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1、一、原始依据和参考文献此处为论文参考文献(请按参考文献的格式列出)二、研究内容和要求Content of Studies:Requirements:As an indispensable part of undergraduate education, the writing of thesis plays an important role in developing the students ability to apply comprehensively their acquired knowledge and skills to practical use. According to

2、Document No. 38 of Tianjin University issued in 2004 on the requirements of undergraduates thesis, students should stick to the following requirements:1. The thesis must be based on the students own ideas. Plagiarizing is not allowed.2. The thesis should strictly conform to the format set by the uni

3、versity.3. The length of the thesis is 5000-6000 words.4. Under the guidance of the supervisor, students should finish the thesis within the period from September 3, 2014 to December 2, 2014.指导教师(签字)年 月 日审题小组组长(签字)天津大学成人教育本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称学院名称文法学院专业名称英语学生姓名指导教师(内容包括:课题的来源及意义,本课题的研究目标、研究内容、研究方法、研究手

4、段和进度安排以及主要参考文献等。)Source Purpose Content Time ScheduleSeptember 3,September 16, 2015 data collection and topic selectionSeptember 17,September 30,2015 task bookOctober 1,October 28,2015 opening reportOctober 29,November 18,2015 first draftNovember 19,December 2,2015 final thesisDecember , 2015 oral d

5、efenseMain References选题是否合适: 是 否;课题能否实现: 能不能Abstract(采用三号字、Times New Roman字体、加粗、居中、与内容空一行、400字以内)(内容采用小四号Times New Roman字体)As the world is becoming smaller and smaller,the communication ofmovies among the countries all over the world has sped upBecause oflanguage differences, most audience need to r

6、ely on the translatedsubtitles to grasp the development,style and aesthetic values of films as awholeFilm subtitle translation,as an emerging filed,came into existenceSo far,subtitle translation theory has been not mature and enoughattention should have been paid to itAs the most important theory of

7、 functionalism,Skopostheorie breaksaway行om traditional equivalence-based 1inguistic translation theory andstudies traditional activities from the perspective of the recipientsItgreatly widens the theoretical scope of translation study by shifting itfrom a narrow 1inguistic framework to a 1arge cross

8、cultureCommunication context According to Skopostheorie,translation is aPurposeful action and subtitle translation is no exceptionThe skopos(function)of subtitle translation is to convey the important informationrelated to films to target audience in a specific culture under theconstraints of time a

9、nd space, which can contribute to a betterunderstanding of filmsBecause of the cultural and 1inguistic differencesbetween Chinese and En91ish,the target culture circumstances as well asthe expectation of target audience have become subtitle translatorsfirstKey words:;采用小四号、Times New Roman字体、接排、关键词之间

10、用分号小四号、Times New Roman、加黑、顶格Outline(三号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中、与正文空一行)Thesis Statement: .(四号、Times New Roman、加粗、1.5倍行距).(空一格)(小三号、Times New Roman、顶左格、1.5倍行距)A.(空一格)(四号、Times New Roman、A与上行文字对齐)1.(小四号、Times New Roman、1与上行文字对齐)2.(小四号、Times New Roman、2与1对齐)B.(空一格)(四号、Times New Roman、B与A对齐).(空一格)(小三号、Time

11、s New Roman、顶左格)C.(空一格)(四号、Times New Roman、C与B对齐).(空一格)(小三号、Times New Roman、顶左格). (空一格)(小三号、Times New Roman、顶左格Notes (只列出正文中引用过的文献资料、放在正文后,另起一页、四号、Times New Roman、加粗、顶左格)1(空两格)作者名(名在前,姓在后,后加英文句号),书名(用斜体,后加英文句号),出版地(后加冒号),出版社后出版商(后加逗号),出版日期(后加逗号), 页码(后加英文句号)2(空两格)作者名(名在前,姓在后,后加英文句号),文章题目(空一格)紧接杂志名(用斜

12、体,后加逗号),卷号(期号),出版年,起止页码,英文句号。英文注视范例如下:1 Paul Mackendric. The Greek Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Creek Lands. New York: St. Martins Press, 1962, p.20.2 Max Delbruck. Mind from Matter? The American Scholar, 47,1978, pp.339-353.3 Mackendric, p.149.(如果重复出现同一作者的同一作品时,只注明作者的姓和引文所在页码,姓和页码之间加逗号

13、。以上,如果需要两行的,第二行文字位于序号的后边,与第一行文字对齐、五号Times New Roman,单倍行距。Bibliography (另起一页、四号、加粗、顶左格)只列出阅读过的文献资料。参考文献一般不应少于10篇。英文作者超过3人写“et al”(斜体)。英文参考文献在前,中文参考文献在后(如有时)。1(空两格)作者名(姓在前,名在后,姓与名之间用逗号分开,后加英文句号),书名(用斜体,后加英文句号),出版地(后加冒号),出版社或出版商(后加逗号),出版日期,英文句号。2(空两格)作者名(姓在前,名在后,姓与名之间用逗号分开,后加英文句号),文章题目(空一格)紧接杂志名(用斜体,后加

14、逗号),卷号(期号),出版年,英文句号。英文参考文献范例:1 Shatzkin, Leonard. In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982.2 Meltzer, Milton and Walter Harding. A Thoreau Profile. New York: Crowell, 1962.3 Nichols, Bill. Style, Grammar, and the Movies. Film Quarterly, 28, 1975.中文参考文献(四号、宋体、加粗、顶格、)1王

15、传昌高分子化工的研究对象天津大学学报,1997,53(3):17 作者姓名论文题目杂志名称出版年份页码(阿拉伯数码) 2王连芬.层次分析法引论M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,1990.作者姓名 书名 出版地 出版者 出版年 3Joe Tidd,陈劲译.创新管理-技术、市场与组织变革的集成.清华大学出版社,2002. 原著者姓名 国别 翻译者姓名 书名 出版者 出版年 4姚光起一种痒化锆材料的制备方法中国专利,891056088,1980-07-03申请者 专利名 国家 专利号 授权日期(以上,如果需要两行的,第二行文字位于序号的后边,与第一行文字对齐、五号宋体,单倍行距。Acknowledgements(另起一页、四号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中)(致谢内容限1页,小四号、Times New Roman,单倍行距)

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