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外研 必修二M4课时讲义.docx

1、外研 必修二M4课时讲义必修二M4课时讲义 教材复现在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1This painting _ contemporary American artist Roy Lichtenstein is a world famous example of pop art.答案:by2Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because _ this.答案:of3I think hes an _ (ordinary) artis

2、t.答案:extraordinary4Theres an exhibition _ means theres an exhibition happening at the moment.答案:on5People generally agree that Pablo Picasso, _ lived from 1881 to 1973, is the twentiethcenturys greatest western artist.答案:who6He had his first exhibition _ the age of 16.答案:at7Picasso studied art in Sp

3、ain, but moved to France, in his early _ (twenty)答案:twenties8From 1904 to 1906 Picasso painted much _ (happy) pictures in the colour pink.答案:happier9Guernica is the name of a town that was _ (destroy) during the 1930s war in Spain.答案:destroyed10In this painting, Picasso showed his feelings about _ h

4、ad happened to the town.答案:what 1adoptvt.采纳;采用;收养;领养Art movement means a style of painting adopted by a group of artists.(P32)艺术运动指的是一些美术家共同采纳的一种绘画风格。关键一点(1)adopt的形近词为adapt, adapt表示“适应,改编,改造”。(2)adopt的名词是adoption; adapt的名词是adaptation。The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orpha

5、n. After a few months, the orphan came to adapt to his new life.这对年轻夫妇没有自己的孩子,领养了一名孤儿。几个月过后这个孤儿渐渐适应了他的新生活。2013课标全国卷We were asked to “adopt a disability”for several hours one Sunday.在一个星期天,我们被要求“接受残疾”几个小时(以了解残疾人)。人教1During the Renaissance, people began to concentrate less on religious themes and adop

6、t a more humanistic attitude to life.在文艺复兴时期,人们开始较少的关注宗教主题,而且对生活采取了一种更为人文的态度。Environmentalists urged that more effective measures be_adopted by the government to reduce the pollution.环保主义者要求政府采取更有效的措施去降低污染。2observe vt. 观察;注意到;评论;遵守;庆祝Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his pai

7、ntings are special because of this.(P33)齐白石观察自然界很细心,他的画也因此而很特别。(1)observe Christmas/New Years Day 庆祝圣诞/劳动节(2)observe a rule/the law 遵守法律/法则(3)observe sb. doing 观察(到)某人在做某事(强调动作正在进行)observe sb. do 观察(到)某人做(过)observethat 从句 观察到/注意到2013江苏高考Failure to observe all Park rules could result in being driven

8、out of the Park without refund.未能遵守所有公园规则的人可能会被赶出公园并不会得到退款。人教1Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.珍妮之前没有人能完全理解大猩猩的行为。她花了数年时间观察并记录他们的日常活动。现代英语用法词典The accused man was_observed_to enter the bank.被指控者被看到进了银行。朗文词典He spent two

9、 nights under close observation in hospital.他在医院接受了两个晚上的密切观察。名师点睛observe sb. do sth.结构如果改成被动语态,应补上省略的to,即sb. be observed to do sth.。一言串记When we observe festivals, we must observe the traffic regulations. If we observe someone run a red light, we should stop him.当我们庆祝节日的时候必须遵守交通规则。如果我们看到有人闯红灯,我们应该阻止他

10、。知识链接observe表示“观察”时,经常用于“observe宾语宾语补足语”的形式。你还能记起一些与observe有类似用法的动词吗?see, hear, notice, watch, feel, have, let, make, find等。3standv忍受;站立;坐落;承担n看台;摊子;立场But I cant stand that picture of a goldenhaired girl.(P33)但是我无法忍受那张金发女郎的画。(1)cant stand sth./(sb.) doing sth.不能忍受某事/(某人)做某事(2)stand by 袖手旁观stand for

11、代表;象征stand out 显眼;突出忍受/容忍某事2013山东高考改编The room is empty except for a bookshelf standing in the corner.除了墙角处有座书架外,这间屋子几乎是空的。2014大纲全国卷As an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” So real friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests.俗话说“患难见真情”,所以真正的友谊应该能经受得起各种考验。He could not st

12、and living in a wooden house.他无法忍受住在木头房子里。He cant stand being_kept waiting.让他等着,他可不干。2013湖南高考Dorothy stands_out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.多萝西在我印象中很突出,她是一位在偏远地区活得很精彩的人。2014北京高考写出句子中黑体词组的意思。This was a fight I had to win: I was all that stood between the bear and my family, w

13、ho would stand little chance of running faster than a brown bear.没有什么希望4aliveadj.有活力的;有生气的;活着的I love that picture of the six horses. They look so alive.(P33)我喜欢六马图,它们看起来栩栩如生。名师点睛alive可作表语、补语或后置定语,无比较级和最高级。2015北京高考He knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.他比任何人都更加清楚Nichol

14、as想要活下来需做出多么大的努力。2013浙江高考I wanted to make literature come_alive and to promote a love of the written word.我想让文学变得生动起来,以增强(学生)对书面文字的热爱。牛津高阶He was buried_alive in the earthquake.地震把他活埋了。易混辨析lively既可作定语又可作宾语补足语,意为“生动活泼的,栩栩如生的”,既可指人也可指物a lively girl 一个活泼的姑娘2013陕西高考A little rabbit amuses us by its playfu

15、l and lively runs.小兔子滑稽活泼的跑动把我们逗乐了。alive通常作表语或后置定语,不能作前置定语,意思是“有活力的;有生命的,活的,还喘气的(强调还活着,没死,与dead相对)”2013辽宁高考Biking made me feel alive.骑车使我充满活力。续表living既可作表语又可作前置定语,意为“活的,健在的,现行的,现代的(强调健在)”All the living presidents attended Nixons funeral.所有健在的总统都参加了尼克松的葬礼。live作形容词时多作定语修饰物,指真的、活生生的(只能指动物),而不是照片或图画等描绘的

16、情景。live还有“现场直播的(地)”之意a live fish 一条活鱼2014北京高考Last night, there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV.昨天晚上,数百万人在电视上观看了开幕式的直播。特别提示alive可用于修饰人或物,作表语、后置定语或宾语补足语,但不可作前置定语。其他表语形容词还有afraid, alone, awake, asleep, aware, ill等。选词填空(lively/alive/living/live)aThe professor has his own

17、 way of making his class _ and interesting.bThe concert was broadcast _ on BBC.cWhether there are _ creatures in the outer space as those on Earth hasnt been proved until now.dThey kept her _ on a life support machine.答案:a.livelybliveclivingdalive过关演练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1I cant stand _ (star

18、e) like that.答案:being stared句意:我不能忍受像那样一直被盯着看。22014湖北高考The Public Square is an eyecatching sight of the city. _ stand many stone sculptures of famous historical figures.答案:There句意:大众广场是这个城市引人注目的景点,许多历史名人的石雕像矗立在那儿。there stand, there lie, there exist等是there be句型的特殊变型。32014北京高考_(observe) carefully if a

19、ny change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.答案:Observe考查祈使句的用法。when引导的从句前面必须是一个句子,可以认为observe前是省略了主语you。42014广东高考You know, I specialize in zoology, and Im a good _ (observe)答案:observer句意:你知道,我专攻动物学,我是一名很好的观察者。52014北京高考She had just been _ (adopt) by a family in town who decided that the best w

20、ay for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids.答案:adopted句意:她被城里的一个家庭收养,这家人认为对她来说了解美国生活方式最好的办法就是和美国孩子在一起。62015陕西高考Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her _ (live) after a 90minute search.答案:alivefind sb. alive“发现某人活着”,ali

21、ve 作宾语补足语。7The scenery was beautiful _ expression.答案:beyond 考查短语beyond expression 意思是“无法描述;描述不了”。8This activity is aimed _ improving the students ability of listening and speaking.答案:at句意:这项活动的目的是提高学生的听说能力。be aimed at (doing) sth. “旨在”。92014天津高考改编She is a kindhearted lady with a positive attitude to

22、wards life because she takes _ (delightful) in helping others.答案:delight句意:她是一个热心善良、积极面对人生的女士,因为她乐于助人。take delight in “以(做某事)为乐”。10Some of the childrens paintings are now _ exhibition at the school.答案:onon exhibition为固定搭配,意为“展出”。1put off 推迟;延期She put off visiting the art gallery next week.(P35)她将参观美

23、术馆推迟到下周。put aside 把某物放到一边;储蓄;储存;不顾put back 放回;拨回put down 写下;记下 (write down)put on 上演;穿上;戴上put in 添加;安装put out 熄灭;扑灭;生产;制造put up 提升;建造;张贴;投宿;为某人提供住宿;暂住put up with 忍受;忍耐put forward 提出put away 把收好;放好2013浙江高考Never put_off until tomorrow what you can do today.不能把今天能做的事推迟到明天。2015课标全国卷This year, 25,310 stu

24、dents who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put_off their entry until next year.今年,25310个已被高等教育机构录取的学生已把入学报名推迟到了明年。2013课标全国卷改编At the last moment, Tom decided to put_in a new character to make the story seem more likely.最后一刻,Tom决定添加一个新角色来使故事更合理。人教1Who put_forward a theory abo

25、ut black holes?谁提出了黑洞理论?译林3Hes put_on a lot of weight.他的体重增加了很多。外研4Theyve put_up a lot of highrise buildings recently.最近他们盖起了许多高楼大厦。2take turns 轮流Take turns to ask your questions.(P37)轮流提问题。轮流做某事in turn 轮流,依次;反而its ones turn (to do sth.) 轮到某人(做某事) 北师大8The customer praised the manager, who in_turn,_p

26、raised his staff.顾客表扬了经理,经理转而表扬了员工。People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and in_turn this creates further problems.人们试图开自己的车避免公共交通延误,这反过来又引起了新的问题。If friends can take_turns_to listen to each other well, life will be better.如果朋友们之间能轮流做好听众,生活就会更美好。朗文词典I think its_our

27、_turn to drive the kids to school this week.我想这周该轮到我们开车送孩子们上学了。现代英语用法词典He went hot and cold by_turns.他一阵冷一阵热。过关演练aim at; at its best; become famous for; get tired of; take turns; put off; a series of; develop interest in 12014重庆高考She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her

28、 tidy desk. We both _ each other.答案:got tired of22013湖北高考Perri and Sheila _ exploring the joys and pains, the love and bitterness.答案:take turns3The football match was _ because of the heavy rain.答案:put off4There was _ car accidents at the crossing this morning.答案:a series of5His music career was _ i

29、n his thirties.答案:at its best62014北京高考改编A brand store has _ its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines.答案:become famous for72014陕西高考,书面表达The purpose of the programme is to _ our _ English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking.答案:develop; interest in82014辽宁高考In another experiment _ testing longterm memory, students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture.答案:aimed at1What do you make_of_(it)?(P38)你认为它怎么样?(1)表示“认为怎么样”?还可以用下列表达法:How do you find/like.?

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