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1、初中七年级上册英语短语归纳新版初中英语新课程标准教材英 语 教 案( 2019 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学 校: 年 级: 任 课 教 师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 七年级英语教案七年级上册英语短语归纳(2020新版)教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中七年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。最新外研版七年级上册英语短语归纳module 11. come from来自 be from 来自2. n

2、ice to meet you. 很高兴见到你3.welcome to 欢迎来到4. class one grade seven 七年级一班5. the capital of 的首都.省会6. family name 姓 given name 名 first name 名 last name 姓module 21on the left 在左边2. on the right 在右边3. next to 在隔壁4. in front of 在前面5. behind 在后面 the same hospital 在同一家医院7.what a big family! 好大的家庭啊!8.whats

3、 your fathers job?= what does your father do? 你父亲的职业是什么?9. a photo of sb. 某人的照片module 31.there be 某地有某物2. a lot of = lots of = many = much 许多 (后跟可数名词复数及不可数名词)3. atin the front of在内部的前面4. a map of the world 世界地图5. how many 多少 (后跟可数名词复数)6. between and 在与之间7. in the middle of 在中间8. a building with twen

4、ty-four classrooms 一幢有24间教室的建筑物module 41. have / has got 有2. lets + 动词原形 让我们3. too much 太多(后跟不可数名词)4. be good for 对 有益5. kind of 种类6. how about / what about doing sth. 怎么样?7. be bad for 对有害8. a bit 一些 (后跟可数名词复数及不可数名词)9. its important to remember: 记住这些很重要:10. stay healthy 保持健康11. get fat 变胖12. have a

5、 good breakfast 吃一顿丰富的早餐module 51.half past seven 七点半2.five to nine 八点五十分3.on monday afternoon 在星期一下午4. be good at doing = do well in doing 擅长做某事5.favorite subject 喜爱的科目6. talk with sb= talk to sb. 与某人交谈7. on weekdays 在工作日8. get up 起床9. have breakfast / have lunch / have dinner 吃早餐/ 午餐/晚餐10. start t

6、o do = begin to do 开始做11. watch tv 看电视12. do ones homework 做作业13. go to bed 去睡觉14. go to sleep 去睡觉15. have a break / have a rest 休息片刻16. have classes / lessons 上课module 61. welcome to beijing zoo. 欢迎到北京动物园。2. such as = like 例如3. there she is ! 她在那里!4. a panda called lingling 一只叫玲玲的熊猫5. be called 被称为

7、, 叫做6. shall we go and ? 我们去,好么?7. in europe / africa / asia 在欧洲/非洲/亚洲8. as well as 并且, 还9. all over the world 全世界10. live alone 独居11. 30 kilos of bamboo 30公斤竹子12. in fact 事实上13. many kinds of 许多种类module 71. connect the screen to the computer 把显示器连接到主机2. turn on the computer 开电脑3. open a new documen

8、t打开新文档4. use the keyboard 用鼠标5. first,next,finally 首先,然后,最后6. of course 当然7. share a computer 公用电脑8. go on the internet 上网9. check the time 核对时间10. make travel plans 制定旅行计划11. listen to music 听音乐12. watch movies 看电影13. every friday night 每周五晚上14. search for information 搜索信息15. check my email 查收邮件16.

9、 send emails 发送邮件module 81. would you like to ? 你想要?2. id love to . 是的,我想。3. get birthday presents 收到生日礼物4. have a birthday party 举行生日晚会5. get some exercise 做锻炼6. watch football =watch a football match 看足球比赛7. go to concerts 去听音乐会8. go to the cinema 去看电影9. on television 通过电视10. at weekends 在周末11. a

10、box of chocolates 一盒巧克力12. sb. spends time/ money on sth.某人花费时间、金钱做某事。sb. spends time/money in doing takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花费时间做某事。module 91. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事2. enjoy oneself =have a good/ great time 玩的开心3. a lot = very much 非常, 很4. on a school trip 参加学校的旅游5. right now 现在6. ta

11、ke lots of photos 照许多照片7. on sale 出售8. lie in the sun 躺在太阳下9. a few 一些 (后跟可数名词复数) a little 一些(后跟不可数名词)10. send by email 通过邮件方式发送11. its time to do 是时候做某事了12. go back home / go back to school 回家/ 回学校13. wait for 等候14. get on / get off 上车/ 下车15. at this moment 此刻16. leave work 下班at work 上班17. have a d

12、rink 喝一杯18. most of them 他们中的大多数19. drive home 开车回家20. the others 其他人21. buy some presents = shop for presents 买礼物22. in different places 在不同的地方23. do different things 做不同的事情module 101. clean the house 打扫房子2. sweep the floor 打扫地板3. make lanterns 做灯笼4. learn a dragon dance 学舞龙5. cook the meal 做饭6. wh

13、ats happening? 发生了什么事?7. get ready for 为 做准备8. at the moment 目前9. put things away 收拾东西10. so hard 如此勤奋11. join sb. 加入某人 join in the basketball team 加入篮球队12. hurry up 快点13. quite busy 很忙14. sweep away bad luck 扫走霉运15. have a look at 看16. so much 这么多17. it means 它意味着 what does it mean? 它有什么含义?18. the

14、most important festival 最重要的节日19. on the same day 在同一天最新外研版七年级上册重点短语和句型初一(上)英语重点句子 starters1.hello, name is miss zhou.2.a:whats your name,please? .b:im lingling. (=my name is lingling.)3. a:how are you? b:im fine ,thank you. and you? a:im fine, too. how is your father? b:hes fine.4. a:can yo

15、u spell “red”? b:yes,r-e-d,red.5.a:this is my teacher, miss li. b: hello, miss li.6.a:this is my friend, his name is tom. b: hello,tom! nice to meet you! c: nice to meet you,too! 7.a:its time to go now. bye b:bye.see you tomorrow. 8.please sit down. your books. 10.close your books 11.put up y

16、our hand12. a:are you a new student here? b:yes,i am.a:what class are you in? b:im in class 3,mr chens class.13. a:whats your telephone number? b:my number is seven two six,eight one five.14.a:how old are you ? b: im twelve(years old). 15.eleven and four is fifteen.1.同学们,你们好!我是周老师。 2. a:您叫什么名字 b:我是玲

17、玲 3.a:您好吗?b:我很好, 谢谢您, 您呢? a:我也好.你父亲好吗? b:他很好.4.a:你能拼读“red”吗? b:当然,r-e-d。5.a:这是我的老师,李老师. b:您好,李老师!6.a:这是我的朋友,他的名字叫tom。 b:你好,tom!很高兴见到您! c: 我也很高兴见到您! 7. a:是该离开的时间了,再见! b: 再见。明天见。 8.请坐下9.打开你们的书。 10.关上你们的书。 11.举起你的手。12.a:你在这儿是新生吗? b:是的。a:你在哪一班呢? b:我在3班,陈老师班上。 13.a:你的电话号码是多少? b:我的电话号码是726815. 14.a:你多大了?

18、b:我12岁。 15.11加4等于15.16.a:how many desks are there in the classroom?b:there are forty-five desks in it. 17.a:can you help me,tony? b: of course.a:how do you spell your name? b: t-o-n-ya:sorry,can you say that again? b: yes, t-o-n-y. a:thank you. b:youre welcome.18.a: what colour is the banana ? b:its

19、 yellow.a:what colour are the apples? b:they are red. 19.a:what day is it today? b:its monday.a:what day is it tomorrow? b: its tuesday.20.write the word in your book. write the word on the favourite day is saturday. what day is your favourite day?22.a:whats the weather like in chin

20、a in spring? (=hows the weather in china in spring?) b:its warm.23.a:whats your favourite sport? b:my favourite sport is football.24.a:lets go swimming on wednesday . b: ok. good idea.16.a:在教室里有多少张课桌?b:有45张.17.a:tony,你能帮我一下吗? b:当然。a:你怎样拼写你的名字? b:t-o-n-ya:对不起,你能再说一下吗? b:可以。t-o-n-y. a: 谢谢了。 b:不用谢。18.a

21、: 这个香蕉是什么颜色? b:是黄色的。a:这些苹果是什么颜色? b:是红色的. 19.a:今天星期几? b:星期一。 a:明天星期几? b: 星期二。20.把这个单词写在你的书上。 把这个单词写在黑板上。 21.我最喜欢的一天是星期六。 你最喜欢的是哪一天呢? 22.a: 春季中国的气候怎么样?b:天气暖和。23. a:你最喜欢的运动是什么? b:我最喜欢的运动是足球。 24.a:让我们星期三去游泳吧。 b:好的。好主意!module 1i.重点短语 from. =come from. 2.years old3.what about. =how about. class

22、ten, grade seven 5.the capital of. 6.first name =given name 7.last name=family name 8.english name 9.chinese nameii.重点句子 chinese ,and im from china. (im chinese, and i come from china.)2. where are they from? (=where do they come from?) they are from america. (=they come from america.) old

23、 is that man? he is forty-four.4. the students are in class five, grade seven.5. tom is in class one with lingling. =tom with lingling is in class one. =tom and lingling are in class one.6.what about you?=how about you?=and you?7.welcome to class 6 grade 7 ! 8. beijing is the capital of china.9.good

24、 to see you. =nice to see you.=glad to see tony smith.tony is my first name andsmith is my last name.1. 来自. 2. .岁3. .怎么样? 4.在七年级十班5. 的首都/省会6.名7.姓 8.北京是中国的首都。9.很高兴见到你。iii.基本语法点:1.be动词的选用及基本句子结构1. 来自.2.人称代词和物主代词(1)3.英文名字和中文名字的顺序和规范书写4.国家名称及其形容词module 2i.重点短语:1.a photo of tonys family 8.英文名字

25、2.on the left of. 9.中文名字 front of. 1.我是中国人, 我来自中国. in/at the front of.5.tonys parents 2.他们来自什么哪里? the the bus station 他们来自美国. a police station9.a manager of a theater 3.那位男子多少岁了? =a theater manager 他44岁.10. a manager of a hotel 4.这些学生在七年级五班. =a hotel manager 5.汤姆和玲

26、玲在一班. the same hospital 12.a bus driver13.a farm worker 6.你呢?/你怎么样? 14.a shop worker 7.欢迎到七年级六班。 english teacherii.重点句子:1.this is a photo of tonys family2.what a big family!10.我是tony smith,tony是我的名,smith是 mums parents are on the right. 我的姓。4.the woman next to me is my dads sister.

27、1.一张tony 的家庭的照片 2.在.的左边 3.紧挨着.; 紧靠. 4.在.前面(分开) 在.前面(没有分开) 5.tony的父母 6.照片上 7.在公共车站 8.在警察局 9.一位剧院负责人10.一位宾馆经理11.在同一家医院 12.一位公共汽车司机 13.一位农场工人 14.一名店员 15.一位英语教师(答案)重点句子:1.这是tony的一张全家福。 2.多大的一个家庭啊! 3.我母亲的父母在右边4.紧挨着我的这位女子是我父亲的妹妹。 this your family ? 6.are these your grandparents ? mother is the ma

28、nager of a theater. fathers job is at a police station. 9.his parents are shop workers.5.这是你的家庭吗? 6.这些是你的祖父母吗? 7.我的母亲是剧院负责人。 8.我父亲在警察局工作。 9.他的父母是商店工作人员。iii.基本语法点:1.人称代词和物主代词(2) 2.名词所有格3.this,that,these,those的基本用法 4单数变复数以及名词复数的变化module 3i.重点短语: 1.a lot of furniture 2.on everyones desk on the tea

29、chers desk 3.on the wall the front of. 5.a map of the world a map of china the dining hall the school gate 8.on/in the playground 9.a science lab 10.a sports hall office building 12.a classroom building the science building 14.five computer rooms the middle of. 16.on the left of. 17.between the library and the dining hall for.1.大量的教学设施;大量的家具2.在每个人的课桌上 在讲桌上 3.在墙上4.在.前面(没有分离) 5.一张世界地图 一张中国地图

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