对将来完成时和系动词的学习。除了利用课本上的图片和练习进行操练外,教师可以以竞赛的形式和学生一起回顾历年相关的高考题。链接5课文第10-14页Language 部分6 More Language Input 根据课时,来安排more language input 的讲解,教师可以按照课本要求和实际情况带领学生完成相关的习题。课文第19页More Language Input 链接1活动一:说明:作为导入,教师首先以一幅幅人类探索太空的震撼图片和文字,

6、使学生快速进入到课文主题。链接2说明:在课文初步处理时采用jig-saw reading这一方法,可以化整篇阅读为段落阅读,使学生通过对所读课文内容的互动交流,完成不同的练习,实现从部分到整体,逐步熟悉掌握课文的目的。在活动的各阶段,教师可设计不同的任务,有针对性地训练学生的阅读能力。整个活动都是以小组为单位进行的,这就要求学生通过组员间的配合,来完成任务,培养学生互帮互助的团队合作精神。链接3活动一:说明:“小组活动”可以调动学生的积极性,增强学生相互合作的能力。以小组活动方式呈现合作结果,让全体学生都能参与其中,贡献自己的智慧,调动学生自主学习的积极性。1. 教师将整个班级分为几个小组,每

7、一组中确定“记录者”和“汇报者”,并明确职责。2. 教师先给学生看两篇例文作为阅读材料。3. 学生根据课文内容和阅读相关材料,以小组讨论的形式来讨论人类在地球上赖以生存的条件,并要得出这些是由什么提供的。相关材料:Environmental factors play a central role in human development, health, and disease. Broadly defined, the environment, including infectious agents, is one of three primary factors that affect h

8、uman health. The other two are genetic factors and personal behavior.Human exposures to hazardous agents in the air, water, soil, and food and to physical hazards in the environment are major contributors to illness, disability, and death worldwide. Furthermore, deterioration of environmental condit

9、ions in many parts of the world slows sustainable development. Poor environmental quality is estimated to be directly responsible for approximately 25 percent of all preventable ill health in the world, with diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections heading the list.4 Ill health resulting from p

10、oor environmental quality varies considerably among countries. Poor environmental quality has its greatest impact on people whose health status already may be at risk.Because the effect of the environment on human health is so great, protecting the environment has been a mainstay of public health pr

11、actice since 1878.5 National, Tribal, State, and local efforts to ensure clean air and safe supplies of food and water, to manage sewage and municipal wastes, and to control or eliminate vector-borne illnesses have contributed significantly to improvements in public health in the United States. Howe

12、ver, the publics awareness of the environments role in health is more recent. Publication of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring in the early 1960s, followed by the well-publicized poor health of residents of Love Canal in western New York, a significant toxic waste site, awakened public consciousness to e

13、nvironmental issues. The result of these and other similar events is the so-called environmental movement that has led to the introduction into everyday life of such terms as Superfund sites, water quality, clean air, ozone, urban sprawl, and agricultural runoff.In 1993 alone, over $109 billion was

14、spent on pollution abatement and control in the United States.6However, many hazardous sites still remain. Minimal research has been done to evaluate the health risks associated with chronic low-level exposures to hazardous substances, resulting in an inability to evaluate and manage such sites effe

15、ctively and to evaluate the health status of residents living near such sites. Further environmental epidemiology and toxicology research is needed to address such problems and to improve the science and public health management of the health effects on people exposed to environmental hazards.参考网站:h

16、ttp:/活动二:说明:高中英语的课堂教学强调的是学生对语言的整合运用和充分体现语言的交际功能,所以教师设计的教学活动应该一层深于一层。活动策划给了学生最大程度运用语言的空间,从语言注释输入过度到语言交际输出,以帮助学生习得运用所学语言知识的能力,完成由学习知识向习得能力的转化。同时在合作中增强学生的凝聚力。1. 先给全班看一组地球受到威胁的PPT,激起学生保护地球的意识和责任心。2. 再给学生看一篇例文作为阅读材料,要求学生快速浏览以寻找保护地球的措施和进程。然后在小

17、组内完成各自保护地球计划,时间控制在10分钟以内。3. 每个小组合作完成自己的方案,并由汇报者向全班做一次模拟演讲。PPT: A LETTER FROM YEAR 2070参考例文出处:链接4说明:写作的训练不一定要命题式的,过于格式化的写作方式往往会扼杀学生的想象力和兴趣,因此这里建议采用灵活随意的方式鼓励学生写作。只要学生感兴趣,效果就会很好, 学生丰富的想象力会令人感到惊讶的。最后,建议挑选好的作品编成小报展示。1. 学生通过之前的活动,已被激发出保护地球的热情,教师应趁热打铁使他们的激情得以表达。2. 教师可以提供一些相关的诗歌网站来激发学生的灵感,帮助学生更好的完成任务。诗歌欣赏:O

18、ur EarthThe Earth is ours to enjoyFor every little girl and boy.But we must always be aware.That all its beauty we must shareWith all the children yet to come,Who want to laugh and play and run Around the trees and in the fields.So we must keep our planet freeFrom messy trash and debrisWith air that

19、s clean and fresh and clearFor all to breathe from year to year.We must never ever abuseOur sweet Earth thats ours to use.Recycling In My Home(to the tune of The Wheels On the Bus)Recycling in my home goes round and round,Round and round, round and round.Recycling in my home goes round and round,All

20、 through the day.Tie up the papers and take them back,Take them back, take them back.Tie up the papers and take them back,All through the day.Crush the cans and take them back. Rinse the milk bottles and take them back.Save the glass and take it back.Working on the Trash(to the tune of Ive Been Work

21、ing on the Railroad)Weve been working on RECYCLING All the trash we can,Weve been working on recycling, Its a very simple plan,Separate your glass and paper,Separate your plastic and tin.Take the trash that youve recycled To your recycling bin!Weve been working on REDUCING All the trash we can.Weve

22、been working on reducing Its a very simple plan.Dont go wasting any products, Use just exactly what you need.Dont buy things in extra wrapping, Reduce and youll succeed!Weve been working on REUSING All the trash we can.Weve been working on reusing, Its a very simple plan.If its a paper bag youre usi

23、ng, Dont use it once, use it twice!Give old clothes and toys to someone, To reuse them would be nice!http:/链接5问答竞赛说明:竞赛的形式比较活跃,容易调动学生的积极性和强烈的参与兴趣。老师将高考题转化成问答竞赛的内容的形式制作成幻灯片,让学生在愉快的形式中加深对该语法点的了解和运用。步骤: 将学生分成4个小组,以小组为单位进行抢答。 共20题,没个题目分值10分,答对但不完整得5分,同一小组队员补答若答对可以得满分,其他小组补答若答对,其他小组得分。 每个小组有一个计分牌(用台历制成,由老师事先准备),由老师进行计分。 比赛结束时,各小组计算得分,胜者给予奖励。

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