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1、宁夏盐池县九年级英语上学期期中试题人教新目标版精品试题宁夏盐池县九年级英语上学期期中试题一听力(共25小题,计分25分;其中有5个小题(6165题)为非选择题,计分5分,答题位置在非选择题第五题听力题内。)I . 听对话选出正确的图画。(每小题1分, 记5分)II 听句子选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分, 记5分)( )6.A.Its June 18 th. B. Its Tuesday. C. Its 2013.( )7. A. See you. B. Speaking, please. C. Id love to .( )8. A. My pleasure . B. Im sorry. C.

2、Thats all right. ( )9. A . Oh, dear ! B. Of course not. C. Thats nice. ( )10. A. Just a little. B. Ive got a pain here. C.I hope not.III听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分, 记5分)( )11. A. Because she is full. . B. Because she doesnt like cakes. C. Because she wants to eat some bread.( )12.A. In a clothes shop

3、. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bank( )13. A. Green. B. Blue . C. Yellow. ( )14. A. To play basketball. B. To play baseball. C. To play football.( )15. A. His father . B. His mother . C. His cousin.IV听对话选择正确的答案。(每小题1分, 记5分)听下面一段对话,回答第16和17两个小题。( )16. When did the boy start to learn to play the piano?A

4、. At the age of six. B. At the age of eight. C. At the age of ten.( )17. What kind of music does the girl like?A. Quiet music. B. Rock music. C. Dance music. 听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。( ) 18.Why is Mike so excited?A. Because he will go to dinner with his friends next week.B. Because he will go for a trip

5、 next week. C. Because he will go to see his parents next week. ( ) 19. Where is Mike going next week?A. To Hong Kong. B. To London. C. To Now York.( ) 20. How long will Mike stay there? A. For about two weeks. B. For about three weeks. C. For about a month. 第ll卷 笔试部分(100分)二、单项选择。(10分)( )21We will h

6、ave a _ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two months D. two-months( )22. Mr. Wang used todinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to every meal with his family at home. A. have; eat B. having; eat C. have; eating D. having; eating( )23. The _you read,the _youll be. A. much,fas

7、t B. much,faster C. more,fast D. more,faster ( )24. Do you know the Chinese sky lanterns? Sure. Theyre made bamboo and they are covered paper. A. of; with B. of; of C. from; of D. from; with( )25. Whats the most important morning news on CCTV today? The Chinese government warned Japan _ do harm to C

8、hinas territorial sovereignty (领土主权) again and again. Ato not Bdidnt Cnot to Ddo not( )26. Do you know _ the meeting? Tomorrow morning. A. when they had B. when they are going to have C. when did they have D. when are they going to have( )27. Many new houses _ in this area with the help of the gover

9、nment last year. A. build B. built C. were built D. will be built ( )28. Are the visitors all from ? No, there are only 5 in the group. A. Germany; Germany B. Germany; Germans C. German; Germans D. German; Germany( )29Do you know if Jimmy to the party? I am not sure. But if he , I will give him a bi

10、g surprise. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes( )30.A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall on Sundays. A. is given B . has been given C . will be given D. gives三、完形填空。(10分)People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countrie

11、s celebrate in the 31 way. In many countries, the new year begins on January1st , but people start celebrating on December 31st , New Years Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square(时代广场). 32 theyre waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fu

12、n. Just before 12 oclock, everyone counts 33 from 10: 10, 9, 8 As soon as its 12 oclock, everyone shouts very 34 , “Happy New Year!”New Years Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 35 .On New Years Day, many peop

13、le make plans for the new year. They write down a list of things, 36 “I will help out more with housework. I will work 37 at school than others.” or “I wont spend so much time 38 games anymore.” As you see, it doesnt matter 39 people celebrate New Years Day, we all believe that it s a time to say 40

14、 to the old year, and to welcome the new.( ) 31. A. similar B. same C. important D. normal( ) 32. A. If B. Even though C. When D. Before( )33. A. up B. down C. off D. on( )34. A. loudly B. quietly C. sadly D. safely( )35. A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment( )36. A. for example B. such as C. as D.

15、 look like( )37. A. quickly B. hard C. harder D. hardly( )38. A. play B. playing C. to play D. played( )39. A. why B. who C. how D. what( )40. A. hello B.goodbye C. sorry D. hi4、阅读理解。(32分) A The Bus Schedule (时刻表)High StreetState StreetKellogg RoadCongress StreetWestern Avenue6:33 AM6:41 AM6:54 AM7:

16、01 AM7:14 AM7:48 AM7:58 AM8:12 AM8:24 AM8:37 AM8:00 AM8:10 AM8:24 AM8:36 AM8:49 AM9:10 AM9:20 AM9:33 AM9:43 AM9:54 AM9:50 AM10:00 AM10:21 AM10:32 AM10:30 AM10:40 AM11:01 AM11:12 AM11:00 AM11:10 AM11:23 AM11:33 AM11:45 AM11:55 AM12:05 PM12:18 PM12:28 PM12:39 PM ( )41. How long does it take to get fro

17、m High Street to Kellogg Road at 11: 00 AM?A. 18 minutes. B. 23 minutes. C. 24 minutes. D. 33 minutes.( )42. Youre at the Congress Street bus stop. Its a quarter to nine. When is the next bus?A. 8:36 AM. B. 9:33 AM. C. 8:49 AM. D. 9:43 AM.( )43. Youre at the State Street bus stop. Its 10:10 AM. How

18、long do you have to wait for a bus? A. Ten minutes. B. Half an hour. C. Twenty minutes. D. An hour.( )44. Youre meeting someone at the Western Avenue bus stop at 12 noon. When should you leave High Street?A. 11:00 AM. B. 10:30 AM. C. 11:45 AM. D. 11:55 AM BI used to live in a small town with trees a

19、ll around. It is about thirty years since I left my hometown. But I still remember what it was exactly like. And I often “see” it in many of my dreams. My hometown is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little

20、town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. But trees and flowers made the town beautiful. Just outside the town, there was a river. You could see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple lif

21、e. Since a new policy(政策) was taken by the government, great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have been built one after another. Peoples life is greatly improved. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and f

22、actories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the wide streets. But with the development of the industry(工业), we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. And there are also other problems. We should try our best to make it richer. At the sa

23、me time, we must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.( ) 45. When did the writer leave his hometown?A. About ten years ago. B. About twenty years ago.C. About thirty years ago. D. About forty years ago. ( ) 46. How was the writers hometown in the old days?A. poor but

24、 beautiful B. rich and beautifulC. poor but big D. rich and developed ( ) 47. What is outside the town? A. a lake B. a river C. a forest D. a grassland ( ) 48. As for the changes of the town, which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. The streets have been widened.B. More factori

25、es, schools, hospitals, cinemas and airports have been built.C. There are more and more cars and buses in the streets.D. Tall buildings, big department stores and factories have been built. CWonderful Friends, a three-month-long reality show on Hunan TV, came to an end on March 28th. But the debate(

26、争论) it aroused is far from dying out. The weekly show communications between animals and six stars working as zookeepers in Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. The show is a successful program for Hunan TV.“People are more interested in TV shows with stars than in documentaries,” animal protection e

27、xpert Deng Xuejian told Netease News. “The program is a good way to get people closer to animals.”However, animal protectors say that is exactly what should be avoided. “It is a misunderstanding to the public about the needs and welfare ofanimals,” Dave Neale said in a statement.In one scene(场景), st

28、ars took two baby chimps out and competed to buy the best clothes for them. One of the two chimps suddenly became anxious and bit(咬) Myolie Wu, one of the star zookeepers. In another scene a babychimpwas placed near its father to show that the older animal would treat the baby as a stranger. The bab

29、y becomes nervous and thechimps father appears anxious and throws a rock at the TV crew. The TV company created “stressful and harmful situations” to provide entertainment to the audience(观众), said the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.“Whats more, many people may think gettingcuddly(令人想拥抱的)is

30、 an expression of love. What they dont realize is wild animals need space,” Xie Yan, a zoologist and China director of the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society, told The New York Times. In addition, teaching chimps to dress could harm their health because it may raise their body temperature and al

31、so mentally confuse(使混乱) them.Animals need to live in their natural reserves and we had better leave them alone.( )49. Wonderful friends is _.A. some friends in daily life B. is a program for Hunan TVC. are some animals D. The strangers that give us help( )50. When we put the baby chimp near his father, it feels

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