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人教版新目标 八年级下册Unit 8复习词汇句型语法等练习题无答案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 abroad the end of the day 15.开始意识到 16. ever since then17. belong to 18. be kind to each othe19.互相信任 20. do some research on sth. 重点句型与语法翻译句子:1. -你读过小妇人吗? -是的,我读过。/ 不,我没有。_2.-蒂娜读过金银岛这本书吗?-是的,她读过。她觉得它很棒。3. 你要来点喝的吗?_4. 我听说你丢钥匙了。_5. 她开始意识到,事实上她是多么想念他们所有的人。_1. Have you read Little Women ye

2、t? Yes,I have. /No, I havent.2. Has T in a read Treasure Island yet? Yes, she has. She thinks its fantastic.3. Would you like something to drink?4. I heard you lost your key.5. She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.【相关句型】1. Have you. yet?2. Has. yet?3. Would you like.?4. I hea

3、rd.5 . . . . came to realize how much.二、同步题型分析(一)单词拼写:1. She enjoys reading the c , such as Tom Sawyer and Alice in Wonderland.2. Please open your books and turn to p 103.3. Her daughter enjoys traveling by s on the sea.4. He shot a bird with a g just now.5. There is a small i in the middle of the s

4、ea.6. Jay Chou (周杰伦) is my favorite p star.7. Many football f will go to Brazil to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup.8. Our English teacher i the new classmate Linda to us just now.9. The Diaoyu Islands b to China!10. I can only remember the first l of that song.11. She was walking t_ town when I met he

5、r.12. Who e_ will come to the party.1. classics 2. page 3. ship 4. gun 5. island 6. pop 7. fans 8. introduced 9. belong 10. Line 11. towards 12. else(二)用所给单词适当形式填空1. What time did you (actual) leave?2. They didnt achieve great (succeed) in life.3. The foreign visitors will travel in some (south) sta

6、tes of the USA.4. Wow! The house is always full of (laugh).5. The rich man gave away (million) of dollars to those poor areas.6. I (tell) him about it two days ago, but he (not decide) what to do yet.7. Mr Brown (teach) her French for a month, but she still cant speak French well.8. The young singer

7、 (become) famous last year and he (have) several concerts by himself since then.9. When they (leave) Guangzhou? This morning. They (be) away for about three hours.10. We (get) to London yesterday, but we (not start) to work yet.11. Its fun _(watch) the children play games.12. It was so dark that I c

8、ould _(hard) see anything.13. Beethoven was one of the most famous _(music) in the world.14. She heard of song full of _(feel) about sadness.1. actually 2. success 3. southern 4. laughter 5. millions 6. told; hasnt decided 7. has taught 8. became; has had 9. did; leave; have been 10. got; havent sta

9、rted 11. to watch 12. hardly 13.musicians 14. feeling(三)句子翻译1. 他的书预定十月份出版。 His book to be published in October.2. 我们班共有45人。 the students forty-five in our class.3. 他还没有完成他的家庭作业。He .4. 罗伯特过去是一名教师。Robert a teacher.5. 他们已经去过悉尼了。They have Sydney.6. 劳拉在那儿多久了? 10年。 Laura there? For ten years.Keys :1. is d

10、ue 2. The number of; is 3. hasnt finished his homework yet 4. used to be 5. already been to 6. How long has; been(四)单选1. -_ you _ the Beatles story. - Yes. And their songs are popular.A. Did; hear B. Do; listen to C. Have; heard of D. Have; listened to 2. -Mr. King, we have finished planting all the

11、 trees. -_. A. Never mind. B. Thats too bad. C. Dont mention D. Well done!3. The CD must _ Tom. He bought one yesterday. A. be C. belong to C.was D. to be4. -Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me? - No, I wont. I _ it already. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see5. Dear friends,

12、please read every sentence carefully. Details decide _ or not. If you take it seriously, you will achieve your goal!A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully6. Did you know that the Earths is home to _ animals?A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 7. -When _ you _ Shanghai? -

13、 Tomorrow afternoon.A. will; get in B. did; arrive at C. do; get to D. will; arrive in 8. He was badly ill in hospital. So he _ many lessons. A. missing B. caught C. missed D. lost 9. Who _ do you want to ask, Judy? A. other B. others C. the other D. else 10. I dont know when we will _ home. A. retu

14、rn back B. return to C. return back to D. return11. _ your name on the paper and you can got a magazine. A. Cut down B. Look down C. Turn down D. Put down12. -Mike, why are you watching TV again? -I _ my homework. A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished13. If you do things _, usually

15、you cant do them well. A. in a hurry B. from now on C. just now D. at once14. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he _ yet. A. didnt arrive B. doesnt arrive C. isnt arriving D. hasnt arrived15. We can talk with friends on the Internet _ its easier and cheaper.A. though B. as C. or

16、 D. but 1-5:CDBBA 6-10:DDCDD 11-15:DCADB一、根据首字母提示写词。(5分)1He d_ to go for a trip.2H_ up, or you will be late.3The movie is so f_, I like it very much.4He is i_ in English so his English grade is very good.5. When I g_ up I want to be a doctor.6. We often see people take out g_ and shoot others in act

17、ion movies.7. Li Ming went to Paris three years ago, now he can speak F_ very well.8. I think dictionaries and Internet are good t _ for us to study English.9. Look, Tim is walking t_ the library. He wants to borrow some books.10. An i_ is a piece of land in the sea.KEYS:decided,hurry,fantastic,inte

18、rested,grow,guns,French,tools,towards,island二、用所给单词正确形式填空。1. He has just _ (copy) all the words.2. When you finish _ (read) the book, please remember _ (return) it to the library on time.3. Last year, they _ (buy) a new computer.4. Have you _ (pack) the camera yet?5. I have already _ (put) it in my

19、suitcase.6. This record _ (belong) to my brother.7. Robert is a Chinese Canadian. He _ (live) in Canada for 15 years.8. He hasnt _ (finish) his homework yet.9. We neednt go in such a hurry. We still have thirty minutes _ (left).10. I need to _ (clean) my cupboard. I havent used the things in it for

20、long.(copied,reading,to return,bought,packed,put,belongs,has lived,finished,left,clean)三、单项选择 1. Will there be fewer trees? _. A. Yes, there wont B. No, there will. C. Yes, there will D. Yes, there be2. Lets keep _ hard until we succeed.A. to work B. work C. works D. working3. Our teacher often tell

21、s us _ to the old politely.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. speak in4.I feel very lonely. My friend, Arthur, has gone to Paris for holiday. Really? When _ he _ there? go B. is; going C. has; gone D. did; go5. Nobody told us _.A. what to do it B. how to do C. where to do D. when to do it6.The socc

22、er match was _ exciting that everyone was cheering and jumping.A.very C.too D.to7. Tom runs fast _ he can catch the dog.very that C.D.that8. Ben is a foreign teacher. So far, he _ in Taian for five years. A. was teaching B. has taught C. will teach D. taught9. Mr. Wang isnt here. I think h

23、e _ Guiyang.A. has gone to B. has been to C. goes D. went10. Have you ever been to Beijing? Yes, I _.A. do B. have C. was D. did11. Have you ever been to Shanghai? Yes, I _ there last year.A. went B. have been C. have gone D. has been12. Where is your father?He _ Australia and he _ Sydney for two we

24、eks.A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been inC. has been in; has been to D. has gone to; has been to13.A number of volunteers _ willing to teach in Chinas rural areas. Yes, the number _ getting bigger and bigger. A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are14. Her son _ coke, but now he

25、 _ milk. A. used to drink; is used to drinking B. used to drinking; drinks C. is used to drinking; used to drink D. is used to drink; is drinking15. Its sometimes hard to tell one twin from _. A. another B. some other C. other D. the other16. Look! A book is on the floor. Whose is it? It _ be Ricks. It has his name on it. A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. Need17._

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