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1、九年级英语中考单项选择精选题 Multiple Choice Exercises( )1. -Please hand in your math project right away. -Sorry, Mr. Lee. I_ mine at the library. A. forgot B. dropped C. missed D. left( )2. -What do you think of John, your new workmate? -Pretty good, though he is still_ to the job. A. able B. sorry C. strange D.

2、 surprised( )3. -How do you like this painting? -I am interested in it because something in it _ the painters deep love for nature. A. expresses B. discusses C. expects D. imagines( )4. -The stories which the reporters have written are more interesting than _ the editors have done. - Yes. A. the one

3、 B. them C. that D .those( )5. -Why do you think it will rain soon? - Dark clouds are _ of rain. A. marks B. signs C. predictions D. symbols( )6. -Where did you _ your excellent English? - During my stay in England. A. take up B. pick up C. look up D. keep up( )7.-Do you know _. -Im not sure. A. who

4、 is waiting for you B. what the matter is with him C. where can I find Tom D. how fast can a lion run( )8. -Im afraid you should have your dress washed. -I think youre right. But will the colors in this dress_ if I wash it? A. drop B. fall C. lose D. run( )9. -Ill give a speech in the university. -S

5、o you should choose your words with_. A. cause B. attention C. notice D. care( )10. -Please follow the _ from the louder speaker and dance. -OK, let me try. A. advice B. beat C. words D. instructions( )11. I asked for the job but they _ me _ because I didnt know Italian. A. B. turned.into

6、C. turned. down D. turnedover( )12. The battery-controlled sports car moved the fastest of all. All the others seemed_ though they were moving. A. still B. slow C. energetic D. peaceful( )13. -When shall we meet again? -Make it _ day you like. Its all the same to me. A. this B. that C. other D. any(

7、 )14. -You know, Jenny is a good nurse, she works very well. -Sure, because she is a _ nurse. A. surprised B. trained C. taken D. taught( )15. -Ok, Ill take it. Here is the money. -Thank you. Oh, here is your_. A. chance B. change C. tip D. money( )16. -Could you please clean the car now? - Sorry, I

8、 cant _ the time now. I can do it for you later. A. serve B. offer C. spare D. provide( )17. -Dont _ your breath speaking to them. They never listen. -Maybe you are right. A. waste B. spend C. take D. hold ( )18. -Could you please lend me the book about science? -Sorry. I have it somewhere but I can

9、not_ my hands on it now. A. put B. place C. lay D. hold( )19. -Its very important for parents to have good behavior. -I think so. Parents good behavior is helpful to _ childrens character. A. make B. shape C. show D. teach( )20. -Dont make yourself _ by playing football too hard Kevin! -It doesnt ma

10、tter. Maybe we look alike. A. keep out B. turn out C. put out D. wear out( )21. -Martins parents got very disappointed because he always failed his examinations. -What can you expect? He _ with those who broke the school rules all the time. A. showed up B. mixed up C. met up D. stayed up( )22. -I ta

11、ke a fairly_ attitude towards what the kids wear to school. -But in our school, its a rule for students to wear uniforms. A. relaxed B. serious C. strict D. wise( )23. -Its reported that an earthquake rocked that area. -Oh, Jesus. I am really _ that I have given up the trip there. A. pleasant B. rel

12、axing C. satisfied D. thankful( )24. -My heads rather_ this morning after all that beer I drank last night. -Too much wine is bad for your health. You should have drunk less. A. weak B. slow C. clear D. thick( )25. -If you have any trouble, you can _ me. I am glad to do you a favor. -I will. Thank y

13、ou so much. A. bother B. treat C. reach D. touch( )26. -I didnt understand his action, but he explained his reason and I saw the _. A. light B. truth C. sense D. secret( )27. -When the manager came in, they stopped the _ about job cuts immediately just now. -The economic crisis(经济危机) makes everyone

14、worry. No one knows who will be fired. A object B. subject C. speech D. statement( )28.-If you dont know what you want, you might_ getting something you dont want. -So wed better know our aim and direction clearly. A. fix up B. put up C. end up D. make up( )29. -The Government has _ a number of othe

15、r money-saving moves. -That means they really want to do something good for common people. A. invented B. introduced C. designed D. discovered( )30. -Why do you keep away from our neighborhood? -I _ a little afraid of the guy next door after that accident. A. grow B. turn C. stay D. keep( )31. -If w

16、e didnt report what was happening in the country, we would be_ in our duty. -But you should think about whether the public can take it. A. falling B. taking C. failing D. losing( )32. -Once I had had a baby I had the perfect_ to stay at home. - I really dont understand why you hate working so much.

17、A. reason B.excuse C. cause D. result( )33. -There was a lot of _ about the wording of the report. -Yeah, some of the words were too sharp and pushy. A. explanation B. instruction C. prediction D. discussion( )34. -Have you made up your mind yet? -Yes, the book is of such importance that it must be

18、published at any_. A. price B. cost D. need( )35. -I dont think you should play games at work. You cant mix_ with pleasure. -Im sorry, I wont do it again. A. business B. plan C. task D. matter( )36. -Mr Brown. Im _ to know about your offer. -Well, take it easy, Ill tell you at once. A. worri

19、ed B. anxious C. terrified D. disappointed.( )37.- Oh, Mr Smith, I think its _ to jump to early conclusions. -I understand your worry, but its clear in the X-ray. A. serious B. careful C. difficult D. dangerous( )38. -Police warned motorists to allow_ time to get to work. -Then we wont be late for w

20、ork. A. extra B. a little C. free D. busy( )39. -He appears to be heading for a(n) _ victory. -Yes, none of the athletes is his match. A. just B. hard C. comfortable D. close ( )40. -Excuse me. Do you have a skirt like this? -Yes, here is _. You can have a look. A. one B. this C. it D. that错题集锦( ) 1

21、. -Can I pay the bill by check?- Sorry, sir. But in our hotel, it _ be paid by cash. A. may B. must C. will D. can( ) 2. What can I do for you ? Im looking for a shirt, _ whose style is simple. A. which B. it C. the one D. one( ) 3. Considering his health, I think he should set aside one hour to _.

22、- I cant agree more. A. work on B. work at C. work for D. work out( ) 4. As the two heads appeared in the sight, the group of people waiting on the top of the mountain went _ with joy. A. deep B. hard C. exciting D. wild( ) 5. Will 200 yuan _?Im afraid not , we need at least another 50 yuan. A. fit

23、B. suit C do D. match( ) 6. -Do you listen to the speech made by Professor Liu yesterday? - Yes, its very interesting. It _ much useful information we students need. A. fills B. likes C. covers D. spreads( ) 7. Does Bob work hard?Not at all. _ else could be lazier . A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybod

24、y D. Anybody( ) 8. -When shall we leave for the party?-Lets _ it at 6:30. A. take B follow C. meet D. make( ) 9. Virus flu is such a terrible disease these days. Yes, it is. We _ be more careful. A. must B. may C. can D. need( ) 10. Have you finished the report?No, I havent been _ to read it all yet

25、. A. able B. busy C. willing D. ready( ) 11.I would _ it if you would turn down the music. A. thank B. welcome C. appreciate D. prefer( ) 12. -How often do you write emails to your brother?Only once a month. _ of us has little time.A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either( ) 13. Liu Xiang won the mens 1

26、10-meter hurdles in 12.97 seconds in Shanghai Diamond League. -Good news! We _ him to do better in the London Olympics. A. wish B. want C. hope D. expect( ) 14. -What was he interested in when he was young? - He _ art as a hobby at school. A. sent up B. put up C. got up D. took up( ) 15. Is John com

27、ing by train?He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. may B. can C. must D. need.( ) 16. How is Miss Zhang Lili now?Although she was badly hurt in the accident, she luckily stays _. A. alive B. healthy C. well D. living( ) 17. Last week I _ my college classmate Bill in a bar. I didnt re

28、cognize him until he came very near to me. He changed so much. A. got into B. came into C. ran into D. knocked into( ) 18. Thank goodness! The road is clear today. I _ to get to the railway station on time. A. tried B. managed C. hurried D. failed( ) 19. The twins have never missed the class ever. -

29、_ of them likes to get up early, but they have to. A. None B. Neither C. Both D. Either( ) 20. Tom turned his _ his friends when they needed him. They must be angry with him. A. face B. eyes C. back D. ears( ) 21. John was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell soon _ it. A. get over B. get on C. get out D. get along( ) 22. -Why did David leave the company?-His talents were not fully _ there. A. shown B. appreciated C. received D. thanked( )23. My aunt died _ a terrible accident last year while my uncle died _ cancer. A. of, of B. of , from C.

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