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1、材料导论词汇Chapter 1 IntroductionRead the textbook (P3)and answer the following question:What is the phenomenon? And why?You should be able to do the following: 1. List six different property classifications of materials that determine their applicability.2. Cite the four components that are involved in

2、the design, production, and utilization of materials, and briefly describe the interrelationships between these components.3. Cite three criteria that are important in the materials selection process.4. (a) List the three primary classifications of solid materials, and then cite the distinctive chem

3、ical feature of each. (b) Note the other three types of materials and, for each, its distinctive feature(s).Chapter 2 Interatomic Bonding1 Make sure you understand concepts:“ Covalent bond 共价键 A primary interatomic bond that is formed by the sharing of electrons between neighboring atoms.“ Dipole (e

4、lectric)偶极A pair of equal yet opposite electrical charges that are separated by a small distance.“ Hydrogen bond氢键A strong secondary interatomic bond that exists between a bound hydrogen atom (its unscreened proton) and the lectrons of adjacent atoms.“ Ionic bond离子键A coulombic interatomic bond that

5、exists between two djacent and oppositely charged ions.“ Metallic bond金属键A primary interatomic bond involving the nondirectional sharing of nonlocalized valence electrons (sea of electrons)that are mutually shared by all the atoms in the metallic solid.“ Polar molecule极性分子A molecule in which there e

6、xists a permanent electric dipole moment by virtue of the asymmetrical distribution of positively and negatively charged regions.“ Primary bonding主价键 Interatomic bonds that are relatively strong and for which bonding energies are relatively large. Primary bonding types are ionic, covalent, and metal

7、lic.“ Secondary bonding次价键Interatomic and intermolecular bonds that are relatively weak and for which bonding energies are relatively small. Normally atomic or molecular dipoles are involved. Secondary bonding types are van der Waals and hydrogen.“ Van der Waals bond范德华键A secondary interatomic bond

8、between adjacent molecular dipoles, which may be permanent or induced.“ Valence electron价电子The electrons in the outermost occupied electron shell, which participate in interatomic bonding.2 you should be able to do the following: (1) Briefly describe formation and characteristics of ionic, covalent,

9、 metallic, hydrogen, and van der Waals bonds.(2) Note what materials exhibit each of these bonding types.Chapter 3 Structure of Solids1Make sure you understand language and concepts:Allotropy 同素异形现象,同素异构现象The possibility of existence of two or more different crystal structures for a substance (gener

10、ally an elemental solid).Amorphous无定形的,非晶态的Having a noncrystalline structure. Anisotropy各向异性Exhibiting different values of a property in different crystallographic directions.Atomic packing factor (APF) 原子密堆因素Body-centered cubic (BCC)体心立方Coordination number配位数The number of atomic or ionic nearest ne

11、ighbors.Crystal structure晶体结构For crystalline materials, the manner in which atoms or ions are arrayed in space. It is defined in terms of the unit cell geometry and the atom positions within the unit cell. Crystalline晶体的The state of a solid material characterized by a periodic and repeating three-di

12、mensional array of atoms, ions, or molecules.Face-centered cubic (FCC)面心立方Grain晶粒An individual crystal in a polycrystalline metal or ceramic.Grain boundary晶界The interface separating two adjoining grains having different crystallographic orientations.Hexagonal close-packed (HCP)密排六方Isotropic各向同性的Havi

13、ng identical values of a property in all crystallographic directions.Lattice parameter晶格参数The combination of unit cell edge lengths and interaxial angles that defines the unit cell geometry.Non-crystalline非晶的The solid state wherein there is no long-range atomic order. Sometimes the terms amorphous,

14、glassy, and vitreous are used synonymously.Polycrystalline多晶的Referring to crystalline materials that are composed of more than one crystal or grain.Polymorphism多晶型现象,同质异构现象The ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure.Single crystal单晶A crystalline solid for whic

15、h the periodic and repeated atomic pattern extends throughout its entirety without interruption.Unit cell晶胞,单胞The basic structural unit of a crystal structure. It is generally defined in terms of atom (or ion) positions within a parallelepiped volume.2. You should be able to do the following1. Descr

16、ibe the difference in atomic/molecular structure between crystalline and noncrystalline materials.2. Draw unit cells for face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic, and hexagonal close-packed crystal structures.3. Compute the densities for metals having face-centered cubic and body-centered cubic crys

17、tal structures given their unit cell dimensions.4. Distinguish between single crystals and polycrystalline materials.5. Define isotropy and anisotropy with respect to material properties. Chapter 4 Imperfections in solids1.Make sure you understand language and conceptsAlloy 合金A metallic substance th

18、at is composed of two or more elements.Atom percent 原子百分数Concentration specification on the basis of the number of moles (or atoms) of a particular element relative to the total number of moles (or atoms) of all elements within an alloy.Atomic vibration原子振动The vibration of an atom about its normal p

19、osition in a substance.Boltzmanns constant波尔兹曼常数Burgers vector柏氏矢量A vector that denotes the magnitude and direction of lattice distortion associated with a dislocation.Composition成分The relative content of a particular element or constituent (i) within an alloy, usually expressed in weight percent or

20、 atom percent.Defect structure缺陷构造Relating to the kinds and concentrations of vacancies and interstitials in a ceramic compound.Dislocation line位错线The line that extends along the end of the extra half-plane of atoms for an edge dislocation, and along the center of the spiral of a screw dislocation.E

21、dge dislocation刃位错A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra halfplane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.Electroneutrality电中性The state of having exactly the same numbers of po

22、sitive and negative electrical charges (ionic and electronic), that is, of being electrically neutral.Frenkel defect弗兰克缺陷In an ionic solid, a cationvacancy and cationinterstitial pair.Grain size晶粒尺寸The average grain diameter as determined from a random cross section.Imperfection缺陷,非理想性A deviation fr

23、om perfection; normally applied to crystalline materials wherein there is a deviation from atomic/molecular order and/or continuity.Interstitial solid solution间隙式固溶体A solid solution wherein relatively small solute atoms occupy interstitial positions between the solvent or host atoms.Microscopy显微镜法Th

24、e investigation of microstructural elements using some type of microscope.Microstructure显微结构,微观结构The structural features of an alloy (e.g., grain and phase structure) that are subject to observation under a microscope. Mixed dislocation混合位错A dislocation that has both edge and screw components.Photom

25、icrograph显微照片Thephotograph made with a microscope, which records a microstructural image.Point defect点缺陷A crystalline defect associated with one or, at most, several atomic sites.Scanning electron microscope(SEM)扫描电子显微镜 Scanning probe microscope (SPM)扫描探针显微镜Schottky defect肖脱基缺陷In an ionic solid, a d

26、efect consisting of a cationvacancy and anionvacancy pair.Screw dislocation螺旋位错A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion created when normally parallel planes are joined together to form a helical ramp. The Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line.Self-interstitial

27、自间隙的A host atom or ion that is positioned on an interstitial lattice site.Solid solution固溶体A homogeneous crystalline phase that contains two or more chemical species. Both substitutional and interstitial solid solutions are possible.Solute溶质One component or element of a solution present in aminor co

28、ncentration. It is dissolved in the solvent.Solvent溶剂The component of a solution present in the greatest amount. It is the component that dissolves a solute.Stoichiometry化学计量学For ionic compounds, the state of having exactly the ratio of cations to anions specified by the chemical formula.Substitutio

29、nal solid solution置换固溶体A solid solution wherein the solute atoms replace or substitute for the host atoms.Transmission electron microscope (TEM)透射电子显微镜 Vacancy空位A normally occupied lattice site from which an atom or ion is missing.Weight percent重量百分数Concentration specification on the basis of weight

30、 (or mass) of a particular element relative to the total alloy weight (or mass).2. You should be able to do the following1. Describe both vacancy and self-interstitial crystalline defects.2. Calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies in a material at some specified temperature, given the relevant

31、 constants.3. Name the two types of solid solutions, and provide a brief written definition and/or schematic sketch of each.4. Name and describe eight different ionic point defects that are found In ceramic compounds.5. Given the masses and atomic weights of two or more elements in a metal alloy, ca

32、lculate the weight percent and atomic percent for each element.6. For each of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations: (a) describe and make a drawing of the dislocation; (b) note the location of the dislocation line; and (c) indicate the direction along which the dislocation line extends.7. Describe the atomic structure within the vicinity of (a) a grain boundary, and (b) a twin boundary. Chapter 5 mechanical properties1Make sure you understand language and conceptsAnelasticity滞弹性Anelasti

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