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1、rocks large and small. Thebeach is strewn (布满)with rocks. On both sides of the fall, the jungle stretches to meet it, rising parallel to it on agentler slope.After eating our lunches, many ofus wanted to make the climb to an area above it. We knew others had done so on previous trips. A few guys wen

2、t first to make sure they were on the right path. But after they left, my group of seven decided to go ahead without waiting for them to return. I suspected we were going the wrong way, but I kept silent, figuring that the others knew better. We went along the base of the hill until we reached the c

3、limb. Itstopped me in my tracks.The climb rose steeply above us. Along the right edge, the junglehuggedthe rocks;passage through its trees seemed unlikely to be achieved. The majority of my view was filled with rocks. Peering back down toward the river,I saw a steep slope of rocks all the way to the

4、 water. All I could think about was how far it would be to fall.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。My tense thoughts were interrupted by the realization that my friends were already beginning to climb!My friends kept right on climbing but they did not forget me.参考范文:My anxiety increased as I watch

5、ed them.“Do I turn back?”My whole being shouted,“Yes!“Will I regret it later? I really want to get to the top, but .”I voiced my uncertainties to my friends. Theydismissed my fearsand encouraged me to stick it out. Questioning my own ability, I decided at least to attempt the climb. I chose a path t

6、hat seemed easiest with my friends ahead of me. When the“path”led up to an extremely narrow area, the difficulties increased, with scary spots one after another. My breathing sped up, and my heart pounded even faster, growing loud in my ears.My friends kept right on climbing but they did not forget

7、me. Someone was always behind me to help hold my feet steady when necessary, while someone else was ahead to offer a hand up. I trusted them more than myself. With friends supporting me by words and actions, I slowlygained ground. Finally we came to the toughest place. Once again I shrank when I pee

8、red back at the steep slope of rocks. “You can make it! We wont let you fall.”My friendsassurances gave me the strength to go on. When my feet made contact with the solid rock on the top, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. I could feel all the fear draining out of me. I never felt so alive, and so than

9、kful for my friends and that life.下水作文: The thought of the steep slope, the tree-lined passage made every cell of my body tremble with fear. Even at this moment, I still wanted to give up halfway, letting the fear of height dominate me. However, the spectacular scenery above the waterfall kept me sp

10、ellbound, telling me not to rob myself of the opportunity to admire itssplendor. A few feet ahead, my friends were waiting for me, encouraging me to press on. My final decision made, I took the first cautious step forward and started my first fearful climb. Step by step, I followed my friends closel

11、y. The higher I climbed, the more scared I became. But I knew there was no way that I could turn back!My friends kept right on climbing but they did not forget me. One stayed behind me to steady my feet and one staying ahead offered me a pull-up where it was extremely steep. To distract my from the

12、attention on the climbing, they shared interesting stories all the way, which worked quite fine. The fun on the way really relieved my tension a lot and with the help and encouragement of my friends, I finally made it to the area above the waterfall, though covered in sweat. Standing at the edge of

13、the waterfall, seeing the waterfall thundering its way down into the pool and feeling the gentle wind brushing against my face, I felt the climb really worthwhile, though quite scary.续写:好胜狗狗赛跑中途退赛竟是为何?续写题目When I adopted him, he had been rescued from death inside a tightly tied black trash bag abando

14、ned right beside a garbage truck on the road. An alert garbage man noticed the bag moving and used a metal rake(耙子) to tear open the bag to look inside. There was my shaking puppy dog. The rake damaged the nerves in his back so he limped a little but he could run as fast as lightning.For my dogs fir

15、st birthday, I entered him in a fun run sponsored by our local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(SPCA). Im not much of a runner, but the run was only 3 kilometers, so I thought it would be fun for both of us.We practiced for weeks. On our practice runs he was always eager to go and us

16、ually dragged me along behind him. I worked on his leash(拴狗链) manners so that he wouldnt trip me on the big day. I felt we were ready for anything.The fun run was downtown among the big buildings, so the noise of barking dogs all around us rose to a deafening pitch at the start of the race. My dog w

17、as frightened when the starting tone went off. He had trouble running in the right direction with all the confusion around us. Soon the runners began to thin out, and my dog was running straight and fast. We were passing people and making great time. I was dreaming of a gold-medal finish.However, wh

18、en we were six blocks from the finish my dog suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I almost dislocated my shoulder from the sudden stop as I was pulled backward by the leash.He was lying flat on his belly with his head down in the middle of the crossroads. At first I th

19、ought something bad had happened to him. He was shaking and sobbing. I did a quick check and couldnt see anything wrong. I tried to get him up, but he refused. The police officer doing traffic control impatiently signed me to move away so he could release the cars.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作

20、答。But I couldnt get my seventy-five-pound dog to get up.Another half-block of carrying him brought the answer a moving garbage truck.参考范文But I couldnt get my seventy-five-pound dog to get up.The harder I tried to scoop him up from the pavement, the more he fought me. The officer yelling and cars hon

21、king, I pulled him with all my might, but in vain. Finally, I got my arm under him and lifted him up in a firemans carry, throwing him over my shoulder. As I staggered to the roadside,people around were taking my dogs side, laughing I was running him too hard. I was fuming. My dog would run all day

22、long and he wasnt the least bit tired.(89w)Another half-block of carrying him brought the answer a moving garbage truck.Its sound must have hit my dogs sensitive ears, so he cried louder and clawed at my back as we drew closer to it. I held on tighter and ran as fast as I could to get my sweet baby dog away from that scary garbage truck. I ran with him on my shoulder until I felt him relaxed, and then I set him down. He wagged his tail in gratitude for saving him from the garbage truck. Surely, we didnt win any medals, but I won his trust forever.(94w)

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