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1、Cipossible Dbored5The old an is very healthy.I think he will live_.Ato be 100 years old B100 years oldCat 100 years old Din 100 years old6In 2050,what will the worlds population be?I think cities will be really big and crowded because there will be a lot _ people.Auch BoreCany Dless7I predict there

2、will be less _ in the future.Apeople BtreesCcountries Dpollution8What will the future _?No one can predict exactly.Abe like BbeClike Dlike as9I _believe everything _ be free in 20 years.A/;wont Bdont;tCdonwill Dwill;doesn10Soe old houses _in y hoetown last suer.Afall down Bfell downCwrite down Dwrot

3、e down11What do you think Sally will be_10 years?Aafter Bbehind w Clater Din12I cant find y notebook.Could you help e _ it?Alook for Blook atClook like Dlook out13“There_a eeting next onday.”eans “They_ a eeting next onday.”Awill be;will beBwill have;will haveCwill be;will haveDwill have;will be14Ho

4、w any people cae to Beijing for the Olypic Gaes in 2008?Its hard to say._people,I think.Aillion of Billions ofCTwo illion of DTwo illions of15It _ that everyone _ to laugh.Asees;loves Bsee;loveCsees;love Dsee;loves.完形(每小题1分,共10分)What will our life be like in the future?Each faily will have a _16_in

5、the future.You can ask it to do everything_17_you.It will serve you_18_hours a day.The robot will_19_like a huan.It can talk with you when you are _20_.You wont know whether it is a huan_21_ a robot when you eet it on the street.People will have_22_tie to work and ore tie to travel.The vehicles (交通工

6、具)in the future wil l fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it.They will_23_ you to any place you want to visit.You can go to_24_during your travel when you feel tired.All vehicles will be_25_because theyre driven by robots.16A.rocket BrobotCcar Dcoputer17A.on BaboutCaroun

7、d Dfor18A.eight BtwentyCtwentyfour Dfortyeight19A.sound BliveClook Dtake20A.happy BaloneCcofortable BandCor Dbut22.A.less BfewCore Dost23A.ake BtakeClet BworkCparks BdangerousCunpleasant Dipossible.理解(每小题2分,共20分) AA new library opens in the town.Its a very b

8、ig library.Soe robots work there as library assistants.The robots can help you find the right books you want and do other things you tell the to.But you ust say “Please”when you ask for soething and “Thank you”when you get soething.Li ing wants to borrow a book fro the new library.He coes to the lib

9、rary with Zhang Hua.They see a robot standing there.Li:Hey,give e the book “Little To”Why,the robot doesnt w ork.There ust be soething wrong with it.Zhang:No,there isnt.When you borrow a book,you ust say “Please”Will you please give e the book“Little To”,r.Robot?Look!The robot is bringing you the bo

10、ok.Take it,Li ing.Whats wrong with the robot?It wont let e have the book.Yor ust say “Thank you”Oh,thank you very uch,r.Robot.The robot siles and gives the book to Li ing.短文,判断正误。26In the library all the assistants are robots.27The robot will be glad to help you if you say “Please”and “Thank you”28L

11、i ing asks for help fro the robot in the library.29r.Robot is a young an.30People say “Please”and “Thank you”only to robots.BLife in the future will be different fro life today.Between then and now any changes will happen.But what will the changes be?The population is growing fast.There will be any

12、people in the world and ost of the will live longer than people live noCoputers will be uch saller and ore useful,and there will be at least one in every hoe.And coputer studies will be one of the iportant subjects in schools then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have ore

13、free tie for sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be uch cheaper and easier.And any ore people will go to other countries for holidays.There will be changes in our food,too.ore land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people.Then there will be less roo for cows and

14、sheep,so eat will be ore expensive.aybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they will eat ore fruits and vegetables.aybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different,too.Robots will do dangerous and hard work.Because of this,any people will not have enough work to do.This will be a

15、 proble.31In the future there will be _.Auch ore fruit Bfewer peopleCless vegetables Dless people32Every faily will have at least a _ in the future.Arobot BcowCTV set Dcoputer33.In the future people dont have to _.Awork long hours Bwork fastCwalk on foot Deat eat34People ay not eat _ as uch as they

16、do today.Afruit Bfish Ceat Drice35One big proble in the future is that _.Aany people dont have to workBany people will not be able to find workCpeople have to work fastDall the work will be done by robots.阅读表达(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文意思和首字母提示补全单词,使短文意思完整。In soe science fiction ovies,people in the futu

17、re have their own robots.They help with the housework,and do the 36._ unpleasant jobs.Soe scientists believe that there will be such robots,and they think that robots will be 37.a_ to talk to people in the future.But Jaes White thinks it will be 38.d_ for a robot to do so.However,they agree it ay 39

18、.t_ hundreds of years.They are now trying to ake robots look like people,and do the sae things 40.a_ us.There are already robots 41.w_ in factories.They do siple jobs over and over again.They will never get bored. In the future,there will be ore robots everywhere,and huans will have 42.l_ work to do

19、.New robots will have any different 43.s_.Soe will look like huans and 44.o_ ight look like snakes.They could help look for people under buildings 45.a_ an earthquake.That ay not see possible now,but we never know what will happen in the future!.用括号内所给词的适当形式(每小题1分,共10分)46He _(be)a teacher after he l

20、eaves college.47There _(be)fewer children in peoples hoes in 10 years.48Do you think _(predict)the future is difficult or easy?49His sister always plays a part in _ (save) the anials.50What will you do toorrow afternoon?I _(play)basketball with Ji.51Now the _ (pollute) is very serious.52We should pl

21、ant _ (any)trees than b efore.53It _(see)that its going to rain.54There are _(hundred)of people planting trees on the hill.55The elephants are in great _(dangerous);people sh ouldnt kill the any longer.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(每小题2分,共10分)56一百年后人们将住在空间站。People_ _ _a space station_100 years.57将来一切都将是免费的。_wil

22、l_ _ _ _ _.58我们家乡将有一个火车站。_ _ _a railway station in our hoetown.59你十年后的生活将会是什么样?What_your life_ _in ten years?60多久之后你能完成这份工作?_ _will you finish the work? .补全对话(共5分)ADo you think there will be schools in ten years?BNo,youll have to live on the space station,tooCI dont think there will be any hoes.DDo

23、you really think everybody will live there?Eand every hoe will have one.A:Hi,ary,I watched a TV show just now about the future.61._B:Yes,I think so.There will be ore coputers than books.I think there will be fewer books,too.Coputers will be cheaper,62._I dont think hoes will have coputers.63._ We wi

24、ll live on space stations.64._ I dont want to.Could I live here?65._ But theyll be better than houses.Theyll be bigger and cleaner.书面表达(共20分)根据下面表格提示,请你充分发挥想象力,描述一下未来人们的生活。要求:1.提示内容全部使用,语句通顺;2词数在70词左右。住房高楼林立交通驾车出行,环游世界饮食合理膳食教育在家上网学习_ _ _参考答案. 1. 答案:B点拨:A项意为“关系”;B项意为“和平”;C项意为“讨论”;D项意为“作用;职能;角色”。根据句意“

25、 人们应当保持国与国之间的和平”可知B项正确。 2. 答案:C点拨:此题运用句式:Itbeadj.of do sth.。句意为“你在你的中再次犯了同样的错误,你太粗心了”。 3. 答案:D点拨:bored 和boring都是形容词,前者形容人,而后者形容某事物。4. 答案:根据答语“他的数学成绩总是最糟糕的”可知“他在上周的数学测试中得了个A”是“不可能的”。 5. 答案:A点拨:考查词组词义:live to be .意为“活到(岁数)”。6. 答案:本句暗含2050年与现在相比较的味道;再据句意“城市将会很大很拥挤”可知“将来人更多”。7. 答案:less是little的比较级,

26、后面修饰不可数名词;浏览各选项只有pollution是不可数名词,意为“污染”。8. 答案:be like意为“ 像”。句意为“未来的生活会是什么样的?没有人能准确地预测”。 9. 答案:以believe引导的宾语从句,其否定句要前置;浏览各选项可知C项正确。 10. 答案:根据last suer可知时态用一般过去时;fall down意为“倒塌”;write down意为“写下”,根据句意“去年夏天我家乡的一些旧房子倒塌了”可知B项正确。 11. 答案:in 10 years 意为“十年后”,常用于一般将来时。12 . 答案:根据前句“我找不到我的笔记本了”可知“你能帮助我寻找它吗?”。故A项正确。 13. 答案:there will be (a eeting)将有(一个会议),there be结构的将来时态;have 不能用于there be结构中。 14. 答案:illions of .意为“数百万”;two illion people意为“两百万人”,前面有具体数字时,illion/hundred/thousand后均不加s。15. 答案:浏览题干可知,it和everyone都是第三人称单数,故谓语动词都用第三人称单数形式。故选A项。. 答案:16.B点拨:根据句子The robot will .可知“将来每个家庭都将有一个机器人”。17D点拨:句意为“你可以让它为

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