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高中英语Unit4 SectionⅠStartingoutUnderstandingideas教案外研版必修第一册.docx

1、高中英语Unit4 SectionStartingoutUnderstandingideas教案外研版必修第一册 Unit 4 Friends forever一个真正的朋友会关心你、帮助你,并扶持你不断成长。When I was ten years old,I had a lot of friends.But looking back now,my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend,Rina.Rina was four years older than IShe went to an art and d

2、ance school in the city.Every afternoon when I played in the front yard with my brother Kevin,I would see Rina walking home from the train station.Sometimes on weekends,Rina would make up games for Kevin and me to play.Wed go on treasure hunts(寻宝) and put on plays about stories that Rina told us.I a

3、dmired a lot of things about Rina,but what I admired most was her imagination.During the summer,there was always something to do,thanks to Rina.She would teach us art techniques and show us how to make stone people.Shed make up amazing stories with interesting characters(角色) for us to play.One day,I

4、 was sitting outside on the porch(门廊)It was my birthday,but I was sad.Rina appeared and gave me a birthday card and a drawing she had done for me.To this day,I still dont know how Rina remembered my birthday,but Im glad she did.Now Im seventeen and Im in high school.When I get home from the train st

5、ation,I see Alex,the little boy who lives down the street.Sometimes I make up games for Alex and his sister Jenny.Sometimes I think of treasure hunts for them to go on.I teach them the art techniques that Rina taught me.I watch Alex and Jenny laugh as they play with their stone people.It reminds me

6、of when I was ten and when one of the most important people in my life was someone who I never even realized was my best friend.Section Starting out & Understanding ideas重点单词基础词汇 v. 点击(鼠标)2.faraway adj. 遥远的3.maintain v. 保持,维持 adj. 数字的,数码的 n. 网站6.tend v. 易于做某事,往往会发生某事7.criminal

7、n. 罪犯8.bathwater n. 浴水,洗澡水重点单词拓展词汇9.advance n进步,进展 v前进advanced adj.先进的,高级的10.significantly adv.重大地,显著地significant adj.重大的,显著的significance n重要;有意义11.enable v使可能,使发生able adj.能够的;有能力的;有才干的unable adj.不能的,不会的;无能力的12.unusual adj.异常的,不平常的usual adj.通常的usually adv.通常地13.meaningful adj.有意义的meaning n意义meaningl

8、ess adj.无意义的mean v意思是,意味着,计划means n方法;手段重点短语 view 在视野中2.think of 想到,想起3.lose track of 不了解的情况,不了解的动态4.thanks to 归功于,多亏了5.stay in touch with 同保持联系 media 社交媒体 up to 忙于某事8.keep in mind 记住9.share.with 同分享10.long for 渴望重点句型1.what if.?假若怎么办?要是将会怎么样?:What if the only way of getting news from

9、 faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered(假如获得远方朋友消息的唯一方法是写信,而且要花很长时间才能送到怎么办)?2.whatever引导的让步状语从句:Whatever our hobbies(不管我们有什么样的爱好), the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.3.what 引导的主语从句:But we nee

10、d to keep in mind that what we see on social media(我们在社交媒体上看到的) is often not the whole truth about a person.4.although引导的让步状语从句:Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends(尽管技术已经改变了我们交朋友的方式), the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. Match the main ideas w

11、ith the three parts.Part 1(Para. 1) ADont throw the baby out with the bathwater.Part 2 (Paras. 25) BThanks to advances in technology, the way we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly.Part 3(Para. 6) CPeople you “friend” online arent all your real friends.答案:Part 1:BPart 2:

12、CPart 3:A Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1How can the friendship online be real and meaningful?APeople just need to show part of their true selves.BPeople have to send pictures of themselves to the others.CPeople should always exchange true personal informat

13、ion.DPeople need to keep in mind their purpose of making friends.2What can we learn from Paragraph 7?APeople dont have enough selfconfidence.BPeople usually show smiling faces in daily life.CPeople try to avoid showing their truth online.DPeople like to post a doggy smiling face online.3How do we un

14、derstand the first sentence in the last paragraph?ABabies are more important than bathwater.BTechnology has changed babies in many ways.CWe can never live without friends around us.DIts unwise to refuse a thing just because of its downsides.4What is the main idea of the passage?AIt is dangerous to m

15、ake friends online.BMaking friends online is the best way of making friends.CMaking friends is much easier online than in traditional ways.DThere are advantages and disadvantages of making friends online.答案:14.CBCD lose track of失去联系(教材P38)How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track

16、 of your friends?如果搬到一个新的小镇意味着与你的朋友失去联系,你会有什么感觉?(1)keep track of 与保持联系;了解的动态(2)get in touch (with) (与)取得联系keep/stay in touch (with) (与)保持联系lose touch (with) (与)失去联系(3)lose sight of 看不见;忽略; 失去 与的联系lose ones way 迷路lose ones breath 喘不过气lose ones balance 失去平衡lose ones air/temper 发脾气lose ones mind 失去理智If

17、 you can not use WeChat at the present time, you are at the risk of losing track of your most friends, especially the young ones.如果目前你还不会使用微信,你就有与你大多数朋友失去联系的风险,尤其是那些年轻的朋友。They read the newspapers every day to keep track of current events.他们每天阅读报纸,以了解时事。(湖南卷)Keeping in touch with our friends is an im

18、portant part of friendship.和朋友们保持联系在友谊中很重要。Heres our number if you need to get in touch with us如果你需要联系我们,这是我们的号码。He lost his balance and fell on the ground while playing basketball.他在打篮球时失去了平衡,摔倒在地上。 advancen前进;进步vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前(教材P38)Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and commun

19、icate with them has changed significantly.多亏了技术方面的进步,我们交朋友以及互相交流的方式已经显著地改变了。(1)advance on/towards sb./sth. 向某人/某物前进(2)in advance 在前面,预先make an advance/advances 取得进步(3)advanced adj. 高等的;先进的;晚期的This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的理解。Chinese do

20、ctors have made great advances(advance) in treating cancer these years.近几年,中国的医生在治疗癌症方面已经取得了很大的进步。This restaurant is usually full at meal times, so youd better reserve a table in advance.这家餐馆在就餐时间总是爆满,因此你最好提前订桌。(北京卷)Thanks to the advanced(advance) technology, we live in an age of bettered communicat

21、ion. 多亏了先进的技术,我们生活在一个很好交流的时代。 be up to正在忙于(做)某事(教材P38)Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships.社交媒体让我们看到我们的朋友们在做什么,并且保持我们的友谊。(1)up to 达到,多达(be) up to sb. 由某人决定be up to sth. 适合,胜任某事(2)Its up to do sth. 应由某人负责做某事。Up to now, a large number of schools have

22、been built in this area.到目前为止,这个地区建了很多学校。I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能载4个人。What shall we have for dinner tonight?今天晚餐我们吃什么?It is up to you. Im OK with everything.你决定吧。我吃什么都可以。Dont worry. He is up to the job you offered him.不用担心,他能胜任你为他提供的这份工作。It is up to you to decide(decide) how mu

23、ch you should pay her for the job.她做这项工作应该付给她多少钱,这得由你来定。 enablev. 使可能,使发生(教材P39)The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument.这个数字时代使我们能够找到和我们有共同兴趣的人,比如收集车模或者演奏一种不常见的乐器。(1)enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事(2)able a

24、dj. 能够的;有能力的;有才干的;胜任的be able to do sth. 有能力做某事(3)unable adj. 不能的,不会的;无能力的disabled adj. 残废的,有缺陷的(江苏卷)In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.总之,善于倾听确实能使我们彼此更加亲近。To our great surprise, he is able to see(see) what we cant see in the dark.令我们非常吃惊的是,他能在黑暗中看到我们所看不到的事物。(湖

25、北卷)Being unable(able) to use a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.不会用电脑使他的学术研究更加困难。He became disabled(able) after an unsuccessful operation on his leg.在一次不成功的腿部手术之后他残废了。 tendvi. 易于做某事,往往会发生某事vt. 倾向,趋向; 照料,照管;招待(教材P39)On social media sites, people tend to post only p

26、ositive updates that make them appear happy and friendly.在社交网站上,人们往往把使他们显得开心和友好的积极更新发到帖子上。tend to/toward(s) sth. 倾向于;有的趋势tend to do sth. 有的倾向;有的习惯;倾向于tend (to) sb./sth. 照料;护理I would like to tend the store for you while youre away.你不在时我愿意替你照看店铺。The sort of music I listen to varies, but it tends towar

27、d/to light music.我所听的音乐形形色色,不过一般都是轻音乐。(浙江卷)The Swiss tend to be(be) formal and address each other by last name.瑞士人往往很庄重,用姓氏称呼彼此。Doctors and nurses are tending to the injured.医生和护士正在护理受伤者。whatever引导让步状语从句(教材P39)Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, e

28、ven if they live on the other side of the world.不管我们有什么样的爱好,互联网总能把我们同其他也喜欢做同样事情的人联系在一起,即使他们生活在这个世界的另一端。此句为主从复合句。句中Whatever引导的是让步状语从句。whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。(1)whatever 作为连接代词引导让步状语从句时,可以换成no matter what,意思是“无论什么”。(2)whatever作连接代词引导名词从句 (主语从句、宾语从句)时,相当于anything that, 不能用no matter what替代,意思是“所的任

29、何事情”。(3)whatever作连接形容词,意为“无论什么样的”。注意: 此用法的whatever必须同其被修饰的词一起放在从句前引导从句(让步状语从句和名词性从句均可)。Whatever/No matter what you say, I wont believe you.无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。Whenever/No matter when we met with difficulties, they came to help us.无论我们什么时候遇到困难,他们都来帮忙。(湖北卷)Whatever she says will not make any difference to

30、our arrangements.无论她说什么都不会对我们的安排有影响。(主语从句)You can choose whatever you like in the shop. 你可以在商店里选择你喜欢的任何东西。(宾语从句)Whatever difficulties we meet, we can work them out.无论遇到什么困难,我们都能解决它们。 品句填词1When you have selected the file you want, click(点击) the “Open” box.2They have just returned from faraway(遥远的) pl

31、aces with wonderful stories to tell.3Despite living in different countries, the two families have maintained(维持) close links.4The company just needs your digital(数字的) information sent through email.5The police officer told the criminal(罪犯) that he had the right to remain silent.6Recent advances(进展) in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.7Studies suggest that regular int

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