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1、实用航海英语会话正文Lesson OneENTERING PORT 入港Part 1 Calling for a Pilot on VHFChannel 16(SShip; PPort Control)要求中转代理通话高频呼叫报告船名S: Port Control! Port Control! This is Chinese motorship Haihe calling on channel sixteen. How do you read me? Over.P: Port Control answering, please repeat your message and spell you

2、r name. Over.S: Port Control. This is Chinese motorship. Spelling the ships name Haihe: Hotel-Alfa-India-Hotel-Echo. Ready to take pilot. Over.P: Haihe, this is Port Control. Channel fourteen, please. Over.电告卸货抵前手续Channel 14S: Port Control, this is Haihe on channel fourteen. My ETA in the vicinity o

3、f the harbor is twelve thirty hours local time today. What is pilot arrangement? Over.预计抵港需要引航P: Haihe, this is Port Control. Your message is well understood. Your ship will pick up the pilot at No.9 fairway buoy off the entrance breakwater. Please rig the ladder on the leeside. Stand by on channel

4、16 and call me back half an hour before arrival. Over and out.S: All right. Thank you. We shall keep a listening watch on channel on six when in the harbor area. Over and out.(SShip; WWestport Radio)呼叫电台拼出呼号S: Westport Radio, this is Chinese motorship Haihe. My call sign: Bravo-Mike-Oscar-Romeo. Do

5、you receive me? Over.W: Haihe, this is Westport Radio. Im sorry I cant hear you. There is a cross talk. Come to channel twenty-six, please. OverChannel 26S: Westport Radio, this is Haihe on channel 26. How do you hear me?W: Haihe, I hear you loud and clear. Can I do anything for you?S: I would like

6、to get a telephone link call to my agent in Westport. His telephone number is one-five-seven-four-double eight. Would you put me through to this number?W: All right. Just a moment. Hold on for a few minutes, please.* * * *(AAgent; CCaptain)A: Good morning, Captain. Jackson speaking.C: Good morning,

7、Mr. Jackson, I expect youve received my radiogram about the prospects of discharge. I hope youll make quick arrangements to order fuel oil and fresh provisions according to my previous radiogram.A: Yes. Ill do that, and Ive fulfilled all the necessary formalities in connection with your arrival.C: I

8、 appreciate what youve done for my ship ever so much. So long!Channel 24(WHWestport Harbor; SShip)WH: Haihe, Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. On VHF channel one-six. Over.S: Westport Harbor. This is Haihe. Over.WH: Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. Switch to VHF channel two-four. Over.S: Westport Harbo

9、r. This is Haihe. Agree VHF channel one-four. Over.WH: Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. Mistake. Switch to channel two-four. Over.S: Westport Harbor. This is Haihe. Correction. Agree channel two-four. Over.WH: Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. Information: Dredging operations are completed in the south

10、 fairway. Over.S: Westport Harbor. This is Haihe. Say again. Over.WH: Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. I say again. Information: Dredging operations are completed in the south fairway. Over.S: Westport Harbor. This is Haihe. Information-received: Dredging operations are completed in the south fairway

11、. Thank you. Nothing more. Over.WH: Haihe. This is Westport Harbor. Out.I. Summary of the Dialogue:1. Calling Port Control through VHF2. Advising of ETA & requiring a pilot3. Contacting Westport Radio Station4. Requesting for a link call to Agent5. Communicating between ship & shore by VHFII. New Wo

12、rds and Expressions:1. pilot n. 引航员2. call for v. 要求,需要3. very-high-frequency(VHF) 甚高频4. port control n. v. 港口调度5. message n. 信息,电文6. channel n. 频道7. motorship, M/S n. 内燃机船8. vicinity n. 附近9. harbor n. 港口10. arrangement n. 安排11. pick up v. 搭乘(中途)12. fair way buoy n. 航道浮筒13. link call n. 电话中转14. entr

13、ance n. 入口15. break water n. 防波堤16. watch n. 值班,当班17. cross talk n. 串线18. put through v. 接通19. prospect n. 前景,日程20. appreciate v. 感谢21. fulfil v. 履行22. hold on v. 握着,不要走开(电话)23. switch v. 转换24. dredge v. 疏浚,挖淤25. over ad. 请讲26. out ad. 通话完毕III. Supplemental Sentences:1. What is the position of the p

14、ilot boat? 引航船的位置在什么地方?2. Have a heaving line ready at pilot ladder. 在引航员梯旁,把撇缆准备好。3. Put on lights at pilot ladder position. 在引航员梯旁,放置照明灯。4. Stand by the pilot ladder. 在引航员梯旁守侯。5. Stop the engines until the pilot boat is clear. 直到引航船离开才可开车。6. Keep the pilot boat on the port/starboard side. 引航船保持在左/

15、右舷。7. Pilot ladder is rigged on the port/star board side. 引航员梯放在左/右舷。8. Rig gangway combined with pilot ladder on port /star board. 把舷梯连同引航员梯一起放在左/右舷。9. Where can I take pilot? 我船在何处上引航员?10. Pilot can be available at short notice. 一旦接到通知,立即就可派出引航员。11. No pilot is available at present. 现在无引航员。12. Do

16、you require a pilot? 你船需要引航员吗?13. You can take pilot a No.5 Fairway Buoy. 你船可在5 号航道浮筒上引航员。14. Pilotage is not compulsory. 引航是非强制的。15. The employment of a pilot is optional. 雇引航员是任意的。16. At what time will the pilot be available? 引航员什么时候可来船?17. It is preferable to employ a pilot,as he knows the local

17、condition very well. 最好雇用引航员,因为他熟悉当地情况。18. You must rig Jacobs ladder on starboard side. 你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。19. When can I expect the pilot to come? 预计引航员什么时候可来我船?IV. VHF Radio Telephonic Communications at Sea:Reporting of Position 报告船位1. This is m/v Wuxi. Bearing: two-seven-zero degrees true. Distance: si

18、x miles from West Cape. 我是无锡号。方向:真方位270o。距离:距西角6海里。2. This is m/s Masson. Position: bearing : three-zero-zero degrees true. Distance: six-decimal-five miles from West Cape. On VHF channel: one-six. Over.我是马森号。位置:真方位300o。距离:距西角6.5海里。甚高频:16频道。请讲。3. Masson. This is Louis Three. I say again Louis Three.

19、 Position: bearing: two-six-eight degrees true. Distance: six miles from West Cape. Over.马森。我是路易3号。再重复一遍路易3号。位置:真方位268o。距离:距西角6海里。请讲。4. This is Wuxi. Position: Now passing Jebel Ali fairway buoy, course East. 我是无锡号。位置:现正通过杰贝尔阿里航道浮筒,航向正东。5. This is Gulf Duckling One. Position: bearing: two-seven-zero

20、 degrees true. Distance: two miles from Jebel Ali fairway buoy. Over.我是小鸭湾一号。位置:真方位270o。距离:距杰贝尔阿里航道浮筒2海里请讲。Direction of Movement 运动方向6. m/v Dali. This is Isabella. Intention: I intend to alter course. After period: five minutes. New course: two-seven-zero degrees. Over.大理号。我是伊莎贝拉号。意图:我准备改变航向。 5分钟后。

21、新航向:270o。请讲。Advice 建议7. m/v Acton. This is Wuxi. Advice: Please do not leave your berth until Im clear of the lock entrance. Over.阿克顿号。我是无锡轮。建议:请不要离开泊位,直到我船让清闸门入口时止。请讲。8. Masson.This is m/v Dali. Warning: I intend to operate astern propulsion. Over.马森号。我是大理。警告:我轮打算使用尾部动力装置。请讲。Dangers 危险物9. Cross Har

22、bor. This is m/v Lamar. Warning: a dangerous derelict in. Position: bearing: zero-seven-nine degrees true. Distance: five cables from channel entrance. Over.克罗斯港。我是拉码尔号。警告:真方位:079。距离:距航道进口5链。请讲。Drifting 漂移10. Gulf Duckling One. This is m/v Fulton. Warning: Jebel Ali fairway buoy is not in the correc

23、t position. Over.小鸭湾一号。我是富尔顿号。警告:杰贝尔阿里航道浮筒的位置不准确。请讲。Recommendation 推荐11. Sylvia. This is Channel Navigation Information Service. Instruction: Steer course: two-three-zero degrees true. Reason: to comply with the traffic separation scheme. Over.西尔维亚号。这里是航道信息服务处。指令:采取真航向:230o。原因:遵守通航分隔制。请讲。Adjusting o

24、f Course 调整航向12. Synge. This is Maple Harbor. Instruction: Alter course to starboard and keep clear of the controlled fairway. Reason: a tanker will leave the harbor soon. Over.辛格号。这里是波尔港。指令:请向右转向,让开可控航道。原因:一油轮即将离港。请讲。Pilots Notice 引航通知13. Olivia. This is Pilot Thomson. Instruction: stop engines and

25、 wait for the ship ahead of you to enter harbor. Over.奥丽维亚号。我是引航员汤普森。指令:停车等候你前方的船进港。请讲。 潮位通知14. All ships in River Dole. This is Dole River Radio. Navigational information: Heights of tide. Information one: Position: Black Rock, height of tide: one-decimal-five meters, time: now. Information two: Po

26、sition: Round Islet, height of tide: one-decimal-four meters, time: now. Out.多尔河上所有船只。这里是多尔电台。航行信息:潮高。信息1:位置:黑岩。潮高:1.5米。时间:现在。信息2:位置:圆岛。潮高:1.4米。时间:现在。通话完毕。Depth in Channel 航道深度15. Robeson Harbor. This is Captain Johnson. Question: Whats the depth in the main channel? Over.罗伯逊港。我是船长约翰逊。问题:主航道深度是多少?请讲

27、。Possible Reply 可能性答复16. Captain Johnson. This is Robeson Harbor. Answer: The depth in the main channel is : two-zero meters from seaward until position: buoy number: three and the depth: one-zero meters between: buoy number: three and position: dry dock entrance. Over.约翰逊船长。这里是罗伯逊港。回答:主航道深度:20米从朝海一

28、侧起直到位置:3号浮筒止。另一深度:10米,在3号浮筒和位置:干船坞入口止。请讲。Characteristic of Light 灯质17. Stella. This is New Port Service. Information: West Cape light shows: flash: two. Interval: three-zero seconds. Range: one-eight-miles. Over.斯泰拉号。这里是新港服务处。信息:西角灯标显示:闪光:2次。间隔时间:30秒。射程:18海里。请讲。Bearing 方位18. Richard. This is Eastpor

29、t. Information: the fairway entrance in position: bearing: two-seven-zero degrees true. distance: three-decimal-five miles from Cap du Nord. Over.理查德号。这里是东港。信息:航道入口位置于:真方位:270o,距离:从北角起3.5海里。请讲。Transiting of Canal 通过运河19. Vista. This is Tamara. Information: Transit is commencing now. Information: Kee

30、p watch on VHF channel one-three. Over.威士特:我是特玛拉号。信息:通过运河现已开始。信息:请在VHF13 频道守听。请讲。20. Tamara. This is Vista. Information-received: Transit through the canal is commencing now. Instruction-received: Keep watch on VHF channel one-three. Positive. Over.特玛拉号,我是威士特号。信息收到:现在开始通过运河。指令收到:在VHF13频道守听。同意。请讲。21.

31、 Tamara. This is Vista. Question: What is my place in the convoy? Over.特玛拉号,我是威士特。问题:我在船队顺序号是多少?请讲。22. Vista. This is Tamara. Information: Your place in the convoy is place number: three, behing me and Rose Maru will follow you. Over.威士特号。我是特玛拉。信息:你在船队顺序号是3号,在我后面,罗斯丸将尾随你。请讲。Underway 在航行23. Wuxi. This Scott. Instruction: Stop your engine. Advice: Turn to starboard. Over.无锡号。我是司考特。指令:请停车。建议:请转向右舷。请讲。24. Scott. T

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