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1、杂交玉米高产制种技术措施杂交玉米高产制种的技术措施玉米杂优品种具有高产、抗性强等优点,所以在玉米种植区,种植杂优品种已成为提高产量及增加农民收入的重要途径。为了提高玉米杂交制种产量,探讨玉米杂交制种高产技术,我所进行了三年制种试验。产量由过去的1200kg/hm2提高到现在的2325kg/hm2,增产93.75%。现将高产制种技术介绍如下。Corn hybrid variety has the advantages of high yield, strong resistance, so in the corn belt, planting mixed optimal varieties ha

2、s become a important way to improve yield and increase farmers income. In order to improve the corn hybrid seed production, high-yield maize hybrid seed production technique, I conducted three years breeding test. Yield increase by 1200 kg/hm2 to now 2325 kg/hm2, increase 93.75%. Now the high-yieldi

3、ng seed production technology introduced as follows. 1栽培措施1 cultural practices 1.1选地及整地1.1 choose and site preparation 选隔离条件较好,土壤肥力和光照条件较好,集中连片,有排灌条件,保水保肥力强的地为制种地,并做到精细整地,畦面无大土块,无杂草,无作物残根,达到松、细、平。Choose better isolation conditions, soil fertility and light conditions are good, concentrated, irrigati

4、on and drainage conditions, strong retention of fertility of the earth for the seed, and do the fine soil preparation, no big clods, strip, no weeds, no residual roots of plants, and to loose, thin and flat. 1.2重施底肥,增施磷钾肥1.2 return to fertilizers, increasing under phosphorus application 制种地要求每亩施优质农家

5、肥15002000kg、钙镁磷50kg、钾肥10kg。提高植株的抗病能力。Seed production to high-quality farmyard manure applied 1500 2000 kg per acre, 50 kg calcium magnesium phosphate, potash, 10 kg. Improve the plant disease resistance. 1.3合理安排群体结构1.3 arrange group structure 父母本行比1:5,大行距90cm,小行距40cm,株距25cm,父本留双株,母本间隔留单双株,每亩母本4500株,

6、父本1500株。Parents bank than 1:5, big space, 90 cm, 40 cm small spacing, planting distance 25 cm, male parent for double strains, between female parent to stay single and double strain, female parent per 4500 plants, 1500 strains of male parent. 1.4 合理确定播种期1.4 reasonable seeding time 玉米各生育阶段所需的光、温、水必须与

7、当地的气候条件相适应,才能正常生长。播种过早,低温阴雨天气易造成烂芽;播种过迟,抽雄吐丝遇梅雨高湿气候不利于授粉,影响结实率。在贺州市农科所(信都镇),早造制种可在2月下旬播种,利用地膜覆盖育苗效果较好。Corn light, temperature, growth stage and must be adapted to local climatic conditions, water can be normal growth. Early sowing, cold wet weather is easy to cause bad bud; Too late sowing, tasselin

8、g spinning in plum rains humidity climate conducive to pollination and seed setting rate. In He Zhoushi NongKeSuo letter (town), ZaoZao seed can be sown in late February, use of mulching film seeding effect is better. 1.5确定父母本播差期,保证花期相遇1.5 poor parents determine the seeding period, ensure meet flowe

9、ring 玉米父母本花期相遇是杂交制种的关键,根据父母本生育期,结合当地气候资料,准确安排父母本播差期。一般情况下,玉米雄花散粉时间延续较短,夏天在相同条件下,花粉寿命只有56h,而雌花吐丝后10d内还能受精,吐丝后15d受精能力最强。Corn parents this flowering is the key to the hybrid seed production, to meet the parents according to the growth period, considering local climate data, accurate arrange the parents

10、 bad period. In general, male flowers scattered corn powder, short duration, under the same conditions in summer, pollen life only 5 6 h, and female flowers within 10 d after spinning can fertilize, spinning 1 5 d after fertilization ability strongest. 1.6搭好丰产苗架1.6 set high seedling (1)精细播种。播前整地要求达到

11、无根茬、无坷垃、上虚下实、埂直面平,浇足底墒水。待播种子摊晒23d后用55左右的热水浸泡23min,然后用温水浸种612h,捞起后用40%乐果乳油兑水拌种均匀后点播,可以防治地下害虫。播种规格为小行距50cm,穴距33cm。采用开沟条播,每穴播3粒种子,667m2用种量约3kg。播种后在穴间(株间)点施少量复合肥,注意肥料不能沾附到种子上,以免烧坏种子,影响出苗,然后盖上35cm碎泥。播后做好父本区别标记,如在行头种上其他作物,以避免杂交种子纯度因亲本人为混淆而受影响。(1) the precision seeding. Pre-planting soil preparation requir

12、ed no root crop, no KeLa, virtual reality, face the bunds, foot DeShang watered. For sowing seeds tedding used after 2 3 d around 55 hot water soak 2 3 min, then soaked with 6 12 h with warm water, take it out for later use 40% dimethoate ec evenly against the water the seed on demand, to prevention

13、 and control of underground pests. Planting specifications for small spaced 50 cm, hole spacing of 33 cm. USES the furrowing seeding, each 3 seeds dibbling, 667 m2 YongZhongLiang about 3 kg. After sowing in hole (strains) between the point of a small amount of compound fertilizer, pay attention to t

14、he fertilizer cant cleave to the seeds, so as not to burn out seeds, affect emergence, then cover with 3 5 cm broken mud. Sowing after completes the distinction of male parent tag, as in firepower plant other crops, and to avoid the purity of hybrid seeds by parents are affected with confusion. (2)科

15、学施肥。玉米的全程施肥以基肥为主,种肥、追肥为辅;有机肥为主,化肥为辅;磷钾肥要早施。(2) the scientific fertilization. Is given priority to with basal fertilizer in the whole process of the corn directly, secondly, fertilizer; Organic fertilizer, and secondly fertilizer; Under phosphorus applied earlier. (3)适时排灌水。玉米出苗期,保持畦面干爽,齐苗后保持干干湿湿。抽穗前1

16、0d至抽穗后20d,注意保持泥土湿润,保证雌穗正常发育及父本抽雄整齐,花粉壮而多。(3) timely drainage and irrigation water. Corn seedling stage, keep the strip surface is dry, keep dry dry wet after good seedling emergence. 20 d after 10 d before heading to heading, pay attention to keep the soil moist, ensure the normal development of the

17、 ear and male parent in tasseling, pollen and more strong. 2确保种子质量的核心环节2 ensure that the core link of seed quality 2.1提高播种质量,缩短去雄周期。2.1 improve the quality of sowing, shorten the cycle of emasculation. 精选亲本种子。制种时首先要确保亲本种子质量,播前亲本种子必须经过严格精选,彻底清除霉烂、秕瘦、虫蛀、破碎等籽粒,使籽粒大小均匀,发芽率达85%以上。种子处理。播前对种子适当处理,可以提高种子的发芽

18、率,并可减轻病虫危害,以达到出苗早、苗齐、苗壮的目的。处理方法有晒种和种衣剂包衣等。足墒播种。足墒播种是全苗的关键。实践证明,播种深度的土壤水分达到田间持水量的70%时才能满足种子萌动发芽的需要。好的制种基地应该有良好的水浇条件,雨天能借墒,天旱能造墒,避免天气干旱影响播种和出苗。Selected parent seeds. Seed production first to ensure the quality of the parent seed, parent before planting seeds must be carefully selected, thoroughly remo

19、ve mildew, abortive thin, bug eat by moth, crushing grain, make uniform grain size, germination rate of more than 85%. Seed treatment. Before planting seeds for appropriate treatment, can improve the germination rate of seed, and can reduce the harm of diseases and pests, emergence, early seedling,

20、in order to achieve the purpose of the healthy. There are sun and indicated coating processing method. Sufficient quantity seeding. Sufficient quantity sowing is the key to the full stand. Practice proves that the depth of soil moisture reaches 70% of field capacity to meet the needs of the seeds ge

21、rminate stirring. Good seed production base should have good water conditions, rainy days can borrow quantity and drought can build quantity, avoid weather and drought seeding emergence. 2.2 严格去杂去劣2.2 strict to all go bad 去杂去劣是玉米制种田保证纯度的一个重要环节,必须坚持早检查、早动手、严要求。第一次结合间苗、定苗进行,根据自交系叶色、叶型、叶鞘颜色将杂苗、弱苗、病苗彻底去

22、掉。第二次在拔节期去杂,把不符合自交系形态特征的杂株、变异株、弱小株和可疑株彻底去掉。尤其父本杂株,绝不允许进入花期。第三次在抽雄初期去杂。在抽雄前后逐株根据自交系株型、叶片长短、花丝颜色、花药色泽去掉特殊的变异株、可疑株。第四次在晾晒脱粒前进行,把杂穗、变异穗、病穗彻底挑净。Go mixed carrier was corn seed farm to ensure purity is an important link, must insist on early inspection, early beginning, weiwei. First combined thinning out

23、and singling, according to the inbred lines of leaf color, leaf type, leaf sheath color will be mixed weak miao, miao miao, disease thoroughly removed. Second in the jointing stage to miscellaneous, the do not conform to the inbred lines morphological characteristics of hybrid seedlings and suspicio

24、us strains, mutant strains and weak completely removed. Especially male parent of mixed strains, must not be allowed to enter the flowering. For the third time at the beginning of the tasseling to miscellaneous. One by one before, during, and after tasseling plant according to inbred lines plant typ

25、e, leaf length, colour and anther filaments, remove the special color variants, suspicious strains. Fourth before drying threshing, tailing and mutation pick net head, disease thoroughly. 2.3 严格去雄2.3 strict emasculation 影响制种质量的关键是去雄。去雄涉及千家万户,必须精心组织,严格安排,分片包干,责任到人,照章办事,奖惩严明。全面推动母本超前去雄技术,实行摸苞带叶去雄,并做到及

26、时、干净、彻底。钢塑土工格栅生产实践证明,母本超前去雄,不仅能有效防止母本自花授粉,而且有利于调节养分供应,促进雌穗生长,增加制种产量。抽出的雄穗必须装袋带出制种田处理掉,杜绝随去随丢,避免在田间后熟散粉,影响制种质量。去雄结束前将尚未抽出的母本株、病残株一次性彻底清理,防止去雄后散粉而影响种子质量。The key factor affecting the quality of seed is emasculation. Emasculation families involved, must be careful organization, strictly, sharding respon

27、sibility, responsibility to the people, by rules, rewards and punishments strict. Emasculation in advance, promoting maternal technology in an all-round way and adopt touch spathe with emasculation, and do, clean, completely in a timely manner. Production practice has shown that maternal emasculatio

28、n in advance, not only can effectively prevent maternal pollinate the flowers, but also to adjust the nutrient supply, promote the growth of the ear, and increase the seed yield. Pulled out of the tassel must chuck bag out of the seed farm, put an end to increases with the increasing go throw, avoid

29、 in the field after cooked powder, affect the quality of seed production. Emasculation will have yet to pull out before the end of female parent strain or strains at once thoroughly clean, prevent loose powder after emasculation and affects the quality of seeds. 2.4 加强人工辅助授粉2.4 strengthen the artifi

30、cial supplementary pollination 人工授粉是高产、优质制种技术中的重要环节,是提高结实率,增加制种产量的有效措施。特别是在花期未能良好相遇的情况下效果更为明显,据试验在自然授粉的基础上进行人工辅助授粉,可提高结实率20%以上。而人工授粉不在于授粉次数和数量,起重机配件关键是掌握好时间,辅助授粉应掌握在父本散粉量最大和母本吐丝集中时进行,采粉授粉时间一般在912时,以10时为最佳授粉时间。Artificial pollination is an important link of high-yield, high-quality seed production tec

31、hnology, is to improve the seed setting rate, the effective measures to increase the seed yield. Especially under the condition of the flowering failed to meet a good effect is more apparent, according to the experiments on the basis of natural pollination, artificial supplementary pollination, seed

32、 setting rate can be improved by more than 20%. And artificial pollination is not pollination times and quantity, the key is to grasp the good time, supplementary pollination should grasp in the powder quantity of male parent and female parent spinning set, generally in the mining powder pollination time 9 12, with 10 pollinate the best time. 2.5 加强制种田的后期管理2.5 strengthen the management of late in the seed production 授粉结束后,将制种田中种植的父本及时割除:一是可以改善田间通风透光条件,提高光能利用率;二是可以降低田间湿度,减轻纹枯病、大小斑病的发生与危害;三是可以消除父母本同收而导致的人为掺杂、机械混杂等隐患,保证种子纯度。制种成熟后期要严格检查,适时收获。丙烯酸聚氨酯要求农户在收获时先自行穗选

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