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1、商务英语学习总结商务英语学习总结【篇一:商务英语概念总结】 unit 10 marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan,price,promotion and distribute want-satisfying products to target markets to achieve organizational objectives. opportunity: profitable possibilities of filling unsatisfied

2、 needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential advantage,due to its distinctive competencies. research: collect and analyze information about the size of a potential market,about consumers reaction to particular product or service features,and so

3、 on. mix: all the various elements of a marketing programme,their integration,and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. 5.four psof marketing mix: product(include quality, features, style, brand name, size, packaging,services and

4、guarantee.) place(includes such factors as distribution channels, locations of points of sale,transport,inventory size) promotion(it groups together advertising,publicity,salespromotion,and personal selling) price(includes the basic list price,discounts,the length of the payment period,possible cred

5、it terms,and so on) 6.producer/industrial/business market: consisting of all the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used in the production of other goods,or in the supply of services others. market: refers to a groups of people or organizations at which a

6、 firm directs a marketing program. 8.selling: assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques to buy non-essential goods or services. assumes that the producers task is to find wants and fill them. unit 11 1.word-of mouth advertising(口头广告) which

7、 occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have purchased. 2.institutional/prestige advertising(机构/信誉广告)which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particularproducts. 3.a brief: a statement of the objectives of the advertising

8、campaign. 4.overall advertising strategy: it concerning the message to be communicated to the target customers. 5.a media plan: specifying which media will be used and in which proportions. unit 12 1.develop product or brand awareness: inform potential customers (and distributors,dealers and retaile

9、rs)about the products existence,its feature,its advantages,and so on. 2.promotion tools: advertising, public relations, sales promotion,or personal selling 3.public relations(pr):is concerned with maintaining, improving or protecting the image of a company or product. 4.publicity(the most important

10、element of pr): which is any mention of a companys products that is not paid for,in any medium read ,viewed or heard by a companys customers orpotential customers,aimed at assisting sales. 5.sales promotions such as free samples, coupons,price reductions, competitions, and so on,are temporary tactic

11、s designed to stimulate either earlier or stronger sales of a product. 6.personal selling is the most expensive promotion tool, and is generally only used sparingly, eg. as a complement to advertising. unit 13 1.accounting: interpreting, process of measuring, financial communicating information to e

12、nable people inside and outside the firm to make informed. 2.historical cost accounting历史成本会计: which records assets at their original purchase price,minus accumulated depreciation charges. 3.current cost or replacement cost accounting重置成本会计: which values assets(and related expenses like depreciation

13、)at the price that would have to be paid to replace them(or to buy a more modern equivalent) today. 4.the profit and loss account or incomestatement损益表 shows earnings and usually gives figures for total sales or turnover,and cost,expenses and overheads. 5.利益的流向:to the government in ta

14、xation, to shareholders as a dividend, retained by the company. 6:the balance sheet资产负债表 shows a companys financial situation on a particular date,generally the last day of the financial year. it lists the companys assets,its long-term and short-term liabilities,and shareholders funds. 7.intangible

15、assets无形资产,whose value is difficult to quantify or turn into cash,such as goodwill,patents,copyrights and trade marks. 8.tangible assets有形资产: plant, equipment, cash, real estate 9.the basic accounting equation会计恒等式: assets=liabilities+owners equity, this can be rewritten as assets-liabilities=owners

16、 equity or net assets assets净资产 includes share capital,share premium or paid-in surplus,and the【篇二:商务英语培训心得】 商务英语培训课程已经开课两周了,这两周让我受益匪浅,收获颇多。在学生时代,英语学习还是过多的偏向于应对考试,尤其是我步出校园已多年了,当时学的很多语法、词汇都忘光了,导致现在不会说、不敢说的尴尬处境。但是英语已经是现在必备的一项技能了,尤其是商务英语,对我们的工作可谓是至关重要的。所以很感谢公司可以给我这么好的机会接受这次商务英语的培训。 在课堂上,老师的幽默、随和、绘声绘色的教

17、学方式,给我演绎了一场场生动活泼传神的课程,让我对英语的学习兴趣得以提升。 第一堂的business etiquette,是商务活动进展顺利与否的重要因素,老师给我们讲述了中西方文化在商务礼仪方面的不同及商务礼仪在商务活动中的具体实施方式,使我对商务礼仪有了全面的了解。 第二堂课老师给我们介绍了一个十分实用的网站并告诉我们取英文名字的一些小技巧。留下了一个对我们每个人都十分感兴趣且都很熟悉的话题online shopping做为下堂课程中讨论学习的内容。课下小组的成员们都开始了积极准备,希望能在周四的课程中充分展示自己。 商务英语应该是偏向交流的一门学科,所以口语尤为重要。在培训的课堂上我们不

18、会有应对考试的压力,只有轻松愉快的氛围,这样的环境对于我来说可以很快的融入到集体中,老师时不时的一个小玩笑或者一些小动作,都能让我更快更容易理解课堂的内容。90分钟的课程结束的很快,但是内容却是丰富多样的。 希望在今后的学习过程中,可以逐渐掌握商务英语的各项知识点,使自己的英文水平得到显著的提高。【篇三:商务英语 总结】 what do you do? *work for an european car maker效劳;为工作/效力 *work on/at car design从事于, 致力于 *work at the bank/the subject在工作;从事于/致力于 *work on

19、ones own自行负责工作 *work with managers与共事*run the design department管理,经营;运行 *manage a team of designer管理;经营;控制 *20 work under me在(某人手下)工作 *my responsibility is to make sure new model design我的责任是。 *be in charge of design budget负责;主管 *deal with a lot of different people in the company处理;(涉及;做生意 *im respon

20、sible for co-ordination n.协调;配合 between design and 我负责。 *my job involves in doing sth. 我的工作包括做某事。 *take time off (work)休息,抽出部分时间 *specialize in (doing) sth.专门研究 word combination with “work” *leave for work上班 *go to work去上班;开始行动,着手工作 *get to work/ arrive at work开始工作,来上班/到达工作单位 *at work在工作;上班off work下

21、班 *in work有工作;在业(have a job)out of work 失业(unemployed) types of job and types of work *full-time job全天/全职工作part-time job兼职 *i work full-time or part-time *permanent job固定职业temporary job临时工作old and new ways of working *office worker上班族: nine-to-five job朝九晚五的工作, regular working hours, clock in/off打卡上班

22、/下班*computer programmer计算机程序设计员: flexitime *car worker: shifts换班制, day/night shift日班/夜班 *commuter通勤者: working from home在家上班, teleworking电子办公, telecommuting n. 远程办公 adj. used to describe work *satisfying令人满意的, stimulating有刺激性的, fascinating有魅力的, exciting令人兴奋的 *dull无趣的, boring, uninteresting乏味的, unstim

23、ulating *repetitive重复的, routine日常的 *tiring累人的, tough困难的, hard, demanding吃力的how do you work most effectively? * hours: regular? flexible? * workplace: in an office? from home? * people: on your own独立地? in a team? * purpose: for a boss? as your own boss? ways of working *freelance自由职业者*job-sharing工作分担

24、制 *teleworking /telecommuting n. 电子办公;在家中上班 (working from home) *shift work倒班制*part-time兼职的 *temp n.临时雇员vt.做临时工作 *consultancy顾问工作 *flexitime弹性上班制*hot-desking办公桌轮用制1. 法律保障的权利(legally required benefits),包括社会保障(social security)、失业补偿(unemployment compensation)、工伤赔偿(workers compensation)等。 2. 与退休有关的福利(re

25、tirement-related benefits),例如退休金计划(pension plans)等。 3. 与保险有关的福利(insurance related benefits),包括健康保险(health insurance)、人寿保险(life insurance)、意外事故和伤残保险(accident and disability insurance)等。 4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(paid holidays and paid vacations)。 其他的福利,例如交通补贴(local conveyance allowance)、住房补贴(housing all

26、owance)、伙食补贴(meal allowance)、旅游津贴(holiday bonus)。 无形的福利:老板的奖赏、晋升的可能性、舒适的工作环境等。 奖励措施(incentives):一个红包、一顿饭、一瓶酒、一次旅行机会 1. take after 与相像 eg. the baby took after his mother. 2. take down 记下 eg. take down the notes while you are listening. 3. to be taken for 被误认为 eg. to be taken for a foreigner 4. take o

27、ff 打折 eg. shop early and well take off 20 percent. 5. take on 承担 eg. to take on new responsibilities 6. take for granted 认为理所当然 eg. we often take these things for granted.1. 在信中你必须简要表达你对应聘工作感兴趣的原因。 2. 告诉收信人你是从何处获悉招聘信息,例如报纸广告或电台、广告牌等。 3. 告诉对方你的教育背景、工作经验,甚至是与此有关的个人兴趣、嗜好等。如果刚离开校门,也不妨告诉对方你曾做过何种暑期兼职工作,虽然

28、并不一定有关联,但起码向对方表示你具有一定的工作能力。 4. 提供你的个人资料,例如年龄、种族、婚姻情况、兴趣爱好、你所参与的团体活动等。 5. 必要的话提供两三个推荐人的姓名及其电话号码。他们对你的为人及工作情况应有所了解,最好是你的前雇主或以前的老师。 6. 表示你很想获得面试机会,如果你前去面试的时间有所限制,也需于信中说明,但不要把时间限制得太紧。 7. 措辞要礼貌,但不要太过分谦卑或拐弯抹角。表达尽量显得客观,不要过于自夸品学兼优、工作态度认真等,这些应该是推荐人说的话,不是你自己说的话。 8. 以上内容要根据实际情况进行增删。 beginning 开头 1)with referen

29、ce to your advertisement in (newspaper) of may 2 for a clerk, i offer myself for the post. 2)in reply to your advertisement in todays (newspaper) for an accountant, i am writing to apply for the post. 3)i should like to/ i wish to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in (newspaper)

30、 of july 22. introducing oneself: about age and experience 介绍自己的年龄和经验 1)i have had 5 years experience with a company as a salesman. 2)i am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which i am leaving to better myself. about personal ability 叙述个人能力 1) i am a good accounta

31、nt and have a thorough knowledge of the english language. 2) i have received a good education, and know english, spanish and shorthand 速记. about enclosure 附件 1)you will find enclosed an outline of my education and business training and copies of two letters of recommendation. 2)enclosed please find

32、a resume and a photo. 3 ) i attach schedule of my qualification and experience. about salary 薪酬待遇 1) i am quite willing to start with a small salary. 2) i should require a salary of 4,500 a month to begin with. 3) the salary i should require would be 60,000 a year, plus 1% commission on all sales. reasons for leaving 离职原因 1) my reason for leaving the company is that i wish to get into the advertising busines

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