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本文(精校广东省深圳市龙华区中考模拟第二次调研测试试题英语.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、精校广东省深圳市龙华区中考模拟第二次调研测试试题英语2020年广东省深圳市龙华区中考模拟第二次调研测试试题英语、词汇测试:从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)1. It looks Leo is feeling a bit low. What happened?He just had a fight with his best friend.A. scaredB. happyC. sad解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:看起来Leo感到有点沮丧,发生了什么事?他刚刚给他最好的朋友吵架了。low情绪低落的;沮丧的;scared害怕的;happy高兴

2、的;sad伤心的。故选C。答案:C2. Angelababy gave birth to a baby in January. Who will replace her in the reality show Keep Running? Dilraba. She is famous for acting in Diamond Lover(克拉恋人).A. strict aboutB. well-known forC. friendly to解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:Angelababy月生宝宝了,谁会在真人秀节目奔跑吧中代替她呢?Dilraba(迪丽热巴),她因在克拉恋人中的表演而出名。fa

3、mous著名的;strict 严格的;well-known for因而出名;friendly to对友好。故选B。答案:B3. What do you want to do as your future career?Id like to be an astronaut, but I think it is very difficult.A. lifeB. hobbyC. job解析:考查名词辨析。句意:你想做什么当作你未来的职业?我想当宇航员,但是我认为那很困难。career职业;life生命;hobby爱好;job工作。故选C。答案:C4. Do the competitors in th

4、e TV show Super Brain have special brains ?No, their brains are not different from ordinary people. Their success come from hard work and training.A. commonB. strangeC. orange解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:电视节目最强大脑中的参赛者有特别的大脑吗?不,他们与普通人的大脑是样的。他们的成功来自于艰苦的努力和训练。ordinary普通的;common常见的;strange奇怪的;orange橙色的。故选A。答案:A5. Do y

5、ou think that a person can really lose weight by eating fruit?No, I dont think so.A. become fatterB. become thinnerC. become taller解析:考查动词短语。句意:你认为个人真的能通过吃水果减肥吗?不,我不这样认为。lose weight减轻体重;减肥;becomefatter变胖;become thinner变瘦;become taller长高。故选B答案:B6. Dont worry about your trip to the US. Ill be with you

6、 all the way.OK. Thank you. Itll be my first time to travel abroad.A. from beginning to endB. on the wayC. in the way解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:不要担心你去美国的旅行。我会直陪着你。好,谢谢你,这将是我第次出国。all the way直;路上。from beginning to end从头到尾;on the way在路上;in the way挡道;妨碍。故选A。答案:A7. SaraLets go to the playground to watch the basketba

7、ll game!Good idea! I wonder which group will winA. planB. rememberC. want to know解析:考查动词辨析。句意:Sara,我们去操场看篮球赛吧!好主意,我想知道哪个组会赢。wonder想知道;plan计划;remember记得;want to know想知道;故选C。答案:C8. Cheer up! You will _ if you try your best.Thank you. I willA. make itB. succeedC. failD. throw it解析:考查短语辨析。句意:振作起来,如果你尽最大

8、努力你就会成功的。谢谢你,我会的。make it成功;succeed成功;fail失败;throw扔。故选A。答案:A二、词汇测试二:从卜面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分)9. Without_, we cant do many things such as watching TV or using washing machinesA. waterB. electricityC. air解析:考查名词辨析和生活常识。句意:没有电,我们不能做许多事情,如看电视,用洗衣机。water水;electricity电;air空气。根据生活常识可知选B。答案:B

9、10. The _ is a piece of metal, plastic or bone with teeth, used for tidying and arranging the hair.A. combB. alarmC. candle解析:考查名词辨析。句意:梳子是块有齿的金属、塑料或骨头,用来整理头发的东西。comb梳子;alarm警报;闹钟;candle蜡烛。故选A。答案:A11. A _ writer is a writer who is famous.A. modemB. foreignC. celebrated解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:个著名作家是个很出名的作家。mod

10、ern现代的;foreign外国的;celebrated著名的。故选C。答案:C12. Yesterday the teacher _ Jack because he had fought with one of his classmates. I see. He said he would never do that again. He is a good boy _ his bad temper.A. punished; except forB. encouraged; because ofC. introduced; besides解析:考查动词以及介词辨析。句意:昨天老师惩罚了Jack

11、,因为他与他的个同班同学打架。我知道。他说他再也不会那么做了。他是个好孩子,除了脾气不好。punish惩罚;encourage鼓励;introduce介绍;except除了(修正前面的说法);because of因为;besides此外;而且。故选A。答案:A13. How can I learn English well? Can you give me some advice?You must_all your minds in class, and then you will learn better.A. freezeB. focusC. separate解析:考查动词辨析。句意:我怎

12、样才能学好英语?你能给我些建议吗?你在课堂上必须集中所有的注意力,那么你就会学得更好。freeze冻结;focus集中;separate分离。故选B。答案:B14. SimonLook at the vase in my hand. I like it very much._You almost drop it.A. Watch out!B. I cant agree more.C. Its really beautiful.解析:考查交际用语。句意:西蒙,看看我手中的花瓶,我很喜欢它。小心。你差点把它弄掉了。watch out当心;I cant agree more我完全同意;Its rea

13、lly beautiful真的很漂亮。故选A。答案:A15. Please dont move, or I may hurt you with the scissors.OK, Ill_.A. keep stillB. stay awakeC. remain silent解析:考查动词短语。句意:请不要动,否则我用剪刀会伤到你。 好,我不动。keep still静止不动;stay awake不睡觉;remain silent保持沉默。故选A。答案:A三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题2分)The man in the phot

14、o has a special 16 knitting(编织) sweaters. He usually knits a sweater for a place of interest and then takes a 17 there alone in the sweater. Up to now, he has knitted l 03 sweaters.Sam Barsky is from the US. His stories have been 18 in American media so that he becomes famous and popular in a very s

15、hort time. You can see different patterns on his sweaters, such as Times Square and Golden Gate Bridge in the US.He 19 this interesting project in 2000. When he has a holiday, he wears his sweater and starts his amazing trip“I started to learn knitting in March,1999 and found my own way to 20 in Aug

16、ust 2000. Then l was very interested in it. I 21 my photos and sweaters on my Facebook which got a lot of 22 . In an exhibition in August last year, I 23 got two prizes, ”Sam said. Two of his latest works were for Dead Sea and Bahai Garden, because he just took a trip to Israel in December last year

17、. There are still many places which Sam hasnt 24 and it is his future goal. In 25 opinion, life is full of fantastic things and some fun should be created and discovered by people themselves.16.A. troubleB. hobbyC. secret17.A. tripB. picnicC. break18.A. translatedB. createdC. reported19.A. continued

18、B. beganC. ended20.A. danceB. knitC. write21.A. noticedB. recycledC. shared22.A. attentionB. surpriseC. education23.A. evenB. stillC. just24.A. visitedB. drawnC. learnt25.A. itsB. myC. his解析:16.句意:照片上这个人有个特殊的爱好织毛衣。trouble麻烦;hobby爱好;secret秘密。根据下文可知选B。17.句意:他通常为名胜景点织毛衣,然后然后穿着毛衣独自去那儿旅行。trip旅行;picnic野餐;

19、break休息;故选A。18.句意:Sam Barsky来自美国,他的故事在美国媒体上已经被报道过。translate翻译;created创造;report报道。故选C。19.句意:在2000年他开始这个有趣的活动。continue继续;began开始;end结束。故选B。20.句意:我在1999年三月开始学习编织,在2000年八月找到了自己编织的方法。dance跳舞;knit编织;write写作。根据上下文可知选B。21.句意:然后我对这非常感兴趣。我把我的照片和毛衣分享到我的Facebook并得到了很多的关注。notice注意到;recycle回收;share分享。根据常识可知选C。22.

20、 attention注意;surprise惊奇;education教育。把照片分享到网上,所以得到了很多关注,故选A。23.句意:在去年八月的个展览中我甚至得了两个奖。even甚至;still仍然;just只是。故选A。24.句意:仍然有许多地方Sam还没有去过,这是他未来的目标。visit参观;draw画;learn学习。故选A。25.句意:在他看来,生活充满了神奇的东西,些有趣的事应该被人们自己去创造,去发现。故选C。答案:16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. C四、阅读理解:阅读短文,从每小题的选项中选出最佳选

21、项。(共20小题,每小题2分)AEight in ten New Zealanders thought that school children should learn a language besides English26. The chart(图表) is about the _ in New Zealand.A. public schoolsB. language learningC. foreign peopleD. school children27. According to the chart, the most students learnt _ in 2016 in sc

22、hools of New Zealand.A. ChineseB. MaoriC. JapaneseD. French28. Who most probably agrees that Chinese is a good language for children to learn? A. A 20-year-old student.B. A 35-year-old Maori.C. A 65-year-old boss.D. A 44-year-old postman.29. According to the chart, which of the following is TRUE? A.

23、 Few New Zealanders thought that school children should learn a non-English language.B. Fewer students in New Zealand learnt French than Japanese in 2016.C. Most poor New Zealanders would like their children to learn Chinese.D. Most young people thought that learning Maori was more necessary.解析:26.主

24、旨大意。根据第段Eight in ten New Zealanders thought that school children should learn a language besides English可知80%的新西兰人认为在校学生应该学习门除了英语之外的语言,所以本文是关于在新西兰学习语言的事,故选。27.细节理解。根据表格可知学习毛利语的有22729人,在所有的语言中最多,故选B。28.细节理解。根据倒数第二栏可知支持学习中文的大多数是60岁以上的人,故选C。29.细节理解。根据第句可知A错误;根据表格可知11888人学日语,20478人学法语,所以学法语的人比学日语的人多,故B错

25、误。根据living in highincome(收入)families可知C错误;根据最后栏可知支持学习毛利语的是毛利人、女性和60下的人,故D正确。答案:26. B 27. B 28. C 29. DBCarol studies at Roosevelt High School. She is having a hard time passing exams. She has no interest in her homework, so she seldom finishes it on time.But there is one lesson she is doing well in.

26、 It is history. Carol always hands in her history homework on time. She respects the history teacher Mr Aragon. Carol feels that Mr Aragon treats her more than just a student. She feels other teachers look down on her.Carols mother Maria told Mr Aragon that Carol wasnt doing well in her other lesson

27、s. Mr Aragon was surprised to learn that. She is such a smart girl, he told Maria. Mr Aragon told Maria that he would talk to her daughter.Carol felt embarrassed when Mr Aragon talked to her about the problems she was having in other lessons. But later Carol understood that Mr Aragon just wanted to

28、help her. Mr Aragon and Carol had a discussion about what she could do to improve her marks in other lessons. They made a list of ways to help her to complete her homework on time, including setting a timetable for homework, cutting down some boring after-school activities, and having a friend help

29、her with the homework. Carol decided to try these ways out to see which one would work best for her. 30. What is hard about school for Carol?A. Making friends.B. Doing homework.C. Getting good marks.D. Communicating with others.31. Carol does well in history because _.A. she is interested in itB. it

30、s easy for herC. she respects Mr AragonD. Mr Aragon is very strict32. Maria hoped that Mr Aragon could _.A. give Carol As in every lesson when there are examsB. find out why Carol doesnt do well in other lessonsC. help Carol make some friends at schoolD. make Carol the best student in her class33. W

31、hat would Carol most probably do after talking to Mr Aragon?A. She would buy a present for Mr Aragon.B. She would look down on all her teachers.C. She would help her friend in history after school.D. She would try to finish all the homework on time.解析:30.细节理解。题目要求回答:对于Carol来说难的是什么?根据第段She is having a hard time passing exams.

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