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1、21世纪大学英语第三册答案完整版21世纪大学英语第三册课后习题参考答案Unit1 Text A Vocabulary 1 pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming 1.going steady with Richard time 3.played into his enemys hands 4.beyond her widest dreams 5.hung on Michaels every word 6

2、.out of focus 7.feed on 8.the apple of Chriss eye 9.filed into the courtroom 10.poring over their collection word Building s B.1.Goddess 2.waitress, actress 3.Lioness 4.mistress A.1.examinee应试者 2.referee裁判 3.appointee被任命者 4.refugee难民 5.addressee收件人 6.trainee受训者 7.escapee逃犯 8.absentee缺席者 9.payee受款人 B

3、.1.examinee 2.trainee 3.absentee 4.refugees 5.addressee 6.escapee Structure 1. Having too many work on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up . 2. He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman. 3. In most modern societies women are treated as professorial eq

4、ual rather than as servants. 4. “Body language refers to communication through the way you move rather thant to speech. 5. He preferred to sit quietly in class rather than risking giving an answer that might be wrong . 6. Andrew is convinced that love rather than money is the key to happiness. 7. Ma

5、ny people nowadays communicate by email rather thanby phones and faxes. 8. Mrs.Kester made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 1. if only to attract more readers. 2. 2.if only to get his two teeth filled. 3. if only to make a good impression on his girlfriend. 4. if

6、 only to teach him a lesson on how dangerous it is to be so careless. 5. if only to stop yourself getting so bored at home. Translation 正在上学的孩子们中有一种普遍的错误观念,即他们的教师们曾是些神童。不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当教师呢? 我竭力向我的学生们解释他们对我的印象一个青春期沉溺于书本和家庭作业的人有所偏向。恰恰相反,我极为憎恨义务教育。我永远都无法承受当鱼儿正在咬钩时不得不去上学的想法。 1 T

7、om was translation to our school last year.He hung on Miss Yangs every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye. 2 Seeing his daughter graduate from high school,he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldnt express in word. 3 Last year when Mr. Li began first venture into the stock mar

8、ket, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dream . 4 On my holiday ,I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish .I took some photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out off focus . 5 The price has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can al

9、ter their decision to get married next week. 6 It is complete misconstruction that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on .But without education,how can people ever overcome their poverty. 7 All of Davids classmates are completely stumped -no one ca

10、n work out how he became a top student overnight. 8 It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him hard, but in time he recoverd from his wounds. Close CDDCA BBACC BCBBD BCC Text B Comprehension FTFFF TTTFF BCCBC ACA Unit2 Text A Vocabulary 1 plement 2.indispensable 3.privileges 4.strateg

11、y 5.constraints 6.entitled 7.survival 8.instinct 9.randomly 10.faculty 11.urgent 12.depressing Word Building 1. breathtaking 5.peace-loving 6.fact-finding 7.child-bearing 1. breathtaking 2.peace-loving 3. man-eating 4. fact-finding 5. heartbreaking 6. child-

12、bearing 7. movie-going Structure 1. Given the governments record on unemployment, 2. Given childrens helpless and defenceless, 3. Given good weather, 4. Given poor immunity, 5. given that feminists have been fighting for gender equality for years, 6. given one more chance to go to college. Translati

13、on 儿童之所以又资格享受特殊的照顾基于两种原因:不能自主和无知。他们既没有推理的才能,也没有实战经历。所以他们没有防卫才能,也不可指责。这就是我们给予他们特殊保护的原因。在紧急情况下,我们有责任先救他们,因为无助的他们已将生命交给了我们。 1 The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult , but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies. 2 On Childrens a way of compensating them for t

14、he long hours they spend in school all your. 3 Youre giving more priority to your personallife than to your s no wonder your grades are suffering. 4 Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home ,its natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers. 5 Quite a nu

15、mber of American millionnaires owns at least two house and private plane. 6 When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer,his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future. 7 There is no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of

16、 “women and children first. 8 Many feminists object to the notion that men cant nurture children as well as women can Close BBDDD ABBBC CCCDD DCB Text B Comprehension of the text FFTFF TFT Text C ABBCA CAA Unit 3 Text A Vocabulary 1.symbolic 2.dimmed 3.confront 4.misfortune 5.concerning 6.moods

17、similate 8.pondering 9.arousing 10.recognition 11.healing 12.keen 1.wish for 2.paved the way for his disposal to 5.preside over 6.opened up in possession of Word building 1.inexpensive,infrequent 2.inexact 3.inefficient 4.inoffensive 5.insincere 6.insensitive 7.independent 8.indefinit

18、e,lunar 2.diurnal 3.annual 4.mental 5.maternal 7.oral 8.vocal 9.thermal Structure 1. then she might have the flu . 2. If youre studying physics at Cambridge. 3. then it must be in one of the drawers. 4. If you care about her feeling. 5. then Im sure youll also enjoy Titanic. 6. If b

19、oth men say theyre innocent. Close BDADA ABBCA ABCDB CBB Translation 我真诚地相信,对于孩子们和想要指导他们的父来说,感受要比知道重要的多。假如事实是以后能长出知识与智慧的种子,那么情感和感官印象那么是种子所必须的肥沃土地。幼儿时期就是培育这种土壤的时候。一旦这种情感被激起一种对美的感受、对新的和未知的事物的向往、一种同情、敬慕和爱怜的感觉我们就渴望理解引起我们情感反响的事物。一旦找到,这种知识就比纯粹的信息具有持久的多的意义。为孩子们的求知欲铺平道路比向他们灌输一堆他们不准备承受的事物更为重要。 1 We soon grew

20、 weary of her constant complaints, and avowed her as much as possible. 2 The mayor will preside over a meeting this afternoon that will pave the way for plans to build a new highway . 3 If we had more time at our disposal , Ihe view from the top is truly awe-inspiring. 4 Anyone who is in love with l

21、ife will have no difficulty in finding the symbolic as well as the actual beauty in the migration of the birds. 5 Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inner contentment that I find nowhere else. 6 His misfortune aroused great sympathy among the listeners ,w

22、ho are keen to help heal his mental wounds. s research may be difficult or impossible for a layman ,but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our life. 8 Mr.Smith has long wished for a chance to relate his lunar landing experience to the young people around him ,but he never has enough time at this

23、 disposal. Text B Reading skills ABABA BAABC BC Comprehension of the text BCABA ABC Text C FTFFT FFT Unit 4 Text A Vocabulary entally Word building 1.purified 2.identify 3.intensify 4.horrified 5.classified 6.exemplified 7.beautify 8.simplify Cloze CADBA ABDCB ACBDD AAD Translation 我希望所有学生都能从将来的严酷无情

24、中得到一些解脱。我希望他们有时机把他们每一阶段的教育纯粹作为一种经历来享受,而不是作为一种为下一步作准备的令人厌倦的需要。我希望他们有理论的权利,就像学习成功一样学习失败,因为失败不是世界的终结。 当然,我的希望是天真的。少数几个美国没有声明的权利之一就是失败的权利。成就是民族之神,在我们的媒体中受到崇拜身价上百万的运发动、富有的主管人员因其财富而获得荣耀。年轻人就是在这种强有力的国家信仰的熏陶下长大的。 1. wed like to remind our viewers to be considerate to your neighbors and keep your TVs turned

25、down after 10 pm. 2. I hope my advice will work on the students under pressure -the road ahead is full of unforeseen opportunities . 3. incidentally ,Linda is a ahy person who might feel uneasy about speaking in the presence of so many strangers. 4. in order to get ahead in their studies, students n

26、eed to equip themselves with independent-study skills instead of relying on their teacher for everything. 5. young people nowadays are ingrowing up old , with the conviction that achievement is measured by how many possessions they own. 6. many students justify their working part time by saying that

27、 it reduces their economic pressure. 7. what you need to do now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived. 8. a career in itself requires ones liflong devotion , but it does not mean that after you get into a profession you must continue all along. Text B Comprehension of the text BBBA

28、C CCC Text C a) b) a) a) TFFTF TTFTT Unit 5 Text A Vocabulary 1.legislation 2. compiled 3.assumption 4.emigrate 5.acquaintances 6.renowned , ambition 7.confusion of tongues , orderly 8.amused 9.impressive 10.supplement 1.delegation 2.overthrow 3.a visa committee, questionnaire 4.preach 5.reckless Wo

29、rd Building 1.feminism 2.heroism 3.idealise 4.extremism 5.patriotism 1.electrician 2.mathematician 3.musician 4.politician 5.librarian 6.historians 7.technician Cloze 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9. A 10.A 11. D 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B Translation 对一个外国人来说,身在美国可能是一段奇特的经历。在7年的海外4年在法国,3年

30、在波兰生活后,我和我妻子在一月份回到了美国。从一对杂乱无章的第一印象中,我们就为什么对那些从欧洲来的人们来说美国就是像这样的一个国家,我们汇编了一套从A到Z的解释。 我应该在一开场就说明,我是一个英国人,但在弗罗里达州出生的我的妻子丽莎却是个和苹果派般地到的美国人。然而,在我会变得解释中,A不代表苹果派,他代表:雄心Amibition 。在旧大陆中人们被告知要知道隐藏的它。在这儿,声称你在追求老板的职位或这想在30岁以钱赚上一百万,并没有多少不适宜。 1 To help foreign inventors get a better understanding of Shanghai .they

31、 theyve compiled this litter guide from the various sources they couldnt. 2 Hes the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until theyrerealized. 3 I came to New York from far a way to see him . only to find he had gone abroad two days before. 4 It is difficult to imagine now how we ve survive for so long without electricity,television or telephone. 5 The new policy encourages people to bec

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